Fight for hegemony from a desert island

Chapter 482 Cheng Yu Guo Jia

Chapter 482 Cheng Yu Guo Jia
I don't know what Xun Yu talked about with those two uninvited guests, but in the end the two uninvited guests agreed to Cao An's departure from Luoyang.

Not only that, after the conversation that day, Cao An's lineup for leaving Luoyang was much larger.

Many people who usually don't work hard appear in Cao An's team leaving Luoyang at this time.

Beside Cao An, there are also two more figures, these two people are the two uninvited guests who were promising in Xun Yu's mansion before.

They are all outstanding advisers under Cao Wei's command. The middle-aged literati is Cheng Yu, and the young one is the ghost who in the hearts of many people can rival Zhuge, or even beat Zhuge in the Three Kingdoms period.

These two are extremely outstanding talents, but it is a pity that these two are obviously not here to assist Cao An.

In fact, this was the first time the two of them had such close contact. If it was not necessary, the two of them would not even look at Cao An more.

After all, in their eyes, Cao An is just a false puppet destined to be broken.

As for the two extra people around him, Cao An obviously knew what they were here for, but Cao An's attitude at this time seemed very generous.

Although they were not overly enthusiastic, they were not hostile or shy about anything, and completely treated them as ordinary guests.

Even so, the two sides can be considered to have the opportunity to contact.

During the contact process, Cheng Yu had to admit that he found many bright spots in Cao An that he hadn't found before.

The most dazzling thing is Cao An's diligence and hard work. On the way to Yiyingchuan, Cao An was not idle for a moment. He spent all his time dealing with government affairs and studying.

It makes sense to deal with government affairs, but learning this aspect will make people who don't know Cao An's situation a little confused.

I don't understand what this Prime Minister of Zhou, who has the talents of the world, is learning and what he needs to learn.

But Cheng Yu is very clear that what Cao An is learning is the talent of the world in him now.

Cheng Yu was stunned when he saw that Cao An used all his spare time to write out the summaries of the talents in his mind bit by bit.

At that time, Cheng Yu hesitated for a while, and finally walked behind Cao An, who was busy early.

"I always thought that Xun Yu was hiding it from you, but now it seems that you may have known it from the beginning."

This was the first sentence Cheng Yu said when he came behind Cao An. Cao An didn't answer him right away, but put down the pen in his hand and turned to look at Cheng Yu after writing the last point in his hand.


When Cao An called out the word Zhongde, Cheng Yu, who was still calm at first, was taken aback for a moment. His nose felt sore.

Familiar voice, familiar expression, specious temperament, he has been waiting for this scene for a long time.

"Sorry, when I saw you, I accidentally followed the person in my memory. Sit down, Mr. Cheng."

If Cao An hadn't recovered first, Cheng Yu couldn't tell what kind of expression he would show.

Cheng Yu finally came back to his senses, gave Cao An a complicated look, and sat opposite Cao An, but the expression on Cheng Yu's face when he sat down at this time not only did not soften a bit, but was even colder than before.

"You're imitating him! You shouldn't be imitating him, you don't deserve it! You're just..."

"Am I just a false existence?" Before Cheng Yu finished speaking, he was interrupted by Cao An in front of him with a smile.

Ignoring Cheng Yu who was stunned, Cao An poured a cup of tea for Cheng Yu in front of him and continued: "I must admit that I am indeed imitating him, I am imitating his every move, no, it should be said that I even For a while I thought I was him and he was me."

"You are not him!" Cheng Yu reiterated.

"Yeah, I'm not him!"

Cao An shook his head with a smile, and continued after drinking a cup of tea: "I also just realized not long ago that my current ability, wisdom, and experience are all fake, and I borrowed everything from him. "

"When I first found out about this, I was really devastated, and I didn't want to admit it.

When a person who has nothing becomes a very rich person, enjoys things that he did not enjoy before, and obtains glory that he did not get before, let him admit that everything is actually someone else's, and he is just lucky enough to borrow it , and even sooner or later it will be returned to others..."

Speaking of this, Cao An paused, couldn't help taking a deep breath, and then smiled at Cheng Yu: "During that time, I was very difficult.

It's hard for you to imagine, even for me now, what kind of state I was in.

Fear, anger, uneasiness, resignation, madness and even hysteria want to erase the existence of that person in my mind and completely occupy all of them. "

"That depends on whether you can do it." Cheng Yu said coldly.

Cheng Yu's interruption at this time was not only because of Cao An's last sentence, but also because he didn't want to be carried away by Cao An's rhythm.

He was even a little uneasy, the fake puppet in front of him was beyond his expectation.

Cao An didn't pay too much attention to Cheng Yu's little scheme, and looked at Cheng Yu with a smile.

"It doesn't matter whether I do it or not, what matters is the time I spent in the end."

Feeling that he was suppressed by Cao An's powerful aura, Cheng Yu stood up a little maniacally: "What do you mean by telling me this now? Showing off your inner strength?"

"No, I didn't mean that, and I don't think I have a strong heart. I was able to get out of that period entirely because of him."

"Then what do you want to express?"

Cao An stood up suddenly, staring at Cheng Yu closely: "What I want to say is that I can accept that everything I have now is borrowed, and I can also accept that I will return everything I borrowed to him, no more. It doesn't matter his experience, wisdom and ability, even if I have nothing, I can learn from scratch.

Even if I put in ten times, a hundred times and a thousand times of effort, I have to learn and grow up.

But I can't accept that you think of him as a lunatic, as a ridiculous dream catcher.

One day I will prove to you that his choice is not wrong! "

After finishing speaking, Cao An sat down again, ignoring Cheng Yu, who was stunned by the side, and continued to work hard to copy the talents and studies that still belonged to him.

As for Cheng Yu, after Cao An sat down, he was in a daze for a while, and finally got up and left without saying a word.

What Cheng Yu and Cao An didn't realize was that there were actually two people standing beside them at that time, one was Guo Jia with a wry smile, and the other was Xun Yu who came with government affairs.

Guo Jia also walked away with a wry smile after Cheng Yu left, while Xun Yu paused and calmed down before striding towards Cao An...

(End of this chapter)

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