
Chapter 281 Arms Dealer Lockheed

Chapter 281 Arms Dealer Lockheed

The Sotheby family is loyal to Yue Chuan, and his territory is also merged into the Great Qin Kingdom.Of course, his power and territory have not changed, and his interests have not been damaged, but he has also benefited a lot.

The dragon blood horses cultivated by the Sotheby family finally appeared, and the first batch of horses were purchased by the Great Qin State to arm the cavalry.Regarding the effect of the dragon blood horse, the soldiers of the Great Qin Kingdom couldn't find any faults and shortcomings at all. Sometimes they even doubted whether they were sitting on a horse or a dragon.

The Sotheby family, which received a large number of orders, had a lot of money, but when Baron Sotheby continued to cultivate new foals, he had to hand over a large amount of money to Yue Chuan.At this time, Baron Sotheby finally came to his senses, feeling that he was counting the money for others and still being poor and happy. The fee paid by the Great Qin Kingdom went around in his pocket and returned to Yue Chuan's personal pocket. What about misappropriating the treasury in a disguised form?
However, even if it is just a small player in the dragon blood war horse trade, it is beyond the baron's imagination. The speed of this kind of money is like a dream. Sure enough, war money is the first way to get rich.

But compared to Baron Sotheby, Lockheed is the real war windfall.

The collapse of the Habs Empire and the smoke of gunpowder in the territory also made Lockheed's arms business in short supply.

Originally, Lockheed was just a down-and-out aristocratic businessman, but after establishing a relationship with Yue Chuan, he obtained a large amount of Warcraft leather from Yue Chuan. Moreover, each of these Warcraft leathers was peeled off from the Beastmaster. At the same time, it has the tenacity of steel.So Lockheed relied on this kind of leather, and won the appreciation of the high-level Habs Empire, and the royal workshop was handed over to him to process and make this kind of Warcraft leather.

Before the Habs Empire was destroyed, Lockheed had already appeared in the imperial capital as an upstart, and became the object of people's respect, and in people's eyes, he existed like a god of wealth.After the fall of the Habs Empire, Lockheed had already embezzled the public property of the Habs Empire with his keen sense. Although he was not as busy dividing up the territory as other lords, the royal workshops of the Habs Empire and many raw materials The production areas and supply and marketing channels are all under his control, and he has taken over the manual system of a large empire almost effortlessly.

Moreover, after the fall of the Habs Empire, those countries, large and small, that sprung up like mushrooms after a rain, each of them had a hunger for ordnance, and Lockheed immediately put those old Habs Empire inventory The ordnance was dumped in exchange for a large amount of money and supplies, and the nouveau riche kings were easily squeezed out of their bodies.

The first thing Lockheed did when he became rich was to secretly come to the Great Qin Kingdom, begging to see Yue Chuan.Because Lockheed knew that everything he had today was given by Yue Chuan. Without Yue Chuan, he would never have the opportunity he has today, and if he wants to keep everything he has now and even go further, he needs Yue Chuan's help even more.

Although Lockheed made a fortune in war, the wealth he accumulated has also attracted the covetousness of many kingdoms, but at present, various forces are intertwined and restrict each other. No one dares to attack Lockheed, but once any force Gaining an advantage, he will definitely attack Lockheed.Those who are more polite may just ask Lockheed for a little sponsorship, and those who are less polite will directly charge Lockheed with a crime of ransacking the house.

"Are you going to transfer everything to Great Qin?"

Yue Chuan was a little surprised by Lockheed's decision.You know, the current Great Qin State is a thorn in the side of the Guangming Church. They have already hung up the banner of jihad, and the army of jihad has also assembled. Maybe someday the flames of war will burn here.At this juncture, those who have spare money are trying to move out, but Lockheed actually did the opposite and wanted to move his property over.

"That's right!" Lockheed nodded, "When the emperor was around, I still had at least a layer of protection, and no one dared to touch me. But now, the empire collapsed, and I was that rootless duckweed. Now, It’s just a chance to make a fortune from the war, but in the eyes of those kings, I’m just a fat pig waiting to be slaughtered, and they will definitely attack me after they gain an advantage on the battlefield.”

When Lockheed said this, there was a feeling of unwillingness in his heart, but what can he do if he is unwilling.He neither has any personal strength to look up to, nor does he have any awesome armed forces. To put it bluntly, he has no self-protection power at all, and he is simply a little lamb in the eyes of other forces.

Yue Chuan thought about it for a while, and finally reached out to Lockheed and said, "Welcome to join the Great Qin Kingdom."

Lockheed immediately knelt down in front of Yue Chuan, and took Yue Chuan's palm respectfully.

"However, I'm curious. With so many countries, why did you choose the Great Qin Kingdom? You know, in the eyes of the world, the Great Qin Kingdom is hard to protect itself."

The two sides established the relationship between monarch and minister, and Lockheed couldn't help becoming cautious. Hearing Yue Chuan's inquiry, he replied respectfully: "Because the Great Qin Kingdom itself is difficult to protect, it is the safest for me, because the Great Qin Kingdom The first thing to consider is how to protect myself, not how to annex me. When I am in such a crisis, my whole family joins the Great Qin Kingdom, and the Great Qin Kingdom will also praise and reward me. After overcoming the difficulties, I will also become the Great Qin Kingdom The country's most trusted minister."

Yue Chuan thought for a while, and it was indeed such a truth.Just like what Lockheed said, it would be beneficial for him to join the Great Qin State at this time, and the Great Qin Congress would not hesitate to commend him for his support and allegiance, and it is only natural to grant him a title.Moreover, Lockheed has the best craftsmen and the most advanced craftsmanship of the Habs Empire, as well as various channels and raw material supplies. He will also have a great effect on the future Great Qin State. The Great Qin State relies heavily on him and Reuse is inevitable.

Lockheed is a typical speculator, he was like that when he first came into contact with Yue Chuan, but it has to be said that his vision and mind are indeed very good.Once the Great Qin Kingdom overcomes the difficulties, as long as he and his descendants do not rebel or the like, the prosperity of the generations will be beyond doubt.Moreover, even if the Great Qin State fails to overcome the difficulties, Lockheed can completely retire with money and become a rich man during this period of time.

Word of the Sothebys' attachment spread quickly.In the eyes of those ignorant people, the Sotheby family simply jumped into the fire pit by themselves, but in the eyes of those who got the gossip, the Sotheby family made the right bet, and they will get unimaginable rewards.Perhaps, they have also been instructed by experts, or have some gossip.

Starn City, the territory of the Sotheby family, borders the Great Qin Kingdom. Moreover, Starn City can be said to be the place where Yue Chuan started. The people there are very familiar with Yue Chuan and have a sense of identity. After En joined the Great Qin Kingdom, the people of Starn did not object at all, but celebrated like a festival for several days.It is also in this cheerful atmosphere that the handover of various government affairs and the transfer of officials are proceeding in an orderly manner.

On the other hand, Lockheed is a bit difficult to deal with.After all, his family property is caught in the cracks of various kingdoms, and those kingdoms are all eyeing him. Once he makes any changes, there is no guarantee that a certain kingdom will turn into a bandit.Moreover, the relocation of manpower and the movement of materials are time-consuming and labor-intensive things. Even if those kingdoms don't join forces as bandits, a little sabotage in secret is enough for Lockheed to drink a pot.

However, Lockheed also had great courage, directly distributing all the war money he had earned during this period, and spent 500 million gold coins to hire an S-class mercenary group from the Mercenary Alliance to escort him throughout the journey.

The mercenary alliance also has grades for mercenary groups, from low to high are D, C, B, A.It is very difficult to improve each level. Some mediocre mercenary groups spend almost their entire lives at D-level, and A-level is simply unimaginable.As for the S-level, in addition to completing a large number of difficult tasks, this mercenary group must have a holy-level powerhouse to sit in the command, and once there is no holy-level powerhouse, it will be downgraded to A immediately.

Lockheed's 500 million gold coins, to put it bluntly, is to hire a holy-level powerhouse to take action. If it is normal, the 500 million may not be able to hire a holy-level powerhouse, but it is also Lockheed's luck. It happens that there is an S-level mercenary In order to obtain the qualifications to enter that world, the regiment rushed to the Great Qin Kingdom, and when they learned that Lockheed was going to seek refuge with the Great Qin Kingdom, they accepted the task without any hassle.

For the 500 million gold coins, Yue Chuan was very jealous. The Great Qin Kingdom now has four saint-level powerhouses, but the identities of these four saint-level powerhouses are more sensitive. Their physical strength is now in full swing with those kingdoms. If they went to escort them, not only would they not be able to deter them, but they would attract those kingdoms to attack like targets.Therefore, Yue Chuan could only watch helplessly as the 500 million gold coins fell into other people's pockets.

However, in the eyes of Yue Chuan and Lockheed, 500 million gold coins are just belongings. As long as these craftsmen and their families can reach the Great Qin State safely, countless 500 million gold coins can be created.

And with the escort of the S-level mercenary regiment, those greedy countries can only watch as Lockheed loads loads of objects and personnel into the carriage and rushes all the way to the Great Qin State.According to incomplete statistics, Lockheed's fleet has more than 1000 carriages, all of which are large carriages.Leaving aside the personnel and goods on these carriages, these more than 1000 carriages alone are not something ordinary people can easily take out, which shows how much Lockheed has benefited from the Habs Empire.

Yue Chuan hired a few alchemists before, instructed them to do some incredible experiments, and named their alchemy laboratory the Chinese Academy of Sciences.However, Yue Chuan's behavior can only be a spoof after all, and it is a daydream to reach the level of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

After all, Yue Chuan only had a dying Harvey and a few fledgling alchemy apprentices in his hands, and his background and accumulation were too far behind.But with the personnel and materials brought by Lockheed, as well as their advanced technology, Yue Chuan's dream also had a glimmer of possibility.Perhaps what Lockheed brought was only traditional handicrafts, but after Yue Chuan's modification and guidance, it is hard to guarantee that the spark of the industrial revolution will not burst out.

Lockheed's allegiance is exciting news, and both officials and civilians of the Great Qin State cheered for it.Maybe they don't understand the meaning of this as well as Yue Chuan, but they just need to understand that not everyone has given up on them at this time, and it is enough not to be optimistic about them.

The military factories of the Great Qin State quickly put into production, and all kinds of sophisticated ordnance were put into the army of the Great Qin State.

When the Habs Empire was still there, Yue Chuan had to sneak around to get some equipment from Lockheed. After all, Lockheed is not a pure businessman, he still has an official status, and if he is not good, he will be released. A charge of arms smuggling.But now, whatever equipment Yue Chuan wants, Lockheed can build it according to his needs, and he no longer needs to hide and sneak around.

In reality, everything is on the right track and is thriving, and Yue Chuan can also devote more time and energy to improving his strength.Now, his Berserker is level 36. A few days ago, Yue Chuan had already challenged the tree spirit and the abyss of purgatory. Both of them were mavericks. Although it was difficult, with the help of resurrection coins and fashion, Yue Chuan stumbled through the past. up.But now, Yue Chuan is facing Ji Zhou's boss, EX Dornier.

Yue Chuan knew that Dornier refers to the airship, and EX means transcend and strengthen.Speaking of Dornier, one must mention the Celestial Clan, because in the background story, the Celestial Clan took the Dornier airship to bypass the inspection and surveillance of the Tyrannosaurus King and sneaked down from the Heaven Realm, and then those brave and fearless Celestial Realm Warriors jumped off. The airship entered the city in the sky and then came to the world.

Regarding this point, you can refer to the ammunition expert's skill Nier Sniper. When this skill is released, the ammunition expert will contact the snipers on the Dornier airship through the radio station and ask them to provide support for him.This speaks to the close connection between the sharpshooter and the Dornier airship.

In the game world of "Dungeon and Warriors", there are ghost swordsmen, magicians, priests, fighters and even night messengers, but there are no sharpshooters.Yue Chuan felt that this should be because the development of the game hadn't touched the heavens yet.

When he was in the hallway of the puppet, Yue Chuan had faced the sharpshooter who was turned into a puppet, and now he met the Dornier airship that the sharpshooter was riding on. Yue Chuan couldn't help but think that the opening of the sharpshooter profession should not be far away.

"Maybe there will be some clues and secrets on the Abyss EX Dornier!"

Thinking of this, Yue Chuan collected his mind and clicked on Abyss Challenge.

Different from the burning abyss of the Sky City, the abyss of the Sky Veil Behemoth is an ice abyss. When entering the fire of the abyss, everything you see has a strong ice breath, and on the mirror-like ice , reflecting a hideous thing.

Yue Chuan raised his head, just as he imagined, a huge airship appeared in his vision.Although the airbag is huge, it is not cumbersome, and the airbag of the Abyss EX Dornier airship is not fragile. It is covered with a layer of solid armor, and it is absolutely impossible to blow it up like a balloon. In this regard, Yue Chuan is already at the king level. EX Dornier learned about it.

And under the huge airbag is a pod covered with a metal baffle. This pod is like an armored vehicle flying in the sky. It is equipped with firearms, yes, yes, it is a firearm, and it is a machine gun.

The only good news is that the EX Dornier of the Sky Veil Behemoth was captured by the GBL believers, and the driver inside was not a real Sky Clansman, but a GBL believer.However, the driving skills of these believers are really clumsy, and the accuracy of machine gun shooting is so-so. As for the frightening Nier sniper, it seems that these GBL believers can't play such a high-end thing, and they have never seen them let off a shot.

Yue Chuan took a deep breath, and prayed silently in his heart: I hope there are no snipers in this Abyss EX Dornier!
When Yue Chuan saw the Abyss EX Dornier airship, the people in the airship also saw him.After all, in this snow-capped abyss world, Yue Chuan's existence was so conspicuous that it was hard not to notice it.

So, Abyss EX Dornier flew over aggressively, and from far away, the two machine guns on the pod began to correct their sights, locking on to Yue Chuan from afar.

Da da……

The crisp gunshots exploded in this silent world of ice and snow. Yue Chuan, who had been on guard against Abyss EX Dornier, immediately moved to the side to avoid the flying bullets.Although his reaction was very quick, he barely avoided it. The strong wind from the bullet still made his skin ache, and he couldn't help but narrow his eyes.

The first two shots were just attempts to correct the ballistics, however, these two shots did not go unnoticed.Either, the GBL believer who shot was out of luck, or he was really a sharpshooter with a hundred shots.Of course, the sharpshooter here does not refer to the sharpshooter of the sky clan.

da da da da...

After the initial attempt, the fireman officially started to attack, and the consecutive shots were precisely locked on Yue Chuan. If Yue Chuan hadn't been quick in action, he would have already been beaten into a sieve by him.

While spinning and jumping on the ice field, Yue Chuan looked around, desperately trying to find something.

But at this time, Yue Chuan slipped and stepped on the icy water splashed by the bullets, and suddenly made a mistake in dodging. At this moment, a bullet that was as long as the middle finger whizzed towards Yue Chuan's waist.

Yue Chuan had tried the bullet fired by the king-level EX Dornier. Such a bullet was enough to break an arm and a leg. If it hit the head, there would be absolutely no suspense.And the bullets of Abyss EX Dornier are definitely sharper and more powerful than those of the king class. Yue Chuan even couldn't help suspecting that even if this shot hits the torso and limbs, it would be an instant kill.

Sighing regretfully, Yue Chuan had already planned to use the resurrection coins.But at this time, Yue Chuan was surprised to find that the bullet passed by him. Although the scorching air scorched half of his body in pain, and the splashed ice slag made his back hurt, Yue Chuan did not suffer any pain. substantial harm.


Seeing his fashion belt, Yue Chuan immediately understood.

Although he habitually chose the belt as the avoidance rate, it was the first time that Yue Chuan deeply felt the effect of the 3% avoidance rate.

(End of this chapter)

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