From the Nine Uncle Movies

Chapter 136 Emerton

Chapter 136 Emerton

A group of black shadows flew towards the crowd from the sky. This was the plague of locusts among the ten plagues of Egypt.

Dr. Egypt came to Evelyn's side and wanted to take the book back, but Fang Zhengqing also grabbed the Black Book of the Dead, looked at Dr. Egypt and said, "Old guy, this one doesn't belong to you!"

"Are you going to rob?" Dr. Egypt asked.

Fang Zhengqing stamped his foot, and a crack appeared on the ground, which surprised everyone.

"So what about the robbery? If you don't want to die right away, get out!"

"" Dr. Egypt didn't dare to say anything for a long time, but at this time the locusts were very close to everyone, and many people ran towards the tomb.

But Fang Zhengqing didn't move, Annie didn't move, the two of them didn't move, O'Connell, Evelyn, and Jonathan didn't move either. As a result, they announced that although the locusts everywhere were scary, they didn't move toward them. They fly.

Instead, they bypassed them one after another, as if there was something terrible around them.

O'Connor looked at Fang Zhengqing's back, and he felt that these locusts did not dare to approach, which should have something to do with Fang Zhengqing.

Fang Zhengqing can incarnate as a beetle-eating beetle. As a different species among insects, the beetle-eating beetle naturally dare not approach.

Soon, except for Fang Zhengqing and the locusts on the ground, everyone else entered the tomb.

After a while, the locusts disappeared.

Jonathan: "What do we do next?"

"Wait! Either you go first, there are many horses ahead!" Fang Zhengqing pointed to the direction he left just now.

In the dark night, others couldn't see the distance clearly, but Fang Zhengqing could see it. He saw a group of people riding horses charging towards here, and walked out first, killing all the mausoleum guards who rushed over with his own power.

Naturally, he would not allow the group of mausoleum guards to do bad things. He wanted Imerton to recover his strength directly in Hamna Tower, and then destroy him.

Fang Zhengqing felt that the aura of the undead in the tomb became stronger, and he knew that there should be a sacrifice.

Soon the breath became heavier again, and the Yankee in the windbreaker also died in Imerton's hands, and Imerton's strength had an astonishing change.

The last American and the Egyptian doctor were quickly found by Emerton, and then sucked their blood to replenish himself. At this time, Imerton completely became the king of mummy who was full of resentment.

Outside, Fang Zhengqing felt the resentment, and said in his heart: "As expected of a mummy who has accumulated resentment for 3000 years, this strength makes me feel very difficult!"

After finishing speaking, he looked at the three of O'Connor again. He didn't understand how such a monstrous big boss could solve the three of them so complicated in the movie. No, it wasn't complicated, but was solved instead.

"Chichichi... Chichichi..." Another strange voice sounded, and Jonathan looked towards the sky and said, "Is it locusts again?"

"No, it's a scarab!" Evelyn said, looking at the exit of the tomb, where a group of black "rivers" flowed here.

Evelyn: "Quick, jump up high, this thing eats meat!"

Fang Zhengqing looked at the river-like scarabs all over the ground, and suddenly felt that the scarabs were a bit like his own beetle-eating beetles. They both had wings, that is, one could fly and the other could not. Amazing, kind of like a dung beetle.

To Fang Zhengqing, the scarab is like a degenerated version of the beetle-eating beetle.

Evelyn suggested that everyone run away, but he soon discovered that the scarabs, like the locusts, did not dare to get too close to them.

Fang Zhengqing: "Go back!"

Then, seeing this group of scarabs crawling towards the tomb like a tide, Evelyn saw Fang Zhengqing's eyes widen. He never thought that a person could control the scarabs, especially this person is not an Egyptian, but an Oriental. .


As the scarab receded, footsteps sounded again in the tomb, and soon a man with a bald head and trousers and a tattered robe came out.

Looking at this, Jonathan asked: "Who is he, why haven't I seen him?"

Fang Zhengqing: "Why haven't I seen it before, he is the one in the coffin!"

"How is this possible!" Hearing Fang Zhengqing's words, O'Connor couldn't believe it, after all, the gap between the two is too great now.

Imerton looked at Fang Zhengqing and the others, and said in ancient Egyptian language: "Undead creatures from the East?"

Fang Zhengqing didn't expect that the other party would see through his background at a glance, and even though he couldn't understand Imerton's words, he could clearly understand the meaning of his words. It was very contradictory, but it was a true portrayal, as if this It is the same as the unique communication method between two undead creatures.

After Imerton finished speaking, he looked at Evelyn and said, "Unexpectedly, there is a woman here, who has not broken her body yet, and can be used as a sacrifice to save Ansu-Namu."

Evelyn didn't quite understand Imerton's words just now, but she understood this sentence. The man on the other side wanted to sacrifice herself.

Fang Zhengqing took off the cloak, handed it to Annie, looked at Imerton and said, "I want to verify one thing, you can't kill three ordinary people, is it because you are not good at it, or is it the need of the plot!"

Fang Zhengqing spoke pure Mandarin, but when he spoke, he also released mental fluctuations, so Imerton also understood Fang Zhengqing's words, but he was also confused by his words. He didn't understand what Fang Zhengqing meant, what did he mean? It's the need of the plot, why can't I kill ordinary people, let alone three, thirty, three hundred, or three thousand, he can also kill them.

But Fang Zhengqing didn't wait for him to ask, and rushed towards him, kicked Imerton with his kick.

Imerton crossed his hands, blocking Fang Zhengqing's kick.


In terms of strength, Fang Zhengqing could crush this 3000-year-old mummy. Imerton was kicked away by Fang Zhengqing and hit the stone behind him. The back of his body collapsed into sand, and then quickly recovered.

Looking at Imerton's situation, O'Connor and the others completely believed Fang Zhengqing's words. The cool bald man in front of him was the guy they dug out.

Of course, they also admired Fang Zhengqing even more. Such a monster couldn't hold Fang Zhengqing back.

Imerton looked at Fang Zhengqing, but he didn't show any expression of fear. He was immortal, so naturally he wasn't afraid of being broken.

"Wake up, my partner, Imerton needs your help!" Imerton chanted a spell, then waved his hand towards the tomb passage behind him, and a mysterious force flew into the tomb passage.

Soon, a group of mummies ran out, but the strength of these mummies was no match for Imerton, and they were still wrapped in bandages.

Fang Zhengqing didn't care about these mummies, anyone who approached him would be smashed to pieces by the flesh, and rushed towards Imerton.

 Thank you for listening to the wind and watching the moon for rewarding 100 book coins
(End of this chapter)

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