Chapter 87
As the particle dragon continued to flow in, the volume of the transparent liquid also increased. In the end, the red wave no longer decomposed the raw materials, and it suddenly shrank back into the transparent liquid.Without the red fluctuations, the raw materials stop decomposing, and the particle dragon disappears.

Although the particle dragon no longer flows in, the transparent liquid in the air continues to change shape, and finally, it emits a dazzling white light, as if a huge sun appeared out of thin air.

The strong white light even forced Yan Fei to close his eyes to avoid being blinded by the white light.The white light shot straight into the sky, illuminating the area within a hundred kilometers as if it were daytime.

Yan Fei was secretly startled, he didn't expect that the third upgrade of the drone would make such a big noise.Such a strong white light, I am afraid that ordinary people in Tokyo two hundred kilometers away will see it?Not to mention the radars and troops stationed in Japan and Mimi all over the island country.

Just when Yan Fei was worried that the upgrade movement was too big, and was afraid of being discovered by the island country and Mi Jun, the white light suddenly shrank inward, and then disappeared.At this moment, an ethereal black shadow flashed in the sky, as if it had melted into the transparent liquid, but it was a pity that Yan Fei was closing his eyes and did not see all this.

Just when this ethereal black shadow just appeared, people from several different places in the world suddenly felt something strange, and they turned their eyes to the direction of the island country, trying to find something.But this black shadow is fleeting and can never be found again, which makes these people full of doubts. They don't know if there is really a problem or they are suspicious...

When Yan Fei opened his eyes, he found that his surroundings had returned to normal. The only difference was that a huge fighter appeared in front of him.He also scanned the F-15 fighter jet at close range at the Mi Army air base last night, so he recognized at a glance that this huge fighter plane is the latest model of the F-15 fighter jet of the U.S. Air Force.Under the action of the mysterious force, the upgrade of the drone was finally successful.

As the host of the drone, Yan Fei's body was also transformed by a mysterious force, which doubled his physical fitness again, reaching 16 times the original basis.Again, this makeover happened quickly, was done quickly, and was done in a flash.Yan Fei was just in a trance, and his own strength improved by leaps and bounds.

Yan Fei had a misunderstanding before, sixteen times his original physical strength, not that Yan Fei's current strength is sixteen times that of before he got the drone, but his current strength is sixteen times.For example, Yan Fei's previous base strength was 200 kilograms, so after being strengthened 16 times, his strength will be 3200 kilograms.However, during this period of time, he continued to practice kung fu, and his strength has improved by leaps and bounds. He has already exercised his basic strength to 600 kilograms. After being strengthened 16 times, his current strength has reached 9600 kilograms.

With the breakthrough of kung fu, Yan Fei's basic strength is still growing, and it will definitely exceed 600 kilograms in the future. It can be said that his strength potential is unlimited, and after being strengthened sixteen times, his peak strength will reach an incredible level.Even based on the basic strength at this time, Yan Fei can be regarded as a real superman.

However, Yan Fei just felt his own state, then attached his consciousness to the drone, opened the virtual control screen of the drone, and began to check the drone information on it:
Drone clone (level 4)
Energy - 500000
Merit - 0/100000
General space - 1000 cubic meters

Drone length: 23.34 meters

Wingspan: 15.66 meters

Height: 6.78 meters

Empty weight: 15560 kg
Loading capacity: 10000 kg
Maximum take-off weight: 37014 kg
Top speed: 3672 km/h (Mach 3)

Cruising speed: 1500 km/h

The farthest control distance: 8000 kilometers
Practical ceiling: 30000 meters

Airworthiness time: 5-10 hours/day

Special skills: vertical take-off and landing, diving into the sea


730 2 Vulcan cannons: (one on the outer side of the air inlet of the fuselage, the number of ammunition: 1800 rounds/door, the types of bullets: armor-piercing bombs, blasting bombs, incendiary bombs)

Weapon pylons: 11 (six underwing hardpoints, four outer fuselage hardpoints, one fuselage centerline hardpoint, each weapon pylon mounts 4 missiles)
Missiles that can be mounted: anti-tank missiles, air-to-air missiles (AIM-120 air-to-air missiles), torpedoes (after diving into the seabed, AIM-120 air-to-air missiles are automatically converted into torpedoes, and the power is 80% of air-to-air missiles)

Radar: quantum radar (the farthest detection distance is 1000 kilometers)

Looking at the data, Yan Fei was overjoyed. It was exactly as he expected. After the drone was upgraded to level 4, all the data were greatly enhanced on the basis of the level [-] template.

First of all, the energy point has become 50, which has increased by 5 times on the previous basis. The huge energy point will inject more powerful maneuverability into the drone.Although the airworthiness time of the UAV is still only 5-10 hours per day, the UAV can fly farther in the same time when the maximum speed is increased by more than three times, that is to say, its combat radius get bigger.

The longest control distance of the main body to the drone has reached a terrifying 8000 kilometers, which greatly increases the distance that Yanfei can control the drone to fight.Even if he sits at home, he can control drones within 8000 kilometers, which will make his control ability stronger.

The upgrade merit point of the drone has become 10, which is ten times that of the previous one, which makes it more difficult to upgrade the drone.However, on the basis of the greatly improved actual combat capabilities of drones, it becomes easier to obtain merit points, so the actual difficulty of upgrading drones does not increase tenfold.

The only regret is that the drone's previous merit points were 12163, and after meeting the 10000 points required for the upgrade, there is still a surplus of 2163 points.However, after the drone was upgraded to level 4, these surplus merit points were cleared, causing him to lose 2163 merit points.

After this upgrade, the volume of the general space has become 1000 cubic meters, which is 10 times higher than before.Its current appearance is a square space with a length, width and height of 10 meters.The previous general space was already very crowded with spare items installed, and even had to clear the space and eliminate some spare items during the bank robbery mission.But after the upgrade is complete, those items only occupy a small corner in the general space, and the entire general space looks very empty.

The increase in general space allows Yan Fei to carry more items with him, which allows him to have more items to use when he is on the move, and also makes his life more convenient.What makes Yan Fei puzzled is that after the upgrade of the drone, there is still no explanation why the portable space is called a universal space, and who it is common with.But he can only console himself that maybe the next upgrade of the drone will explain the mystery that has been bothering him for so long.

After the UAV is upgraded, it has become an F-15 fighter jet of the US Air Force in appearance.It is not very accurate to call it a drone now.Because there is a wide cockpit in front of the fighter plane, Yan Fei can sit in it and fly with the fighter plane.

Of course, there are no instruments in the cockpit of the drone, so there is no driving function.It still needs Yan Fei's consciousness to control it, so it makes sense to continue calling it a drone.Since it is still displayed as a drone on the virtual control screen, Yan Fei will refer to it as a drone according to the previous statement.

With this cockpit, Yan Fei is equivalent to having a private plane of his own. In the future, he will be able to act together with the drone, without having to hang it on its pylon as before, avoiding the In the wind and rain, you can travel comfortably, and you are not afraid of being known where you are when you take a long-distance flight by plane.He sits in the plane, and there is no problem with the control distance at all. As long as the energy points are enough, the drone can fly to any place in the world.If he wants to enter the island country again, he doesn't need to take a ship at all, just take a drone directly, which is very convenient.

Judging from the data alone, the size of the Level 4 UAV is a circle larger than the authentic F-15 fighter jet in the United States.Yan Fei calculated several data and found that the UAV is about 15% larger than the F-20.No matter the body length, body width, body height, body weight, load, maximum speed, etc., have all increased by 20%. It can be said that the UAV is an enhanced version of the F-15.As before, there is no paint on the drone, which makes it impossible for Yan Fei to completely impersonate the US Air Force and perfectly blame the US Army for what he has done.

Among these data, what Yan Fei cares most about is the flying speed of the drone.The previous Predator drone was hit by some fast fighters because of its slow speed, and the missiles fired could not shoot down those fighters.If it wasn't for its incredible combat performance, coupled with the opponent's unfamiliarity with its performance, coupled with Yan Fei's precise calculations and shameless sneak attacks, it would simply not be able to shoot down so many fighters, thus obtaining enough upgrade merit points .

The fastest speed of a level 4 drone has reached three times the speed of sound, which is 3 kilometers per hour.With this speed, the drone has been able to catch up to the vast majority of fighter jets in the world.With this advantage in speed, whether it is chasing the enemy or escaping, it is much more convenient.In addition, its flying altitude has reached 3672 meters, which greatly enhances the combat capability of the drone.

The original version of the F-15 fighter plane had a lot of weapon racks, reaching 11, which made its weapon mounting capability very against the sky. After the drone was upgraded and mutated using the F-15 fighter plane as a template, the The weapon pylons are inherited from the F-15 fighter, and the number is still 11.However, the number of weapons that can be mounted on each weapon rack has increased by four times, making the total number of weapons mounted on the drone reach a terrifying 44.

After the UAV is upgraded this time, the weapon models it uses are also upgraded.Although the model of the anti-tank missile is still AGM-114 (Hellfire), both the power and range of the missile have been doubled. Under the attack of the mutant Hellfire missile, no ground armor will survive.

The Hellfire anti-tank missile corresponds to the air-to-air missile. After the UAV is upgraded, the model of the air-to-air missile has also changed, and it has become the standard AIM-15 air-to-air missile for the F-120. The AIM-120 air-to-air missile is the most advanced air-to-air missile of the US military. It is not only powerful, but also has a maximum attack distance of 75 kilometers and a speed of Mach 4.Yan Fei's Predator drone has been chased by this missile before.But when upgraded drones start to feature the missiles, it's the turn of its enemies to enjoy the embarrassment.

As before, there is a limit to the number of missiles that the drone can launch per day, that is 44 rounds.But you can choose which missile to use when launching, either anti-tank missiles or AIM-120 air-to-air missiles.

In addition to the two types of missiles in the weapon system, the 30mm Vulcan cannon of the UAV is still retained, and the number has become two, one on the outside of each air inlet of the UAV.Each Vulcan cannon is equipped with 1800 rounds of ammunition, and the types of ammunition include armor-piercing bombs, blasting bombs, and incendiary bombs.When attacking, the ammunition inside can be changed according to actual needs, but the total amount of ammunition is controlled, only 3600 rounds.Each Vulcan cannon can only fire a maximum of 1800 rounds of air cannon bullets, and two Vulcan cannons can fire 3600 air cannon bullets together.

With these two powerful Vulcan cannons, coupled with the accurate locking of the quantum radar, the UAV still has a strong close-range air combat capability and can destroy more incoming missiles, which is an important means of UAV anti-missile .

The special capabilities of UAVs have also been retained, that is, the ability to take off and land vertically and enter the sea.After entering the sea, the drone will automatically switch its shape and become a streamlined shape that is more conducive to underwater diving.Then the UAV after entering the water has the ability to launch torpedoes, and it is launched in the shape of an AIM-120 air-to-air missile, which enables the UAV to have the ability to fight on the seabed.Although the power of this air-to-air missile-shaped torpedo has been weakened, only 80% of the power of the full version, it is also extremely terrifying on the bottom of the sea.With this method, when encountering an enemy submarine again, the drone has the ability to sink the opponent, and it is no longer as helpless as it was when facing the Soryu-class submarine of the island country.

The quantum radar, which can most improve the combat effectiveness of drones, has also doubled its scanning range to 1000 kilometers, which allows him to detect incoming targets earlier and formulate combat plans in advance.It's just that although the quantum radar is powerful, the energy points consumed by turning it on for large-scale scanning have also increased significantly.This meant that Yan Fei had to plan carefully every time he used the quantum radar, so as not to waste energy points.But it is precisely because of the quantum radar that the combat capability of the drone has been greatly improved, allowing the drone to hit any other third-generation fighter.

The only thing that Yan Fei regrets is that the upgraded drone still has no stealth function, and can also be detected by various radars, making him unable to do whatever he wants.But he was relieved immediately, the data of the drone has been powerful to the sky, with this fighter, he will truly rule the world.

(End of this chapter)

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