Fight for hegemony from a desert island

Chapter 220 Capture of Haizhou City

Chapter 220 Capture of Haizhou City

East China Sea, Haizhou City, near the granary!
When Huang Song arrogantly asked Liu Cheng to donate the food, he suddenly felt that the atmosphere suddenly became weird.

In front of him, Liu Chengji, who was wearing a mask, had a mocking smile on his mouth, and Li He, who was beside him, also cast his cold eyes on him, as if he was still touching the handle of his knife. .

The sarcastic smile, the cold gaze, and the strange atmosphere directly woke up the arrogant Huang Song.

Ever since, a jaw-dropping scene appeared. When Liu Cheng waved his hand and was about to let his subordinates take away this reckless guy, Huang Song, who was still proud just now, changed his expression instantly. Leaned over obsequiously.

"Isn't this what I taught the special envoy? The little one was blind just now, and if he offended the adults, please ask the adults to spare the little one once!"

That guy said, rolling and crawling towards Liu Cheng. If Zhang San hadn't directly stopped him, this guy would have jumped directly under Liu Cheng's feet, hugging Liu Cheng's feet and begging for mercy.

In fact, don't look at this guy's arrogant and fleshy face. In fact, Huang Song is very smart. It is obvious that he has seen his real situation, and he should have guessed it at the same time. This time Haizhou The reason why the city started the incident early should be the ghosts of this group of people in front of them.

But Huang Song didn't have any other thoughts at this time, for him right now, he couldn't have other thoughts other than survival, so he reacted like this in an instant.

And seeing this guy switch from arrogant to begging in an instant, even Liu Cheng couldn't help being taken aback.

But seeing him like this, Liu Cheng really changed his mind about killing him.

After looking at this guy up and down for a while, and staying on his flattering face for a while, Liu Chengcai asked, "What's your name? What's the value of your position in Haizhou?"

Hearing Liu Cheng's question, Huang Song was completely relieved.

Just talk to him. This proves that the guy in front of him who doesn't know where he came from has no killing intent for him, but it doesn't mean that he can survive. Next, he should show his value .

"The little one, named Huang Song, is the missionary I teach in Haizhou City." After finishing speaking, he was afraid that Liu Cheng would not know his own value and added: "It is the second person in charge of my teaching in Haizhou City." People, the small ones are familiar with everything in Haizhou City, and the small ones are quite familiar with the things I teach in several counties outside Haizhou City, and I brought the people I taught to participate in this uprising."

While Huang Song introduced himself, in front of Liu Cheng's eyes, he had already seen the specific attributes of Huang Song.

Age: 26
Status: Yellow Turban Missionary (Haizhou)

Force: 50, Spirit: 60, Talent: 60, Commander: 35
Explanation: It seems to have a little Taoist power.

After glancing at this guy's attributes, and at Huang Song in front of him, Liu Cheng suddenly had a bold idea.

Before Liu Cheng made a yellow scarf to start an incident, he just wanted to attract some firepower for himself, but the direction of things in front of him seemed to be a bit beyond Liu Cheng's expectations, and what was even more unexpected was that there was such a person with a strong desire to survive. Yes, and a person who is very familiar with the Yellow Turban Sect in Donghai County.

Such a good opportunity is in front of him, if he doesn't do something, it seems really unreasonable!
"Huang Song? I really need your help with something!"

While speaking, Liu Cheng directly gave Li He a look, and Li He next to him understood and directly controlled Huang Song.

At the same time, Liu Cheng turned his head and handed over the granary to Zou Lan.

Anyway, the granary is only left to move the grain, and there is no need for so many elites to be here in the future, just let Zou Lan preside over here.

Afterwards, Liu Cheng took Zhang San and Qin Yangwu directly, and Huang Song led their team back to Haizhou County again.

If Liu Cheng's purpose was to make trouble before, this time his purpose is to take down the entire Haizhou City.

The reason he did this is very simple, one is for the Yellow Turban, and the other is for the system rewards.

Liu Cheng knew very well that with the urgency of the system, once he took down Haizhou City, rewards would probably be indispensable.

It can not only cause some trouble for the Yellow Turban, but also earn some generals for himself. More importantly, this matter does not require much effort from Liu Chengfei. There is no reason for Liu Cheng not to do such a good thing!

And when Liu Cheng brought people back to the county seat again, the county seat was already in chaos, and people wearing yellow scarves were burning, killing, and looting everywhere.

To be honest, when Liu Cheng saw innocent people die tragically at the hands of those people wearing yellow scarves, he still couldn't bear it.

This plan was planned by him, but actually planning a plan is completely different from participating in it himself.

When he was planning, he could subconsciously ignore all kinds of problems that might arise, and he could remain unmoved by the possible consequences, but when he really saw it with his own eyes, it was still difficult for Liu Cheng to remain indifferent.

So as soon as he saw a situation, he immediately let Zhang San and Qin Yangwu take action.

On the one hand, get rid of those who kill innocent people and take the opportunity to vent their animal desires, and on the other hand, gather them together, coercing them and killing them towards the county government office in Haizhou City.

Zhang San and Qin Yangwu, one is Dong Ping, the other is Yan Yan, both of them are quite good in command, especially Qin Yangwu, his commander is completely over 80.

The commander of the 80s can completely gather this group of rioters under his command, and the leader of the cult has obviously brought another group of people to the county town, so there are not many people they need to gather at this time .

Zhang San and Qin Yangwu shot together, easily controlled the situation, and dragged the rioters all the way to the county government office in Haizhou County to kill them.

Along the way, their team continued to grow.

When Liu Cheng and the others came from the granary, there were only about 1000 people around them, but when they reached Haizhou City, there were already nearly 4000 people around them.

On the other side of Haizhou County, the original leader of the cult in Haizhou City was about to take down with his people. When Liu Cheng came with his team, the originally shaky defense of Haizhou City was immediately broken. Liu Cheng and his people relaxed Killed into the county town.

Just as Liu Cheng expected, when he took down Haizhou County, a system prompt sounded in his ear...

(End of this chapter)

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