Chapter 104 Combat
The guard level on the third merchant ship was not at the same level as the first two ships.

The first two merchant ships only had a guard with about 15 people and an average force of around 60, and a guard captain with a force of over [-]. Judging from the current strength of the third ship, the number of guards alone was at least the first two. three times the size of the ship.

Moreover, the third escort team also had a fairly elite archer. The other two pirate forces spent more than half an hour under the sniping of that archer, not only did not kill the merchant ship, but also And paid a heavy price.

However, despite paying a heavy price, the two pirate forces have no intention of retreating.

It's not that they don't want to, it's that they don't dare!

Compared with Zhang Yanlai, these pirates who lived under the Tiger Shark Pirates were more afraid of Tiger Sharks.

After all, Zhang Yan hasn't made any big moves for a year or two, and I haven't heard of Zhang Yan killing anyone in the past two years. If they offend Zhang Yan, there may be nothing wrong with them. At worst, they turn around and run out of Hokkaido to hide for a while. , but if the tiger shark is offended, the situation will be different.

The Tiger Shark Pirates were notoriously ruthless. If they dared to escape at this time, they would definitely be chased to death by the Tiger Shark Pirates.

Therefore, under the silver prestige of the Tiger Shark Pirates, they could only grit their teeth, even if they had to pay a heavy price for this, they still wanted to take this merchant ship.

But although this group of pirates has the determination to go to Black Reef Island, sometimes, determination alone is not enough!

The quality of the guards on the third merchant ship was astonishing. Even if there were several times the pirates besieging them, they could easily resist it. If this trend continues, they may not be able to get on the ship even if they kill all the people.

Fortunately, the Tiger Shark Pirates quickly issued an order to involve the Sharp Knife and Black Lagoon pirates.

After the Tiger Shark's order was issued, Black Reef Island was a little hesitant about the Tiger Shark's order and did not attack immediately, but the sharp knife immediately shot.

With the rapid support of sharp knives, the battle situation on the pirate side has improved somewhat. Gradually, some pirates have been able to kill merchant ships, but the guards on the merchant ship have clearly made detailed preparations. After being beaten down, the battle situation is still in a stalemate.

"A bunch of trash, so many people have been attacking a merchant ship for so long and they still can't take it down. They are a bunch of trash! Also, what are those bastards over there doing? Didn't I let them attack? What are you doing there?" Li Yan pointed at Liu Cheng's Black Reef Island, his eyes full of murderous intent.

"Immediately give me an order for them to attack, and tell them that if I don't take that merchant ship, I will kill them!"

While Li Yan was furious, the pirates under his command also raised flags and ordered Black Reef Island to attack.

At the same time as their semaphore was playing, Liu Cheng and the others on the Black Reef Island also started to take action.

At this time, almost all the people on Black Reef Island boarded the Class C merchant ship they had just won, and that merchant ship, driven by Zou Lan and other pirates with [Elementary Navigation] skills, turned to the third ship. The merchant ship ran over.

Seeing this scene, Li Yan was taken aback for a moment, then his face changed drastically.

"Damn bastard, what are those bastards doing? There are a lot of good things on the boat. What if he bumps into me like this and something happens to me? Tell them not to hit!"

The Tiger Shark Pirates frantically played the semaphore to stop Liu Cheng's actions, but at this time Liu Cheng completely ignored the semaphore of the Tiger Shark Pirates, and let Zou Lan drive the boat directly into it.

When the pirates saw Liu Cheng's merchant ship colliding with them, their face turned pale with fright, and they drove the pirate ship to flee before Liu Cheng's merchant ship collided.

"What are you running, let them stop me!" Li Yan roared angrily, and the semaphore of the tiger shark pirate ship was also waving frantically.

But at this time, neither Liu Cheng nor the pirates had time to look at the semaphore on the Tiger Shark pirate ship.

At this time, the one who should bump into it should still bump into it without hesitation, and the one who should hide should be to flee in a hurry.

A moment later, there was a loud bang, and the Class C merchant ship that Liu Cheng and the others were driving directly collided with the third merchant ship.

The collision of the Class C merchant ship caused the two merchant ships to shake for a while.

However, Liu Cheng had already made preparations at the same time of the impact, and the shaking caused by the impact did not cause them much trouble, but the situation on the Merchant Ship's side was different.

They didn't notice Liu Cheng's merchant ship crashing at first, and by the time they saw it and reacted, it was too late.

Under this wave of impact, the guards on the merchant ship's side were staggered, and the original rigorous defense system was completely disrupted.

And this is what Liu Cheng wanted. After the collision between the two merchant ships, Liu Cheng's subordinates quickly adjusted, and under the leadership of Zhang San, they directly crossed the merchant ships that had only been stuck together and went to the opposite side.

"Hurry up, kill them, don't let them get ahead of you!"

The three pirate forces below saw that Liu Cheng had killed the third merchant ship, and all of them jumped on the merchant ship like a chicken blood.

At this time, after a round of impact, the defense system of the third merchant ship had collapsed. Facing Liu Cheng's attack, they were powerless to resist the pounce of the pirate group such as the sharp knife.

So, after Liu Cheng's Black Reef Island killed the third merchant ship, in just a few minutes, the other three pirate groups also killed them.

A merchant ship with a length of 35 meters and a width of about 15 meters is certainly not small, but after such a merchant ship killed four pirate forces at the same time, the merchant ship seemed a bit small.

Originally, those pirates thought that the battle was basically over after killing the merchant ship, and the escort of the merchant ship should bow their heads and surrender. However, the real situation was beyond their expectations. The escort on that merchant ship was extremely brave. There was no intention of surrendering at all.

Even though they were surrounded by enemies several times their size, the merchant ship escort still resisted tenaciously under the command of a middle-aged man.

The guards resisted tenaciously, and the four pirate forces had no intention of negotiating with the merchant ship. In this case, the merchant ship inevitably became a meat grinder, blood and killing spread to this place. Every corner of a merchant ship.

What's interesting is that in this battle, although Liu Cheng's side put on the biggest posture, their movements obviously slowed down after the other three pirates came up.

At this time, Liu Cheng seems to be intentionally or unintentionally handing over the battle to the other three pirate forces. He is obviously afraid of something at this time, and if you follow Liu Cheng's gaze, it is obvious that Liu Cheng is at this moment. Who are you afraid of?

What he was staring at at this time was the middle-aged man of the merchant ship escort.

(End of this chapter)

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