Chapter 135


Imerton's coffin was opened. Fang Zhengqing and Annie were fine, and their mentality was natural. Evelyn was so frightened that she screamed. Although Jonathan and O'Connor didn't scream, they saw a skeleton from the coffin. He popped out, but was still scared and backed away.

"Our friend was put inside alive!" Evelyn said with her hand, gesturing at the scratch left by Imerton before his death.

"Oh, this is too cruel!" Jonathan shook his head and began to search for things, only to find that Imerton didn't have any funeral objects.

"Did you notice that he is a little different from other mummies, she looks..."

"It's very fresh!" Fang Zhengqing said casually, throwing Imerton aside.

"Sir, isn't this the mummy you're looking for?" O'Connor asked.

"Yes, but the timing is too late!"

"????" Except for Annie, no one understood the meaning of Fang Zhengqing's words.

"What is this?" Jonathan asked, seeing some lettering on the coffin lid.

"Death is just the beginning!" Evelyn read deeply as she looked at the inscriptions in ancient Egyptian characters.

The evening is coming soon, and everyone needs to eat after a busy day.

Jonathan took the bread, walked up to Fang Zhengqing and asked, "Fang, don't you need to eat?"

Fang Zhengqing shook his head and said nonsense, "Do you know that there is a stage in Chinese Taoism, called the bigu period."

"The fasting period?"

"Even at this level, you can go without eating for a long time without any problem!"

"Wow..." Jonathan opened his mouth in surprise, "God, isn't that a god?"

"more or less!"

Annie just quietly watched Fang Zhengqing's nonsense, neither speaking nor showing any other strange expressions.

"Hey, what do you think I found?" Evelyn and O'Connor came over.

Several people looked at Evelyn, and Evelyn raised a pile of black things in her hand and said: "The remains of a scarab, a carnivorous insect, our friend was eaten to death by a scarab, This is one of the cruelest criminal laws in ancient Egypt, called worm-eating, and it is said that people who are punished by this method will turn into monstrous monsters after death, and will bring disaster to Egypt."

"Oh, is it so amazing, but it seems that the legend is just a legend now, after all, that pile of skeletons doesn't look like something with monstrous mana." O'Connor said.

Then O'Connor whispered again: "Our American friends are not going well either. They have already lost three workers, corroded to death by concentrated sulfuric acid."

"Are they still mining?" Fang Zhengqing asked.

"It's still being mined, so I don't know if I've found anything!"

As soon as O'Connor finished speaking, a strange wind blew up the entire Hamna Tower, and Fang Zhengqing could feel a strange energy suddenly appearing in the tomb.

Fang Zhengqing: "No accident, they have already found something!"

"Is it worth it?" Jonathan asked with concern.

"It can be said to be a priceless treasure!"

"Oh, Falk, those bloody Yankees!" Jonathan couldn't help but get a little annoyed at the thought that they got there first.

"Don't worry, those things are not so easy to get!" Fang Zhengqing finished speaking and looked towards the distance of the desert.

"You guys wait here, I'll be back soon!" After speaking, Fang Zhengqing ran out without waiting for everyone's reaction. His speed was very fast, faster than a horse.

"Oh, mysterious Oriental, this speed surprised even God!" O'Connor sighed when he saw this.

As soon as O'Connor finished speaking, he saw a group of Egyptians running out, and Benny was the last one.They were timid and ran out because they were afraid of the curse, but the Yankee and the Egyptian doctor were not so afraid, and they stayed to open the box.

As soon as Benny ran out of the tomb, the Egyptian doctor and the Yankee opened the box, and then they found the Black Book of the Dead and the holy urn.

A few Yankees who didn't know the severity came up with a gold-encrusted holy urn. Seeing O'Connor, one of them was holding a holy urn. The Yankee with eyes smiled and said, "Hi, O'Connor, you How much can these treasures be sold for? By the way, I heard that you found a wet mummy? Maybe you can dry it and use it as firewood, hahaha..."

At this time, Fang Zhengqing, who came back quickly, ignored their cynicism, but looked at the Egyptian doctor who came out at the end. To be precise, it should be the Black Book of the Dead in his hand.

Seeing Fang Zhengqing staring at something in a daze, Evelyn also followed her gaze. When she saw the Black Book of the Dead, her eyes also lit up. Of course, she just wanted to do some research.

In the middle of the night, Eve walked towards the old professor's tent lightly. She gently took the black ancient book out of the old professor's hands, and then walked back lightly.

"Do you know? This should be called stealing." O'Connor murmured with his eyes closed.

"But according to what you and my brother said, it's called borrowing." Eve said with a grin.

"Yes, that's right, and there is still a loan!" Fang Zhengqing added, and handed over the key after speaking.

O'Connor also got up slowly, looked at the Black Book of the Undead and said, "I thought the Golden Book of the Sun was golden, but I didn't expect it to be black?"

Evelyn shook her head and said, "The Sun Golden Sutra is indeed golden, but this is not the Sun Golden Sutra, this is another book, the Bible of the Undead!"

O'Connor was surprised and said, "The Bible of the Undead, so you still play with it?" O'Connor, who had obviously experienced grimaces, was a little afraid of this.

Evelyn smiled indifferently, and said, "It's just a book, and it won't do any harm if you just read it!"

"I don't think so, but I don't dislike you reading it!" Fang Zhengqing thought.

At this time, Evelyn had already gently opened the black ancient book, and at the same time as the ancient book was opened, a strange gust of wind hit, blowing the fire among the crowd to flicker continuously.Annie and Fang Zhengqing looked at each other, and they felt a strange power emanating from the Black Book of the Dead.

Evelyn, a nervous girl, didn't care. She touched the words on the Bible of the undead and murmured: "The sun and the moon mean day and night. The undead in hell are reborn as the god of death... Rebirth, rebirth!"

After Evelyn finished reciting this spell, let alone Fang Zhengqing and Annie could feel the explosion of the mysterious power of the Black Book of the Dead, even the Egyptian doctor could feel it.

"No, you can't read it..." Dr. Egypt suddenly shouted to Evelyn from his sleep.

The others also woke up from their sleep, especially when they heard the sound of "嗤嗤" coming from the air.

(End of this chapter)

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