
Chapter 254 The Holy Maiden

Chapter 254 The Holy Maiden
The encounter with An Qi was an accident, but who can say that this accidental encounter is not inevitable?

Looking back for 500 years, it is only in exchange for passing by in this life.And Yue Chuan and An Qi just passed by each other, if it wasn't for An Qi's arrival, Yue Chuan might really have disappeared in that invisible spiritual world.

Of course, the most important point is that Yue Chuan is very pleasing to An Qi, just looking at her gives him a sense of comfort.

She is not stunning, not as hot and gorgeous as a tulip like Shariel, nor as icy and glamorous as a white lotus, but she still has her unique beauty, a different beauty.

For An Qi, Yue Chuan is like the God of Light, the object of her countless prayers, the god who has dedicated her life wholeheartedly, and now the god favors her, making her feel like she is in a dream, and she can say everything excitedly She couldn't come out, until Yue Chuan took her hand and walked out, still feeling dizzy, as if she was drunk.

Bai Lian, who was guarding outside, had been alerted when the light illuminated the city of Parsenhofen, but like everyone else, she couldn't find the source of the infinite light. Just as she was about to go to Yue Chuan's room to take a look, Yue Chuan He has already walked out holding Angie's hand.

Seeing the intimate gesture of the two, Bai Lian couldn't help curling her lips sourly. At this moment, Bai Zhanhan quietly appeared beside her, and said faintly, "Sister, the Patriarch didn't date that woman."

For some reason, Bai Lian became inexplicably angry when she heard this. Pointing to Bai Zhanhan's forehead, she said, "You are a child, what do you know? What are you going to do? You don't study at such a young age, you only learn some messy things." .”

Bai Zhanhan shrank back in embarrassment, and said, "Sister, I checked just now. This woman was brought in by a servant from the inner courtyard. That servant deceived two guards at the same time. Her identity is definitely questionable."

When Bai Lian heard this, she woke up suddenly, and after thinking about it carefully, she also noticed her omission.

"What about the servant?"

"When I went to catch him, I ran away early!"

"Then, this woman..."

"Looking at the master's appearance, it seems that she is very important to her. I don't know if there is something inside. I should ask the master in private. But just in case, I should send some more people. If the master is kidnapped by her Not good."

Originally, Bai Lian and Bai Zhanhan spoke in a low voice, they were tens of meters away from Yue Chuan, Yue Chuan shouldn't have heard this level of voice, but for some reason, Yue Chuan turned his head and drove towards them, saying: "An Qi is not an assassin, I am about to announce that An Qi will be my wife, the mistress of the Lei Ze family..."

Yue Chuan's voice was very soft, but across such a long distance, it seemed to be ringing in the ears of the two of them. The two of them tasted the difference, and different tastes emerged in their hearts.

Bai Zhanhan is naturally happy for the improvement of Yue Chuan's strength. After all, the Patriarch's strength is strong, and the family will have the hope of development, prosperity and stability. Less benefits.

As for Bai Lian, when she heard Yue Chuan say that An Qi was the hostess, for some reason, she felt inexplicably sad.Although An Qi knew that this woman would have that kind of relationship with Yue Chuan when she came, but at the time, it seemed that the relationship between the two was just a dewy marriage, but who would have thought that in just a few minutes, this woman would actually became the mistress.If he had known this earlier, he would never have let this woman get closer to Yue Chuan just now.

In the past, Yue Chuan had teased Bai Lian. At that time, Bai Lian was always flirting with Yue Chuan, but now seeing Yue Chuan holding another woman's hand, Bai Lian felt lost and felt an indescribable pain.

However, she didn't say anything, she didn't cry or make a fuss, she understood her identity and the meaning of her existence, a figure like a shadow, as long as An Anxin followed behind him, in this world, the most It is not a brother, not a lover, but a shadow that will never leave.

The news spread quickly, and quickly spread throughout Parsenhofen. Right now, it's just an engagement, but even so, Yue Chuan has received congratulations and congratulations from various forces. In less than half a day, various gifts They piled up into hills in the yard.

Congratulations from other forces were sent, but only the Church of Light remained silent. This made everyone wonder, what is the Church of Light's attitude towards this happy event?In any case, Yue Chuan also has the status of an archbishop, and is an important person in the Guangming Church. If such a person is engaged, the Guangming Church should give some response based on emotion and reason.Even if the personnel and gifts cannot arrive for the time being, send someone to announce it to the outside world. The Guangming Church is such a large organization that it doesn't even have a crystal ball for communication.

Soon, the Great Saint Hall gave a response, but the result given by the Great Saint Hall left everyone dumbfounded.

Angie, a clergyman of the Illuminati Church, is a saint, Umont Rezer, archbishop of the Illuminati Church, has fornicated a saint, and is blasphemy. Hereby, the Great Church has decided to deprive Umont of her clergy status and remove him from all positions. Saint Angel, surrendered to the Great Church within ten days and pleaded guilty...

Even if the Great Holy Church is stingy, just give a dry congratulations, don't bring a penny with the gift, and others won't say anything, but why, the Great Holy Church issued such a statement, what exactly is this? mean?
Now everyone knows that Yue Chuan has completely gained a firm foothold in Parsenhofen. Regardless of his status as an archbishop, he is still the earl of the empire, and he also has a powerful army in his hands. He is very supportive of Yue Chuan.Everyone couldn't figure it out, for a rookie like Yue Chuan, it's fine if the Guangming Church doesn't win him over, why would he have to fight against him?

In fact, the Pope had no choice but to make such a decision.

Because of the Holy Son, Yue Chuan had already shaken the authority of the Pope's family and became a target that had to be eliminated. In several confrontations, the Pope suffered heavy losses. The thugs also died unexpectedly.

Before, the Pope always hid behind the scenes, and even if Yue Chuan had any hatred, he was pulled away by Alexis. But this time, the Pope walked from behind the scenes to the front of the stage. The intervention of the Pope was known in Qi Qi's narrative.In the past, although the two didn't fight each other, they didn't tear each other up after all. It was just a tacit understanding, but now, there was no room for change.

Moreover, the dozen or so great magicians and magisters who shot at Yue Chuan were all high-ranking figures in the Guangming Church. Because of the powerful counter-shock force, half of the dozen died on the spot, and the rest were also punished. Trauma of different degrees, although some people are alive, they have become idiots, and some people have not become idiots, but they have lost their cultivation. They stumbled on Yue Chuan. If Yue Chuan is not killed, how can To calm down the hatred in my heart, and they almost killed Yue Chuan, how could Yue Chuan not settle accounts with them.

Since there is no possibility of reconciliation, let's simply open up the battle, anyway, this is also part of the previous plan.

Previously, the Pope had calculated that no matter who hooked up with Yue Chuan among the hundred priestesses, he would immediately confer the status of saintess, and then disclose their messy affairs, ruining Yue Chuan's reputation and making him unable to gain a foothold in the world.

No matter how powerful your cultivation is and how good your reputation is, once you have an affair with a saint, it is a heinous crime, enough to ruin everything.Having lost his power, status, and people's hearts, Yue Chuan is just a toothless tiger, and he will let them squeeze him when the time comes.

Originally, he thought that he would deliberately frame Yue Chuan, but the Pope never expected that Yue Chuan would jump into the trap by himself and take the initiative to announce the matter to the outside world.

Whether An Qi is a saint or not is not important. After all, every saint is kept secret for a period of time, and will only be announced when it is appropriate. The boss nodded, this matter is a certainty, even if Saint Angel herself objects, there is nothing she can do about it.However, in order to achieve the purpose of discrediting Yue Chuan, Innocent shamelessly changed the date of this document to a few years ago.

However, the Pope obviously misjudged one point, and this point is enough to make him lose everything.

After the news spread, the Great Holy Church and many surrounding dioceses criticized Yue Chuan. The daily homework for those believers was to praise the gods and curse Yue Chuan. Yue Chuan's reputation in those places was extremely bad.

However, many dioceses around Parsenhofen did not respond much to this, especially in the parish of Parsenhofen. Instead of opposing Yue Chuan, the believers expressed joy for Yue Chuan's marriage. , also changed "archbishop" to "lord".

The most interesting thing is the attitude of the dozens of clergymen in Parsenhofen Church. The group of clerics who came from the cathedral made a show after receiving the notice from the cathedral. Abandoned Yue Chuan, and then left Parsenhofen collectively.After all, they are outsiders, and they will leave when they leave. What everyone pays attention to is the original staff of Parsenhofen Church.

They neither resigned from their positions as the outside world imagined, drew a clear line with Yue Chuan, nor criticized Yue Chuan like the outside world. Instead, they still did what they should do, and everything went on as usual, and when they encountered something, they still asked Yue Chuan for instructions. When addressing Yue Chuan, he was still the archbishop, and he ignored the announcement from the Great Cathedral.

It seems that Parsenhofen is cut off from the outside world, and the orders of the Great Church can no longer affect this place. There is only one master here, and that is Yue Chuan.

Those original clergymen in Parsenhofen Parish were humiliated in the process of communicating with the Templars of the Great Cathedral. It was Yue Chuan who helped them stand out, restored their dignity, and even gave them the strength to become stronger In their hearts, Yue Chuan is great, omnipotent, the true Son of God, and the figure of the God of Light walking in the world.Although the Pope is high and powerful, he is nothing compared to the Holy Son. They believe in Yue Chuan, and it is only natural for them to submit to Yue Chuan.

The reason why the people of Parsenhofen City believe in the God of Light is more towards the lord Yue Chuan.The lord Yue Chuan is a believer in the Guangming Church. How dare you people in the territory believe in other religions?Are you not afraid to check the water meter?

In the final analysis, in the minds of those people, Yue Chuan is the one who dominates them all, and is worthy of their surrender and belief. The pope's revoking the status of Archbishop Yue Chuan is a matter of no pain at all. As long as Yue Chuan is still the lord for a day, they will One day did not dare to be presumptuous to Yue Chuan.However, even if Yue Chuan really isn't the lord someday, with the army in Yue Chuan's hands, these people still dare not act presumptuously.

Therefore, the incident that the Pope made seems to be vigorous, but it did not damage a single hair of Yue Chuan, nor did it shake the foundation of Yue Chuan. Everyone who is Yue Chuan knows Yue Chuan's name.

"Tsk tsk, the archbishop of Parsenhofen parish is amazing. He is still the earl of the empire. Last time he brought troops to conquer several cities of the Frankish empire."

"This lord is really awesome. He even dared to accept the saint of the Church of Light."

"Yes, this lord is a role model for my generation."

But after all, the status of saintess is really a bit awkward, but what is surprising is that instead of resigning from the status of saintess, the person involved, An Qi, accepted it with pleasure, and even in the Parsenhofen Church A grand inauguration ceremony of the saint was held in the middle of the day, and she announced at the ceremony that she would like to thank the Pope for granting her the status of a saint. With this status, she can better worship Yue Chuan.

What does it mean?Some of the brains were flexible and immediately tasted the meaning. Why do you have to hold a ceremony for the inauguration of the saint?This shows that it has never been held before, that is to say, before taking office, An Qi was not a saint, which is Chi Guoguo's slap in the face.

Moreover, An Qi said that with the status of a saint, she can better worship Yue Chuan.What is the identity of the saint used for?It is the one who serves the gods. Why can't the saints marry the sons, because everything the saints have, whether body or soul, has been dedicated to the gods. Having an affair with other men is to betray the gods and blaspheme the gods.But now, An Qi said that she could worship Yue Chuan better by becoming a saint. Doesn't the implication mean that Yue Chuan is a god? Thinking of the identity of Yue Chuan's previous saint son, some people seemed to understand something.

The Pope deprived Yue Chuan of his status as Archbishop, but An Qi used her actions to make everyone understand that Yue Chuan still had the status of a holy son.The saint is dedicated to serving the gods, and the son is the person who is favored and blessed by the god of light, and is the spokesperson of the god of light in the world. Isn't it justified and natural for the saint to marry the son?

Therefore, all kinds of criticisms from the outside world gradually subsided, and some human beings understood this key point, so they did not dare to speak evil words to Yue Chuan again. After all, Yue Chuan had a holy son besides the status of archbishop and lord.No matter how powerful the pope is, he can only control the living. After death, he still has to rely on the Holy Son.

The Pope who was far away in the cathedral heard the news from the outside, and spurted out a mouthful of old blood depressed.He didn't expect that he would be self-defeating by all kinds of calculations, and instead lifted a rock to shoot himself in the foot.

Not only did everything he did not achieve the expected results, but it raised Yue Chuan's reputation to a new level. The status of this saint did not ruin Yue Chuan's reputation, but made other believers recognize the identity of Yue Chuan's holy son.

What worries Pope Innocent the most is that he has completely lost control of the Parsenhofen area, not only the believers there, but also the clergy there. His plan to isolate Yuechuan has completely failed .Moreover, this incident has created a special status for the city of Parsenhofen. In the eyes of other believers, Parsenhofen has become a holy place in the world of the Illuminati Church because of the holy son Yue Chuan and the holy woman An Qi. Believers already regard Parsenhofen as a place more sacred than the cathedral.For those devout believers, they may not go to the Great Cathedral to meet the Pope, but they must go to Parsenhofen once in their lifetime to see the place where the Holy Son and the Holy Maiden lived.

How to do?How to do?
Innocent's headache, stomach pain, egg pain, pain everywhere.If the entrapment fails this time, Parsenhofen will definitely respond. What if Yue Chuan uses the identity of the Holy Son to falsely preach the oracle and revoke his status as Pope?
Innocent originally thought that if he revoked Yue Chuan's status as archbishop, he would revoke his status as pope in a blatant manner, and then he could justifiably organize a holy war. Do not ask.And this also made Innocent suffocate his strength and had nowhere to go. Under such circumstances, he was an unknown teacher, so it was impossible for him to launch a jihad, but if he didn't launch a jihad, how could he completely obliterate Yue Chuan.

However, in addition to these worries, Innocent still has a lingering doubt in his heart.

More than a dozen great magicians and magisters teamed up to attack Yue Chuan. In that kind of unexpected situation, they are absolutely safe, but why is Yue Chuan acting like a normal person?On the contrary, the dozen or so great magicians and magisters who took the shot suffered heavy casualties.Also, what was the origin of the light that appeared on Yue Chuan's body later?Is he really the reincarnation of a god?

If there were no previous events, Innocent might still be able to make good friends with Yue Chuan, but the assassination completely made it impossible for the two to make good friends.Regardless of whether Yue Chuan is the Holy Son or not, or whether he is the reincarnation of a god, Innocent will kill him!Otherwise, his Pope's power and status will not be maintained, and even his life will be threatened.

(End of this chapter)

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