Chapter 103 Action
In the East China Sea area, where Liu Cheng and the others were ambushing, three Class C merchant ships approached slowly.

Class C merchant ships refer to merchant ships with a length of more than 50 meters. Caravans that can afford Class C merchant ships in the East China Sea can be regarded as quite large-scale caravans.

Generally speaking, this kind of caravan will basically have more or less friendship with pirate forces, and they will basically take sea routes controlled by pirates at sea.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, it is absolutely impossible for pirates like the Black Reef Island and the Sharp Knife Pirates to encounter this kind of caravan.

But this time the situation is different. The caravan this time is obviously being targeted by the Tiger Shark Pirates. The Tiger Sharks should have set up a big net for them a long time ago. When the tiger shark closed the net.

At this time, under the command of the Tiger Shark, the Black Reef Island and other pirate groups, who were obviously nets and knives in their hands, easily surrounded the three unsuspecting Class C merchant ships.

Facing the siege of Liu Cheng and other pirates, the guards on the opposite merchant ship were obviously experienced in the world. Although they were a little confused and didn't know how they were surrounded, they didn't panic when facing these pirates.

While they were surrounded, they unhurriedly planted the flag representing the protection of Zhang Yan's pirate group on it.

After the merchant ship put Zhang Yan's flag on it, they quietly waited for the group of pirates to run away. After all, in Hokkaido, Zhang Yan is the sky. As long as there is Zhang Yan's protection, there are absolutely no pirates in Hokkaido. Those who dare to move them.

Under normal circumstances, there is nothing wrong with this. When they planted Zhang Yan's flag, the pirates who surrounded them were indeed taken aback.

But the Merchant Ship missed one thing, that is, the Tiger Shark Pirates knew from the very beginning that they were protected by Zhang Yan, and at this time the pirates surrounding them seemed to be in trouble. up.

"Played Zhang Yan's flag? Is it useful? It's useless even if Zhang Yan came today, let them attack and take down that caravan!" Li Yan gave an order with a cold smile
Tiger Shark gave an order, and the pirate groups who were a little hesitant just because the caravan unfurled Zhang Yan's flag moved quickly.

Among the four groups of pirates, the black reef island surrounded one of the merchant ships, the sharp knife pirate ship surrounded one of them, and the remaining two pirate forces surrounded one. When the order from the tiger shark was transmitted, the four pirate forces simultaneously The attack was launched.

In fact, when Zhang Yan's flag was unfurled from the merchant ship, Liu Chengcheng already vaguely knew the whole story.

It is obvious that Tiger Shark is eyeing the caravan protected by Zhang Yan, and he is unwilling to take action himself, so their four pirate forces are white gloves. Once the matter is revealed, one can guess with their feet that Tiger Shark will definitely kick them out to block the knife of.

"I've never been impulsive, but this impulsiveness really did something stupid!" Liu Cheng murmured.

However, even though he said this, when he said this, there was no regret on Liu Cheng's face at all.

In fact, since he just turned around and came back, he has been prepared to face the worst situation in his heart. Although the situation in front of him is bad, it is not beyond his expectation.

After muttering something, Liu Cheng waved his hand, and the pirates under his command, led by Zhang San, climbed onto the merchant ship through hooks and launched an attack directly.

Caravans that can afford to sell Class C merchant ships will naturally have good guards, and the guard force of the merchant ship surrounded by Liu Cheng and the others is quite good.

There are as many as a hundred people in the merchant ship's escort team, and the leading escort captain also has 63% force.

However, the strength of Black Reef Island at this time is not what it used to be. A guard captain with a force of 63, with a team of about a hundred people, and an average force of about 15 guards are powerless to resist.

From the moment Zhang San killed the merchant ship, the battle was basically one-sided.

On the one hand, the strength of the escort team is far inferior to that of Liu Cheng, and on the other hand, the escort team of merchant ships generally has no actual combat opportunities, so the actual combat experience is not enough.

As soon as the battle broke out between the two sides, the merchant ship escort team was immediately at a disadvantage, and after Zhang San killed him, this disadvantage directly turned into a crushing situation.

It took less than 10 minutes for the battle to break out from the beginning to the end, and the Class C merchant ship surrounded by Liu Cheng was completely captured by Liu Cheng.

And when he took down this Class C merchant ship, Liu Cheng couldn't help but frown.

"The situation is a little bit wrong. Is our Black Reef Island's strength too strong? Or is the Merchant Marine Escort at this level? Why do I feel a little weaker?"

The strength of the escort team of the next Class C merchant ship in front of him is not as strong as that of the first battle between Liu Cheng and Heijiao Island, which makes Liu Cheng very puzzled.

Could it be that Black Reef Island is really powerful?Thinking in this way, Liu Cheng subconsciously looked up at the ship next to him, only to find that the battle of the ship surrounded by sharp-knife pirates was almost over.

Like Liu Cheng's side, the battle on the Sharp Knife Pirates' side was also one-sided. The escort of that merchant ship was simply not enough for the Sharp Knife Pirates to fight.

Seeing this situation, Liu Cheng subconsciously thought that this was the strength of the merchant ship's escort, but soon Liu Cheng realized that something was wrong.

It is true that the battle between Liu Cheng's side and the sharp knife pirates' side has ended, but the battle on the other side is still in full swing.

The merchant ship escort team surrounded by two other pirate groups showed more than one level of strength higher than the other two escort teams. Their side has won, but their side has not yet fully captured the ship.

Looking at the stubbornly resisting merchant ship, Li Yan's eyes lit up: "Hey, the escort force of the three merchant ships is also concentrated on one, it seems that the things are on that ship, come on, Send me an order to let those two dog legs turn around and attack that merchant ship together, and you must take that merchant ship for me!"

Soon Tiger Shark's pirate ship played a semaphore, allowing Black Reef Island and the Sharp Knife Pirates to besiege the merchant ship together.

"Doctor Liu, Tiger Shark asked our people to storm that merchant ship, and we must take that merchant ship within half an hour!" Zhang Yan translated to Liu Cheng when he saw the semaphore.

Hearing this order, Liu Cheng's eyes flashed coldly: "The opponent is protected by bows and arrows, but the tiger shark actually asked us to attack by force. They really don't take our lives as their lives!"

(End of this chapter)

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