
Chapter 267 The Plan of 1 Arrow and 3 Eagles

Chapter 267 The plan to kill three birds with one stone
Pa-ing is indeed from a famous family - if his family can be called a famous family.However, Paying's status in the family is not very high.His family has been in the Guangming Church for more than seven generations. Although the members of the family are not prosperous, there are not a few of them. There are many people with extraordinary talents than Paying. Therefore, Paying is a forgotten one in his family. kind of.

Paying's elder brothers had already made marriage contracts during their coming-of-age ceremonies, and those who were engaged to them were all female members of other families. This was another form of marriage for them.Paying's potential elder brothers are used by the family as bargaining chips to exchange benefits with other families.But Paying didn't even have the qualifications to be a bargaining chip. No one cares about his marriage, so he and his little friend participated in the internal meeting of the Bright Church.

When Paying met An Qi for the first time, she was immediately attracted by her unique temperament. Her beauty is not as intoxicating as spirits, but full of aftertaste like old wine. Her charm is not the fierceness of mountains and tsunamis. Turbulent, but the long and long gurgling of the stream.Pa Ying was immediately captured by An Qi, so he chose An Qi.

It's just that An Qi is not interested in Pa Ying, or in other words, An Qi is not interested in any man, because she has dedicated herself to the God of Light, and she thought it was a coming-of-age ceremony. , if it was this kind of meeting, maybe she wouldn't come at all.

Paying was rejected, and there was no room for maneuver.

If Paying had a little bit of status in the family, she might be able to put pressure on An Qi from other aspects. After all, An Qi belonged to the duckweed-like existence in the Church of Light, and any little wind could make her sway or die young.But Pa Ying has no status in his family, not to mention revitalizing the family, even the task of procreating children will not fall on his shoulders, and he can't get any help from the family for this kind of thing, so I can only watch An Qi enter the Saintess' Court.

Originally, Paying was discouraged. Under the arrangement of the family, he entered the Templar Knights and became a knight at the bottom. He lived a modest life every day without any enterprising spirit.But suddenly one day, the Pope summoned him.

Knowing that he was summoned by the Pope, Paying was a little dazed.Although he is an incomparably noble templar, he actually works as a guard in the temple, guarding the outer courtyard wall, and has no chance to enter the interior of the temple. Therefore, in the past two years as a templar, Pa Ying Although there is only one wall between him and the Pope, he never had a chance to meet him.

And now, the Pope actually summoned him.

Although he didn't know why the Pope summoned him, Paying was still so excited that he couldn't contain himself, because the Pope was the highest leader of the Church of Light, and the authority and dignity of the Light should be worshiped by all believers of the Church of Light.But now, the supreme leader actually summoned Paying, an unknown Templar, how could Paying not be excited.

Along the way, the excitement in Paying's heart gradually calmed down, and gradually turned into anxiety.He couldn't help wondering why the Pope summoned him?Is it to entrust yourself with a heavy responsibility?But with his own strength, it is very reluctant to dawdle every day, and he is powerless if he wants to make meritorious service.Could it be that he did something wrong and the pope wants to punish himself?
In this way, Paying came to the Pope almost sleepwalking, and before he could raise his head, he felt the majestic aura of the Pope, and Paying immediately knelt down with his legs limp.

"You are Paying? Not bad!"

This was the first and only sentence the Pope said to Paying. When Paying mustered up the courage to look up, the Pope was no longer in sight.

Pa-yeong then went to meet an archbishop.

There are not only twelve archbishops in the Illuminati Church, but those twelve are only shepherding one side outside. There are also some people in the Illuminati Church who wear the archbishop's red robe but have no position.Although these people have no authority, they all have tyrannical strength, and this is the kind of archbishop Pa Ying saw.

"Paying, the Pope has heard about you and Saint Angel. The Pope feels sorry for your marriage..."

Hearing this, Pa Ying immediately fell to his knees, thinking in his heart that he really wanted to trouble him, and after hearing this, Pa Ying finally knew where he was wrong.

"Archbishop, Paying knows his mistake, Paying shouldn't have unreasonable thoughts about the saint, Paying is willing to punish..."

As soon as the archbishop started talking, Pa Ying blocked his throat, and when he heard Pa Ying's spineless words, he was even more furious.

"Paying! Saint Anqi has been deprived of her status as a saint for blaspheming the God of Light. It's okay even if you fall in love with her..."

Paying thought that the archbishop was trying to test himself, so he didn't dare to answer the question, shaking his head like a rattle, he quickly refused, and swore that he would not dare to have unreasonable thoughts about the saint.

The archbishop was so angry that his teeth were itching, and he lost the patience to go around in circles with Paying, so he kicked Paying to the ground, "You bastard, His Excellency the Pope valued you so he gave you this opportunity, no matter how dare you blah Crooked, believe it or not, I immediately purified you!"

Seeing the holy flame rising from the archbishop's hand, Paying finally shut his mouth honestly.

"You met An Qi face to face..."

"Yes, but..."

"You only need to answer yes and no, just say one more word and wait for purification!"

Well, Paying closed his mouth tightly, and stared nervously at the dancing holy flame, for fear that it would pounce on him and burn him to ashes.

"After meeting you chose him, right..."


"You like her, right..."


"You have never been discouraged and looked for her..."


"If you were given a chance, would you marry her as your wife..."


Originally, Paying wanted to say something else, but when the archbishop saw that his mouth was wrong, the holy flame in his hand immediately swelled up, and Paying quickly said yes.

"Well, now, the Pope has given you this chance!"

After finishing speaking, the archbishop took out a document, which stated that under the witness of the God of Light, the Templar Paying and the believer Angel were allowed to marry.

This is a marriage document issued by the Illuminati Church. Many believers also invite priests to witness the marriage when they get married.Of course, the Pope's marriage and the priest's marriage are two different concepts.Paying originally thought that it would be great to have an old man in the family come out to show his face when he got married, but who would have thought that he would be favored by the Pope and given a paper document, and his fiancée was still Anne? Qi.

"But, Archbishop, Holy Maiden Angel... Oh no, isn't Angel in Parsenhofen, and she is engaged to the guy who pretends to be the Holy Son."

The archbishop snorted coldly, "Whether Umont or An Qi are blasphemers, they both blasphemed the gods, and they should all be judged. However, the Pope is willing to make an exception and give An Qi a chance to redeem her sins. Leave it to you, let you urge her to repent to the gods and get rid of her sins. Why, are you willing to accept this important task?"

Pa Ying was naturally unwilling.When he set his sights on An Qi, An Qi was a spotless lotus. Now, An Qi is engaged to that blasphemer. They have lived together for so long. Who knows what happened? family, he himself became the laughing stock of the entire Illuminati Church.

However, when the holy flame burned his eyebrows, Paying finally made the "right choice".

"Will go through fire and water for the Pope!"

"That's right! His Excellency the Pope did not misunderstand you!" The Archbishop nodded, "You take the marriage certificate that His Excellency the Pope gave you, go to Parsenhofen, challenge Umont, and bring your fiancée back in a dignified manner. .”

Paying agreed immediately, but then said with a sad face: "But the archbishop, my strength..."

"The Pope is wise and wise, and has already come up with a perfect plan. Hmph, these are the three drops of holy water specially given to you by the Pope. This is the purest holy water. You should know their efficacy!"

Hearing the name of holy water, Paying immediately trembled excitedly.

Born in the Guangming Church, he naturally knew what holy water was, and he was even more clear about the efficacy of holy water.

Paying heard a rumor that there is a magical relic from the ancient times under the Great Church of the Church of Light. This is left by the God of Light in the age of gods and demons, and it is a real relic belonging to God.This ruin has an effect, that is, it will flow out pure holy water, and this holy water can change a person's physique and aptitude, and can transform a person, and for those who practice the power of light, it can also improve their cultivation.

To put it bluntly, the holy water of light is the dragon's blood from the cottage. Although it is not as powerful as dragon blood in all aspects, the holy water of light is a renewable resource, and some of it will flow out every year. Those strong people are used as a breakthrough.

Paying knew that there was a genius in his family who was given a drop of bright holy water as a foundation at the age of six. The templar knights, not the watchdog-like existence of Paying.

And now, the pope actually gave him three drops!
At that moment, Paying kowtowed to the ground and sang hymns of praise excitedly to express his gratitude to the Pope.Holy water, this is something that Pa Ying has never been able to touch in his life, but now the Pope gave him three drops, how could he not feel sorry for the Pope?
Therefore, under the arrangement of the Guangming Church, Paying set off from the Great Church with great fanfare and headed all the way to Parsenhofen, and his goal was to fight Yue Chuan fairly and get back his fiancée.

So what if An Qi and Yue Chuan are engaged?The Pope didn't nod. This marriage contract is invalid. After all, An Qi is a member of the Church of Light. Her marriage should naturally be arranged by the Church of Light. How could she make a marriage contract with an outsider without permission.

Now, Angie's status as a saint has been revoked, she has regained her freedom, and was betrothed to Paying by the Pope.And under the publicity of some people, the fact that Pa Ying chose An Qi at the meeting was exposed, and Pa Ying's infatuation with An Qi was also deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. After learning about An Qi and Umont, Pa Ying Heartbroken, Ying knelt in front of the Pope for three days and three nights, and finally moved the Pope.

No one cares how much water is mixed in it, people only care about what Paying will do next.duel?In order to fight for the ownership of the beauties, the heroic duel, just hearing it makes people excited!
Those who hated Yue Chuan and were dissatisfied with Yue Chuan and An Qi's engagement clamored and cheered for Pa Ying, and supported Pa Ying to defeat Yue Chuan and take An Qi back.In order to express their support for Paying's heroic behavior, Paying's colleagues among the Templars "spontaneously" formed Paying's guard group and escorted Paying all the way.

Bai Zhanhan immediately got the news of such a big battle at the Guangming Church, and after a little arrangement, it was sent to Yue Chuan.Although Bai Zhanhan was a bit selfish, he did not cheat. The Pope did marry An Qi to Pa Ying.

Before, the Pope stole the chicken and gave An Qi the status of a saint, but he failed to ruin Yue Chuan's reputation and made a lot of jokes. But this time, the Pope used another bad trick.Aren't you going to marry her? Well, I'll marry her to someone else, and I'll disgust you.

For the Pope, it doesn't matter whether Pain's duel is successful or not. What he needs is to stir up this matter and make it known to everyone, so that when people talk about Mrs. Parsenhofen By the way, thinking that she used to be someone's fiancée, if she guides the public opinion again, some unsavory news will come out, and people are most keen on this kind of scandal, what will Yue Chuan do then?
Angry?Do not ask?

No matter what you do, you will always feel uncomfortable.It's like throwing dung on someone's door. Do you wipe it or not?
There is also Paying, who challenged Yue Chuan in the name of competing for his fiancée, which can be called upright and justified.His fiancée was robbed, a man should stand up to a duel, this approach can arouse the feeling of hatred and hatred within the Guangming Church, and isolate Yue Chuan.

Since there was going to be a duel, the guardians of Parsenhofen would not come forward to stop him. Moreover, Yue Chuan could not keep shrinking his head when faced with Paying's request for a duel, otherwise he would be ridiculed by the entire continent.Yue Chuan had no other choice but to fight.In this way, Pa Ying can justifiably kill Yue Chuan in the duel.And if Paying is defeated or beheaded in the duel, it will inevitably arouse the hostility of the Great Church.

This is a strategy that kills three birds with one stone, so that Yue Chuan knows it is a pit and has to jump into it.

If Yue Chuan was a narrow-minded man, under such circumstances, he would definitely abandon An Qi.After all, as a respectable lord, he absolutely cannot tolerate his fiancée getting involved with other men, even in name only, whether voluntarily or not.

Fortunately, Yue Chuan is an otaku, not a "respectable lord", and he doesn't have that perverted mentality.When the incident happened, he didn't blame An Qi in the slightest, but felt more pity for her. She was an innocent girl, but she became the target of the Pope's attack because she was involved in the storm.

Yue Chuan also knew that the Pope was really forced by himself to have no choice but to send some "low hands" if the experts couldn't come in. After all, in the eyes of the Pope, his own strength was not worth mentioning.But the Pope didn't know that Yue Chuan was itching right now and didn't know who to turn to to practice moves. At this moment, Pa Ying appeared immediately, and someone gave him a pillow when he really fell asleep.

"Let him come!"

Yue Chuan didn't send anyone to stop Paying and his party. After all, this matter is well known now, and everyone is paying attention to Paying and his party. If they have a cold or diarrhea, they will blame him. I'm really afraid that they will direct and act out something like being attacked and assassinated.

But fortunately, Pa Ying and his group didn't have the talent to be directors, or they didn't have the idea of ​​being a director. They just wanted to rush to Parsenhofen and kill Yue Chuan by the sword.All the way at high speed, he appeared on the ground in Parsenhofen in less than half a month.

During this period of time, Yue Chuan struggled every day in the game world of "Dungeon and Warriors", striving to improve his strength.With the help of the berserk warrior, he almost flew up in the painting, and there was no difficulty at all. After more than ten days of hard work, Yue Chuan has been promoted to three levels in a row, and has already reached level 35. He regained the first place in the level list, and The No.2 little loli has only 1 level left during this period, only 34 levels.

Every 5th level, you can learn new skills, you can strengthen those old skills. At level 35, you can learn bloodthirsty and soul-thirsty Sealing Demon Slash.

Soul-thirsty Sealing Demon Slash, although it is not a core soul skill like Blood Rage and Rampage, it can also be regarded as the characteristic of Berserkers. The iconic "milk wave coating" makes many monsters in the dungeon and boss chrysanthemums alike. It's tight, because when they hear this sound, it means that they will be unable to move for several seconds, and they will receive a powerful slash, and this slash is often a fatal blow.

You only need to invest in level 1 to receive unimaginable benefits.

With the soul-thirsty sealing demon cut, Ma Ma no longer has to worry about the berserk drawing pictures.Back then, with the phrase "I will suck infinitely", how many people desperately invited to form a team, and the berserker who would suck infinitely was the only "profession" comparable to the paladin.There was a time when the special skill of infinite suction gave countless warriors the capital to crush mice and headless, and even Borodin could only be defeated in front of infinite suction.

And bloodthirsty is a skill that makes the berserk warrior qualitatively change and sublimate. It increases the effect and damage of all blood energy skills, just like the rampage, it makes the berserk warrior have a qualitative leap.

Yue Chuan was not polite, and directly pushed the bloodthirsty to the limit.Even the Soul-thirsty Sealing Demon Slash was increased to the maximum.Anyway, Yue Chuan's skill points would never be used up, so there was no need to just cut the soul-absorbing demon by 1 in order to save skill points.

Facing Pa Ying's challenge, Yue Chuan was not afraid at all.I have a compassionate side and a ruthless side, but I don't show it to the outside world.Paying is just a sacrifice for himself to raise the butcher knife!
[Time is short, only 1 more 5000 words, sorry]

(End of this chapter)

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