gourmet chef

Chapter 70 Special Customers

Chapter 70 Special Customers

The quest of Yipin Female and Male is the same as that of the novice.

If the system violates any of the regulations or the number of people does not reach the standard within the specified time, the Yipin Heroine mission will fail.

This task is different from the bullish mission. If the latter violates the regulations, the data can be cleaned up and the number accumulated again. However, if Yipin Hefei violates the regulations, there is no way back, and the mission will fail directly.

This is absolutely unbearable.

It is important to keep regular customers, but Bai Xiaobai is determined to win the reward of "Secret Sour Plum Soup" for this mission.

Lan Weihao was not unhappy when he saw that Boss Bai didn't give him face. On the contrary, if he continued to pester him like this, he would appear hypocritical, so he said, "Boss Bai, take the money."

After Lan Weihao finished speaking, he took out 200 yuan in cash and handed it to Bai Xiaobai.

Bai Xiaobai quickly changed and said, "Look for your 92, walk slowly."

After Zhu Yufei and Lan Haowei left one after another.

The old man who was the slowest eater of the glutinous rice chicken also finished his meal, he took out his handkerchief, wiped his mouth, and said, "Little master, your lotus-flavored glutinous rice chicken is really delicious, old man, I have lived so long." , I have never eaten glutinous rice chicken with this taste, this lotus leaf is so fragrant, you can eat it directly."

In the face of compliments, Bai Xiaobai didn't show much pride, he was very calm, and just responded with a slight smile.

The old man knew the rules of this shop, and Lan Weihao failed just now, so he didn't ask if he wanted to eat another one.

After eating the glutinous rice chicken, the old man paid and left.

The food contagion effect continues to work.

"Boss Bai, your new product looks and smells really good, give me one too."

"Boss, let me order a lotus-flavored glutinous rice chicken. Thank you."

Two more customers couldn't resist the 'temptation' of a lotus-flavored glutinous rice chicken, and ordered food one after another.


After sending away a batch of customers in the morning, Bai Xiaobai checked the progress of the Yipin Heroine task.

9/25 for male customers and 2/25 for female customers.

Severe yin and yang imbalance, I am really afraid of something more and more.

From the very beginning, Bai Xiaobai was afraid that the number of female customers would not meet the target at the end of the task, but now it seems that it is really a prophecy.

There are only 45 hours left for the remaining time of a male and female.

Because there is no 6-hour business hours limit for this mission, Bai Xiaobai is still open all day long as before.

Taking advantage of the fact that there were no guests, Bai Xiaobai went back to the kitchen to check the profile gold card that he hadn't looked at for a long time.

With an idea, the huge data gold card in his mind flew out.

Name: Bai Xiaobai
Goal: To become a top gourmet chef who has learned both Chinese and Western cuisines.

Sex: Male
Age: 22
Nationality: Han (Earth Humans)
Props: Chef's Key, Thousand Yuan Card
Title: [Tea Egg Master]

Trick: None
Experience: 276 points

Physical fitness: lock
Master the dishes: Supreme Tea Eggs (D), Supreme Beef Noodles (C), Yipin Hexiang Glutinous Rice Chicken (C)

Supreme Chili Sauce (serve)
Culinary talent: ?
Current system level: Xiaotong

Remarks: empty
The level has been upgraded to Xiaotong.

The dish has newly mastered the C-level difficulty gourmet first-pin lotus-flavored glutinous rice chicken.Because the supreme set meal is a combination of delicacies, it does not appear in the column of dishes to master.

The props have also added the Chef's Key.

By the way, the system said that the chef's key can accommodate other props, but it has not been tried yet.

The thousand yuan card props obtained before should be able to be stored in the space of the chef's key.

With an idea, Bai Xiaobai first displayed the 'Chef's Key' necklace worn around his neck, and then asked the system

"System, the chef's key is space props, how to deposit and withdraw my thousand yuan card, and how to use the props can you tell me in detail."

Bai Xiaobai humbly asked the system for advice if he didn't understand.

Now that he has reached Xiaotong level, he can already use props.But he still doesn't know the specific method of using the props.

The system quickly displays:

As long as the host puts the obtained props close to the "Chef's Key", the props will be stored in it naturally, and when they need to be taken out for use, just say the name of the props silently.

As for how to use props, it's very simple.

The host held the prop in his left hand, and made a sword-pointing gesture with his right hand, standing upright in front of his chest.

The sword finger posture is specifically to bend the ring finger and little finger, press the thumb on the knuckles of the second finger (counting from the base of the finger), and stretch the index finger and middle finger together.

At the same time, I recited the mantra in my heart: I, Bai Xiaobai, in the name of the heir to the gourmet chef, just use the prop XXX (property name).

After seeing the words displayed by the system, Bai Xiaobai broke out in watermelon sweat.

Fuck me, sword finger! ! ?
Isn't this the gesture of Taoism when casting spells?

There are also formulas! ? ?

This is the rhythm of chanting mantras!
"System, why is the name of heir added after the gourmet chef?" Bai Xiaobai felt that these words were a bit superfluous.

The cold electronic sound of the system immediately poured cold water on Bai Xiaobai to brainwash him.

[The host has not yet become a real gourmet chef, and can only use props in the name of the heir for the time being. 】


"Whether the thousand yuan card discount is used before meals or after meals." The method is known, but Bai Xiaobai also needs to figure out the specific timing of use.

The cool electronic sound started.

[Thousand yuan card is used before meals, has no timeliness, and can only be used once. After use, the host can enjoy a 1000% discount on system delicacies that consume less than 9 yuan. 】

The system reiterated the specific functions of the thousand yuan card.

After figuring everything out, Bai Xiaobai put the thousand yuan card in his hand into the chef's key.

The thousand yuan card approached the chef's key hanging around his neck, and was sucked in at once.

Bai Xiaobai has already decided that when he eats at noon today, he will use the item thousand yuan card to get a discount.

Because it is the restaurant's free time in the morning, and there is nothing to do, taking advantage of this gap, Bai Xiaobai went to the printing shop to print a new customer notice.

This is already the fifth notice to customers.

Bai Xiaobai stuck to the kitchen glass as usual.

Our store offers first-class lotus-flavored glutinous rice chicken, 108 yuan per serving, no bargaining.

Each person is limited to buy one per day, please do not buy more.

Yipin Hexiang Glutinous Rice Chicken can only be consumed in the store, and does not provide takeaway and package services. Thank you for your cooperation. (Plus a smiley circle emoticon - a smile graffiti drawn by Bai Xiaobai.)
As soon as the customer notice was posted, customers came to the door.

It's a female customer.

This female customer was quite handsome, but she was wearing heavy makeup, her original skin color was not clear, her eyeliner and eyelashes were also exaggerated, she had long brown hair with a shawl, and her thick bangs covered most of her forehead.

She was wearing a silver-white silk scarf around her neck, and she was wearing a light blue dress. The dress didn't seem to fit well, and it had been dragged to the ground, covering her feet.

The female customer looked at the five customer notices posted on the glass window, not wanting the first reaction of other customers.

Without a trace of surprise, she chose a dining chair and sat down expressionlessly.

After the female customer sat down, she didn't speak, but took out a pen and a small clipboard from her bag, wrote a few words, and then showed it to Bai Xiaobai.

The handwriting on the clipboard is very neat.

"Boss, I'm a deaf-mute and can't speak. Please give me all the delicacies in the store. Thank you!"

The female customer put down the writing board, then took out the money and paid 608 yuan in cash in one lump sum.

Xiaobai Restaurant now has a total of four delicacies. If it is the most economical, it is the supreme set meal with a lotus-flavored glutinous rice chicken.

It happened to be 608 yuan.

Bai Xiaobai was a little surprised.

For the first time, someone is consuming all the dishes in his own store, and he is also a deaf customer.

Not to mention whether she could finish all these delicacies by herself, just her behavior as soon as she entered the store was a bit unlike an ordinary customer.

I didn't question the price, and I ordered all the food at once.

Bai Xiaobai's first feeling was that this female customer seemed to have been prepared for a long time, as if she came for a certain purpose.

(End of this chapter)

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