
Chapter 341 Heart and Tao

Chapter 341 Heart and Tao

Gu Yaer is indeed a very competent swordsmanship master. Those who have been taught by him, even elm bumps who don't know anything, can understand a little bit of swordsmanship, and their strength has improved to a certain extent.But when Yue Chuan asked Gu Yaer for advice, before he could speak, he directly made Gu Yaer flushed with anger.

Gu Yaer was indeed very angry, he even had the urge to walk away, as for why, have you ever seen a person asking for sword skills take out a knife as soon as they meet?This is not asking for advice, it is simply kicking the hall and smashing the field.

If it wasn't for the consideration of Yue Chuan's identity, if it wasn't for the mysterious connection between Yue Chuan and the Arad Continent, Gu Yaer would have gone mad.However, the anger only stayed in his heart for a moment, and the next moment, he was filled with surprise.

that knife...

When I saw it for the first time, Gu Yaer was blinded by the shape of this weapon, and didn't feel its breath carefully, but the breath of this knife rushed towards my face, and the strong bloody aura made Gu Yaer look pale Surrounded by the aura of the knife, Gu Yaer felt that he was in a sea of ​​blood, and without checking for a while, he was actually infected by that aura, and his eyes were covered with blood.

The long sword in Gu Yaer's arms uttered a sword sound, and the sonorous humming was like a bell in the morning and a drum in the evening. The sharp sword energy instantly tore through the layers of bloody air. Gu Yaer also instantly stabilized his heart, and his eyes regained clarity.It's just that when he looked at the knife in Yue Chuan's hand again, his eyes were obviously full of dignity.

Yue Chuan didn't know what happened at this moment, he just took out his own weapon out of habit, and asked Gu Yaer for advice on how to use a knife.

It's not that Yue Chuan deliberately made things difficult for Gu Yaer, but in Yue Chuan's eyes, there is no concept of "knife" and "sword" at all. Take ghost swordsman as an example. how much?No matter which profession, almost everyone has played Taidao, and even used Taidao as their professional weapon. It does not mean that using Taidao is not a ghost swordsman.Moreover, having said that, among the Four Sword Saints, Xi Lan is a master of swords, and Buvanga is famous for his blunt weapons. Only A Ganzuo and Baan are the ones who use swords.

Therefore, Yue Chuan naturally asked Gu Yaer for "sword skills", but he didn't know that his actions had touched some taboos.

Gu Yaer forced a smile out of embarrassment, and said: "My lord, I will practice swords in my next life, and my family has also studied swordsmanship for generations, and dabbling in the way of swords is mostly a way to deal with it, but I have never encountered the method of cultivation. "


"Then, do you have any sword skills in the Gaul family? Tell me about it, I'll figure it out myself..."

In Yue Chuan's mind, the Gaul family's swordsmanship has been passed down for more than ten generations, and there must be some peerless swordsmanship similar to the Dugu Nine Swords. However, Gu Yaer's answer disappointed Yue Chuan.

"My lord, what a swordsman cultivates is the unity of heart, sword, and human being. Through the sword, one's body and mind are fused; through the sword, one's appearance and original mind are clearly discerned. The most inferior swordsman only pays attention to the sharpening of the body, Control the sword with strength, the strong one wins! Moderate swordsman, pay attention to the mastery of sword moves, control the sword with skill, the one with the highest skill is strong! A good swordsman must know the importance of the heart, the heart and the sword are united, and the sword cannot be broken , the heart is undefeated."

This time, it was Yue Chuan's turn to be stunned.

Originally, when he asked Gu Yaer for advice, what he wanted was to learn some skills, preferably two tricks, but he never expected that Gu Yaer talked about these mysterious and mysterious things with himself as if tasting tea and discussing Taoism.

That's right, the Gaul family has been studying swordsmanship for generations. Guyal was born and grew up in this environment, and almost every strand of hair is soaked with the true meaning of the sword. Every word and every word he said is the truth, is True kendo.However, Yue Chuan couldn't understand such a profound thing.

Gu Yaer naturally understood Yue Chuan's confusion, so he said, "Come and attack me!"

Yue Chuan caressed the back of the knife, and the surging blood energy poured into the Slaughtering Blade from his palm, and the snow-white blade immediately turned into a strange red, as if stained with sticky blood, as if the real bloody evil spirit slapped towards Gu Yaer, It was as if a bloody wave was coming, trying to engulf Gu Yaer.

A faint buzzing sound came, and Gu Yaer still kept his squatting posture unchanged, holding the sword with both hands and laying it flat on his lap. Facing the real evil spirit, he seemed to be in meditation like an old monk.

However, an invisible aura emanated from him, and a series of sharp auras wrapped his body, like a shield, completely protecting Gu Yaer from all directions.


The aura of the Slaughtering Blade collided with the breath of Gu Yaer.The invisible strength burst out with a loud noise of blade collision, and it burst out with a strong momentum.

Yue Chuan fell to the ground in embarrassment, not because of how strong the shock force of the collision was, but because at the moment of the collision, he felt a fierce aura attacking him. Facing that fierce aura, Yue Chuan Instinctively chose to avoid it, because he knew that that breath would easily kill and tear him apart.


The fierce aura disappeared in an instant, as if it had never appeared before, and Yue Chuan, who fell on the ground, even had an illusion, was he blinded by some illusion just now?Gu Yaer was still sitting in meditation as an old monk, without the slightest breath coming out of his body, and people even wondered if he just couldn't catch his breath and died.

But at this time, Gu Yaer slowly opened his eyes and looked at Yue Chuan with a smile.

Gu Yaer didn't draw his sword, nor did he use any sword moves, and he didn't even make a move from the beginning to the end.However, he defeated Yue Chuan and almost killed Yue Chuan.And this is what he just said - Jian Xin!
"Master Gu Yaer, what is Jianxin?"

"The heart of the sword is the original heart!" During the speech, Gu Yaer pointed to his chest and said: "Once the murderous intention arises, it is difficult to subdue it. Don't draw the sword easily, because drawing the sword is killing. The so-called sword moves are either for the sake of character Blocking and parrying, or to confuse the mind, are all wrong ways! People have killing intentions, and swords have killing intentions, and only then can we understand the mystery of the unity of human sword and heart."

Yue Chuan shook his head. He knew that what Gu Yaer said was correct, but this kind of realm was too high, and it was hard for him to reach it, and he couldn't use it.

"Master Gu Yaer, these things are too advanced, I can't comprehend them. Is there anything with a lower threshold?"

"My lord...Speaking of which, it is thanks to your teaching that I can comprehend this level of realm. These should not be difficult for you."

Forehead?Yue Chuan was stunned, what is thanks to his teaching, when did he teach Gu Yaer.

At this time, Gu Yaer sighed and said: "When I was young, I was also addicted to exquisite and gorgeous sword moves. Although I have achieved remarkable results and achievements, it also created my confusion in the way of swordsmanship. , because I don’t know the way to move forward. It wasn’t until I met the king and heard what the king said that I suddenly realized.”

Flicking the unpretentious scabbards on his legs, Gu Yaer said with great emotion: "I have been adorning jade since I was a child, and I wear gorgeous food and food. Therefore, I am too rigid about the outside, always focusing on appearances, and can't comprehend Inwardly, it is only after listening to the words of the monarch that I can abandon the flashy appearance, see my nature clearly, and reach my heart directly."

Hearing this, Yue Chuan finally understood what was going on.

Back then, Guyal was taken away by Mount Tai. To appease him, I gave him a fashion scabbard. The mysterious power of fashion made Gu Yaer hard to give up, but the appearance of this fashion scabbard was really ugly. It doesn't match Gu Yaer's outfit at all.So, Gu Yaer's distress also came, he was reluctant to part with the attributes of the scabbard, but the scabbard really didn't match his clothes, so he was troubled all day long.

Knowing this situation, Yue Chuan said: Since you can't change the outside world, then change yourself.

Yue Chuan originally meant to let Gu Yaer wear simple and plain clothes so that there would be no incongruity.It can be said that the speaker is unintentional, but the listener is interested, and it was these words that made Gu Yalmao suddenly enlightened and made a new breakthrough in his spiritual realm.

In the past, Guyar dressed like a brightly colored little rooster, but now, he is wearing plain clothes, not exquisite fabrics, let alone exquisite workmanship, but wearing this clothes, Gu Yaer is calm and composed, and is at ease.

If you don't cling to appearances, you can see your true heart naturally.

This is the teaching Gu Yaer has learned from Yue Chuan's words, and at this time, he will return these teachings to Yue Chuan.

Seeing the confusion in Yue Chuan's eyes, Gu Yaer suddenly said, "Look into my eyes!"

Eyes are the windows of the soul, and Yue Chuan saw Gu Yaer's eyes, as if he saw Gu Yaer's true heart through this window.

There, Yue Chuan saw the sword light all over the sky, the sword energy rose, the sword energy shot out, the sword energy soared to the sky, and the sword energy crisscrossed... It was a world of swords, it was a world of swords.The sword energy filling the heavens and the earth exudes an astonishing killing intent. The murderous intent is as solid as it is, and it condenses into a white mist, permeating the sky and the earth.

But at this moment, a dragon chant sounded, and the white mist between the sky and the earth was instantly torn apart. A sharp sword pierced the sky and shot straight at him.

Yue Chuan's heart was beating wildly, and the moment he was pointed at by Jianfeng, he felt an unimaginably sharp breath locking himself in, that feeling, like an ant under the tip of a needle, there was no way to avoid it, no way to escape , can only wait for the fate of being pierced and pierced.

But in the next moment, the sword aura filling the world, the murderous aura permeating the world, and the sharp sword piercing the sky all disappeared, and only Gu Yaer's smiling eyes were in front of him.

"This is my sword intent, my sword heart!" Afterwards, Gu Yaer smiled wryly, and said, "It's just that I have just explored this realm, and I only comprehend some superficial concepts, so I don't dare to speak in vain. lead the king astray."

While sighing, Gu Yaer showed a trace of loneliness on his face.Although he understood Jianxin, his heart was also fixed on the "sword".He saw through the external appearance, but he couldn't see through the inner appearance. There was still a heavy "sword" mark in his heart.

"Where, Master Gu Yaer's advice is better than my ten years of hard work."

What Yue Chuan said was kind words, full of compliments, but upon hearing this, Gu Yaer shook his head, "When the lord just took out the long knife, I was still furious, thinking that the lord was humiliating me. I have been "sworded" all my life. "The impact is too heavy, success is also swordsmanship, and defeat is also swordsmanship. It seems that I will not be able to improve in this life."

Hearing Gu Yaer's exclamation, Yue Chuan's heart shuddered suddenly, because he thought of a person, a person with the name of Sword God——Liang Yue!
Unlike Soderos, who carried dozens of weapons on his back, Liang Yue's weapon was a branch, on which lived a small bug, which was Liang Yue's only partner.

Liang Yue used this twig to fight against the enemy. For him, everything can be a sword. His sword has melted into his heart, and he has reached the state of "no sword", which is the so-called No sword wins with a sword, no trick wins with a trick, even a small branch can settle all challengers, even Soderos admires him.And the most unbelievable thing is that no matter how fierce the battle was, the little bug on the branch was safe and sound, never falling, let alone being killed or injured.

Gradually, Yue Chuan closed his eyes and entered meditation.

And at this time, Gu Yaer finally wiped off his sweat, and thought in his heart that he was too aggressive, and this tall man Fan was too tired.However, if you don't strengthen your own image, how can you improve your status? Alas, you still can't get rid of this face, and you can't be cruel.

Shaking his head helplessly, Gu Yaer lay down on the chair and started to enter the game world of "Dungeon and Fighter"—"Grandma, that old grandson won 39 to 40 when he beat me with half a move yesterday, he must be beaten today You have to find your teeth all over the place. By the way, that grandson is level [-] like me, but I’m almost level [-]. Let’s level up first before going to duel with him. There are new equipment, new skills, hehe..."

Gu Yaer did understand some things under Yue Chuan's suggestion, but more, he learned from the life-and-death battle in the duel field. Only the real life-and-death battle can wash away the vanity and face the heart.

Of course, Gu Yaer would not tell Yue Chuan how many times he experienced failures to sum up these experiences.

Although Gu Yaer's words did not give Yue Chuan a sense of enlightenment, they still gave Yue Chuan a lot of feelings, but this kind of feeling is invisible and intangible, and it slips like sand between fingers, which cannot be grasped.The more Yue Chuan tried to figure it out, the more dizzy he felt, and finally had to hold his forehead to stop thinking.

"Gu Yaer's heart is the sword, and what you see when you see your nature is the heart of the sword. The next step is to see through the heart of the sword and go straight to the heart. What is my heart?"

It wasn't until this moment that Yue Chuan thought about his own heart, or his way, for the first time.

One can touch the sanctuary even if one's grudge or magic power is cultivated to the extreme, but what about the sanctuary?Why is Frank awakening the power of the fire phoenix in the same sanctuary, so he can easily kill the powerhouses of the same level in seconds?Why is it that the same saint-level powerhouse, after the archangel awakened the memory of his previous life, was able to fight ten against one, scaring dozens of saint-level powerhouses away?
The memory of the fire phoenix is ​​the way of the fire phoenix, and the memory of the archangel is the way of the archangel.Their ways are all passed down, and they can be used without cultivation.This is because of their blood or origin, and others can't compare with it.

Yue Chuan didn't know if he also had the blood of some ancient gods in his body, and he didn't know if his soul was a powerful person in the previous life.He can't get the inheritance of the realm like Frank or the archangel, he can only struggle, explore, understand his own heart, and find his own way like Guyar.

"What is my heart? What is my way?"

Excruciating pain!Like a blade piercing and stirring in his skull, the chaotic thoughts made Yue Chuan have a splitting headache.Yue Chuan's eyes became more and more confused, because he didn't know his own heart, he didn't know his own way, he couldn't help questioning himself, doubting himself.The heart is in turmoil, with demons everywhere, and has gradually become obsessed.


The skin on his forehead cracked, and the skin all over his body quickly cracked and peeled off.

A drop of blood rolled down from the wound on his forehead.

Blood arrows sprayed out from the body.

After losing too much blood, Yue Chuan's body soon became weak, and his head became heavy and drowsy.But at this time, an indescribable hunger and desire came from the depths of his heart. Every cell in his body was responding to this desire. Yue Chuan's body and mind were quickly filled and overwhelmed by this voice!



Thirst for blood!

On the verge of death, the death resistance immediately caused spring-like blood to flow out of Yue Chuan's body, but this blood was simply a drop in the bucket for the hunger and thirst in his body and mind.

For the first time, Yue Chuan felt his own heart and desire for the first time, and it was so strong that it permeated every cell and every nerve in his body.

The blood-red crystals between the eyebrows trembled.

This godhead has been silent since it was condensed, and has never shown any abnormalities. At most, it is to refine the blood in Yue Chuan's body to make them more pure. Silent as a dead thing.

But at this moment, the godhead trembled violently, emitting a warm power little by little, the warmth gradually turned into scorching heat, and the astonishingly high temperature radiated from it, scorching Yue Chuan's body and mind.

The godhead is like a little sun, emitting a faint blood light. Under the blood light, Yue Chuan's body is like a glass crystal, becoming crystal clear little by little, not like a body of flesh and blood.

A series of mysterious blood-colored runes flowed out from the godhead. These runes are dense, dense, and endless. They washed Yue Chuan's body and soul, and even blended into it little by little. An indescribable feeling emerges.

Is it heart?right?
Yue Chuan didn't know what it felt like, but he had a clear feeling, this feeling was very good and very powerful!
(End of this chapter)

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