gourmet chef

Chapter 398 Selection of Famous Snacks

Chapter 398 Selection of Famous Snacks
10:30 am

The selection of famous and excellent snacks in Jianghai Food Festival has officially started.

The judges of the Food Festival Organizing Committee are divided into four groups, ABCD, and start the preliminary selection of gourmet snacks declared by more than 200 booths in four groups.

Only those who have passed the preliminary selection and obtained qualifications can enter the final selection on the last day of the food festival.

On the last day of the food festival, the judges of each group of ABCD gathered together to make the final decision on the snacks that entered the finals.

After the judges discuss and obtain unanimous approval, the award-winning snacks of famous snacks will be announced on the same day.

Today is the primary election.

In the primary selection stage, each booth owner can declare three delicacies, but only one can pass the primary selection and finally enter the final.

The booths of the Food Festival have been divided into four areas, ABCD, by the organizing committee.

Bai Xiaobai's booth was classified as Zone C.

The three judges in charge of Area C have already begun to evaluate the delicacies declared by each booth one after another according to the scheduled plan.

These three judges.

One is a middle-aged Mediterranean, an old man with black-rimmed glasses and slightly gray hair, and a young beauty.

When the three tasted delicious food at various booths, they were accompanied by photographers all the way to take pictures.

These are the staff of Jianghai Satellite TV.

The municipal government attaches great importance to this food festival, so the TV station leader personally ordered that all the competitions selected for this food festival must be fully photographed.

Therefore, Jianghai Satellite TV dispatched four reporters and four photographers, followed by four groups of ABCD judges, to shoot separately.

The delicacies and snacks declared by the booth merchants of the Jianghai Food Festival are all carefully selected and made with all their strength.

Its deliciousness is self-evident.

During the shooting process, the photographer's saliva drools when faced with all kinds of delicious food.

But the three food judges in District C were not particularly satisfied.

After tasting the delicacies of several booths, the middle-aged Mediterranean said to the white-haired old man beside him, "Gu Lao, this food festival is not very good, the food is so-so."

The old man named Gu didn't say much, but judging from his expression as he tasted the food, he was not particularly satisfied with the food at this food festival.

The young beauty judges ate very high, but she only ate one bite of every delicacy, and there was no second bite. So far, there has been no exception.

The three judges in Area C went to various booths to taste food, which aroused wide attention of passers-by in this area.

Although today is a weekday, many people are at work, so the flow of people at the food festival has decreased slightly, but at first glance, the difference between this situation and the situation of the previous two days is not particularly large.

The crowd followed the three judges, and discussions arose.

"The judges of the Food Festival are all big shots." A young man immediately sighed when he saw the three judges.

There was an old man who didn't know the judges by his side, so he couldn't help asking casually, "Young man, do you know these judges? What are they from?"

Although the young man is young and knowledgeable, he is willing to answer the uncle's questions.

"The middle-aged man in the gray down jacket is the host of Jianghai Satellite TV's "Everyday Food" program and the chef. This man is called Lin Yupeng, and he is in his early forties. I heard that he learned to cook in his early years and worked as a hotel manager. Sous Chef."

"Because I love traveling and food the most in my life, after Lin Yupeng resigned, he became a food traveler. It is said that he has traveled all over the second-tier and above cities in China, and he claims to have eaten more than [-]% of the food types in China, but I don't know Is it bragging X."

The young man breathed a sigh of relief, and continued to introduce, "That woman's name is Hu Weijia. Don't think she is in her twenties, but she is quite famous. She is nicknamed 'Jianghai's No. [-] Beauty Foodie', and another nickname is 'Jianghai Delicious One Bite'"

When the uncle heard this, he immediately asked, "Young man, what does this 'Jianghai delicious food' mean?"

The young man talked eloquently, "Master, listen to me."

"This Hu Weijia is the only daughter of Jianghuai, the richest man in Jianghai. She has a wide range of knowledge and has a golden tongue that is worth thousands of dollars. She studied wine tasting at the University of St. Prussia in France. She tastes not only wine but also gourmet food. You can tell what ingredients are used in one bite, and if it is not top-notch food, she will never take a second bite after the first bite, so people in the food industry gave her the nickname 'Jianghai Food in One Bite'"

"This Hu Weijia is also very knowledgeable about food, and her comments are quite in-depth. As long as we in Jianghai have a slightly large-scale food competition, we will definitely see her."

"Young man, you have quite a lot of knowledge." The old man praised.

Hearing the old man's praise, the young man showed off his knowledge more actively, "The remaining old man wearing glasses is the number one famous chef in our Jianghai Province, named Gu Leiting."

"This uncle is estimated to be 70 to [-] years old this year. I happened to read his news introduction on the Internet before. This person seemed to have a senior culinary technician qualification certificate from the Huaxia Kingdom, and worked as a chef in a five-star hotel in the imperial capital. Later, After retiring, I will go back to Jianghai to take care of my life and rarely show up."

"I only occasionally serve as a guest judge on food shows. Because of his bad temper, sharp comments, strict requirements on food, and his ability and qualifications, people in the Jianghai food industry respectfully call him 'Gu Lao'"

After listening to the young man's introduction, not only the old man, but also the passers-by who listened carefully, had a preliminary understanding of the three judges.

The Jianghai Food Festival this time is indeed the largest. The food judge lineup in District C alone is so strong, plus 9 judges from the other three districts, is this going to invite celebrities from the food industry in the entire Jianghai Province? ?
Passers-by were amazed.

The three judges have already walked down the booth, and their speed is very fast.

The selection process of the three judges is very simple, and basically they will not speak too much.

Because of the arduous task, they stayed in each booth for a short time. After tasting all kinds of delicacies, if they felt that the taste was good, they would use a small book to register the booth number of the booth.

After tasting all the gourmet snacks declared in the district, the three jury committees in each district will combine the opinions of the three people in the district, and finally delineate the ten delicious delicacies in the district to represent the district to enter the final selection.

Of course, the more the ten pieces of delicacies in the area can finally win the famous snack award, in addition to the hard factors, it also indirectly proves the judges' vision.

Therefore, the Committee tastes every delicacy very strictly.

Along the way, the three of them tasted delicious food.But after tasting the delicacies reported by more than 30 booths, the three of them were basically full.

In Lin Yupeng's small book, there are a total of 8 types of delicacies that he is satisfied with.

In Hu Weijia's small book, there are 5 types of delicacies that she is satisfied with.

As for Gu Lao's little notebook, it was completely blank.

This means that none of the more than 30 booths in front of him is really satisfied with any food that is worth recording.

The three judges came to Bai Xiaobai's booth with full stomachs.

(End of this chapter)

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