gourmet chef

Chapter 445

Chapter 445

The weather in Jianghai is getting colder and colder, and the business of some breakfast shops will be greatly affected, but the business of Xiaobai Restaurant is the same as before, and has not been affected in the slightest.

The third day after New Year's Day.

Early in the morning, the fog had not dissipated, the sky was bright, and it was extremely cold.

Bai Xiaobai is still working as a pig in the warm bed.

A cool electronic voice sounded in his mind:

[Ding dong, the host has reached the Dacheng level, and you will get a New Year gift bag. 】

Bai Xiaobai rubbed his sleepy eyes, and turned over reluctantly.

The weather was too cold, Bai Xiaobai really didn't want to get up.

He plans to close for half a day today and reopen when it is warm in the afternoon.

It's just that I didn't expect that the New Year has already passed, but the system suddenly came late, and a New Year's gift package came.

Happiness comes too quickly.

Bai Xiaobai opened his eyes, and opened the gift bag in his mind with his thoughts.

The gift bag is opened.

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the qualification to master the production of S-level difficulty food. 】

Can launch new products.

Hearing this electronic voice, Bai Xiaobai couldn't fall asleep. He got up excitedly and said, "System, what S-level difficulty food?"

Bai Xiaobai has more or less mastered D, C, B, A difficulty food, but S level difficulty food has not been unlocked yet.

What kind of gourmet food will it be.

A cool electronic voice sounded:

[The host is qualified to launch S-level difficulty gourmet golden fried rice. 】

Golden Fried Rice?

Bai Xiaobai was slightly disappointed when he heard about this new product.

He thought that food with S-level difficulty would be the highest against the sky, such as involving high-end ingredients such as abalone, winged belly, and fish maw.

Or the cuisine is more complicated, like Buddha jumping over the wall.

But I never expected it to be fried rice.

Golden fried rice should be fried rice with eggs.

Bai Xiaobai would also sell it when he opened a store before, usually priced at 6 yuan per serving, which is considered a popular delicacy.

How could this be an S-level gourmet food?
Bai Xiaobai had a big question mark in his heart.

After the electronic sound finished, a section of colorful light lingered around his body, and finally it was quickly poured into Bai Xiaobai's mind.

[S-level difficulty gourmet golden fried rice is expected to upgrade in 1 hour. 】

At the same time, the hourglass countdown appeared in Bai Xiaobai's mind.

I thought that the more difficult the food, the longer the upgrade time will be. I didn't expect that the Golden Egg Fried Rice only needs to be upgraded for one hour, which is too fast.

Simply incredible.

Without thinking too much, Bai Xiaobai got up, washed up quickly, and then went downstairs to the glass kitchen to make breakfast.

After breakfast, Bai Xiaobai was not idle while waiting for the production of S-level difficult food.

He took a bunch of ingredients, sat on the dining chair in the hall, and carefully consolidated the bird sculpture.

After carving several bird food carvings with ingredients.

The S-level new product in my mind finally reminded me that the upgrade was complete.

[Ding dong, the golden fried rice has been upgraded, and the required ingredients have been prepared, the host can start to make it. 】

Bai Xiaobai is already familiar with the steps of golden fried rice.

The production of the new product is basically the same as that of ordinary egg fried rice, but the problem is that the requirements of the system are very strict. Every grain of rice is required to be evenly coated with egg liquid, so that the fried rice will have a dazzling golden color, which means it is like a small master. , the kind that can shine.

This is too exaggerated.

This is not an animation, it can add Duang's special effects.

Bai Xiaobai was infinitely speechless.

Let's give it a try.

He put down the food sculpture on hand and returned to the glass kitchen.

The system has already prepared all the ingredients.

Golden fried rice is relatively simple in ingredients, that is, rice, eggs, shallots, oil, salt, pepper...

The rice provided by the system is the same as that used for serving rice, all of which are Oden rouge rice.

The grains are still carefully selected, the color is like rouge, and the rice grains are even.

Bai Xiaobai can see this ingredient, so there is no need to ask.

As for the eggs, they are different from those used by Supreme Tea Eggs.

This egg is about the same size as an ordinary egg, but the shell is light pine green, and the surface of the egg is very smooth, with almost no egg holes.

Bai Xiaobai picked up one, took a closer look, and saw that it was a green-shell egg, and the egg shell was thicker.

There are many kinds of chickens that can produce green-shell eggs in China, such as Dongxiang black-feathered green-shell chickens, Wuhei chickens, and Lushi chickens, all of which are famous chicken breeds in China.

Bai Xiaobai really didn't know which type of chicken the egg belonged to.

In order to increase his knowledge, he asked where the eggs came from if he didn't understand.

The system immediately replied:
[It is good to eat good ingredients, the sources of eggs are as follows. 】

After the electronic tone is finished, the system displays the words:
Eggs: The system uses green-shell black-bone eggs.

In order to obtain this kind of eggs, five black chickens were systematically raised in the uninhabited forest area of ​​Shennongjia, Hubei Province, and raised in the wild.

During the day, the five black chickens are free to forage for various insects, roots, stems and leaves in the Shennongjia forest area. After returning to the cage at night, they are fed the selected grains.

The system selects the first-time eggs from Wuhei chickens. Each egg is carefully selected and rich in nutrition. It contains less cholesterol than other eggs. It is a high-quality green egg with high protein and low fat, especially suitable for making golden fried rice.

The source of system ingredients is as awesome as ever.

Xiaobai knows Wuheiji very well, and has eaten it by chance before.

This kind of chicken is named "Five Blacks" because of its black hair, black skin, black meat, black bones, and black internal organs. It is known as China's black treasure in modern times.

Wuhei chicken was originally a wild chicken breed near Shennongjia. Since it was domesticated in the Ming Dynasty, it has been a chicken breed for both meat and eggs.

For hundreds of years since then, it has been a rare and rare bird in China and even in the world.

The eggs laid by this rare bird are naturally light turquoise, which is not affected by additives.

Moreover, there is a huge nutritional gap between wild Wuhei chickens and artificially raised Wuhei chickens, especially in eggs.

During the Ming Dynasty, the green shell eggs produced by wild five black chickens were popular among the people, and they were known as "nourishing soft-shelled turtles, nourishing white pigeons, and being as beautiful as pearls".

Whether it is old or young, healthy or sick, it can be used.

During the Qing Dynasty, the imperial court sent special personnel to Shennongjia every year to look for the green shell eggs of wild five black chickens.

In particular, the green-shell eggs produced by wild five black chickens for the first time are hard to come by. During the Qing Dynasty, the governor of Huguang always used the eggs as a special product of Huguang and paid tribute to the imperial court.

It is said that eating this kind of newborn egg directly with warm rice can boost vitality, nourish and strengthen the body, and the effect is excellent.

Unexpectedly, the eggs provided by the system are the first-born eggs produced by wild Wuhei chickens.

This is really no one.

The golden fried rice uses this kind of precious egg, paired with top-grade Oden rouge rice, I don’t know what kind of sparks can be created.

Bai Xiaobai is really looking forward to the taste of the new product.

I don't know how delicious it will be.

In addition, the spring onions provided by the system are also very fresh, without any wilting.

The ingredients are ready.

Bai Xiaobai washed his hands clean and began to show off his skills.

 Chapter 2 has also been coded, and the 'S-level difficulty' will be updated at [-]:[-] p.m.

(End of this chapter)

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