
Chapter 342 God Domain Power

Chapter 342 God Domain Power
Assassin, Yue Chuan couldn't help wondering if his heart had lost its function, because at this moment, the circulation of blood in the whole body was no longer centered and hinged on the heart, but by the bloody crystal between the eyebrows. , this crystal is the hub of Yue Chuan's body, the source of his life, and the collection of power.Godhead, at this time, has replaced the heart and has become Yue Chuan's top priority.

As early as when he condensed the blood energy, the blood in his body merged with the blood energy and became another form of existence. Part of the heart's function had already been deprived. Even if it was not deprived, the heart could no longer perfectly bear the maintenance of life.And with the improvement of Yue Chuan's strength and blood energy, this defect will become more and more obvious.

When a berserker's strength reaches a peak, the desire to kill and the manic thoughts in his heart will also reach an irresistible level. Many berserkers will be dominated by this negative emotion, degenerate themselves, and become war ghosts like walking corpses.Another group of berserkers seek guidance from their mentors, release their emotions in the most wanton killings and battles, find their own souls, and prevent themselves from being lost in endless blood. The Berserker transformed into the Prison Blood Demon God.

Become a demon in blood, and become a god in prison!
However, in this process, memories need to go through blood!
And now, Yue Chuan is accepting the memory of blood, no, it should be a higher ritual than the memory of blood.

No one knows what kind of ceremony this is. Even Yue Chuan, who is in it, has a feeling of looking at flowers in the mist, like a dream. Although he has experienced it, but when he looks back, he doesn't remember anything. Impressions, and nothing can be said.

The godhead was still trembling slightly, absorbing all the blood energy in Yue Chuan's body. The blood energy had gone through some kind of transformation in the godhead, and when it flowed out again, it had turned into a golden-red liquid.As scarlet as blood, as brilliant as fire.Moreover, with the passage of time, the blood energy flowing out of the godhead became more and more dazzling, and in the end, it was like magma and iron juice, and it would burn people's eyes just to stare at it.

Washed away by the golden-red blood energy, Yue Chuan's whole body was wrapped in a ball of golden-red light, and everything was covered by the golden-red blood light.At this time, all the muscles and bones have undergone earth-shaking changes.Countless mysterious runes spewed out from the godhood. These mysterious runes were fused in Yue Chuan's blood and attached to Yue Chuan's muscles. The mysterious power radiated out, affecting Yue Chuan's body to transform into a mysterious form.

Although Yue Chuan didn't know what had changed in his body, he could clearly feel the increase in his physical strength. If he was a body of flesh and blood before, now, there is a faint smell of copper tendons and iron bones. The texture of the muscles is as strong as steel wire, and the tendons contained in the muscles are ten times stronger than the muscles. The most magical bones, on the bones exuding the luster of gold and jade, appear mysterious runes that seem to be natural. These mysterious runes , each one is extremely complicated, even more mysterious, something that Yue Chuan has never heard or seen.


If the changes in the muscles and membranes are a bit like washing the tendons and cutting the marrow to regenerate the bones, similar plots are almost used up in martial arts novels, so Yue Chuan didn't make any fuss, and only had a happy mood in his heart.However, the transformation of the bones made it difficult for Yue Chuan to accept, and it was even more difficult to understand.

Mysterious patterns appeared on the bones, and I don't know if they were characters or patterns. However, Yue Chuan vaguely felt that these things were somewhat similar to the runes in magic, but the runes on his own bones were more powerful than the popular magic runes on the mainland. It's much more complicated. If the current magic runes on the mainland are simple horizontal and vertical strokes, then these on my bones are complex characters, and they are traditional characters with a lot of strokes.The ease of the two sides is not at the same level.

Is this change good or bad?

Finally, the humming and trembling godhead calmed down, and the madly gushing blood energy also calmed down. The dazzling light on Yue Chuan's body also slowly subsided, and what caught his eyes was a blood-colored crystal, like a blood-colored spar. Yue Chuan was sealed in it.


Like a butterfly breaking its cocoon, or like a dragon and snake shedding its skin, cracks appear on the blood crystals on the outside, and the cracks expand rapidly. In the blink of an eye, the entire blood crystal is densely covered like a spider web, and the fine crystals are like weathered gravel, drifting away with the wind, just in the blink of an eye Suddenly, Yue Chuan's figure appeared.

It is still the same as before, and it doesn't seem to have changed much, but if you stare closely, you can immediately notice the subtle differences.

The hair is still the original hair color, but if you look closely, there is a hint of golden red at the root of the hair, like a flame under the ashes, burning tenaciously, licking, and devouring all combustibles.

The pupils are still the original color, but at the bottom of the eyes, there is a golden red light shining from time to time. This brilliance is fleeting. If you don't look carefully, you can't even notice it. I don't want to be like before, my eyes are always red and bloody. Light overflows.

The facial features have also undergone slight changes, making Yue Chuan look more handsome. Under the handsome appearance, there is an unspeakable nobility. It is not the nobility cultivated by nobles, but a kind of nobility similar to gods. It is not brought about by external conditions such as power, wealth, and birth, but an innate nobility buried in the blood, just like a god, noble and not to be profaned.

Yue Chuan twirled his fingers, and a gleam of blood flowed through his fingertips. He squinted his eyes and felt that it was countless times purer than before. Both the accuracy and purity of energy were qualitatively improved. If the previous blood energy was turbid chaff Worse, then, now it is the fine wine that has been filtered, purified and distilled over and over again.

Cross cut!
When the thoughts are exerted to the utmost, the mind produces the Dharma, without any stagnation or hindrance.

However, what surprised Yue Chuan was still to come. The blood-colored cross was not illusory blood energy condensed, but as if it were real. Where the blood cross passed, it actually split the space, scraping out a series of dark space ripples, swallowing it endlessly The power of power came out from it, but as the blood cross exploded out of thin air, the space crack was immediately wiped out and shattered, disappearing invisible.

However, the strong energy fluctuations awakened Guyal who was on the side.Gu Yaer, who was fighting desperately with his old opponent in the duel field, looked helplessly at the six-character mantra that appeared in front of his eyes, and opened his eyes with half doubt and half regret.

It's not that he hasn't experienced similar things. Once there are any changes and conditions in the outside world, six-character mantras will appear.In the past, Gu Yaer would point fingers at the sky, but this time, Gu Yaer was secretly delighted, because when he competed with that old guy just now, he was at an absolute disadvantage, and he was about to lose, but he encountered the six-character mantra.Today, this old face is finally preserved.

But, what happened to the outside world?Does anyone want to do themselves a disservice?By the way, the monarch was by his side just now, could it be...

As soon as he opened his eyes, Gu Yaer saw that Yue Chuan, who was facing away from him, was gesticulating nervously, but luckily it wasn't doing him any harm.But before he could breathe a sigh of relief, he felt a stagnant breath enveloping him, as if the huge pressure from a mountain came suddenly, causing Gu Yaer to bend over in an instant, and his legs and knees couldn't help trembling. Relying on the support of the tyrannical thoughts, I am afraid that I will fall to my knees at this time.

what happened?

It's not fear, it's not trembling, it's not fear...but, but why would I kneel down and worship?Why does the idea of ​​surrender emerge from the bottom of my heart?This idea of ​​surrender is so deep-rooted, as if it comes from the soul and blood.

In the past, Gu Yaer was unwilling to submit to Yue Chuan because of his face. Even when he taught Yue Chuan about swordsmanship just now, he deliberately raised himself up to create an aura of an outsider. Pride made him unwilling to bow his head to anyone.

But at this moment, Gu Yaer didn't have any image or temperament at all, his knees seemed to have taken root on the ground, and his body also gave in a little bit, making a gesture of worship to Yue Chuan.There are thousands of reluctances in Gu Yaer's heart, but he still can't resist this idea that comes from the depths of his soul and the end of his blood.

Yue Chuan, who was immersed in the blood energy, felt the movement behind him, and suddenly put away the blood energy lingering around his body. The godhead at the center of his eyebrows instantly gathered all the blood energy back, and then fell silent.At this time, Gu Yaer was finally relieved and became relaxed.

However, the pressure on his body suddenly disappeared, Gu Yaer didn't notice, and fell to the ground with a plop. At this time, he lost all his face, image and temperament. After he got up from the ground, he kept his head down in embarrassment. Thinking about something.

Yue Chuan smiled, not paying attention to Gu Yaer's small gesture.

Before, Guyal was still a saint-level powerhouse, a "superior" that Yue Chuan needed to treat each other with courtesy, but after possessing the power of godhead and receiving the baptism of blood, Yue Chuan had touched a higher level and reached the level of Guyal. The unattainable height has become an existence that Gu Yaer also needs to look up to.

The improvement of strength will naturally cause a change in mentality.In the past, Yue Chuan was always thinking about how to make these saint-level masters submit to him and be loyal to him, but now, when he saw Gu Yaer again, Yue Chuan no longer had that kind of thought. To put it bluntly, Gu Yaer's strength is already a bit inferior Dharma eye.

Gu Yaer was indeed a little embarrassed.Today, it can be said that it was the most embarrassing and embarrassing day in his decades of life. He never thought that he would bow down to others, especially the embarrassing appearance, Gu Yaer felt ashamed when he thought about it.If today's incident spreads out, how should I gain a foothold?


This is indeed the best way, the dead will not reveal the secret.Just killing the monarch of the Great Qin Kingdom will bring him endless troubles, especially the rumors outside that he has a mysterious connection with the Arad Continent.Some time ago, a group of dudes offended him and was banned from entering the Arad continent. I heard that the ban was only lifted in the past few days, and it was only a month's delay. Those people were all pulled down regardless of their rank or anything, and they were all suffering.

If you kill him here, will you also...

Thinking of this, Guyal hesitated a little. On the one hand, he really wanted to save his face, but on the other hand, he was unwilling to give up the Arad Continent, a wonderful world where he could continuously improve.

And just when he was in a dilemma, Gu Yaer suddenly thought of a very critical question, that is, can he kill the monarch as he wished?

Thinking of the momentum and majesty that made his soul throb and his body surrender, Gu Yaer felt as if he had fallen into an ice cellar. He found that he had neglected the most important issue.

What kind of power is that?His own sword heart was as vulnerable as a bubble phantom in front of that kind of momentum. What level of power and realm is that?What is the origin of the monarch of the Great Qin Kingdom?
There was no superfluous expression on Yue Chuan's face, he just looked at Gu Yaer indifferently, said softly without mentioning the scene just now: "Master Gu Yaer, thank you for your teaching, I still have some things to do, so I will leave first. "

"Slow down!" Gu Yaer took a step forward to keep Yue Chuan.

Seeing Yue Chuan looking at him suspiciously, Gu Yaer's face changed rapidly, and finally he gritted his teeth and said, "My lord, dare I ask, what kind of power was that?"

Yue Chuan squinted his eyes, and seemed to be considering whether to answer Gu Yaer, and seemed to be considering how to answer Gu Yaer. In the end, he only heard him spit out two words in a flat manner - Shenyu!

It was like rolling thunder bombarding Gu Yaer's mind, making his mind tremble, and the heart of the sword was in a state of confusion. A burst of fierce sword energy overflowed from his body and shot around, and mottled spider webs immediately appeared on the bluestone slab. like scratches.However, when these fierce sword qi approached Yue Chuan's body, they immediately encountered an invisible barrier, and a faint golden-red halo appeared out of thin air. It was so thin that it was almost undetectable, but it was like a copper wall and an iron wall. His sword energy couldn't move forward even a single step.

The familiar pressure came again, more ferocious and heavy than before.

Only this time, Gu Yaer didn't resist at all, and knelt down in front of Yue Chuan with a plop, and bowed respectfully to Yue Chuan.

Submitting to the weak is naturally a disgrace!Submitting to the strong is the supreme glory!At this time, Guyal is like a knight who is loyal to the king, dedicating his loyalty and protecting the glory of the king.

Holy area!

Although Gu Yaer had heard of this word before, and knew that above the sanctuary was the domain of the gods, but the strong men in the sanctuary appeared frequently on the mainland, while the strong men in the domain of the gods were rare in ten thousand years.

There is a way for the sanctuary, but no way for the gods!

To reach the sanctuary, all you need is talent, hard work, and a little luck, and you will be able to reach it one day.But God's Domain is an existence that cannot be touched at all. The geniuses on the mainland are like crucian carp crossing the river, but it is rare to hear of anyone who has cultivated to God's Domain.

The gap between man and God is like a moat, insurmountable!Humans don't seem to know the conditions needed to cultivate to the realm of the gods.

Looking back at history, when gods and demons existed in the world, human beings were just creatures like ants, and powerful dragons and elves were just the rations and blood of the gods, and at most they were livestock.Later, the gods and demons disappeared, the dragons ruled the sky, and the elves ruled the earth. Although the status of human beings has improved, they have only been upgraded from ants to livestock.The dragons and elves have touched the secrets of some gods and demons, and these secrets are too far away and unattainable for human beings.If it weren't for the magical relics handed down from ancient times, humans would even question whether gods and demons existed.

But now, a living god stood in front of Guyal, and Guyal finally understood that the pressure he felt was divine power.

The dragon has the power of the dragon, and all things are overwhelmed, and the gods naturally have the power of the gods, and the proud dragons have to bow their heads under the power of the gods.I am just a small mortal, I don't choose to surrender under the power of God, but I still have to fight, it is a fluke not to be crushed to pieces.

If it was a day ago that Gu Yaer had surrendered his allegiance to Yue Chuan, Yue Chuan would have been filled with joy, but now, Gu Yaer could no longer make Yue Chuan feel emotionally fluctuate.

If it was a day ago that Gu Yaer had surrendered his allegiance to Yue Chuanchen, and if Yue Chuan had adopted his current attitude, Gu Yaer would definitely feel that he had been greatly humiliated, and would even risk death with his sword.But now, Gu Yaer felt that everything was taken for granted, and it would be unbelievable if Yue Chuan didn't use this attitude.

Without stopping at Guyar, Yue Chuan returned to his residence, and then entered the game world of "Dungeon and Warriors". He wanted to see how his changes in reality would affect himself in the game world.

In the Celia Hotel, Yue Chuan stared at his attribute panel with wide eyes, and said in disbelief: "There is no change at all..."

Indeed, there is no slight change, not to mention the statistics, even the profession is still "Berserker", instead of becoming the eye-catching "Prison Blood Demon God" as Yue Chuan imagined.

However, when Yue Chuan glanced at his skill bar, he found that all his blood energy skills had become a little different.Look closely and immediately find the difference.

Although he has not awakened into the blood demon god of prison, Yue Chuan has grasped the true meaning of blood power. Next to the status bar, there is a golden-red blood drop mark, which shows that when using blood-type skills, there will be different bonuses. There are all sorts of magical variations.

Before, when Yue Chuan was baptized by the light, this kind of buff symbol also appeared on the paladin's trumpet, but this time the true meaning of blood appeared tens of thousands of times stronger than the baptism of light.

After mastering the true meaning of blood, the icon of each blood-type skill is no longer a rigid and dull pattern. Every texture and every line on the skill pattern is full of agility, as if the dry riverbed has been injected with blood, and the faint blood-colored light The dizziness circulating in it makes these skills full of different meanings, and the diffuse blood seems to overflow from the skill icons. An irrepressible desire is slowly rising in Yue Chuan's heart, growing stronger!
Shaying, here I come!

(End of this chapter)

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