gourmet chef

Chapter 400 The Judges' Primary Selection Opinions

Chapter 400 The Judges' Primary Selection Opinions

The three judges savored Bai Xiaobai's three delicacies with relish, and there were constant voices of praise during the period.

Every judge showed an expression of enjoyment, obviously very satisfied with the food.

The onlookers immediately became excited.

Arguments erupted one after another.

"No thanks to Boss Bai, the three judges were full of praise as soon as he made a move."

"Zizizi, it makes me want to eat it too, but the price is too expensive."

"Bai Boss is certain that he has passed the preliminaries, but I don't know which of his three snacks can enter the finals?"

"I don't know, I'm also curious. Although a boss can apply for three snacks to participate in the competition, according to the regulations of the food festival, the judges can only choose one out of three to participate in the final round for each booth."

"I guess clear soup noodles or sea dragon steamed dumpling king. I have eaten both. They are indeed delicious in the world. The clear soup noodles are too expensive, so I didn't eat them."

"I guess Hailong Steamed Dumpling King."

"Maybe it's clear soup powder, it's so mysterious, maybe it's this."

Passers-by speculated which of Bai Xiaobai's snacks would pass the preliminary round.

But the three judges were extremely entangled at this time.

Clear soup noodles, clear soup noodles, and Hailong Steamed Dumpling King each have their own merits, flavors, and characteristics.

It really confuses the judges to choose a delicacy to be selected for the finals.

This is like arranging the four beauties in ancient China in a row, and choosing one of them to be a daughter-in-law, it would be a pity to lose any one.

Lin Yupeng struggled for a while, and finally picked up a pen and wrote down all three of Bai Xiaobai's snacks in a small notebook.

Make a note first and discuss it later.

Hu Weijia and Gu Lao also did the same.

It's rare for the three people to agree. These three delicacies are all delicious in the world, and it's hard to tell them apart.

Because it is the primary competition, there are still more than [-] booths waiting to taste.

After the three judges tasted Bai Xiaobai's food, they didn't ask any questions, mainly because the time was tight and there was no extra time to stay.

The three put down the empty bowls in their hands and continued to the next booth.

Naturally, Bai Xiaobai didn't know what the judges wrote in the notebook, but judging from the judges' expressions and the 9 empty bowls.

Passing the preliminary round this time is a sure thing.

Now Bai Xiaobai's focus is on which of his three snacks can enter the finals.

In fact, this question is really difficult. If Bai Xiaobai has to make a choice, he doesn't know which one to choose?
According to the regulations, you can't have both fish and bear's paw.

But the three delicacies are all cooked by him with heart, and the palms and backs of the hands are full of meat. No matter which one fails, it is a pity.

This arduous task is left to the judges.

Bai Xiaobai wasn't bothered anymore.

The preliminary round was just an appetizer.

What he is looking forward to most now is the final on the last day of the food festival.


After the three judges tasted a total of 53 booths in Zone C and a total of 112 delicacies.

Rao only took a small mouthful, two or three mouthfuls of delicious food. At this time, their three stomachs could hardly eat anything anymore.

After making relevant records, the three judges slowly paced and digested for a while, and then returned to the temporary tent behind the stage of the food festival, and began to summarize and exchange opinions.

Their most important task now is to finalize the ten snacks that will enter the finals in Area C.

In the tent, there is a small table and three small stools.

The three judges sat around a small table, took out their small notebooks, and began to express their opinions.

Lin Yupeng was the first to speak, "Mr. Gu, Ms. Hu, let me first share my personal opinion. Generally speaking, we have a wide variety of delicacies in District C. The ten delicacies that entered the finals in my mind are... . "

Lin Yupeng reported the food he was satisfied with.

There is a booth owner corresponding to a delicacy in the front, but the last three delicacies are all delicacies cooked by Bai Xiaobai.

In other words, after Lin Yupeng's careful consideration, the three delicacies prepared by Bai Xiaobai are all high-quality snacks, and all of them are eligible to enter the finals.

It is no coincidence.

Hu Weijia also announced his favorite food.

For other satisfying delicacies, although a small part has a way out with Lin Yupeng, there is one that the two are surprisingly consistent.

The three gourmet snacks at booth 44 are also included in Hu Weijia's notebook.

"Mr. Gu, Mr. Lin and I have similar opinions. The three snacks made at booth 44 are really good. I really can't choose just one." Although Hu Weijia is young, he speaks very respectfully, adding the suffix ' 'Teacher, show respect to Gu Leiting.

Gu Leiting, as the only professional master chef among the three judges, has the most important right to speak, so he is the finale speech.

"I agree with you. The young people at booth 44 are indeed not simple." Gu Leiting paused and continued:
"I think the organizing committee is too rigid this time. Only one food can be selected for the finals for one booth. This rule is very unreasonable. I have sent a message just now, and I hope the organizing committee will cancel this rule."

Gu Leiting is also an authoritative figure in Jianghai's gourmet industry. He has the right to suggest unreasonable regulations on the food festival.


The small tent is soliciting opinions from the high-level food organizing committee around the issue of Bai Xiaobai's food selection.

And Bai Xiaobai was already very busy in front of the booth.

The three judges were in front of Bai Xiaobai's booth just now, although they didn't deliberately promote it.

But their satisfied expressions are the best publicity credentials.

Many passers-by are not stupid. First, they saw that Kobayashi Kenta was full of praise for this booth. Today, they saw three judges showing satisfaction after tasting the food at this booth.

They expected that the food at this booth would definitely not be simple, so they all scrambled to be the first to queue up to buy the food to try it out.

Bai Xiaobai's booth reproduced the grand occasion of the big dragon at the entrance of Xiaobai's restaurant.

After noon, the queue was very long, which became a beautiful landscape of the food festival.

In the afternoon, Hailong Steamed Dumpling King was already sold out due to insufficient Australian lobster ingredients.

However, the enthusiasm of passers-by has not diminished. When Hailong Steamed Dumpling King is sold out, they will buy clear soup noodles or even clear soup noodles.

Soon, the clear soup powder was also sold out.

The rice noodles for clear soup noodles must be ground by the thousand-year-old stone mill in the store. Because the sales of clear soup noodles were not good two days ago, Bai Xiaobai prepared very limited rice noodles today.

After the clear soup noodles were sold out, the clear soup noodles also began to run out.

The large bag of flour used for kneading the noodles has bottomed out, and the real colorful pheasant king and figs used to make the clear soup are not enough.

If it was another boss, he would definitely be eager to go back to replenish the ingredients, and then come back to continue making delicious food.

But Bai Xiaobai planned to close his business.

The body is the capital of revolution.

Bai Xiaobai felt a bit overwhelmed by the overloaded workload.

His principle is to cook food happily and make money happily.

If you are so busy that you are exhausted and your body is tired, it is not worth it.

"Boss, what's the matter? It's sold out again? Close the stall so early?" A young man wearing glasses was completely speechless, and it was only before three o'clock in the afternoon.

It happened to be his turn yesterday evening, and the food was also sold out.

He wondered if he committed Tai Sui, so he was so unlucky.

"I'm sorry, the ingredients are all used up. If you want to taste it, you can only come tomorrow." Bai Xiaobai smiled frankly, giving people a special kind of sincerity.

"Hey, let's do it tomorrow." The young man with glasses was quite cheerful. Hearing that the food was sold out, he thought he was unlucky and left very simply.

"Boss, do you have enough ingredients in your store, or I will come to your store and you can make it for me." A fellow man seems to have the tenacity to never give up until he has delicious food.

He knew that Bai Xiaobai had opened a restaurant on Chaotianmen Street, so he was eager to visit the restaurant.

"Sorry, I have something to do later, so the store will not be open." Bai Xiaobai continued to refuse straightforwardly.

The male compatriots left disappointed——

Most of the customers who lined up at the back could understand when Bai Xiaobai closed the stall so early.

After all, the boss has the right to decide when to close the stall.

In fact, Bai Xiaobai really has nothing to do, but after closing the stall, he plans to go to a big supermarket with Gao Chao to buy some necessities for life, replenish supplies, and adjust things by the way.

 I have also coded Chapter 2, and it will be updated at ten o'clock in the evening! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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