
Chapter 261 Guild Contribution

Chapter 261 Guild Contribution
According to the rules of the guild, Louis XV developed the knight order in his own territory very smoothly. Because he had just experienced a war, the emperor of the Frankish Empire saw the threat of the neighboring Lord Parsenhoven and decided to focus on training Louis XV. In response to the territory of Louis XV, almost no effort was spared in favor of Louis XV's resources.

3000 soldiers who were originally selected to supplement the Royal Guards of the Imperial Capital were dispatched to the province of Arles and put under the command of Louis XV.The ordnance supplies originally supplied to the main battle armies were also sent to the territory of Louis XV in a batch. In order to enhance the war potential of the territory of Louis XV, the emperor of the Frankish Empire even sent a hundred blacksmiths and their families , for Louis XV.Even the coveted war horses of the major battle armies were allocated hundreds of horses to Louis XV.

The Frankish emperor was so generous that Louis XV was too embarrassed to usurp the throne, but this idea was only in his mind for a second before being thrown out of his mind. The Frankish Empire is his own, and anyone can seize don't go!

In addition to the cultivation of the Emperor of the Frankish Empire, the Church of Light also sent a lot of resources, such as dispatching more than 100 Priests of Light trained by the Church of Light to assist in the building of the Knights under Louis XV.After all, in military training, it is inevitable that there will be bumps and bumps, especially when performing drills, non-combat attrition due to bumps and bruises is inevitable, but with these priests of light, it is different.The existence of these bright priests can make the Holy Knights under Louis XV grow faster.

Louis XV was naturally grateful to the Church of Light, but when those priests of the Light revealed that they wanted to seek a position in the Knights Order, Louis XV talked about him from left to right, and did not let go.And the Church of Light didn't dare to press too hard, it could only infiltrate and subtly influence it a little bit.

Today, Louis XV once again brought together his patchwork of holy knights and conducted a drill. The morning was military training, and the afternoon was brainwashing of the doctrine of light.The bright priests on the side were also eager to go up and preach the teachings to these newly recruited paladins, but Louis XV didn't give them a chance at all, so they could only stare helplessly.

"Master Knight, the Pope asked me to tell you that if you can let the paladins under your command fall into the arms of the God of Light and bathe in the glory of God, His Excellency will give you a rich reward..."

The Commander of the Knights is the position granted by the Pope to Louis XV. The Pope may have promised Louis XV that as long as Yue Chuan is killed, he will be the Archbishop of the Bava Diocese.

Although Louis XV holds the title of Captain of the Knights, he really doesn't take the Church of Light very seriously, and it's a good performance to treat those priests of Light in a positive way.

The contradiction between religious power and political power is inevitable, and the Church of Light does not want to push Louis XV too hard, so it throws sugar-coated bullets, preparing to impress Louis XV with benefits.

Louis XV acted conceived, and asked with great interest: "What benefits can the Pope give me?"

Although Louis XV didn't show the slightest respect when he talked about the Pope, the pastor Guangming didn't lose his temper. Although he couldn't stop cursing in his heart, he still replied with a normal expression: "Our Church of Light is bestowed by the God of Light. Every year You can get the holy water of light. Do you know the holy water of light? This is a peerless medicine that cleanses the body, forgives sins, and purifies the soul. Whether it is used by warriors or magicians, it will have a great improvement. Every year, many strong people come to the temple to beg ..."

Louis XV interrupted the endless boasting of the bright pastor, and asked directly: "How many bottles can the Pope give me?"

Hearing this, the priest of Guangming was almost choked to death by his own saliva. Nima, you think that the holy water of Guangming is as worthless as the urine in the toilet. How many bottles do you need? Do you know that those powerful people kneel in the church? When asking for the Holy Water of Light, it is always on the basis of calculation.They have to make contributions to the Church of Light before the Pope can bestow the Holy Water of Light, otherwise it is useless to call father and grandfather.

"The Pope said, Knight Commander, your cultivation is shallow, and you need the Holy Water of Light to improve your physique and improve your cultivation, so..."

"How many bottles are given?"

"Three drops!" Well, Pastor Guangming didn't have the heart to gossip about this bastard Louis XV.

"What is three drops enough for? You see, I have so many paladins under my command. Everyone needs to improve and become stronger. At least three drops for each person. Let me tell you, I have [-] paladins under my command." , see if you can get [-] drops..."

If it wasn't for maintaining his own image, Pastor Guangming would have greeted Louis XV's mother with foul language.Nima, what do you think the holy water of light is, and it is very good for you to use, but you still want to use it for those muddy legs, and they are also worthy?Thirty thousand drops, thank you for being able to tell. Do you know how much Holy Water of Light is produced by the Church of Light every year? There are not even three bottles of it. With these three bottles, if you divide it inside, eight out of ten will be lost, and only half of it can be given to the outside. Just a bottle.

However, before Pastor Guangming scolded him, Louis XV continued on his own: "His Majesty the Emperor will send a group of soldiers over in two days. I am going to expand my Holy Knight Order. There will be 2 people by then. Look, can you ask the Pope to prepare [-] drops of that holy water? Hey, counting [-] drops is too troublesome. Let’s count it in barrels. Hey, don’t go, let’s calculate how many barrels [-] drops are... "

Pastor Guangming left without looking back. He was really afraid that if he stayed any longer, he might not be able to resist attacking Louis XV.However, he thought carefully about his identity and occupation, and then about Louis XV's occupation and identity, and finally realized that he was no match for Louis XV, so let's go.

Seeing Pastor Guangming go away, the forced smile on Louis XV's face slowly receded, he snorted disdainfully, and then walked towards his residence.Today is the time for the guild to release contributions. This pastor of Guangming is almost missing the time by babbling.

After going online, Louis XV immediately appeared in Celia's hotel. He didn't bother to say hello to Celia. Louis XV hurried to Socia's Moonlight Tavern, where the guild held a meeting.

Louis XV rushed to the Moonlight Tavern, and the two gatekeepers glanced at the guild name on the top of Louis XV's head, and let him go without saying a word. There was no cumbersome inspection and body check at all.And when Louis XV opened the door and entered, it was already full of dense crowds.Where everyone was facing each other, the president looked at the information in his hand, and loudly announced the recent development of the guild to everyone.

"It has been a week since the Paladin plan was proposed. This week, everyone has worked hard to contribute to the guild. The guild has seen and remembered your efforts clearly. Everyone who has contributed to the guild , the guild will never treat or forget. However, in order to keep everyone’s identity confidential, I will not announce the development status of each member in detail here. You can check the specific contribution system yourself!”

When Yue Chuan created the guild, Borken fiddled with his Juyi Token a few times. Immediately, all guild members received a message: The guild contribution system was activated...

All members clicked on the guild contribution system curiously, and immediately found a guild member contribution list. All guild members were listed on it, but there was no information such as any level of occupation on this list, only one contribution.Everyone quickly found their name and saw their contribution.

They all looked curiously at the explanation of the contribution degree, and immediately saw the way to obtain the contribution degree:

First, the members of the guild recruit a "Paladin", the contribution is +1, and the strength level of the "Paladin" is increased by 1, and the contribution obtained is +1.

Second, members of the guild promote the light, and every time a believer is influenced, the contribution point will be +1. The higher the piety of the believer, the higher the contribution point.

Third, guild members and their "Paladins" punish evil and promote good, help the poor, weak, old and young, and contribute +1 to every good deed.

A few points are added later, things and personnel that violate the spirit of the paladins will have their contribution deducted, and those with bad influence will be expelled from the guild.Malicious brushing of contribution points will also be punished and expelled from the guild.

Seeing this, the members of the guild were all puzzled. It would be good if the guild knew what they were doing on the mainland. Could it be possible to monitor them clearly?If the supervisory agencies were so pervasive and discerning, would there still be so many corrupt officials on the mainland?
At the beginning, many people were skeptical, but when they counted the number of paladins under their command and calculated them according to the rules of contribution, they found that they were almost the same, and the error in the data, presumably some People falsely report their strength or hide their strength, or do something good or bad.

Upon discovering this, many people broke out in a cold sweat. Those who thought that although the guild was strong, at most it had some power in this world and could not affect the mainland at all, they all woke up. They understood that the power of the guild was absolutely superhuman. As far as I can think, this kind of ubiquitous inspection is infinitely close to the power of a god.

Seeing the awe-inspiring expressions of the guild members, Yue Chuan secretly sighed in his heart, "Brother Borken, you are so kind to my younger brother. It would be great if you were a woman, alas.

Originally, Yue Chuan thought that the Juyi Token given to him by Borken was nothing more than a brick except for some guild skills, but who would have thought that this Juyi Token would have such a heaven-defying function.As long as you are a member of the guild, there is no secret at all in front of this Juyi order.

However, Yue Chuan also knew that the strict management of the guild would easily cause many members to rebel, and some would even quit the guild.But Yue Chuan didn't care, for those unsteady elements who wavered in will, he found one and cleared one.

So Yue Chuan asked loudly: "Things are just like what you have seen. The guild inspects you everywhere, but I can guarantee that this inspection will not be abused. Here, I would like to ask, is there anyone who is not willing to accept the guild's supervision? , you can choose to quit the guild."

Yue Chuan asked three times, no one quit the guild, and no one complained.

"Okay, now, let's take a look at the role of contribution!"

As he said that, Yue Chuan fiddled with the Juyi order again.

(End of this chapter)

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