
Chapter 268 Duel

Chapter 268 Duel
Paying and his party entered the city of Parsenhofen smoothly.According to the usual practice, they will temporarily stay in the local church, and then have a duel.However, Parsenhoven's church obeyed Yue Chuan's words. Instead of treating Yue Chuan as a blasphemer, he regarded Yue Chuan as the real holy son. Paying believed that if he dared to live in the local church, someone would definitely do something crazy things.

Holy Son!
This is a crazy identity, and there must be crazy believers who will do something radical in order to protect the Son.For safety's sake, stay outside.

But soon, Paying and his group found that no matter which hotel they went to, the boss said it was full.This is the case with one family, and it is still the case with two families. Slowly, the whole group came to realize that no matter where they went, even if it was empty and there were no passengers, the boss still said that it was full.

"It seems that the entire hotel in Parsenhofen is boycotting us. No matter where we go, there will be no hotel to take us in."

Although Paying had a lot of money in his pocket, he found sadly that his money was useless at all.

But think about it, this is Yue Chuan's territory, Yue Chuan is the earl and lord of this place, and the holy son that everyone here admires.Although Yue Chuan's reputation outside is not very good, but at least in Parsenhofen, he is the undisputed master.Paying and his party came to make trouble, and it would be polite for the hotel in Parsenhofen not to drive them away with a broom.Even if there are some money-greedy bosses, when they think about the consequences of renting the rooms to these people, they put up the sign of full occupancy.

The owner of the hotel was quite polite. Pa Ying and others went to find a residential house to stay overnight. They were either kicked out by a broom or splashed with pot water, and even ran all over the street after being chased by a few dogs.

Aggrieved, as a templar, but was embarrassed by a group of troublemakers.But Paying and the others dare not use their strength at all, because they are surrounded by people from the security team watching them all the time. If they dare to do something, the security team will immediately throw them into prison, and then they will be interrogated for three to five years. Any challenge that is not challenged will be in vain.

Tolerate!These are all Umont's tricks!Can't follow his way!

The Templars realized that if they continued to stay in the city, they probably would really have to sleep on the street, so a group of people went out of the city silently.Just sleep out tonight. Anyway, I often sleep out during the trip, so it's no big deal.Hurry up to duel with Umont, kill him during the duel, and complete the task assigned by the Pope beautifully.

Thinking of the task, Paying trembled with excitement.If he can successfully kill the blasphemous Umont, he will be promoted to the captain of the Knights Templar after returning to the Cathedral. Moreover, with the cultivation of the Pope, within ten years, he will be able to become a deputy. head.It is also in the Templar Knights, but there is a world of difference between ordinary soldiers and deputy captains in terms of status and treatment. More importantly, if there is no Umont incident, Paying may not be able to be promoted to the captain after a lifetime of hard work.

"Hurry up to dawn, challenge Umont after dawn, behead him in a dignified way, then go back to the Great Holy Hall, and be rewarded, hahahaha..."

Even Paying himself didn't realize that all he was thinking about was power and status, and An Qi had already been left behind by him.Back then, he chose An Qi because he had nothing and achieved nothing.But now that he is "successful and famous", his target is naturally the eldest ladies of the big families, An Qi, let's forget it...

Early the next morning, Pa Ying and others returned to the city, ready to challenge Yue Chuan's residence.But when they entered Parsenhofen again, they suddenly found that at some point, a high platform was erected in the center of the city, surrounded by spectators.

As soon as Paying and others entered the city, they were surrounded by soldiers on duty.

"Several, this way please. Our lord has been waiting for a long time!"

Paying and others were about to go to the high platform to see what happened, but they didn't expect to be invited by the soldiers at this time.But the regret in their hearts didn't last long, because those soldiers clearly led them to the high platform.

Is it?

Sure enough, along the way, the onlookers all cast strange glances at them, some with contempt, some with disdain, and pointing at them one by one.

"It's this group of people who dare to challenge the lord, they really don't know how to live or die."

"It's only natural for a saint to marry a saint son, this toad dares to challenge the saint son..."

"Hmph, I think the duel is fake, and it's true to use the name of the Holy Son to hype yourself up, what a villain!"

"That's why the lord is magnanimous. If it were me, I would have to kill their whole family."

Hearing the discussion around him, Paying clenched his fists and gritted his teeth.

That's right, the so-called duel was just a cover, his real purpose was to kill Yue Chuan.What he had to do was not only to use Yue Chuan's reputation to hype himself up, but also to use Yue Chuan's body to gain power and position for himself.

He is indeed a villain!
"No, I did things according to the orders of the Pope. I followed the will of the Pope. The Pope is the will of the God of Light in the world. I followed the will of the God of Light. Umont is just a blasphemer. That's right. , I am a great hero, and I am fighting evil for the Church of Light!"

After self-hypnosis for a while, Paying's wavering mind immediately stabilized, and he found a high-sounding reason for himself, and his whole demeanor changed completely.

Pa Ying raised his head and looked at the person in the middle of the high platform, and at this moment he also found that the person was also looking at him.

A sneer curled up at the corner of Paying's mouth, "So this is that blasphemer!"

Before coming to Parsenhofen, Pa Ying had already thoroughly researched Yue Chuan's past.He discovered that before he made his fortune, Yue Chuan was the son of a dilapidated businessman. He was useless and impoverished.

Later, Umont hooked up with a country baron, used the baron's relationship to run amok in the countryside, and then pretended to be the Holy Son, fooled the villagers, and even coerced these believers, so that the Church of Light had to grant him the position of priest or even archbishop.He also used the identity of the archbishop to seek an imperial earl.

Although standing in a different position, Paying has to admire that Yue Chuan's self-made fortune is full of legends, but it is a pity that such a legendary person is not at ease to make contributions to the Guangming Church, and has to be willing to degenerate .

While admiring Yue Chuan's fortune, Pa Ying also noticed the problem of Yue Chuan's strength, which was simply not worth mentioning.

Back then, a few street thugs could bully Yue Chuan to the point where he sold his property and got heavily in debt.Then, the Goddess of Nature taught a few incompetent little bosses to ruin Yue Chuan's family.

"His strength is not worth mentioning!"

Not only did Paying notice this point, but the archbishop who gave Paying the task also pointed it out emphatically.That's why Pa Ying proposed a duel to Yue Chuan, using a reason that Yue Chuan couldn't refuse.

Pa Ying originally thought that Yue Chuan would evade all kinds of excuses, but he didn't expect that Yue Chuan directly built such a big high platform. Could it be that he wanted to have a fair duel in front of everyone?
This is exactly what I want!

What Pa Ying wanted was to kill Yue Chuan in full view. What if Yue Chuan closed the door to fight him, but found a thug?Now in public, Yue Chuan probably wouldn't use such a shameless method.

Paying took a deep breath and shouted at Yue Chuan: "Wumeng, you pretended to be a holy son, blasphemed the gods, and even conspired to take my fiancée. Today, I will fight you to a duel, and I will never die!"

Whether it is right or wrong, if you take the truth first and beat someone from the moral high ground, the momentum will definitely make the other party unable to hold their head up.

It was just that Pa Ying soon discovered that his tactic didn't work at all, and Yue Chuan on the high platform stood like a spring breeze all the time, and didn't say a word about his accusations.

"Your name is Paying, right?"

Pa Ying, with her head held high, felt like vomiting blood, this shit...

Your name is Pa Ying, right?

What does this mean, this means that the other party doesn't take himself seriously at all, and the other party doesn't even remember his own name.

Moreover, in the face of this question, Pa Ying found that no answer was appropriate for him.Let’s say it’s right, it’s obvious that you’re asking questions on your own, so you should have the upper hand if you answer the other party’s question, then you’ll lose.But I can't answer no.

Therefore, Pa Ying simply ignored Yue Chuan's question without answering.With a cold snort, he walked towards the high platform.

The crowd of spectators gave way one after another, and Paying came to the high platform smoothly, and jumped onto the platform.He didn't want to lose to Yue Chuan in terms of momentum, but when he stood in front of Yue Chuan, he found sadly that the other party was half a head taller than him, and he had to hold his face up when he spoke.

Yue Chuan looked at Pa Ying with oppressive eyes, and the light in his pupils flickered. He had already used the profound meaning of lightsaber. Although he could not make people spontaneously ignite with a single gaze like the abyss lord Segerhardt, but in Pa Ying's feeling Among them, Yue Chuan's two gazes were as sharp as a sharp sword and as dazzling as the sun, which made him unable to look directly at them, so he could only avoid them in embarrassment.

At this time, Yue Chuan said in a clear voice: "Paying, An Qi and I got engaged before, and we have received congratulations from the heads of more than 100 organizations and forces, including the Magic Association, the Alchemy Association, and the Mercenary Alliance. What do I rely on to compete for my fiancée?"

Hearing this, Pa Ying was immediately suffocated.Although he had the marriage letter from the Pope in his arms, compared to the congratulations and congratulations from so many powerful forces such as the Magic Guild and the Mercenary Alliance, the weight of this marriage letter was really a bit reluctant.

Indeed, after the news of Yue Chuan's previous engagement was sent out, the leaders of various forces in Parsenhofen sent a big gift to congratulate Yue Chuan.This shows that these forces have recognized Yue Chuan and An Qi's marriage, and at this time the Pope stepped in, what's the matter!
When he was in the cathedral, Paying felt that the pope was the supreme will, and the words of the pope were the law, which no one could violate.But after leaving the Great Cathedral, Pa Ying discovered that the Pope is nothing. Compared with the powerful forces like the Magic Guild, the Pope is just a religious leader.

However, Paying still bit the bullet and took out the marriage certificate given by the Pope, and said: "I have the marriage certificate given by the Pope, and the Pope has given me Angel!"

Yue Chuan sneered: "The Pope? It's okay for him to manage the affairs of believers, but what right does he have to control me?" At this time, Yue Chuan turned around and asked loudly to the people around him: "Tell him, I will who is it!"




The people around frantically replied that the shouts of "Holy Son" came from all directions like a mountain roar and a tsunami, and it was more like a sledgehammer hitting Paying's head and heart hard.

Pa Ying never expected that Yue Chuan's reputation would be so high, and this kind of fanatical atmosphere was not found in the Great Holy Church.

Yue Chuan raised his hand, and the frenzied voices all around stopped abruptly, only pairs of fiery eyes came from all directions, focusing on Yue Chuan.

"I am the Holy Son, the person blessed by the God of Light, and the representative of the God of Light's will in the world. My words and deeds represent the will of the God of Light. Do you understand?"

Do you understand!
An invisible spiritual attack was released from Yue Chuan's pupils, and when he met Yue Chuan's eyes, Pa Ying immediately felt a splitting headache. He couldn't help but took two steps back, shaking his body three times before he stopped in embarrassment.

Yue Chuan took a step forward and continued to ask: "What right does Innocent have to interfere with my affairs? Is he trying to dictate to the God of Light?"

Pa Ying, who had just stood still, took another step back under the force of Yue Chuan's aura. Seeing that Yue Chuan was about to force him off the high platform, Pa Ying bit the tip of his tongue, forcibly restrained his mind, and said, "You are pretending to be a holy son, blaspheming the gods!" , and dare to confuse people here. Today, even if it’s not for An Qi, I will defend the light and kill you! Come on, draw your sword and fight me!”

Paying knew that it was impossible for him to take advantage of the language, and the more he dragged on, the more he would be disadvantaged, so he simply started fighting, as long as he killed the opponent, he didn't need to find any reason.

Yue Chuan laughed three times, and said: "An Qi's marriage, of course, should be decided by An Qi. You and Innocent are both clowns. You are just using An Qi's matter as an excuse to attack me!"

"You spitting blood!" Paying roared angrily, "You blasphemer, don't slander the Pope here!"

Under Yue Chuan's bright sword-like gaze, Pa Ying became more and more nervous and terrified. He suddenly pulled out the sword from his waist and attacked Yue Chuan recklessly.

sneak attack!

Seeing this scene, everyone became angry.

The surrounding audience included not only the people of Parsenhofen, but also members of various forces, no matter whether they were ordinary people or successful practitioners, they were full of contempt for such a shameless act of sneak attack.Some people with a strong sense of justice wanted to jump up and beat Paying to death immediately.This villain is simply a disgrace!

So what about a sneak attack?
Paying thought to himself.As long as he kills Wumeng, his mission will be completed. Wumeng was killed by himself. It can only be said that he is not as skilled as others, and he can't even avoid a sneak attack.Anyway, I told him to draw his sword a long time ago, but he was indifferent, and he had to rant somewhere, who is to blame?

Moreover, Pa Ying originally had the idea of ​​killing Yue Chuan by any means in his heart.If the information is true, Yue Chuan is an ordinary person with no cultivation at all. Even if he encounters many adventures during this period, his strength is not much higher. He can't say whether he has cultivated fighting spirit, and he...

Thinking of this, Paying burst into joy in his heart.Those three drops of bright holy water are indeed miraculous, especially for people like me who cultivate bright fighting qi, the effect is doubled, not only reborn myself, but also doubled my fighting qi, and I was originally trapped in the bottleneck of the third stage For many years, but after taking three drops of holy water, his strength directly soared to the fifth stage of fighting qi, and even faintly broke through the sixth stage of fighting qi.

Fighting a person who has not cultivated fighting qi at the fifth stage of fighting qi, is there any suspense in this duel?

A sneer sneered from the corner of Paying's mouth, because he saw that Wumont, who was covered by his sword, seemed to be stunned, standing there motionless, stupidly, without any evasion.

Shouldn't it be frightening?Ordinary people are indeed ordinary people, let your tongue bloom like a lotus flower, but it is not worth mentioning in front of real strength!
Pa Ying didn't have the slightest sympathy, let alone the slightest hesitation, because he knew that if he slashed down with his sword, he would get riches, wealth, power and status at his fingertips, which he would never have gotten in his entire life.

A sword!
Only one sword is needed!
Cut off his head with a sword!

The sharp sword cut across Yue Chuan's neck.This sword is a treasured weapon among the Templar Knights. It is the sword of the previous generation of knights. It is made of high-quality materials. With spirituality.After the leader returned to the arms of the God of Light, the sword was enshrined in the church, and the archbishops blessed it with sacred power day and night, in order to make it break through and become a holy weapon.

Originally, it was impossible for Paying to come into contact with this sword, but in order to kill Yue Chuan, the pope really spent all his money. He paid for three drops of holy water of light, and he didn't care about a semi-holy weapon. If it wasn't for Paying's The foundation is so bad that the Pope is afraid that he will pour ten drops of holy water on him and match him with a holy sword.

It's a pity that Paying is too bad, it's just mud that can't support the wall.With so many resources thrown down, this is what it looks like now.

But fortunately, his sword succeeded, and it was successfully cut on Yue Chuan's neck. Although this sword is not a sacred weapon, it is a sharp weapon anyway, a sharp weapon for killing people, even steel armor can be split with a sword, let alone Talk about human flesh and blood.


Must be dead!

He was cut on the neck, and he was doomed!

Many ordinary people couldn't help closing their eyes. They didn't want to see Yue Chuan's body and head separated. However, some people's eyes widened. They kept praying in their hearts for the God of Light to perform a miracle to save Yue Chuan.But some people are different, they narrow their eyes slightly, not letting go of every detail, and at the same time remind the juniors around them to look carefully at the high platform.

"See clearly, don't miss any details!"

[[-] words of sad reminder, I suddenly remembered that my demon god hadn't written and sighed]

(End of this chapter)

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