From the Nine Uncle Movies

Chapter 613 Elf Forest

Chapter 613 Elf Forest
The general couldn't find it, but Qin Shihuang Fang Zhengqing could feel it, so Fang Zhengqing took Wang Zhenzhen into Qin Shihuang's castle before dawn.

This emperor through the ages, an emperor whose world has not been seen clearly, did not panic when he saw the two people who suddenly appeared in front of him.

Because he knows that those who can suddenly appear in front of him will not be inferior, and they will not be able to live and die independently, so there is nothing to panic about.

Qin Shihuang has been abstaining from blood for a long time, so although his strength is strong, it is still limited, and compared with Fang Zhengqing, it is even more incomparable.

Fang Zhengqing asked him something about the Fairy Festival, because Fang Zhengqing suspected that the Fairy Festival might have something to do with the generals or the Sangu clan.

But it's a pity that Qin Shihuang didn't clear up the Elf Festival.

While talking, I heard Ma Xiaoling and the others talking outside, so I went out for a while.


As soon as Ma Xiaoling heard this, she knew that he was the owner of the castle.

"Hello, I am the owner of this ancient castle, and my name is Riley." Qin Shihuang introduced himself, saying his English name.

"Hi, my name is Kuang Tianyou." Kuang Tianyou said and shook hands with Riley.

"Hello, Mr. Riley, I'm Ma Xiaoling. I'm in the cleaning business. If you have any weird things, you can come to me and I'll give you a good price." Ma Xiaoling said, looking at Riley, I don't know Was it an illusion, she felt that the other party looked at her specially and Kuang Tianyou.

"My master is a descendant of the Exorcist Dragon Clan. He is the best at catching ghosts and killing zombies. I am second. My name is Jin Zhengzhong." Jin Zhengzhong said and took out a postcard and handed it to Riley.

"The exorcist dragon family? I heard this name a long time ago, but I didn't expect such a beautiful lady to be an exorcist." Looking at the postcard from the mourning hall, Riley didn't know what he was thinking.In the past, he had a general who looked very similar to Kuang Tianyou, and a witch whose surname was also Ma. I don't know if the four of them had any connection with him.

"It doesn't matter if I'm beautiful or not. What's important is that I'm very honest in my business. If I can't catch it, I don't charge for it!"

Riley: "I will definitely contact you in the future if necessary!"

"Mr. Riley, the monks outside said that there are ghosts here. Haven't you let people pass them by?" Jin Zhengzhong asked, remembering what Peacock had said.

Riley: "Where no one has died, what's so scary!"

He himself is a zombie, so he is not afraid of ghosts at all.

Fang Zhengqing looked at Riley and shook his head. Qin Shihuang in every world said that he wanted to live forever, and only he realized it, but after realizing it, he was actually tired of living again.

"Mr. Fang, do you have anything to say?" Riley was also very curious about Fang Zhengqing's identity. He also knew the identity of the opponent's zombie, but he didn't understand how the opponent could be so strong.

Fang Zhengqing: "I've seen the castle too, I wonder if Mr. Riley can take us to the Elven Forest!"

"Nothing is impossible, please!"

"Hey, I haven't checked yet!" Ma Xiaoling whispered, but Riley could hear it clearly.

Fang Zhengqing: "I checked, and there is nothing you are looking for!"

Ma Xiaoling believed Fang Zhengqing's words, not because he knew he was a zombie, but after the world was destroyed and reborn, Fang Zhengqing was also a cultivator with Ma Xiaoling. .

So after hearing Fang Zhengqing's words, Ma Xiaoling didn't want to check the castle anymore.

Everyone walked outside, and the peacock had already left. After a quarter of an hour, everyone came to the edge of a forest.

"The forest of elves is in front! According to legend, every 50 years, when Andromeda is at its brightest in the sky, a new elf will be born in a mysterious place in the forest! He will live a carefree life with other elves Live a carefree life and protect this pure land away from the city together! A few years ago, I met a friend who talked about everything by chance. He would come here every year at this time. He said that only people with pure hearts can hear elves Tell a story!" Riley said, looking at the forest ahead.

"Is that friend you're talking about wearing a white robe, with a pair of simple yet wise eyes, and endless wisdom in his tone?" Fang Zhengqing asked, generals usually wear this attire.

"That's right! That person is exactly what you described, but I never asked who he is? Does Mr. Fang know him?"

Fang Zhengqing shook his head: "I don't know him, but I know him!"

Riley nodded and continued to Xiaoling and the others: "It is said that only people with pure hearts can hear the stories told by elves. The stories include the past and present, joys, sorrows and joys. If you are interested, you can listen to it!"

Riley is not a person with a pure heart, but as a zombie, he can see elves.

Fang Zhengqing and Wang Zhenzhen could also see it. As for whether they could hear it, Fang Zhengqing would not try, but if he really wanted to know, he didn't have to listen.

Wang Zhenzhen thought that she could see the elves because her heart was pure, so she couldn't help saying: "What a cute elf!"

"Did you see, Zhenzhen?" Ma Xiaoling, who was trying to see, heard Zhenzhen's voice and opened her eyes, but saw that there was nothing in Zhenzhen's hand, so she asked, "Why can't I see anything?"

"Master, how can people like us who are greedy for money see it?"

Kim Jong-jung spoke the truth, and Ma Xiaoling said angrily, "You will receive half of this month's salary!"

"Don't, Master, I know I was wrong!" Jin Zhengzhong hurriedly begged for mercy to Ma Xiaoling.Originally, his salary was not much, and it was halved, so he couldn't even afford greeting cards.

Wang Zhenzhen: "Yes, the elf is very cute, and he even told me something!"

Kim Jong-jung: "It turns out that a pure heart can not only hear, but also see. Just now I thought I could only hear, so I closed my eyes!"

Riley thought: No, she can see because she is a zombie, not because she is pure, you don't know, this is interesting.The friends of the exorcist dragon family are zombies, how to exorcise them?

Ma Xiaoling: "Zhenzhen, what is he talking about?"

"The elf said that 50 years ago, the whole town went to a wedding. But when the groom was putting on the necklace Angel Tears for the bride, a group of horse thieves rushed in and killed everyone they saw. So the groom changed Zombies.” Zhenzhen learned what happened 50 years ago through the elf narrative.

Riley, who was on the side, listened to Wang Zhenzhen talking about what happened 50 years ago, which was a taboo of his own!Riley's expression couldn't help but become extremely painful.

Faintly showing zombie teeth, he quickly lowered his head.

"Mr Riley, what's wrong with you!"

Fang Zhengqing looked at the Elven Forest, but his eyes were fixed.

(End of this chapter)

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