gourmet chef

Chapter 449

Chapter 449
Life is definitely not easy, plus I am a fellow villager, so I can try it out for three days and see if it suits me.

Bai Xiaobai asked Li Qin what his expected monthly salary was.

Li Qin said that a hundred or so a day is enough.

In this way, Li Qin's expected salary also meets Bai Xiaobai's recruitment requirements.

Bai Xiaobai and Li Qin explained in detail that the monthly salary is 3500 yuan, which does not include food or housing, and there is no five social insurance and one housing fund.


Of course, if there are special circumstances, such as the store is very busy, or when the store is carrying out overtime activities such as month-end big rewards, additional hourly wages will be added.

Li Qin saw that Bai Xiaobai was willing to hire her, and that her monthly salary was more than what she had earned before, so she immediately said excitedly, "Boss, then I'll come to work tomorrow."

The recruiters in the store must leave their identity information in case of inquiries.

"Okay, when you come to work tomorrow, bring a copy of your ID card and health certificate, and write your contact number on the back of your ID card. Try it out for three days first. If there is no problem, you will be a regular worker. Of course, the three days of the trial period , I will also pay my salary..."

Li Qin smiled happily, and thanked him with gratitude: "Thank you, boss, then I will go back first."

It was getting late, Li Qin walked briskly, and rushed out of the store, as if she was ten years younger.

Bai Xiaobai half closed the shutter door of the store by himself, and went back to the glass kitchen to make his own dinner.

What he wants to make is golden fried rice.

King Spirit Mine Lang——

After a long time of busy work, a delicious golden fried rice is ready.

However, the electronic system sounded:

[Host, the unwrapped rate of the golden fried rice you cooked is 0.5%, which is still a substandard product, please continue to work hard. 】

Bai Xiaobai "..."

Bai Xiaobai didn't know how many times he practiced, but the golden fried rice has always been unqualified, which made him quite depressed.

Looking at the one-week countdown of the new task, little by little, Bai Xiaobai is like an ant on a hot pot, a little overwhelmed and panicked.

The ingredients provided by the system are all in unlimited supply, and Bai Xiaobai can use them at will.

He just did the exercises in the glass kitchen over and over again.

In the dead of night, the temperature plummeted, and many people had already fallen asleep, but Bai Xiaobai stayed alone in the glass kitchen, practicing tirelessly.

The failures again and again did not discourage Bai Xiaobai, but stimulated his potential.

The god-level pot-turning technique has been used with great proficiency.

The egg liquid and rice are mixed little by little in the hot wok.

The stove in the glass kitchen was very hot. After staying in front of the stove for a long time, even though it was winter, Bai Xiaobai's back was still wet.

But his perseverance finally paid off.

During the practice, Bai Xiaobai realized some small details by himself.

The temperature of the pot is very high, and as long as the egg liquid touches the bottom of the pot, it is easy to form egg lumps directly, so the egg liquid must be spread evenly on the rice, and the speed of turning the pot must be extremely fast without any slack.

And not only push and pull the pot back and forth, but also shake the pot left and right to rotate the wok 180 degrees on the stove.

Let the rice and egg liquid be fully mixed in the rotating pan, so that the rice and egg liquid can be evenly coated.

boom -

Bai Xiaobai's sense of groping through failure has come in handy.

The uncoated rate of the golden fried rice he made last time has been reduced to 0.1%, which is much better than the previous no progress.

Although he still couldn't make the golden fried rice with a 0% unwrapped rate required by the system, he made progress, and Bai Xiaobai became more motivated.

According to his own experience, Bai Xiaobai kept adjusting his pot-stirring technique, and the golden fried rice he cooked next basically maintained an unwrapped rate of 0.1%.

There is no stepping back.

If you maintain this momentum and practice more and more, it will only be a matter of time before you make golden fried rice.

But I just don't know if it can be completed within the time specified by the system.

When Bai Xiaobai was satisfied, he was a little worried, so he checked the time.

It's already 01:30 in the morning.

Time to rest too.

He tidied up the kitchen a bit, then turned off the lights, went to the second floor and went to bed after washing up.

The next day was another cold day, the coldest in Jiang Haijin since January.

Bai Xiaobai gets up early, wears a thick down jacket, washes up and goes downstairs to the glass kitchen to get busy.

Get everything ready.

It's morning business hours.

Li Qin was also waiting outside on time.

Because it was Li Qin's first day at work, and he didn't know the rules and things in the store very well, so when it was time for breakfast, Bai Xiaobai was almost giving pointers.

Although Li Qin is a middle-aged woman, she is not stupid. She has basically mastered things like taking orders from customers and cleaning up the dishes.

When it was lunch time, with her assistance, Bai Xiaobai's work was naturally a lot easier.

Li Qin is nimble, unambiguous, and very serious.

Originally, regular customers still had some expectations about Bai Xiaobai's recruitment, hoping to recommend their relatives to work in this store.

After all, Xiaobai Restaurant is definitely a well-known restaurant in Jianghai now, and it must be a supreme honor to work here.

But seeing a middle-aged woman working in the store broke everyone's previous expectations.

"I thought it would be a young girl, why is she an old woman? You are cheating."

"I don't think it matters. Anyway, we come to this restaurant to taste delicious food, not to see beautiful women."

"If it's a beautiful waiter, it's not good. It will distract people and make it difficult to enjoy the wonderful taste of the food itself."

"Boss Bai is quite clever."

"But having said that, Boss Bai asked us to bring the information of our relatives to him for an interview yesterday. Why did he suddenly recruit people today?"

"That's right. I brought all the information of my mother-in-law. It seems that I have already recruited people. It's over."

"Who do you think this woman is? Isn't Boss Bai's mother?"

"How is it possible? Didn't someone pick up Boss Bai's family background? Boss Bai was born in a rural area, his parents died, and he was the only one. Where did his mother come from?"

"Then I guess it's Boss Bai's relatives in the country, so I don't want the fat and water to flow to outsiders' fields."

The old customers who came to the store were whispering and chatting.

Although Li Qin was busy walking around in the hall, she could hear her own words clearly.

Of course she doesn't take it too seriously, it goes in one ear and out the other.

But there was one thing that puzzled her a little.

The price of food in this store is ridiculously expensive.

Li Qin is a simple rural woman. Although she has little experience, she has worked as an aunt in various restaurants in Jianghai for several years.

She probably knows the consumption of restaurants in Jianghai City.

However, in this restaurant, every food on the menu is priced far higher than ordinary restaurants outside, which is simply appalling.

Although I really don't want to think about it, but with such a high price, are you sure you didn't enter a black shop?
Is it really okay to work here by yourself?

Li Qin was a little worried.

 Chapter 2 is finished, update 'Preparation for the First Palm' at [-] o'clock.

(End of this chapter)

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