super invincible battleship

Chapter 86 The first upgrade

Chapter 86 The Third Upgrade

As soon as Yan Fei completed the goal of this operation, he was ready to retreat immediately.Because the siren of the police car has already been heard outside, there is not much time left for him.He quickly exited the vault and wanted to leave here, but when he saw the cash piled on the ground outside, he couldn't help but grab some cash and put it in the space.

The cash was originally placed in bundles and was easy to pick up, but due to the shock wave of the explosion, the cash was scattered and scattered everywhere. He couldn't take much at once, so he could only grab it on the ground Few handfuls of large denomination bills.Then he heard the siren of the police car getting closer and closer. He resolutely gave up collecting more cash and had no choice but to evacuate here.

Just when Yan Fei was about to leave here, he came back suddenly, took out two gasoline cans from the general space, poured the gasoline inside on the banknotes, then put the gasoline cans back into the general space, then took out a lighter, lit it , thrown in the vault.There was a sound of "boom", and a raging fire ignited in the vault.

At this time, the riot police who had been alerted finally arrived here. They rushed into the gate of the bank and began to attack the underground vault, and immediately found flames emerging from the ground.

Yan Fei also found these policemen, but instead of rushing up, he turned around and went down to the toilet next to the vault.He took out the C4 explosive again, measured the distance, put the explosive on the innermost wall of the toilet, and then detonated it. A loud noise was heard, and a big hole was blown out in the wall of the toilet. White smoke came out of the big hole. Out of depth.Yan Fei's face showed joy, and he got into the hole without hesitation.

The big hole looked a little dangerous. I didn't expect that there was something special in the hole. It was actually an underground pipeline more than two meters high, and the underground pipeline was full of cables and pipelines.He walked more than 100 meters along the underground pipeline, installed a piece of C4 explosives on the pipe wall of the underground pipe again, and blasted a hole in the pipe wall.He walked out along the hole and found himself on the subway tracks near Ginza.At this moment, a subway train came roaringly from behind. Yan Fei jumped onto the roof of the train. He grabbed the protrusion on the roof of the train and lay down on the car to follow the train.

It turned out that Yan Fei studied the structural diagram of the Dahe Building and the diagram of the nearby underground pipelines when formulating the battle plan. After careful calculation, he finally designed a unique escape route.Using C4 explosives to blow open the interval between several pipes, it was unimaginable to come from the bank vault to the nearby subway line.

Two minutes later, the subway came to the next station. Before the train entered the station, Yan Fei jumped off the roof of the train, hid beside the railroad track next to him, and began to change his makeup.He took out a set of prepared clothes from the general space, replaced the American Kevlar helmet and body armor on his body, transformed himself into a middle-aged man, and had nothing in common with the robbers who broke into the bank before. .Not only the appearance is different, the age is different, but the height is also completely different.Yan Fei checked carefully and found no flaws, so he entered the station in front on foot, then blended into the flow of people getting off the train, and walked towards the exit.

When Yan Fei was about to get close to the exit of the subway, he saw a group of policemen suddenly driving up in the distance, and began to set up a cordon at the exit of the subway to prevent the passengers here from leaving.It turned out that after the riot police braved the fire and finally attacked the underground vault of Dahe Bank, they did not find the robbers who should have stayed below.Searching around, they soon discovered the blasted passageway in the toilet, and after entering the pipeline passageway, they found themselves on the nearby subway line.

The riot police reacted immediately, knowing that the robbers had successfully mixed into the passengers of the subway by using this passage.So they began to call for support, and a large number of nearby policemen dispatched to control the exits of several nearby subway stations at an extremely fast speed, trying to find out the robbers who were mixed in.Although Yan Fei was wearing a Kevlar helmet during the operation, he did not cover his face, so the police had already locked the suspect's photo through the bank's surveillance video, and they took the robber's photo and began to confront the passengers leaving the station Check.

Although the islanders who were stopped from going out were dissatisfied, they did not cause trouble. They lined up in order according to the police's requirements and waited for the police's inspection.Yan Fei has to admire the discipline consciousness of the islanders, who can abide by discipline under such circumstances.However, the photos of the robbers obtained by the police were deliberately left by Yan Fei. His appearance has changed drastically now, and the police will not recognize him at all.

But after the police received a call, they began to strictly check the identity documents of the passengers leaving the station.Once it was found that there was a problem with the ID card, he was immediately caught in the police car next to him.Yan Fei didn't have an ID card for an islander at all, so he couldn't leave here in troubled waters.He thought for a moment, took a few steps back quietly, hid himself on the stairs, and then took out a large handful of [-]-yuan denomination yen banknotes from the common space. throw it out.

Suddenly the sky was full of yen banknotes, and whoever discovered these banknotes suddenly shouted: "Look, there is money in the sky!"

The islanders who were queuing up for inspection looked up and saw yen banknotes floating everywhere in the sky. Someone reached out to catch one and said in surprise: "This is a ten thousand yuan banknote, and it is real. !"

Hearing this person's words, everyone was immediately infected and started scrambling to grab money in mid-air. The originally well-organized team suddenly became chaotic. The police who blocked the exit shouted loudly, but they couldn't calm these people down.Instead, more islanders joined the ranks of scrambling for the yen, and the order on the scene began to get out of control.

As soon as Yan Fei saw it was effective, he quickly hid behind the stairs and kept throwing large denominations of yen down. As he deliberately threw the yen out of the exit, the Japanese also followed frantically to the outside of the exit, breaking the police line of defense. The rush was chaotic, loopholes were everywhere, and some people who grabbed the yen took the opportunity to leave.Yan Fei threw out two handfuls of banknotes again, then yelled and mixed into the crowd, pretending to snatch the banknotes from the sky, and then quickly passed through the loophole left by the police, away from the subway exit.The police carrying out the blockade mission were scrambling to restore order, but they didn't realize that their number one target had disappeared.

Since then, all the raw materials required for the UAV upgrade have been prepared, and Yan Fei is about to upgrade his UAV for the third time.And this upgrade will cause a qualitative change in Yan Fei's strength, and he will truly step into the ranks of the strong, with the ability to stir up the world and create an unprecedented great situation.

Yan Fei quietly left the subway exit, found a place where no one was there, took out the motorcycle from the general space, looked at the direction, and drove at full speed towards the mountainous area in northern Tokyo.

At one o'clock in the morning, Yan Fei was already 200 kilometers away from downtown Tokyo.He is now in Yamaguchi County, northeast of Tokyo. Yamaguchi County has rugged terrain, mainly mountainous areas, and a small population. Yan Fei easily found a sparsely populated hillside and parked his motorcycle here.The location of this hillside is good, and it is only a few hundred meters away from the sea.

The drone hidden on the bottom of the sea started, made a big circle, left Tokyo Bay, and came to the sea to the east.With Yan Fei's control, the drone ascended lightly vertically, left the water, and began to fly across the sea. After more than ten minutes, the drone flew to Yan Fei's side, it slowly descended vertically, and then stopped in front of Yan Fei .

Since the drone was promoted to the third level, it has accompanied Yan Fei through countless adventures, made countless contributions, and saved Yan Fei's life in distress many times.It itself was wounded several times in the battle, and was even disintegrated by laser weapons, experiencing the test of blood and fire.It should have had the scars left after the battle to show its merits, but after the data is refreshed every night, under the action of mysterious power, the drone has become a new look, making it lose the proud battle trace……

Yan Fei touched the clone of the drone, just like touching his own body.He is very emotional and grateful for everything the drone clone has done for him, but now it is time for the drone to upgrade.After the upgrade, he will no longer see the "Predator Drone"-shaped drone clone. At this moment, he feels a little bit reluctant.But there is no way, in order to fully utilize the capabilities of the drone, the drone must be upgraded, but he will definitely cherish the memory of this third-level drone that gave him special help in the future.

After Yan Fei sighed, he began to take out the boxes containing rare earth metals from the general space and stack them together. He couldn't recognize what these metals were, but the drone would automatically disassemble them when it was upgraded, so he didn't have to worry about them at all. It is necessary to know what these rare earth metals look like.

Next, Yan Fei began to take out gold. The density of gold is very high, and a small piece is very heavy.The gold he got from the big river bank vault was a huge pile, and it looked heavy.Yan Fei didn't know how much the gold weighed, but the ten tons needed to upgrade the drone was more than enough.

At the end, Yan Fei took out the rusted gear from the general space.In order to obtain this drone and the necessary parts for upgrading, he escaped death in Africa and paid a huge price to obtain this necessary item.After getting this rusted gear, he carefully inspected this part when no one was around, but he had no idea what it was, nor why China and the United States wanted to seize this gear.

Although this part looked seriously rusted, Yan Fei couldn't scrape off even a little bit of the rust on it with all his strength, and couldn't cause any damage to this part.This rusty gear is very magical, and I don't know who produced it, but the level of technology must be far beyond today's.Yan Fei had obtained a black ball from Xiao Kong before, and that black ball was also very mysterious. He also had no way of knowing the material and origin of the black ball. Maybe this rusty gear and the black ball had something to do with it. origin.

If it wasn't for Yan Fei who had to use this rusty gear to upgrade the drone, he even wanted to keep this part for scientific research, maybe he could analyze some high technology from it.It is also impossible to tell if there is any secret hidden in it, otherwise it would not be snatched by so many countries and forces.

Yan Fei reluctantly placed the rusty gear on the hill made of gold, then backed up, and stopped a hundred meters away.He looked at the drone in the distance and felt a bit of reluctance, as if an old friend was about to leave.Then he made up his mind and began to click on the red upgrade button on the virtual screen.

Following Yan Fei's click, the red upgrade button flashed and disappeared, and then his eyes went dark, and the consciousness attached to the drone was ejected from the virtual control screen and returned to the main body.

The body of the drone was shocked, and a red wave that was enough to blind the eyes suddenly appeared, sweeping in all directions.Yan Fei was startled, and subconsciously covered his eyes with his hands, only to find that the red waves suddenly shrank inward, gathering in the raw materials piled on the ground.

Under the action of red fluctuations, those raw materials began to be decomposed into fine particles. These particles flew out through the gaps in the box, and they slowly gathered together in the air, forming a long particle dragon. As the particles continued to flow in, This dragon of particles gradually becomes thicker and larger.Then it began to revolve around the drone clone, and suddenly turned around and got into the drone clone.

After the drone merged into the particle dragon, it changed immediately, just like the white snow meeting the scorching sun, it melted quickly.In the end, the drone turned into a huge mass of transparent liquid, suspended in mid-air, constantly changing its shape.As the particle dragon continued to merge into the transparent liquid, the transparent liquid also changed its shape rapidly, but every time it seemed to be a little bit close, and it was too late to take shape.

Yan Fei next to him was very anxious. He worked hard to complete all the conditions required for the drone upgrade, but he was still a little worried that the upgrade would fail.It has been a long time since he got the drone clone, but he doesn't have a scientific and systematic understanding of the drone clone.He doesn't know where the drone came from?Not sure why it exists?I don't know why I have it?I don't even understand the principle of its upgrade, so when the drone is upgraded, I am a little worried, for fear that the upgrade will fail.

You must know that when the UAV is upgraded to a "Predator UAV", the amount of various raw materials required exceeds 15 tons. From the "Predator UAV" to the F-[-], the size has more than doubled, but the total raw materials required for the upgrade are less than [-] tons, and all of them are metal.Although the value of these precious metals is not at the same level as the value of the garbage in the previous dump, the quality gap is too huge, which is one of the reasons why Yan Fei is worried that this upgrade will fail.


Thanks to book friends: Eternal lllllllll (500 starting coins), Yang's Garbled Code (500 starting coins), leisure is life, Yi Xueshang, book friends 20171209105711490 for their rewards!Thank you all for your votes!

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(End of this chapter)

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