gourmet chef

Chapter 446 The Difficulty of S Rank

Chapter 446 The Difficulty of S Rank
Bai Xiaobai washed his hands clean and began to show off his skills.

First is cooking.

It has been rumored in Huaxia that it is best to use overnight rice for fried rice with eggs, and there are also famous Chinese chefs who recommend using fresh rice for fried rice with eggs.

Actually it doesn't matter.

Whether it is overnight rice or fresh rice, the most important thing is the texture of the rice, which should be 'neither wet nor dry, moderately soft or hard'.

For example, if you use overnight rice, you must ensure that the rice grains are not too dry, otherwise the taste of the fried rice will also be greatly reduced.

And if you use fresh rice, you should let it cool for a while after cooking, let the rice cool down a little, and the moisture on the surface will dry up a little.

Rinse the cleaned Oden Rouge rice and put it into the rice cooker provided by the system.

Bai Xiaobai added an appropriate amount of Yuquanshan mineral water, and the water line was slightly submerged in the rouge rice.

The rice used for fried rice is slightly harder than the rice served, so that the fried rice made will be dry and delicious.

After adding water, cover the pot, Bai Xiaobai connects the power, presses the switch, and starts cooking.

While cooking, Bai Xiaobai took out the Qilin Black Spot Knife from the Chef's Key with an idea.

With the mysterious kitchen utensils in hand, Bai Xiaobai swiped the knife, and in a blink of an eye he cut the shallots evenly into thin sections, and put them in a small bowl for later use.

Beat a black egg with a green shell in a bowl, Bai Xiaobai picks up the original chopsticks, cracks the egg evenly in a clockwise direction.

Skim off the foam from the egg liquid and set aside for later use.

Wash the frying pan, put it on the stove, and turn on the fire to remove the residual water droplets in the pan.


Yu Mi Tian Rou Zhi rice in the rice cooker is ready.

Open the lid, scoop out the rice, and spread it evenly on a plate to dissipate the heat.

After the rice is cooled, the rice grains harden slightly, and each grain is shiny like a pink gemstone.

Heat a pan and pour a little oil.

When the oil pan is hot, add shallots.

The warm rice can be put into the pot.

Bai Xiaobai shook the pot with one hand, and swung the spatula with the other, quickly stir-frying the rice.

King Spirit Mine Lang——

After five breaths, stir the rice well, adjust the heat to a low heat, and pour the egg liquid over the rice evenly in a circular motion.

Turning on the fire, Bai Xiaobai's horsepower was fully activated, and he used the unique skill 'God-level pot-turning technique'.

Constantly shaking the pot, with extremely fast hands, the pot formed countless phantoms, and it was almost impossible for the naked eye to catch which one was the real pot.

The rouge-colored rice is evenly wrapped with golden egg liquid, and it is constantly flipped back and forth, forming a perfect parabola in the air.

The rice grains turned golden yellow bit by bit, very eye-catching.

Sprinkle with salt, pepper to taste.

King Spirit Mine Lang——

You're done, out of the pot.

Bai Xiaobai put a large spoonful of semi-spherical rice in the center of a pure white jade plate.

The spoon is opened, and a fragrant golden fried rice is completed.

The rouge rice has a golden color, with yellow in the red, it is particularly eye-catching, and it exudes an incomparable fragrance, which makes people move their index fingers unconsciously.

It's just that Bai Xiaobai found a problem.

The golden fried rice made by myself is not as bright as the system stipulates, and it will shine golden.

Could it be that the production is not up to standard?
Bai Xiaobai always felt that food with S-level difficulty could not be so simple.

Bai Xiaobai was anxiously waiting for the outcome of the trial.

The cool electronic voice replied in his mind:
[Host, the golden fried rice you made is not up to standard and cannot be sold. 】

The electronic sound deeply stimulated Bai Xiaobai's brain nerves.

Sure enough, it's not that simple.

But Bai Xiaobai himself couldn't see where his golden fried rice was unqualified.

"System, why the golden fried rice I made is unqualified, please explain."

The electronic voice replied and explained:

[Host, there are 11698 grains of rice in your golden fried rice, 48 of which are not fully coated with egg liquid, so the golden fried rice is unqualified and cannot be sold. 】

Bai Xiaobai "!!!!!!"

48 grains of rice...

System, you are too picky.

Bai Xiaobai took out the calculator on his mobile phone, input a series of numbers, and got a result.


In other words, if the unqualified rate of my golden fried rice is calculated, it is actually only 0.4% of the rice. If it is placed in an egg fried rice, there is no difference at all with the naked eye.

If you have to be picky, Bai Xiaobai used chopsticks to test the fried rice one by one, and you can indeed see that very few rice grains are not evenly coated with egg liquid.

And it's all just a little bit.

But the extremely strict pit ratio system will hold a magnifying glass, and naturally will not let go of any details of Bai Xiaobai.

Bai Xiaobai calmed down and asked, "System, how many grains of rice must be fully coated with egg liquid to be considered qualified. Doesn't it have to be 100%?"

The electronic speaker sounds:
[Host, guess is right, only 100% egg liquid can tightly wrap every grain of rice, can present the golden fried rice with the highest visual enjoyment.As far as the system knows, looking at the current famous chefs in China, none of them can do it. 】

Bai Xiaobai "..."

[Divide the number of rice grains that are not wrapped in egg liquid by the total amount of rice in a serving of fried rice to get a value called the unwrapped rate. 】

The system suddenly engages in mathematics, and Bai Xiaobai is confused.

[At present, the unwrapped rate of golden fried rice made by ordinary chefs in Huaxia Guoxiao restaurants ranges from 20% to 50%. The unwrapped rate of golden fried rice by famous chefs in hotels is generally about 10%, and the unwrapped rate of golden fried rice by top famous chefs in Huaxia Generally, it fluctuates around 5%, and the egg fried rice made by the host has an unwrapped rate of 0.4%, which is far ahead of the former. Please continue to work hard to reduce the unwrapped rate to 0%, and make S-level difficult food, shining brightly Golden Fried Rice. 】

After Bai Xiaobai listened to a long section of the system's electronic sound, he almost spit out blood and died.

This is the pitfall of S-level difficulty food.

What is required is not the top, but perfection.

No one is perfect, let alone food.

Only now did he realize that the system regulations are not the most deceitful, only more deceitful.

If the freshly squeezed mulberry juice before can finally find the best way to solve the taste through multiple permutations and combinations, then there is almost no solution to this golden fried rice now.

Why do you say that.

Bai Xiaobai devoted [-]% of his energy to cooking this golden fried rice.

If this fails to meet the system's standards, it will be really difficult to make progress in the future.

A person's cooking skills are relatively balanced for a period of time, and it is difficult to improve too much at once.

Although Bai Xiaobai thinks his talent is good, but at least he needs to make great progress, and the time it takes cannot be short-lived. Basically speaking, at least one or two weeks, at most one or two months, or even one or two years It's all possible.

And hard work alone does not necessarily reduce the unwrapped rate of golden fried rice to 0.

All in all, all in all, it is really difficult to make Golden Fried Rice meet the requirements of the system.

As the highest level of food difficulty in the system, the S level really deserves its reputation! ! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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