gourmet chef

Chapter 441 Freshly Squeezed Mulberry Juice

Chapter 441 Freshly Squeezed Mulberry Juice
The selection is not qualified, can't it?
"System, why is it unqualified? What's wrong, please tell me."

Bai Xiaobai was very speechless.

He personally felt that the selection was perfect. Every mulberry was black with purple in it, but not overripe. The fruit was firm and absolutely just right.

The cool electronic voice replied:
[The host has experienced it himself, finding out the key to making freshly squeezed mulberry juice is a must for a gourmet chef. 】

Bai Xiaobai was completely speechless "..."

The system first said that the selected mulberries were unqualified, and that there was a key to the production of the new product, but it just didn't know what went wrong.

It's a bit like Bai Xiaobai encountered the same problem when making clear soup noodles in the previous Jianghai Food Festival.

The broth that was brewed at that time was also judged by the system as not up to the standard for sale and unqualified.

Later, Bai Xiaobai finally found out the problem.Because there is a layer of bitter inner wall inside the real colorful pheasant chicken, which must be scraped off.

So what was wrong with choosing the mulberries this time?

Bai Xiaobai looked at the mulberries in the bowl, but he couldn't see anything wrong.

Could it be that the mulberries I picked were not the best 108 on the tree?
The pit ratio system is not so strict.

Almost enough.

The confused Bai Xiaobai was thinking.

The cool electronic voice continued to sound:

[Host, please re-select the mulberries. 】

After the electronic sound was finished, the original potted mulberry tree on the floor had been replaced, and the bowl of mulberries in Bai Xiaobai's hand was also recycled by the system.

at the same time.

A new potted mulberry tree has reappeared on the floor.Similar to the original one, it is still lush and full of green, red, and purple-black mulberries.

Bai Xiaobai took a deep breath and continued to choose.

This time he picked more carefully than the first time, it can be said that he selected the best from the best. He looked at all the mulberry fruits on the mulberry tree before picking.

However, when he picked 108, the cool electronic sound continued to sound.

[The host selection is unqualified, please re-select the selection. 】

Bai Xiaobai "!!!!"

And failed.

Just kidding.

Bai Xiaobai was a little unhappy, he really felt that there was nothing wrong with the choice.

All top-quality mulberries.

The electronic speaker sounds:
[The host can use unqualified mulberry fruit to squeeze juice, please taste it yourself to see where the problem lies. 】

Bai Xiaobai has long wanted to do this.

He followed the system's instructions and picked up the juicer provided by the system.

The black-tech juicer provided by the system is quite high-end at first glance, about the size of a desktop water dispenser.

Like the water dispenser, the juicer has a circular opening at the top.

After Bai Xiaobai cleaned 108 mulberries, they poured them directly into the mouth of the juicer.

I took another transparent glass and put it under the juicer.

Start the switch.


In less than five seconds, the juicing is over.

A glass of purple mulberry juice appeared in front of Bai Xiaobai.

I don't know if the juicer has a special filter inside.

This glass of mulberry juice has no bubbles, no flocculent pulp precipitation, the liquid is very clear and extremely bright.

Bai Xiaobai picked it up and took a sip.

Because it is squeezed thoroughly, the entrance is smooth, without any impurity and graininess, and there is no unpleasant feeling of foam. The juice flows between the lips and teeth, mobilizing the taste buds. It is sour and sweet, and it is delicious.

This fresh pure mulberry juice does not add any water and various auxiliary materials, so it feels natural to drink. The fruity aroma permeates the mouth and lingers for a long time.

"It's delicious." Bai Xiaobai said subconsciously.

[The host is drinking unqualified works, please continue to select qualified mulberries and make qualified 'freshly squeezed mulberry juice'. 】

Bai Xiaobai "..."

Bai Xiaobai couldn't find any problems with the mulberry juice he drank.


If the system says that such delicious mulberry juice is unqualified, how good is the qualified work?
"System, what is the unqualified mulberry fruit I picked, can you give me a little direction?"

Bai Xiaobai is now like a headless chicken, completely lost, unable to find the problem at all.

It stands to reason that he always picks the best mulberry fruit, it is impossible and there is a problem.

[Although the mulberries selected by the host are the best, they are not the most suitable for making freshly squeezed mulberry juice. Please ask the host to choose again. 】

The current behavior of the system is very similar to that in Huanzhugege, where Nanny Rong taught Little Swallow to learn the rules over and over again, which is simply a kind of mental and physical torture.

After the electronic sound is over.

The potted mulberry tree on the floor was systematically replaced with a new one.

This is the third selection.

Bai Xiaobai looked at the new mulberry tree, and instead of doing it immediately, he was stunned for three seconds.

Then with a grunt, Bai Xiaobai opened the glass kitchen door and went up to the second floor.

Taking out a palm-sized magnifying glass from the drawer, Bai Xiaobai went downstairs and returned to the glass kitchen, using the giant magnifying glass to carefully observe every mulberry fruit on the mulberry tree.

Bai Xiaobai is not funny.

He just wanted to see if there were some differences in these mulberry fruits, such as if there were any details that he hadn't noticed.

The magnification of the magnifying glass is very impressive, but Bai Xiaobai still can't see any difference.

The mulberry fruit looks similar, and there is nothing particularly strange about it.

Just the color is different.

Color is not the same?
Bai Xiaobai's eyes lit up, and suddenly he had a flash of inspiration.

Yes, I overlooked a very important detail.

The system is to let oneself choose the best 108 mulberries.It doesn't say that it is to choose the ripe and most delicious purple-black mulberries.

The clever Bai Xiaobai probably knew that this time the system wanted to check his ability.

In fact, the key to freshly squeezed mulberry juice this time is the choice of mulberry fruit.

This is also the reason why the system does not directly provide ready-made mulberries.

If Bai Xiaobai guessed correctly, the key to choosing freshly squeezed mulberry juice is:

A specific combination of half-ripe and over-ripe mulberries.

The mulberries on the mulberry tree in front of me are divided into five colors according to their maturity: pure green, green with red, pure red, half red and half black, and purple black.

To make the qualified freshly squeezed mulberry juice required by the system, it is necessary to squeeze the five colors of mulberries according to a certain ratio.

Bai Xiaobai's brain quickly made plans.

Bai Xiaobai first informed the system of his thoughts to see if his guess was in the right direction.

The electronic tone sounded soon:
[The host is really smart, and his guess is completely correct. Please ask the host to find out the correct ratio of mulberry fruits to make the most delicious and delicious freshly squeezed mulberry juice. 】

Bai Xiaobai was not happy to be praised by the system for being smart, and now he felt like dying.

you can imagine.

108 mulberries, the correct ratio of five colors must be selected to produce qualified mulberry juice.

This is a typical permutation and combination in high school mathematics.

The base number of 108, the choice of five colors, and the possibility of permutation and combination are simply unimaginably difficult.

Of course, some colors of mulberries may not be needed, such as completely unripe pure green.

So in addition to permutations and combinations, hypothetical reasoning is also required.

Are you sure this is a cooking test, not a math test?
Bai Xiaobai had many hehes in his heart.

His high school math was a mess, and his grades often fluctuated above and below the passing line. Asking him to do such a difficult permutation and combination is equivalent to stealing a peach from heaven.

An almost impossible challenge.

In addition, this new product, in addition to examining permutations and combinations, assuming reasoning, also examines taste in disguise.

In other words, you must be able to find the most perfect taste from a variety of ratios of mulberry juice through taste.

Bai Xiaobai is very confident in his sense of taste. The last point is not difficult, but the arrangement and reasoning of the former is difficult.

(End of this chapter)

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