From the Nine Uncle Movies

Chapter 614 Acquaintances

Chapter 614 Acquaintances
The elf forest is not what it looks like on the surface, there are only some elves that others cannot see. Fang Zhengqing sees the overlapping of endless spaces here.

In the depths of this endless overlapping space, it can be said that it is not a space, but a world.

Fang Zhengqing had already guessed that this place was extraordinary, so naturally he wouldn't stare at it just because he discovered this. What really made his mind dignified was that he saw a woman in a world.

Fang Zhengqing was amazed by that woman. She was about twenty years old, with fair skin and long hair draped behind her like soft waves.

The plump lips are clear but soft, and the sky blue eyes are like the stars dotting the night sky on an autumn night, bright, clean, and not disturbing the dust of the world.

She was wearing a dark red long dress with luxurious texture and exquisite workmanship. Although the style was very similar to the western style of the Republic of China in the last century, it perfectly made her full breasts and slender figure look different from any angle. A different style of sexy and gorgeous.

Fang Zhengqing knew very well that the other party was also a zombie.This is not surprising, the most shocking thing is that face, which is very similar to Annie!
However, separated by endless space, it was difficult for Fang Zhengqing to think about it, and naturally he couldn't tell whether the two were just similar, or the same person.

The woman quickly disappeared from Fang Zhengqing's sight, and Fang Zhengqing also looked away.


"That's enough, stop talking!" Riley couldn't bear it anymore, and interrupted Wang Zhenzhen loudly.

"Mr. Riley seems very nervous, what is the reason!" Ma Xiaoling asked strangely.

"It's nothing. Tonight, I invite everyone to come to the castle for dinner. I hope you don't refuse. By the way, Miss Ma, I have something to ask for your help tonight." Riley said, and left after speaking.

"Witch Ling, did you feel that Mr. Riley became very strange when Zhenzhen was telling the story just now? Why?" Kuang Tianyou asked after Riley left.

Wang Zhenzhen walked up to Fang Zhengqing and whispered, "Brother, is the zombie I mentioned just now Mr. Riley?"

Fang Zhengqing looked at Wang Zhenzhen and said, "I finally understand why you can hear the elf's voice!"

Sometimes, simplicity often also means stupidity and low EQ.It is called Ma Xiaoling, and after knowing that Riley is a zombie, you must know that the protagonist of the story is Riley.


Time passed quickly, and it took two hours to eat a meal, but Kim Jong-joong still had an unsatisfied expression on his face, because this was the most expensive meal he had ever eaten.

"We're full, why don't we tell the story of zombies." Ma Xiaoling put down her glass and said to Riley, Ma Xiaoling also doubted Riley's identity.

"No, didn't you say it this morning, do you still want to say it?" Kim Jong-jung said.But everyone ignored him, and all their eyes were on Riley.When the master is smart, the apprentice is often stupid.

"It seems that if I don't say it, Miss Ma won't let me go?" Riley said with a look of indifference, something that has been buried in his heart for a long time, and it is time to talk about it.

"Sorry, occupational disease." Although she said she was embarrassed, there was no sign of embarrassment on Ma Xiaoling's face.

Riley smiled, stood up slowly with his hands on the table, and said in a deep voice: "Actually, the story told by the elves happened inside this old castle." As soon as Riley finished speaking, the sky outside They played a few thunderbolts very cooperatively, adding a bit of horror to the dimly lit restaurant.

Riley stood up, walked around the table and continued: "A long time ago, there was a man who willingly became a zombie in pursuit of immortality. Then the man started to regret it because he realized that he was just a zombie." Monsters live on blood, which is not tolerated by the world. It turns out that the price of immortality is eternal pain. So, he brought the maid who is also a zombie to this remote castle, thinking that he could stay away from the world. But unfortunately, he didn't let him go. One day, this man met a woman who made his heart flutter. A woman who was bold and cheerful, but who cried easily."

Riley fell into memories while talking, and saw Riley stop talking, and several people who were listening to the story looked at each other.

The corner of Fang Zhengqing's mouth twitched, Fang Zhengqing didn't believe that longevity was a pain.

Riley could die if he wanted to, but he didn't die.

It can only be said that it is painful to be a zombie and still use people to demand oneself. In other words, this is just the manipulation of fate.

Riley noticed Fang Zhengqing's expression, but did not ask, and continued: "Then that woman often went to that man, and that man gradually forgot that he was a zombie, and began to fall in love with that woman."

"That man must have bitten that woman and sucked her blood dry. It turned out to be a tragedy." Seeing Riley pause, Jin Zhengzhong couldn't help interjecting, because the story is very old-fashioned, needless to say he could I guessed it myself.

"Stupid, didn't Zhenzhen say that at noon, they got married, and just 50 years ago at the Elf Festival, everyone was invited to the wedding, but the wedding was still a tragedy in the end." Ma Xiaoling rolled her eyes and looked at the stupid apprentice and said .

"What about the tears of angels, I remember Zhenzhen mentioned the tears of angels!"

"The wedding is indeed a tragedy, but the cause of the tragedy is the tears of the angel. It was a wedding gift given by the man to the woman, but because it was too expensive, it was missed by a group of horse thieves. So on the night of the wedding, the horse thieves broke in. They killed wantonly, and the blood made the man who had quit the blood go crazy, causing an irreparable tragedy. When the woman turned into a zombie, she left here and never came back, and the man who died that night All the guests have turned into ghosts, staying in this castle, they may be waiting, hoping that one day they will see this man's redemption before giving up." Riley closed his eyes after finishing speaking.

"After all, this zombie is quite incompetent!"

As a zombie, Fang Zhengqing sees things differently from others.

Everyone else looked at him, and Fang Zhengqing said lightly: "As a thousand-year-old zombie, I don't understand how a group of horse thieves can kill people in front of him! I think no matter how powerful the horse thieves are, he can solve them, instead of waiting People are dead and doing it, you say, this is not incompetence, what is this!"

Riley's face turned pale, not because Fang Zhengqing's words irritated him, but because he woke him up. That's right, why didn't he make a move at that time, but waited for Shi Ya to die before making a move.

 I went to the hospital for an infusion today.

(End of this chapter)

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