gourmet chef

Chapter 69 Principled Bosses

Chapter 69 Principled Bosses
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When Bai Xiaobai saw the words written in the system of the lotus leaf line, Bai Xiaobai almost beat his chest and stamped his feet!
The lotus leaf had already been thrown into the trash can by him, Bai Xiaobai's remorse now is almost worse than losing 100 yuan.

I saw the system text:

Lotus leaf: The lotus leaf is selected from the rare [a piece of ice heart] ancient lotus, which was extinct during the Tang Dynasty.

The system obtained [a piece of icy heart] ancient lotus seeds. After careful cultivation, the extinct ancient lotus that had been sleeping for more than 200 years re-germinated, grew leaves, and bloomed!
This kind of lotus is very special. The petals, lotus pistils, lotus seeds, lotus heart, and lotus root are all bitter and inedible. Only the lotus leaves are unique and extremely tender.

The system selects [a piece of ice heart] young lotus leaves less than three weeks old as the ingredients for the first-pin lotus-flavored glutinous rice chicken.

This kind of lotus leaf is fresh, tender and juicy when eaten raw, with a sweet and fragrant fragrance; after drying, cut it into pieces and make tea to relieve heat, invigorate the spleen, and refresh the mind; after steaming, the taste is better, and it has the unique effect of nourishing the liver and improving eyesight.

After seeing the lotus leaf in his mind, Bai Xiaobai really wanted to kneel to the system.

It's actually [A Piece of Bing Xin] Gu Lian!
Bai Xiaobai knew that this kind of lotus actually existed in history. It not only takes care of viewing and eating, but also has a beautiful legend.

During the heyday of the Tang Dynasty, Emperor Xuanzong ordered the flower house to cultivate a "ice heart" lotus in order to please the concubine Yang, and ordered the palace people to plant this flower in the [-]-acre water area of ​​the Datang Furong Garden for the concubine to enjoy in summer.

This kind of lotus belongs to the thousand-petal lotus. The flowers bloom as thin as the wings of a cicada, and the petals bloom layer by layer. The ice is carved through jade, and the stamens are bright yellow. You can smell its fragrance.The most incredible thing is that the lotus leaves are extremely fresh and tender when eaten raw, which has a special taste.

Every midsummer, when the [A Piece of Bingxin] ancient lotus in the Tang Furong Garden is in full bloom, Concubine Yang Guifei enjoys [A Piece of Bingxin] lotus while eating lychees in the garden.

Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty would even invite literati and poets to appreciate it in the Tang Paradise.

[A Piece of Bingxin] The lotus became famous for a while, causing a sensation in the capital of God, and making countless literati linger and forget to return.

Before leaving the garden, Xuanzong asked the eunuch to pick lotus leaves and give them to all the literati and poets in the garden.

Wang Changling, a famous poet in the Tang Dynasty, was fortunate to be one of the literati in the garden.

His famous lines.

"If relatives and friends in Luoyang ask each other, a heart of ice is in the jade pot."

Now people understand that "a piece of ice heart" refers to a clean heart, which describes a weak temperament and does not seek fame and fortune.

In fact, there is another analysis, a piece of Bingxin refers to [A Piece of Bingxin] Gu Lian.

When Wang Changling bid farewell to Xin Jian’s friend, he took out a dried lotus leaf [a piece of ice heart] presented by Emperor Xuanzong of Tang Dynasty, cut it up and soaked it in a jade pot, and chatted and drank with friends.

As for how [A Piece of Bing Xin] Gu Lian became extinct in the end.

Neither the official history "Old Book of Tang" nor "New Book of Tang" mentioned it.

Only in the unofficial history "Tangcao Supplements" have there been sporadic records of two kinds.

It is said to be mysterious. It is said that after the Anshi Rebellion, the noble concubine Ma Weipo hanged herself, and the [-] acres of [a piece of ice heart] lotus all withered and died overnight, leaving only residual flowers and branches.

Another theory is more realistic. It is said that in the later years of Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty, lotus leaf black spot disease was prevalent in Luoyang, the capital of the gods, and the [-] mu [a piece of ice heart] ancient lotus cultivated in the Tang Furong Garden was not spared, and all withered in this catastrophe. .

After the Anshi Rebellion subsided, Xuanzong lived in seclusion in Xingqing Palace. Because he was afraid of seeing things and thinking about people, he did not plant this flower in the Tang Furong Garden. Later, Xuanzong became depressed and became ill. After his death, he was buried in Tang Tailing. A kind of lovesickness.

Unfortunately, during the Five Dynasties period after the Tang Dynasty, Liang Guowen Tao took advantage of his position to rob tombs crazily, and all the tombs of Tang emperors in the Guanzhong area were spared.

Because the [A Piece of Bingxin] ancient lotus was an imperial lotus that was only planted in the Tang Furong Garden, and the folks did not keep other lotus seeds at all, so after it became extinct, [A Piece of Bingxin] became the most mysterious lotus in China.

In modern times, scientists from the Branch of Biological Sciences of the Chinese Academy of Sciences are collecting all kinds of ancient lotus seeds in various places in Luoyang, trying to make [a piece of ice heart] the ancient lotus reappear in the world, but they have worked hard for decades without any gains.

I didn't expect the system to be so awesome!

Directly use [a piece of Bingxin] lotus leaf as an ingredient.

Using this precious lotus leaf to make a lotus-flavored glutinous rice chicken is priced at 108 yuan, and Bai Xiaobai feels that it is really too cheap.

After seeing all the words displayed by the system, Bai Xiaobai protested with his mind, "System, I protest! The price of Yipin Hexiang Glutinous Rice Chicken 108 is too cheap, I want to increase the price."

As far as Tang Minghuang's affection for Yang Guifei is concerned, the price of a piece of lotus-flavored glutinous rice chicken is more than this.

The cool electronic voice replied after a long time.

[Protest is invalid!The host level is low, and the price cannot be changed, please work hard to upgrade]

"..." Bai Xiaobai just finished protesting with the system.

Lan Haowei's deep voice brought Bai Xiaobai back to reality, and he also protested, "Boss Bai, your Yipin lotus-flavored glutinous rice chicken tastes good, but it's too small, it's not enough to eat! Do you have a big portion?" a little?"

Yipin Hexiang Glutinous Rice Chicken is bigger than the palm of a seven or eight-year-old child. Lan Weihao is gone after only four mouthfuls. It is not enough to eat!

"Sorry, there's no big portion." Bai Xiaobai answered Lan Weihao's doubts very sincerely.

"Boss, your new Yipin Lotus Flavored Glutinous Rice Chicken won't be limited to sale, right?" This sentence comes from Zhu Yufei, who really has no resistance to Yipin Lotus Flavored Glutinous Rice Chicken.

"Yes, one person is limited to one first-grade lotus-flavored glutinous rice chicken per day." Bai Xiaobai said firmly.

After Zhu Yufei heard that the purchase limit was still limited to one per person per day, her face was calm, and there was no major change.

Because she is a regular customer, she has been tricked by the rules and has developed antibodies.

In fact, the rules or restrictions of this store are not important, what is important is the mouth-watering food!

Although this restaurant doesn't have many dishes, every dish is exquisite and delicious. After Zhu Yufei finished eating, she felt full of energy, as light as a swallow, as fast as flying, and most importantly, physically and mentally happy.It is much more effective than the XXX slimming tea in that TV commercial.

After paying the money, Zhu Yufei was satisfied, stepped on her high heels, and rushed to work like the wind.

Lan Weihao was still in the shop.

"Boss Bai, since you are a regular customer, you can open a back door and sell me a first-class lotus-flavored glutinous rice chicken."

After all, Lan Weihao is the assistant to the general manager of a pharmaceutical company and the sales manager of the Jianghai City division. He has never been so humble even when talking about business with customers.

Today, I have contributed my first time.

To say why he has such a transformation today, the reason is very simple.

Because the food in Xiaobai Restaurant is really delicious.

Lan Weihao's foodie evil fire has been completely hooked, and it has become out of control.

Anyway, there is still time, Lan Weihao plans to use his sincerity and patience to influence this hard-hearted Boss Bai.

But in the face of Lan Weihao's sincere request, Bai Xiaobai was still indifferent, and refused as always, "Handsome guy, I'm sorry, this is the rule. One person in the store can only consume one first-grade lotus-flavored glutinous rice chicken a day. If you like it, tomorrow You can continue to taste it."

In fact, Bai Xiaobai has principles on the one hand, and more importantly.He knew very well in his heart that once the minefield stipulated by the system was touched, this time the first-class male and female would not be as simple as clearing the data and re-accumulating, but would fail immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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