Chapter 221
Da Zhou, Haizhou City and County Yamen!
As Liu Cheng brought people in, Zhang San easily took away the magistrate of Haizhou County with two guns, and the system alert rang in Liu Cheng's ear.

[Ding, you successfully won the county-level city [Haizhou City], you got 65211 repair points, and you got a Treasure Chest of Excellence! 】

Hearing this reminder, Liu Cheng frowned, and he still had some opinions in his heart. After all, in a county, isn't the reward of 6 cultivation points plus a [Excellent Treasure Box] a little less?
And when Liu Cheng had this idea, another system prompt sounded.

[Ding, you have successfully broken through the Haizhou City and County Yamen and captured Haizhou City, please choose how to deal with Haizhou City!
Occupy (Haizhou City will become your territory, and you will get occupation rewards, but please kill all resistance forces in the city before occupation, and you must occupy and control Haizhou City for at least ten days to get rewards!)

Looting (you will get looting rewards, you only need to occupy the county for three hours)
Ps: No matter whether you choose [Occupy] or [Loot], you cannot repeat [Occupy] or [Loot] within half a year after taking this city! 】

"Occupy or plunder? This is really interesting!" Liu Cheng raised his mouth, and at the same time directly hooked the option of [Plunder] on the option.

Although anyone who is not a fool can see that [Occupy] rewards much more than [Looting], but Liu Cheng doesn't have so much time to occupy this Haizhou City at this time.

[Ding, you chose [Looting], please guard the Haizhou City and County Yamen, and you will get the [County City Looting Treasure Box] in three hours! 】

Liu Cheng glanced at this system prompt, and then put this matter aside for the time being. He still has an important matter to deal with.

Now, Liu Cheng has a different idea about the situation that can be said to have been created by him.

Now that such a big scene has been created, and since such a large force has been gathered, with Liu Cheng's character, how could he give up without draining their value?
In addition, the group of people in front of him gave him an inspiration, an inspiration that could make Kang Pinghou Liu Cheng withdraw from the stage of the upcoming chaos.

In this case, Liu Cheng only needs to hold tightly to the Yellow Turban power in Haizhou City.

But if he wanted to grasp the power of the Yellow Turban, the current Liu Cheng had such a stumbling block, and this stumbling block was the leader of the original cult in Haizhou City, that is, the one led by Huang Song.

If you don't get rid of that guy, it will be difficult for Liu Cheng to grasp the power of the Yellow Turban.

So after Liu Cheng took Haizhou City, he immediately asked Huang Song to find Tang Yi, the leader of the cult in Haizhou City.

Huang Song is obviously a villain without principles, he will do anything to survive.

Although he knew very well that Tang Yi would definitely die if he brought Tang Yi here at this time, but when his own life was threatened, he did not dare to hesitate at all, and honestly dispatched his confidants to take Tang Yi away. Yi invited over and said that there was a major discovery at the county magistrate of Haizhou City.

Tang Yi didn't have the slightest doubt about this, and came directly to Liu Cheng with a few of his confidants.

When he came over, Liu Cheng had already set up a big net waiting for him.

As soon as Tang Yi entered the room where Liu Cheng and the others were, Huang Song directly closed the door of the room. At the same time, Liu Cheng's four generals, Zhang San, Qin Yangwu, Liu Dali, and Li He, who had the templates of historical generals, attacked at the same time.

In almost an instant, Tang Yi's four confidants with a force of around 60 were directly beheaded. Among the five, only Tang Yi reacted quickly. When Qin Yangwu was about to slash him, Tang Yi directly tore The talisman paper in his arms was broken and disappeared in place, dodging Qin Yangwu's knife.

However, although Tang Yi escaped Qin Yangwu's knife, the problem was that the [Earth Escape Talisman] he used had mediocre effect. In front of Liu Cheng.

So, of course, this guy is undoubtedly a tragedy.

The [Breaking Dawn] in Liu Cheng's hand pierced the sky, and with a single blow of [Wind and Thunder Slash], Tang Yi died directly in Liu Cheng's hands.

After beheading Tang Yi, Liu Cheng ignored the system prompts that sounded in his ears, but first set his sights on Huang Song.

"I've solved it for you, so you know what to do next?"

"Ming...understood..." Looking at Tang Yi whose head had been beheaded, Huang Song swallowed and nodded.

"Okay, now that you understand, let's get down and do some work. I'll give you three hours. After three hours, I want to see something that satisfies me!"

After Liu Cheng finished speaking, he sent Huang Song away, and then Liu Cheng focused on the system prompt in front of him.

Just when Liu Cheng sent Huang Song away, on the other side, the work of Zou Lan and the others on the other side of the granary was basically completed. In addition, he had just beheaded Tang Yi and his party. A large number of system prompts appear.

[Ding, you successfully killed Tang Yi, the leader of the cult with a spirit of 70, you got 5721 cultivation points, and you got a [Special Wenchen Boss Treasure Box]! 】

[Ding, your subordinates killed 60 bosses with force over 10 in the battle, and you will get a [Ten-in-a-row Boss Treasure Box]! 】

【Ding, Zou Lan, your subordinate general, successfully emptied the granary in Haizhou City, you got 11 shi of grain, and you completed the task of [raising grain and grass]! 】

[Ding, you have completed the task of [Raising Food and Grass], you have obtained 2 [Random Treasure Chests], you have obtained 11 repair points, and you have obtained 110 million [Freedom of Arms Experience]! 】

Seeing these system prompts, Liu Cheng couldn't help but smile.

These rewards from Haizhou City, together with the [Revenge] mission obtained by beheading Ji Ruxue before, a [Random Treasure Chest], [Freedom of Arms Experience] 500 million, and the so-called mysterious reward.

Liu Cheng found that he seemed, seemed, probably accidentally became an upstart.

Counting all these rewards, he has 1 [Excellent Treasure Chest], 3 [Random Treasure Chests], one [Special Servant Boss Treasure Chest], one [Ten-Drawing Boss Treasure Chest], 18 cultivation points, plus 610 million [Soldier Freedom Experience], as well as a looting treasure chest in the county that is about to be obtained, and a mysterious reward.

"Accidentally, I have so many treasure chests. It seems that it's time to open another wave of treasure chests!"

Anyway, he still had three hours, so Liu Cheng took out all his treasure chests...

(End of this chapter)

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