gourmet chef

Chapter 476 Receiving the Prize

Chapter 476 Receiving the Prize
"That's right, if Boss Bai becomes famous in the future, the store's business will probably be even better. Maybe one day it will become famous all over the country, and then we will have a bright face."

Bai Xiaobai won the honor of "Top Ten People Who Touched Jianghai", and most of the regular customers in the store gave it a very high evaluation.

But the outside world is mostly skeptical about Bai Xiaobai's award, and even those sunspots can't sit still anymore.

"This boss can get the top ten people who moved Jianghai, is there a mistake?"

"The organizing committee must be blind. It's a proper shady scene. How can that Bai Xiaobai be so capable? There are many more qualified people in Jianghai Province than him. Why should it be him?"

"That's right, I suspect it's a default appointment. The boss must have stuffed a lot of money."

"There must be a shady scene. This award is determined internally by the provincial government. Outsiders did not participate at all. It's unfair."

"Fuck your sister, you just fed a disabled person in the snow, and then wrote a letter to ask for wages for famous farmers. You can win awards, and if you say there is no shady scene, I won't believe it even if you kill him, haha."

"I think the boss is too embarrassed to accept the award. There are many more touching deeds than him. Why is it him?"

"Labor and management are not convinced, Boss Bai must have gone through the back door."

Many people even suspected that Bai Xiaobai's touching behavior was a purposeful and planned show.

It is even more exaggerated to say that he has various secret transactions with government officials. In order to win this award, all kinds of swear words emerge in endlessly.

No wonder.

The temptation of the award of 'Moving Jianghai Top Ten Figures' is too great. Winning this award means that the whole province will become popular overnight, and most of the other nine people who were selected in the same batch as Bai Xiaobai have all kinds of heart-warming 'great achievements' '.

As far as Bai Xiaobai's touching deeds are relatively ordinary.

All the things related to appointments and inside stories have been very lively.

But no one has any evidence, directly proving that it was a show.

No matter if it's a positive voice or a negative voice.

In short, the news that Bai Xiaobai got the "top ten people who touched Jianghai" has been completely spread in Jianghai.

Bai Xiaobai did not respond positively to all kinds of shady and questioning voices.

Bai Xiaobai has never been used to playing tricks.Furthermore, no matter how others doubt you, even if you say that you are breaking the sky, they will find fault with the egg.

Bai Xiaobai has been doing business calmly.

the following few days.

"Top Ten People Who Moved Jianghai" not only Jianghai Satellite TV started a carpet-like publicity.

Even Jianghai's large bus stops and advertising spaces at bus stops have been pasted with large promotional posters one after another.

Through Jianghai Satellite TV's brainwashing promotional video, Bai Xiaobai became popular in the entire Jianghai Province overnight.

In addition, the "Top Ten People Who Moved Jianghai" was also announced in the online columns of Jianghai Provincial Government and Municipal Government.

Government officials in various regions in Jianghai also knew about Bai Xiaobai almost overnight.

Bai Xiaobai is the only one selected as a restaurateur among the "Ten People Who Touched Jianghai", and also the first restaurant owner and chef in Jianghai's history to win this award.

All of a sudden, Bai Xiaobai frantically appeared on local TV and newspapers, and his limelight was almost the same.

It was the night of Jianghai Satellite TV's live broadcast of the awards ceremony of "Top Ten People Who Touched Jianghai".

Bai Xiaobai attended Jianghai Satellite TV's awards ceremony in a suit.

Gao Chao also entered the arena with tickets.

At the ceremony, the TV station played Bai Xiaobai's solo promotional video, including photos of feeding disabled children in the snow, and letters asking for wages written for more than a dozen famous farm workers including Yu Chenghai.

The photos of feeding in the snow are all public. Every photo faithfully reflects the scene of that day. Bai Xiaobai's touching movements and every detail make people see his kindness and sincerity.

In an impetuous city and a society where human feelings are becoming more and more indifferent, this kind of sincerity is extremely rare.

As for the other thing, a letter written by Bai Xiaobai to the city government to ask for wages for Yu Chenghai and other famous farm workers was also released to the public as soon as possible.

The handwritten manuscript is full of grandeur and boldness in the elegant font, and the content is concise and to the point, without embellishment, using the most plain words, without gorgeous rhetoric, but the writing is moving.

The moving speech of the organizing committee of "Moving Jianghai Top Ten Figures" to Bai Xiaobai's award is:

He is a restaurant owner in Jianghai. He feeds disabled children in the snow, which is touching... He wrote letters to the government for famous farmers, which is very touching...

The one who presented the award to Bai Xiaobai was Vice Mayor Zeng, who was the guest presenter at a Jianghai Food Festival.

This is the second time that Deputy Mayor Zeng has presented Bai Xiaobai with an award.

Before presenting the award to Bai Xiaobai, Deputy Mayor Zeng lightly patted Bai Xiaobai's shoulder twice, and then said earnestly, "Young man, good job, come on."

It was because after reading Bai Xiaobai's letter to migrant workers, Deputy Mayor Zeng decided to recommend this young man as a candidate for "Top Ten People Who Touched Jianghai".

Of course, there can be many candidates, and in the end, many of them cannot be shortlisted for the final ten places.

Let deputy mayor Zeng do something unexpected.

At the same time, the touching deed of "Bai Xiaobai feeding disabled children in the snow" caused an unprecedented sensation in Jianghai City and continued to ferment on the Internet.

With the superposition of the two touching deeds, the effect continues to double, and this is the basis for Bai Xiaobai's award.

As many people in the outside world have said, the two touching deeds of Bai Xiaobai are all effortless, and they can even be said to be small, insignificant, and not so great.

It's not about such a great and touching move, let alone how much money the donation has attracted the world's attention and caused a huge sensation.

Touching deeds often come from the details of life, and the inadvertent touch is often the most touching.

On this point, Bai Xiaobai did it.

Bai Xiaobai deserved this award.

After receiving the trophy presented by Vice Mayor Zeng on stage, he was full of confidence in front of the guests and the audience in front of the TV, and delivered his acceptance speech.

Since the awards ceremony was broadcast live, Bai Xiaobai participated in a live broadcast for the first time, and he was a little nervous.

Bai Xiaobai's acceptance speech was very simple.

"It's an honor to receive this trophy..."

Bai Xiaobai's testimonials were not programmed. He first thanked the organizing committee for their trust, and then thanked Jianghai Satellite TV for its platform and so on.

He just briefly introduced some small details of the two touching stories, and the last sentence is:
"The touching move comes from the details of life, and I did it. I will continue to pass on this moving in the future, thank you!"

The confident and calm state of mind, and finally the warm smile that seems to be able to melt the winter snow, demonstrates the self-confidence and vitality that this young man should have.

The guests in the audience burst into thunderous applause.

Gao Chao took out the SLR camera he just bought, and frantically took several pictures of Bai Xiaobai.

This is a moment worth recording.

Gao Chao felt a sense of honor when he saw his buddy Bai Xiaobai accepting the award on stage.

Starting tonight, Bai Xiaobai has added another identity, the newly promoted "Top Ten People Who Touched Jianghai", and Gao Chao checked on the Internet, Bai Xiaobai is the youngest among Jianghai's previous "moved" winners .

It seems that in the future, not only will he be famous in the Jianghai gourmet and food circles, but even the entire Jianghai province will have a place for Bai Xiaobai.

After the awards ceremony, Bai Xiaobai doesn't know how to deal with the world. He doesn't know how to chat and laugh with government leaders, and he can chat about various topics.

The main reason is that the words are not speculative.

Several other awardees, in private, have a hot fight with the leaders of various governments, and they all want to take the opportunity to get familiar with each other and talk about it.

Most of the speeches were flattering remarks, and Bai Xiaobai felt uncomfortable just sitting in his seat.

Taking advantage of his break from going to the toilet, he left Jianghai Satellite TV's studio early, and he had no time to watch some subsequent singing and dancing programs.

Gao Chao watched Bai Xiaobai leave and had no intention of watching the show, so he followed Bai Xiaobai and left the studio.

The reporters from Jianghai Satellite TV blocked the door and wanted to interview Bai Xiaobai immediately, but nothing happened.

Bai Xiaobai is still quite low-key. Even if he wins an award, he treats it with a normal heart and doesn't like to make too much publicity.

He did not accept any interviews with reporters, and he had already finished his acceptance speech when accepting the award.

As for the rest, Bai Xiaobai really had nothing to say.

What he is most concerned about now is to launch the whole fish feast dish in the store as soon as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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