Fight for hegemony from a desert island

Chapter 481 Cao An leaves Luoyang

Chapter 481 Cao An leaves Luoyang

Dazhou is a deep pool, a deep pool where the dark tide is surging.

The complexity of the situation in this pool can be described as unpredictable and ever-changing.

No one can fully control such a deep pool situation.

Liu Cheng can't do it, and neither can Cao An.

But Liu Cheng was luckier than Cao An, and also more relaxed than Cao An.

From the very beginning, his purpose was to draw out the power hidden in Da Zhoudang, and chaos was his purpose.

So he doesn't need to control the situation of the entire Great Zhou, as long as there is chaos, he can go with the flow and take advantage of the chaos.

But Cao An is different. Cao An has a grand goal.

He wants to revive the Great Zhou Dynasty, sweep away the demons and monsters in the world, and return the people of the world to a stable life.

This destined Cao An to have more control over his plans, which Cao An thought he had at first.

Everything was proceeding according to his plan, attracted by the power of the Bailian Chamber of Commerce, he took advantage of the momentum, Huang Chao also held back the main force of Song Dynasty, and the rest of the Bailian Chamber of Commerce also restrained the armies of the other three martial arts forces .

Seeing an excellent opportunity to fight in front of him, he only needs to go one step further to take down Changsha and destroy Da Song, taking his first step to revive Da Zhou. However, something beyond Cao An's control happened at this time. It was Huang Chao who jumped out of his chessboard.

Before Cao An was a little overconfident. He thought he could control the White Lotus Chamber of Commerce and take over the power of the White Lotus Chamber of Commerce. However, it turned out that the power of the White Lotus Chamber of Commerce was not so easy to control. He couldn't control just a Huang Chao.

On Huang Chao's side, after he slaughtered Ning Cheng, he didn't return to the track and follow the original plan to hold back Di Qing's army who was about to stop him. Instead, he planned to jump out of Cao An's chessboard.

At this time, Huang Chao's army chose to go south to Runan County before Di Qing's army arrived. Cao An and Zhao Kuangyin panicked when they heard the news. They knew very well how dangerous Huang Chao's army was at this time. They really went to Runan The tragedy in Ning Cheng might happen again.

But it is useless to be afraid, what should happen is destined to happen.

Although Di Qing's army was rushing, they were unable to catch up in the end, and Huang Chao's army finally went south to Runan before Di Qing's army arrived.

Although Da Song still had an army in Runan, Da Song's 10,000+ Song soldiers had no power to resist Huang Chao's million-strong army.

As soon as Huang Chao's army arrived, the Song army in Runan was defeated in less than a day.

After experiencing the massacre in Ningcheng, Huang Chao's army became extremely cruel.

After defeating the Song army, Huang Chao's army did not leave a single prisoner, and all 13 Song soldiers were killed.

Even after slaughtering 13 Song soldiers, this army was not satisfied, and continued to extend its hands to the people of Runan County, and a new round of massacres began again.

In five days, millions of yellow nests and troops swept across the entire Runan County like a huge rake.

The place where the nail rake passed must be dripping with blood. In just five days, millions of people in Runan County were slaughtered and millions of people were displaced.

However, Huang Chao's army seemed not satisfied after slaughtering Runan, and turned around to kill Yingchuan, as if preparing to slaughter Yingchuan as well.

Well, it doesn't seem like that's what he thought.

He even wrote to Cao An when he was leaving for Yingchuan, asking Cao An to cooperate with him in taking down the Changsha so that he could easily slaughter Yingchuan.

When receiving Huang Chao's letter, Cao An tore up the letter trembling on the spot.

That day, he and Xun Yu had a long talk all night. After the talk, Cao An did a jaw-dropping thing. He stopped his plan.

And he decided to rush to Yingchuan himself, and put the devil he released into the box.

It can be seen from this that Cao An is not a qualified hero, his heart is too soft, and there is no way to do whatever it takes to achieve his goal.

Such a person, in the eyes of some, is his biggest shortcoming as a fake.

However, although many people regarded Cao An as a fake, Cao An's move was unexpected by many people. Many people who were just watching the show became nervous when Cao An rushed to Yingchuan himself.

Luoyang, on Xunfu.

The moment Cao An announced that he was going to Yingchuan in person, two guests were welcomed to the mansion of Xun Yu.

Of these two people, one was the young man who had appeared outside Cao An's study before, and the other was a middle-aged literati.

As soon as the two saw Xun Yu, the middle-aged literati immediately asked with an angry look on his face: "What do you want to do? Do you know what you are doing? How can you let him go to Yingchuan.

Don't you know how dangerous the situation in Yingchuan is now?How can you explain to us in case something happens to him? "

There was a gentle smile on Xun Yu's face: "This is his choice, he is the ruler and I am the subject, his decision..."

Xun Yu had just opened his mouth and was interrupted by that middle-aged literati angrily before he could finish his sentence.

"Don't talk about this with me, and I don't want to hear this nonsense, we have always respected you, so if you want to play this kind of game of monarch and minister with a doll, we can all turn a blind eye to it, but only We absolutely cannot allow this kind of thing!

Let your doll stop immediately, otherwise we will immediately cancel the agreement we made before, and make your dream shatter in advance! "

As soon as he said this, the gentle smile on Xun Yu's face froze, which was rare, even with a faint gloomy expression.

It has to be said that although Xun Yu usually has the appearance of a modest gentleman, when his face is downcast, his aura is quite terrifying.

However, the middle-aged man opposite him was not intimidated, and looked directly at Xun Yu coldly. This scene had a feeling of being pointed at the head of a needle.

Seeing that the atmosphere was getting more and more tense, and there was even a slight smell of gunpowder, the young man who had been standing by the side watching the play finally spoke.

"Okay, Brother Wen Ruo, don't take advantage of your face, and don't make any detours, you know we are back, and you know what kind of attitude we will have. I believe you are ready to deal with it. Tell me, How are you going to solve this matter, or rather, how are you going to convince us?"

As soon as the young man said this, the middle-aged literati exploded before Xun Yu said, "Persuade us? Impossible. There is no discussion on this matter. He is not allowed to leave Luoyang for half a step..."

The middle-aged literati was interrupted by Xun Yu before he finished speaking.

"Don't you want to do that? We can cooperate with you."

As soon as these words came out, the two people in front of Xun Yu were all dumbfounded!
(End of this chapter)

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