
Chapter 280 Submission

Chapter 280 Submission
Brother Taishan, who looked like an ape, gesticulated and jumped up and down again, looking straight at Yue Chuan's hands with a pair of dark eyes, expecting Yue Chuan to conjure something for him.

Yue Chuan knew that he wanted the scabbard, but it was really hard for Yue Chuan to imagine what it would be like for Taishan to go out with a scabbard hanging from his belt.So risqué!
Gotta get him some clothes.

So soon, Yue Chuan sent someone to send a set of clothes, but Tai Shan was very resistant to the clothes. After putting on the clothes, he scratched and scratched on his body from time to time, pulling at the sleeves and collar.Accompanied by a stabbing sound, the clothes that had been put on for less than 3 minutes died.

Tear off the rags on his body with one hand, Taishan looked very excited, jumping up and down like a monkey, with a push on his thighs, the energy on his legs burst out, and his trousers suddenly turned into pieces all over the sky. cloth.

Yue Chuan cursed secretly, and quickly pressed Tai Shan's hand that was stretched out to his underpants.

"No! No!"

Yue Chuan also gesticulated and told Tai Shan that he had been in contact with Tai Shan several times. Although Yue Chuan didn't fully master the local language, he still knew a few simple words.Seeing his gesture, Taishan hesitated for a while, and finally kept a ragged little underpants.

"Much more pleasing to the eye!"

No, the ape Tarzan in Yue Chuan's impression was only wearing a pair of shorts, and the Taishan in front of him was similar.

However, only a pair of underpants is not enough, he must be fully integrated into civilized society.

Yue Chuan originally wanted Liu Bei to borrow Jingzhou and not repay it, and the four holy-level powerhouses were already on his plate, and he didn't intend to let them leave the Great Qin Kingdom at all.However, it is impossible to subdue these four holy-level powerhouses in one step, one has to take it slowly, and among the four holy-level powerhouses, Taishan is the most simple, and the difficulty of subduing is the least.

That being the case, start by teaching him how to dress.

"Come on, put this on!"

Yue Chuan took out a pair of fashion boots made of animal skin and handed them to Tai Shan, motioning him to put them on.

Taishan was very resistant to wearing clothes, he only wanted the scabbard in his heart, although he didn't know what was so good about the scabbard, but Gu Yaer treasured the scabbard, he also felt itchy in his heart.Before Taishan was able to easily take away the things on Guyar, but after Guyar had the scabbard, he could easily avoid the speed of Taishan. Although Taishan is simple-minded, he also understands that the changes in Guyar are brought about by the scabbard , so he was particularly obsessed with the scabbard. When he saw Yue Chuan handing over a pair of boots, he squatted on the ground unwillingly.

Yue Chuan cursed secretly, and threw the boots directly into Tai Shan's arms.Anyway, after the fashion thing leaves Yue Chuan's hands, it will be bound immediately when it meets someone else, and it will create a flesh-and-blood relationship with that person.

Sure enough, Taishan originally wanted to throw the boots away, but as soon as his fingers touched the boots, it was like encountering a magnet, and there was an inexplicable connection.At the same time, a force as light as the wind merged into Tai Shan's body.

Feeling the change in the strength in his body, Taishan jumped up happily, no longer unhappy, grabbed his boots and put them on his feet.

"I'll wipe it, it's for the left foot, don't put it on the right foot..."

After spending a long time, I finally taught Taishan to wear the boots. At this time, Taishan was wearing a pair of shorts and animal skin boots, and he had already gotten rid of that uncivilized appearance. When I first came here, the hairy appearance was too civilized.

"That's right, let's walk around twice to see..."

The boots of low-level fashion increase the movement speed by 4%. Don't underestimate this 4%. For holy powerhouses, the slight difference of 1% has an essential difference. With this pair of boots, they can come and go like the wind. Taishan's figure was even more ghostly, Yue Chuan's eyes widened, but he could only feel the sound of the wind, and heard Taishan's strange screams, but he couldn't see his figure.After a while, I couldn't even feel the wind, and Taishan had already run away at some point.

Shaking his head, Yue Chuan left the complacent Tai Shan and walked towards his residence.However, he believes that Taishan must be deeply involved in the beauty of fashion, and he will not be able to stop it. After seven days, he will appear in front of him obediently, like a docile puppy.


The founding ceremony ended, but the festive atmosphere still did not dissipate. The capital of the Great Qin Kingdom was more bustling than before, and the crowds coming and going did not decrease because of the upcoming jihad, but increased a lot.

This is the role of the holy-level powerhouse. With the holy-level powerhouse in charge, people will have a sense of security in their hearts. In their view, no matter what danger they encounter, there will be a holy-level powerhouse in front, even if the sky falls I can't hit a little guy like myself.If even a saint-level powerhouse couldn't stand it, it wouldn't be the same for a small person like himself to hide wherever he hid.

However, in addition to the ordinary people who are optimistic, there are many people with different purposes in the territory of Great Qin.

After Yue Chuan told a big lie with the leaders of various forces in the game world of "Dungeon and Warriors", all the forces began to mobilize intensively, sending their personnel to the Great Qin Kingdom.

Yue Chuan has already told them that the Great Qin Kingdom is a passage connecting the two worlds, and it is a very important place.Those who guard this place will be favored by the mysterious world and can obtain the qualification to enter it.

Now, many forces already know the existence of another world, and even know the power of that world, but no one knows how to enter it, and many people choose a stupid way, that is to stay in Parsenhofen try your luck.But now, they have obtained an accurate answer, that is to contribute to the protection of Parsenhofen, no no, to contribute to the protection of the Great Qin Kingdom.

Of course, organizations such as the Magic Guild and the Mercenary Alliance can also unite to directly kill the Church of Light. Although it is a bit difficult, there is no suspense at all.But they didn't.

After all, if the Church of Light is killed so quickly, how can these people get the qualifications to enter that world? After finally knowing a reliable door, but before sending people in, the door is blocked, isn’t it? Grass eggs?

Therefore, large forces such as the Magic Guild unexpectedly made a tacit decision, that is, to delay the progress of this war as much as possible, to buy as much time as possible, and to allow as many people as possible to obtain the qualifications to enter that world.

Various organizations and forces have dispatched some potential and qualified members to the capital of the Great Qin Kingdom without asking them to do anything. Qualifications to enter that world.

On the other hand, the kingdoms and duchies that had originally agreed with the Guangming Church began to dawdle one by one, and all the personnel and materials that had been agreed were faltering, and the Guangming Church sent people to inquire. Can't say anything.

Although the Church of Light is annoyed that these small countries are repeating themselves, they dare not do anything to these small countries. After all, the primary target now is Parsenhofen, which is now the Great Qin State. Using force against other countries at this juncture will cause other countries to rebound.

However, the Church of Light does not know at all that the reason why these small countries have changed their minds is all instigated by the Magic Guild and other forces from behind. The influence of the Magic Guild and other organizations on the mainland is beyond doubt.The guardian mages or court mages of those small countries are usually members of the hired magic guilds. Even if they are not magic guilds, they are also related to other organizations. The attitudes and decisions of these organizations can easily affect the decisions of these small countries, making them It's easy to delay and push three times and four times.

The jihadist troops within the Church of Illuminati were quickly assembled, but the jihadists alone cannot rely on their internal troops. The jihadist forces from other dioceses and the troops of the believer countries must also participate.It's just that the countries that agreed to send troops dragged on one by one. When the advance team of one country arrived, they told the Church of Light that their commander-in-chief slipped when he went whoring a woman last night and needed to go back to the country to recuperate. Their king had already sent a new army. Commander, the main force is expected to arrive next month.

If it's one or two, it's fine, the Guangming Church will not wait for them at a big deal.But this is the case in almost every country, and the Guangming Church has to scold, whether this year is a bad year or something.Forget about whoring women, there are even men who have their asses damaged.Now in this world...

No way, wait!

In this way, a large group of Jihad legions camped in the Great Cathedral, and it seemed that they would not be able to leave in a few months.The Great Qin State obtained a rare month of development time. Although one month is very short, it is still very precious to the Great Qin State.Organizations such as the Magic Guild also gained a month's time to recruit more people and send them to the Great Qin Country, and those who were too far away to reach the Great Qin Country in time could also have more time to travel.After all, the mainland is very vast, and it is not uncommon for some distant places to want to go to the Great Qin Kingdom for a year or two. These large organizations just try to delay the time of the jihad as much as possible to buy more time for the people in those distant places.

On this day, Yue Chuan was about to enter the game world of "Dungeon and Warriors" again, when Paul suddenly reported to him: "Your Majesty, the Sotheby family has come..."

Hearing this familiar word, Yue Chuan was stunned for a moment. Since he left Starn City, he hasn't paid attention to the Sotheby family for a long time, and he doesn't know what's going on there.

Slowly withdrawing his thoughts, Yue Chuan nodded to Paul.

The Great Qin State was established hastily, and all affairs were not complete, and there was not even a palace. Yue Chuan's former residence was used instead of the palace, and the meeting with the state guests was in the living room of the residence.

Speaking of the Sotheby family, Yue Chuan felt a little emotional.When Yue Chuan started, the Sotheby family gave him too much support and help. Without the Sotheby family, although Yue Chuan would have achieved good results, it would have been much slower and more difficult.

And thinking of the Sotheby family, Yue Chuan couldn't help but think of the golden lion, the woman who was as dazzling as gold and as wild as a lion.

"Ashley, how are you doing after a few months away?"

Yue Chuan tried his best to recall what Ashley looked like before, but for some reason, all the white pictures appeared in his mind. Ever since, Yue Chuan looked at Ashley with a different kind of fiery gaze, even if separated Wearing heavy armor also made Ashley uncomfortable.

"Cough cough..." After coughing coldly, Ashley said seriously: "Is it good or not, bad or not, isn't it all like that, neither dead nor alive."

When he came, Baron Sotheby specifically told Ashley to be more polite, but for some reason, she felt angry when she saw Yue Chuan's thieves. Li really wanted to beat Yue Chuan violently.

This guy left Starn without saying a word, without saying hello after so long.Forget it, he also took away a large number of people from Starn City, and it was nothing to take away the members of the Lei Ze family, but he also took away Master Harvey and Doug , more importantly, this guy Doug took hundreds of his subordinates to quit collectively, which made Starn disappear from the security team for a long time.

No matter what kind of achievements he has achieved, after all, he walked out of Starn, belonging to the Sotheby family... well, they are friends, but how could he not send a letter for so long? Seeing such a dangerous situation, he never thought of asking the Sotheby family for help.Well, although the Sotheby family can't help much, do you still have the Sotheby family in your heart?

Ashley really didn't bother to pay attention to people like Yue Chuan, but now, she had to meet Yue Chuan as the family's envoy.Although she was full of resentment towards Yue Chuan, she still hadn't forgotten the business.

"Originally, after the autumn harvest, I had to go out to take over the family's Golden Lion mercenary group. But now that the Habs Empire has collapsed, I can no longer take care of the mercenary group. We, the Sotheby family, have to think about ourselves. way out. So, I came to see you..."

Yue Chuan was not an idiot either, he naturally understood Ashley's reason for coming.To put it bluntly, the Habs Empire is now in ashes and has ceased to exist.However, the Habs Empire did not experience such a brutal war, and the territories of many lords were hardly affected.But now, the structure of the Habs Empire has been preliminarily established, that is, the Great Qin Kingdom with Yue Chuan as the monarch, and the four countries established by the four major families. These five countries are an alliance.

Because they were the first to act, they had the upper hand and gained a lot of benefits. Half of the Habs Empire was under their control.However, apart from the four major families, the Habs Empire has many other families. Although their power is not as strong as the four major families, they are also very strong. The big family bowed their heads and bowed their heads.They also declared independence one after another, and captured cities and territories everywhere, and established several countries.

The flames of war reignited in the destroyed territories of the Habs Empire, especially in the northern part of the Habs Empire, where various newly-established countries were fighting fiercely to delineate their territories.On the contrary, the southern hinterland of the Habs Empire, that is, the part of the Bava Province near the Great Qin Kingdom, has not been affected too much.Regardless of the four major families or other forces, they all chose to ignore this place.

Anyone with a little brain now knows that because of the existence of the Great Qin Kingdom and the jihad of the Guangming Church, a tragic battle will break out sooner or later. This level of battle is not something their families and lords can participate in and control. Therefore, No one thought of going here, even the Bain Kingdom established by the nearest Eugenie family turned a blind eye to it.

In this case, many lords such as Sotheby are more embarrassed.Although they wanted to build a country for themselves, but with their titles of lord, viscount and the like, founding a country was simply a joke.Even if they establish a nation, they will still be fattened to their door with many powerful nations around them.But if they don't build a nation, who should they be loyal to?How can they protect their titles of nobility if they are not loyal to a monarch?

Due to various reasons, many lords of the Bava Province have become existences that their grandma and uncle do not love, and the reasons for their own incompetence and incompetence also prevent them from establishing a state, and can only choose to submit to a certain force. Attach allegiance.

To the west is the old Prussian Empire, to the north is the newly-built Kingdom of Bavaria, and to the south is the newly-built Great Qin Kingdom. Of course, some lords bordering on the Frankish Empire can also choose the Frankish Empire.

The Sotheby family didn't know how the other lords would choose. Anyway, they chose the Great Qin Kingdom.After all, they have a natural close relationship with Yue Chuan, and they can receive more care by taking refuge in Yue Chuan.If you are loyal to another country, who knows if it is a meat bun beating a dog.

However, there was another reason, and that was the dragon horse that Baron Sotheby and Yue Chuan worked together.Baron Sotheby naturally saw the value and significance of Ryoma and its potential in war.However, he also knew that the method of cultivating dragon horses was in the hands of Yue Chuan, and he could not breed dragon horses by himself.Therefore, whether he is willing or not, he can only choose the Great Qin Kingdom.

In fact, even if Ashley doesn't come, Yue Chuan will go there, because the ministers of the military department have already drawn up the expansion plan of the Great Qin Kingdom, and the area where Starn City is located is at the forefront.

The territory of the Great Qin Kingdom is only within the scope of Parsenhofen before, but the armed forces and war potential of the Great Qin Kingdom are not limited to this, and because the main force is trained in the game world of "Dungeon and Warriors", the combat power is increasing every day. Ascension, Great Qin's desire for territorial expansion is simply unbearable, and Starn's territory that has no affiliation and little self-protection power is simply as attractive as a little sheep.

However, Yue Chuan did not agree to the attack plan. After all, they are all acquaintances, so it is difficult to start.Just when Yue Chuan was going to take some time to talk to Baron Sotheby.Starn is very close to the Great Qin Kingdom. If Starn is merged into the Great Qin Kingdom, they can become one, which will be of great benefit to both sides.

Of course, the most important thing is that Ashley is getting more and more beautiful.

(End of this chapter)

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