Crossing all worlds from Marvel

Chapter 6 Experiment failed?

Chapter 6 Experiment failed?

When everyone heard Dr. Abraham Haneskin's words, they began to speed up their preparations. About half an hour later, Dr. Abraham Haneskin asked Steve and Su Tiancheng to take off their shirts. Then lay on the test bench.

"This experiment may use up the entire Brooklyn's electricity, and the entire Brooklyn will be without power for two days, so we have to make all preparations, otherwise I'm sorry for the effort." Howard walked to the experimental table, waiting to lie down Steve and Su Tiancheng on the test bench said.


When everything was ready, Abraham started the countdown: "Inject the serum, the countdown starts, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1!"

As the voice of Dr. Abraham Hurskin fell, the serum soon completely injected into the bodies of Steve and Su Tiancheng.

"Mr. Stark, you can start." Immediately afterwards, Dr. Abraham Haneskin said to the side.

When Howard heard Dr. Abraham Hunskin nodding, he pulled down the machine beside him and raised the handle. The two platforms in the laboratory rose up in vain, and soon the iron shell covered the platforms, leaving only his face covered. A glass cover.

With Howard's "20.00%, 30.00%, [-]%..." sounded, the electricity in the entire Brooklyn flowed towards the experimental bench, and Su Tiancheng began to feel the three kinds of serum injected into his body, following the stimulation of the current. , as if alive, the excitement hit the cells in Su Tiancheng's body.

From the very beginning when a sharp pain came, Su Tiancheng felt that every cell in his body seemed to be throbbing, being continuously divided by the impact of the three serums, and constantly fused with the three serums, the cells in his body were getting After a strengthening, as the three serums caused the cells to divide and fuse again and again, Su Tiancheng was so painful that he lost consciousness.

When Howard advanced to 70.00%, the test bench loaded with Rogers suddenly let out a heart-piercing scream, and there was no sound from Su Tiancheng's side, but the blue serum in his body had completely fused into the cells , and began to absorb the continuous current from the test bench.

The red serum begins to be phagocytosed by the cells fused with the blue serum, which makes the blue cells turn red, just like the yin and yang diagram, half red and half blue, when the blue cells successfully swallow the red serum, It successfully turned into a Yin-Yang pattern, only half red and half blue, and the cells in Su Tiancheng's body began to swallow the third serum.

The electric currents on the surrounding instruments seemed to be insane, frantically flocking to the experimental platform where Su Tiancheng was, and Steve's serum on the side had been perfectly fused with Steve. As soon as the experimental platform was turned on, Steve The direction was abnormal, so Steve quickly walked out of the experiment bench, looking at Su Tiancheng's experiment bench with worry.

The people around did not observe Steve either, but when they discovered the abnormality, everyone's eyes turned to the experimental platform where Su Tiancheng was.

"Could it be that the experiment of the X serum will end in failure?" At this time, Dr. Abraham Haneskin, who was on the high platform, looked at the experimental platform where Su Tiancheng was, and said with some disappointment.

With a bang, the last trace of electricity in the laboratory disappeared, and it became dark in the laboratory, but the crowd did not panic.

Because of Su Tiancheng, the experimental platform lit up, and there was a crackling sound of electric current flowing on it.

Immediately afterwards, the experiment started to burn, and the raging fire lit up the entire laboratory. At this time, all those who had hope knew that the experiment had failed.

"Su Tiancheng!" Seeing this scene, Steve yelled crazily, because his good friend will be burnt to death, but he has no way to get Su Tiancheng's body out, after all, in the fire, There is also the sound of electric current from time to time.

Steve knelt on the ground helplessly, staring blankly at the burning test bench, although Steve and Su Tiancheng had only known each other for a few months.

But in the days of training in the army, Su Tiancheng was the only one who was willing to be friends with someone like him. When someone laughed at Steve, Su Tiancheng was always the first to stand up and help him.

This made him and Su Tiancheng best friends, just like his relationship with Bucky.

And now let Steve watch his friend being burned to death, how could he not feel uncomfortable.

Su Tiancheng, who was burned by the fire, had a strange sound coming from his brain.

"Insufficient starting energy, starting failure..."

But because Su Tiancheng passed out, he didn't hear the sound. As the fire burned, the serum in his body fused.

The third serum was finally absorbed by the cells like the yin and yang diagram, and then the electric current and fire on the experimental bench were absorbed by the cells in Su Tiancheng's body.

The wound on his body began to heal quickly, as if he had never been injured.

As the fire and electric current were continuously sucked into Su Tiancheng's body, the laboratory became dark, and Su Tiancheng who had passed out also woke up at this time.

"What's the situation? Why did the fire go out suddenly? Hurry up and find a flashlight." In the dark laboratory, panicked voices suddenly sounded, and everyone became confused.

He kept looking for something inside the flashlight, and then when an experimenter got the flashlight and turned it on, he was shot down.

The people around became even more flustered, and then another man-machine flashlight was turned on, but the result was the same as before, and was shot to death.

Steve, who was kneeling on the ground, stood up when he heard the first gunshot, and started to shoot four times. When the second gunshot rang out, Steve quickly rushed to the place where the gunshot rang out. However, it was still a step slow.

"I found the switch of the generator." At this time, a voice suddenly sounded, and then the laboratory lit up. Seeing that something was wrong, the soldiers of Hydra quickly hid their guns.

He planned to find an opportunity to kill Dr. Abraham Hugheskin, but because the lights were turned on, everyone discovered that the experimental platform where Su Tiancheng was located had been opened. Stepped off the stage.

The people around all forgot that the gunfight had just happened in the laboratory, and they all stared blankly at Su Tiancheng who came out of the laboratory bench.

"Successful! It was successful." Dr. Abraham Haneskin finally came to his senses, looked at the intact Su Tiancheng, and shouted loudly.

"Be careful, doctor." At this moment, the Hydra soldier took out his hidden gun when everyone was in a daze, and shot at Dr. Abraham Haneskin. Steve Because they were too far away, they could only yell, but because the incident happened too fast, others couldn't react at all, and Steve was a little far away from the doctor, so he didn't save the doctor.


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