Crossing all worlds from Marvel

Chapter 5 Serum Experiment Begins

Chapter 5 Serum Experiment Begins

On the third night, Steve found Su Tiancheng, but planned to tell him that he had been selected by Dr. Abraham Hurskin to participate in the super soldier serum experiment.

However, when Su Tiancheng knew that Steve told him such a confidential matter, Su Tiancheng was still touched, although he already knew that Steve was selected to participate in the experiment of super soldier serum.

But this kind of thing is indeed very confidential, and it should not be known to unrelated people. It is conceivable that Steve has already regarded Su Tiancheng as his best friend.

"Steve, it's true that I was also selected, but it's not the experiment of the super soldier serum." Su Tiancheng also told Steve that he was selected to participate in the X serum.

"Oh my God, I didn't expect that both of us were selected." Steve was a little surprised when he heard what Su Tiancheng said, but he soon understood that after all, Su Tiancheng was the one who stood out from this group of soldiers, like People like him can be selected, so Su Tiancheng is more likely to be selected.

Moreover, last night, Dr. Abra Haneskin also told Steve about the consequences of the experiment failure, so Steve was a little skeptical. Choosing the best person and the worst person is probably for the sake of used for experimental comparison.


One day later, Agent Carter found Su Tiancheng and Steve, but Su Tiancheng did not build a car with them, but sat in a car with Dr. The location of the underground laboratory.

"Have you ever thought that after this experiment, you won't be able to see the sun tomorrow?" Dr. Abraham Haneskin, who was sitting in the same car, asked Su Tiancheng who was looking out the window .

"Think about it, but for me, whether I can see the sun until tomorrow may not be so important..." Su Tiancheng glanced at the sun in the sky, and then turned to Dr. Abraham Haneskin Said.

After all, for a person who has lived twice, death may not be that terrible, but he will only have some regrets.

"I didn't expect that you are also a person with a story. I sincerely hope that this experiment will be a perfect success." Dr. Abraham Haneskin heard what Su Tiancheng said, and naturally knew that Su Tiancheng had his own story.

After that, both of them fell silent without saying a word. As for Steve and Agent Carter's car, Su Tiancheng reckoned that the two should be talking about love, but this is not what Su Tiancheng is interested in. Su Tiancheng is interested in finding a way to let Agent Carter inject the last super soldier serum, so that she has the capital to wait for Steve to wake up from the ice, instead of letting Steve have regrets, like in Avengers 4 Similarly, use time and space to travel back to the past, silently guarding Agent Carter as he grows old.

After all, in the Marvel movie, the ending of Carter and Steve was indeed miserable. Carter waited for Steve for 70 years, 70 years!

70 years, for an ordinary woman, is from the age of a little girl to the age of an old lady. This is really cruel to Agent Carter, so Su Tiancheng plans to change the fate of Agent Carter and Steve.

After all, now that he has appeared in the Marvel universe, he already has the opportunity to change the plot, so he will use the most opportunities to change the fate of Agent Carter and Steve.

Unknowingly, time passed slowly, and the car slowly drove to the door of a Brooklyn antique store.

Su Tiancheng got out of the car, glanced at the passers-by around him, and didn't say anything, because he naturally knew that there were Hydra people among the passers-by around him.

He won't get involved in too many things, he only intends to secretly hide the last super soldier serum that Steve used after he and Steve finished the experiment, looking for the right time Give it to Agent Carter.


Su Tiancheng and Steve followed Agent Carter and Dr. Abraham Hugheskin into the antique store, and then Agent Carter and the store manager matched the code, and then opened the door to the underground laboratory.

A few people entered the underground laboratory, and soon saw all kinds of machines. When they continued to look inside, they saw a group of people doing something around two test benches.

Su Tiancheng naturally knew what the experimental platform was, so he didn't say anything, but his eyes searched the experimental platform which was smaller after all.

Soon he saw that there were a total of seven needle tubes on the test bench, which meant that there were only seven super soldier serums, but Steve could only use six, so Su Tiancheng had to put the super soldier serum in the hands of Hydra. When it was taken away, one person chased after it and took the super soldier serum into his hand.

After observing the experimental bench used by Steve for a while, he then looked at his own experimental bench. He was startled when he saw that there were nine needle tubes on the experimental bench, and every three needle tubes contained The potions are all different colors, three red, three blue, and three green.

This made Su Tiancheng start to doubt whether he could complete the experiment alive. After all, he was not sure what kind of serum these serums were. Although it was called X serum, he didn't know what it would do.

Moreover, the green X serum gave him some goosebumps. He was afraid it was the Hulk's serum, but it shouldn't be, after all, it was still very early before the Hulk appeared.

"Why, are you scared? There is no chance to regret it now." Dr. Abraham Haneskin noticed the expression on Su Tiancheng's face, and said to Su Tiancheng with a smile.

"Hmm... I guess we won't be able to see the sun tomorrow." Su Tiancheng said to Dr. Abraham Heyerskin with some helplessness when he heard what Dr. Abraham Heyerskin said.

"Tian Cheng, what you said shouldn't be possible." Steve naturally also saw the needles on the two test benches, and when he said this, he was a little lacking in confidence.

"Haha, maybe. As for whether you can see the sun tomorrow, it still depends on your perseverance." Dr. Abraham Haneskin smiled, and then said to the two.

Su Tiancheng and Steve didn't say anything more, they just quietly watched the staff around the experimental bench fix the instruments on the experimental bench.

At this time, a person who was no stranger to Su Tiancheng walked behind the group of people, patted Dr. Abraham Haneskin on the shoulder and said.

"Hey Doctor, are you sure you want to use up all the X serums?"

Su Tiancheng and Steve turned their heads to look in the direction of the sound, and saw Stark Howard.

"Well, all of them are used up. After all, the serum experiment probably only has this chance." When Dr. Abraham Haneskin said this, he seemed to know something.

"Okay, okay, hurry up and prepare, don't waste time, and start the experiment in half an hour."

(End of this chapter)

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