
Chapter 260 Organizational Development

Chapter 260 Organizational Development
Paladin organizations sprung up like mushrooms after a spring rain, and quickly appeared on the mainland. Yue Chuan also changed the appearance of the troops in his hands, and quickly pulled up a team of "Paladins".

It is very common for other guild members to develop paladin organizations, no money, no food, no pay, and Yue Chuan, as a lord, especially the lord of Parsenhofen, these problems do not exist at all.His paladins are even equipped with war horses, which are more luxurious than real knights.

And when Yue Chuan was fiddling with his paladin army, he was still fiddling with a palm-sized token, which was a special token given to him by Borken when he founded the guild, and it was this token that made Yue Chuan possess Many conveniences, such as the addition of guild skills, such as the distribution of items to guild members, and now, there is another function on it...

On the token, a large piece of information appeared behind Yue Chuan's name, which were the names of many people, and none of these names were fictitious. Yue Chuan checked one by one, and all of them were people from his Parsenhofen territory. It is the officers under him, from low to high, and list them all according to their affiliation.

When Yue Chuan first saw these names, he was puzzled for a long time, but he finally understood the meaning. After several experiments, he even understood the mystery, and it was precisely because of this that he came up with this idea.

The status of the development of the members of the founding guild is clearly displayed on the token. The number of members they have developed, the strength of their personnel, etc. are all clear at a glance.Among the many members of the guild, Louis XV was the one who worked the hardest to develop his power.

Louis XV has a unique advantage, and he already has a large area of ​​territory under his command. Although he obtained these territories through calculation, he is now the legal owner of those territories, although many people are watching jokes It seemed to be waiting for Louis XV to be killed by invaders from neighboring countries, but Louis XV knew that instead of becoming his enemy, the so-called neighboring countries would become his own asylum.

Of course, Louis XV still promoted an atmosphere of urgency internally, describing Parsenhofen where Yue Chuan was located as a terrible threat, while consolidating his lord authority in the territory, while directly applying to the emperor for assistance.

The territory of Louis XV was "recovered" from the invaders. The emperor of the Frankish Empire was very afraid that the neighboring countries would invade again, so he strongly supported the construction of Louis XV's territory, especially the construction of the army. For Louis XV's request for help, He is responsive to requests, and has all the privileges of personnel and materials.

On this day, Louis XV suddenly sent someone to contact Yue Chuan.

"The Pope sent an envoy to contact me, and has appointed me as the Knight Commander of the Al Province in the northern part of the Frankish Empire, and promised that as long as I can clear the obstacles, he will promote me to the Archbishop of the Bavaria Diocese..."

The Knight Commander conferred by the Church of Light is also a powerful position, slightly lower than the Archbishop, but higher than the ordinary priest, and the Knight Commander is a military post, mainly in charge of the armed forces in the Church of Light.Louis XV displayed the crusader flag and badge to the outside world, making the Church of Light mistakenly think that this is a force inspired by the God of Light, so he issued this appointment.

The so-called removal of obstacles obviously refers to Yue Chuan of Parsenhofen. Yue Chuan was the archbishop of the Bava diocese before, but was later dismissed by the Pope. Now the position of the archbishop of the Bava diocese is still vacant. The pope used it to seduce people.In the pope's view, Louis XV's territory had been invaded by Yue Chuan, and the two must be sworn enemies. If he was lured into it for profit, he would definitely be able to use force against the Parsenhofen area.

If the Pope's target was other powers, Louis XV would certainly not mind to follow suit and accept their plan, but the Pope's target was Yue Chuan, how could Louis XV be harmful to his own people.No, before the envoys of the Illuminati Church left, the envoys of Louis XV had already arrived in Parsenhofen.

Yue Chuan thought to himself, this pope is really persistent towards him, the paladin organization has only appeared for a few days, and he immediately started to use the paladin organization to deal with him.

However, Yue Chuan was not afraid of anything, but discussed with Louis XV, and the two decided to plan.

Louis XV played the banner of the Church of Light in a very high-profile manner, and even issued a declaration of revenge. At the same time, Louis XV directly sent a request for help to the messengers of the Church of Light, to the effect that his territory had just been ravaged by war. With no money or food, I asked the Church of Light to support a batch. At the same time, my soldiers did not have sophisticated weapons and equipment.

When Pope Innocent received the messenger's report, he jumped up and down angrily, and cursed: Is this a lord or a beggar?
However, Innocent also understood the situation of Louis XV, and knew that if he did not support him, this Louis XV would easily be annexed by Parsenhofen.Now it is necessary to cultivate the power of Louis XV and let him contain Parsenhofen. When he attacks Parsenhofen in the future, he will be like a bridgehead.

Nothing to say, batches of supplies were shipped to Louis XV's territory.

In this way, the poor and white Louis XV began to develop rapidly with the aid of the empire and the gift of the Pope.He has no shortage of manpower. To be precise, the manpower in his territory is very abundant, and a large number of people who have been homeless due to the war have been caught.The problem of money and food was also solved with the help of two bullies.And although Yue Chuan always looks like a Chen Bing border, although this army will definitely not cross the border half a step, Yue Chuan still makes this army make some movements from time to time at the request of Louis XV to show his sense of presence, while there , Louis XV can also use this to ask the emperor and the pope for more assistance.

Not only Louis XV, but many large and small paladin organizations around Parsenhofen have all been recruited by the Church of Light. On the one hand, the Church of Light preaches the power of the God of Light to these organizations and invites them to join themselves; Parsenhofen is hostile and antagonistic, forming a chain on the edge of Parsenhofen's territory to block it.

If Parsenhofen was any other force, he would definitely be waiting to die in this chain-like containment.However, the crusader flag and badge were also displayed on Yue Chuan's Parsenhofen territory, which was obviously telling those paladin organizations that they were "one of our own".

Therefore, except for those paladin organizations that follow suit, the real paladin organizations are all pretending to obey, and vigorously develop through the wooing of the Church of Light to obtain resources.

And the result of all this is that the number and information on the token in Yue Chuan's hand continued to increase, until one day, Yue Chuan nodded, "The assessment results can be distributed and contributed!"

[Wrote one in the afternoon, I thought I could write another one to restore the 6000-word update at night, but who knew that I fell asleep on the table while writing the manuscript at night, and only wrote 24 words before 2000:5000, which is still a 6000-word update quantity.Hey, I will restore [-] words tomorrow]

(End of this chapter)

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