
Chapter 253 God Said, Let There Be Light

Chapter 253 God Said, Let There Be Light
Originally, Yue Chuan's consciousness had been slackened, turning into the most subtle existence and blending into the void, just like a handful of ashes being sprinkled into a river, it was only a matter of time before he disappeared.After all, it was impossible for Yue Chuan himself to condense his own spirit, and his spirit was completely isolated from the outside world, but at this time, Alexis and other bad guys did good deeds and gave Yue Chuan a ruthless blow!
When Pangu opened up the world, he found an ax from somewhere, and then cut through the chaos with force.But later generations are puzzled, even the world has not been opened up, where did Pangu get the axe?The only explanation is that someone wanted to kill Pan Gu, so he threw an ax or dropped some Yu Ting or something, but the accuracy and dosage were not good, it didn't kill Pan Gu, but created Pan Gu's epoch-making.

Now Yue Chuan's situation is similar to Pan Gu's. Yue Chuan doesn't know how many years or tens of thousands of years he has been asleep. Anyway, there is no concept of time in the spiritual world. It's okay if you say [-] million years.Originally, Yue Chuan would sleep like this forever, but at this time he was stimulated by the outside world.Alexis and more than a dozen great magicians and magisters teamed up to fuse their cultivation bases into a spiritual shock, trying to disperse Yue Chuan's soul, but they did not expect their spiritual shock to be like the one that created the world. The ax forcibly cut a gap in the membrane that imprisoned Yue Chuan, allowing Yue Chuan's soul and consciousness to feel the body and vitality again.

It seemed to be a heartbeat, or spring thunder, and with this sound, a burst of vitality emerged from Yue Chuan's body, and it quickly glowed, flowing through all limbs and bones in the blink of an eye.It's like rain after a long drought, no, no, this rain is as abundant and turbulent as a flood, filling and filling Yue Chuan's dry body in an instant!
The reason why Yue Chuan fell into that state of deep sleep was because he had exhausted the spiritual power in his body in a short period of time, and his body was not strong enough to carry his soul, so he entered that state of automatic dormancy. Now, Alexis and others simply It was sending charcoal in the snow, sending the spiritual power that Yue Chuan needed most.

Originally, the barrier between the spiritual world and the material world was very strong, and there was no strong enough energy. Let alone shaking this barrier, even touching this barrier was very difficult, just like the sound barrier. to its existence.The strength of more than a dozen great magicians and magisters is indeed strong, and the power of mental shock tore a gap in Yue Chuan's closed spiritual world, but the shock that these more than ten great magicians and magisters received was also unbelievably heavy. After all, it is a barrier between the material world and the spiritual world, an untouchable taboo.

Therefore, Alexis and others flew out sideways, and Alexis, who worked the hardest, had no ability to adapt to the mental impact because he did not save the slightest energy, and died on the spot. Pope Innocent studied light magic all his life and mastered many recovery magics. Although he could not live or die, he could still hold his breath. But for Alexis, Innocent just sighed, and then He continued to focus on the crystal ball.

Although Alexis and the others only tore a narrow gap in the mental barrier that imprisoned Yue Chuan, for Yue Chuan, this narrow gap was tantamount to turning a corner into a corner.

At that moment, Yue Chuan's slack spiritual consciousness was shaken, the slack trend stopped, and he retracted and retracted at a speed of a thousand times, and he returned to his original state in the blink of an eye.

No, it's not back to the original, but purer and stronger than before!
Yue Chuan's spiritual consciousness was dispersed into the most subtle existence, scattered in this boundless spiritual world, and then gathered together again. In the process of dispersing and gathering, Yue Chuan's spiritual consciousness was naturally filtered and filtered. After washing, all the dross and impurities in Yue Chuan's spiritual consciousness were sorted out, and what was left was pure original power.

Because of time travel, Yue Chuan's soul is inevitably mixed with some Wumont components. Although Yue Chuan's consciousness dominates, these Wumont components will not cause any damage, but with the existence of these impurities, Yue Chuan is not The pure Yue Chuan, and now, those components belonging to Wumeng have been completely filtered out, and Yue Chuan has become the purest self again.

Consciousness is back!

Yue Chuan's body trembled slightly, and the spiritual power that Alexis and others penetrated into Yue Chuan's body instantly found its destination, gathering from all directions, and it seemed to melt into Yue Chuan's soul.

These spiritual powers are all transformed by Alexis and others through secret techniques. They are the purest spiritual powers. This power can be used to kill a person's soul, and of course it can also become the soul of the soul. Accumulations, devour and eat to strengthen the soul.It can be said that Yue Chuan obtained the spiritual power of more than a dozen great magicians and magisters out of thin air. As long as he can refine all these spiritual powers and transform them into his own power, then he will have a spiritual power comparable to that of a saint-level powerhouse , on the road of spiritual power, Yue Chuan is enough to save hundreds of years of penance.

Although the spiritual consciousness has returned, Yue Chuan is still thinking about the mysteries of the material world and the spiritual world deep in his heart. In his mind, he keeps repeating the sentence "the four directions are called the universe, and the past and the present are called the universe", and other obscure ancient books. The moment Lixis and others teamed up to tear apart the mental barrier, a ray of light from the material world shot in, shining deep in Yue Chuan's soul.

At that moment, Yue Chuan had an epiphany!

"Let there be light!"

This sentence came to Yue Chuan's mind inexplicably. After all, after being a priest for so long, Yue Chuan had to memorize the "Bright Bible" thoroughly even to put on a show.It's just that Yue Chuan never took those chapters seriously, and under such a coincidence, Yue Chuan finally realized the artistic conception of "God said, let there be light".

That's right, the spiritual world is pitch black and empty, and there is nothing there. It really needs light to illuminate it.These words appeared in Yue Chuan's mind, and a majestic and solemn voice sounded in the surrounding space, which was exactly Yue Chuan's inner voice, "Let there be light!"

The spiritual world that was originally dark and empty immediately burst into light, a beam of light that could not see the source or end instantly filled the entire spiritual world, illuminating the spiritual world brightly.

This is infinite light.

The immeasurable light not only illuminates Yue Chuan's spiritual world, but also radiates from the inside to the outside, with Yue Chuan as the center, quickly spreads and radiates to the surroundings, and the soft and majestic light centers on Yue Chuan's residence in the blink of an eye, covering the whole world. to Parsenhofen.

The whole city of Parsenhofen was shocked, especially those masters. They have the most sensitive perception of the outside world. If someone casts light magic around them, they will sense the magic fluctuations in an instant and lock the magic. The land and the caster.However, without any vigilance, they were shrouded and covered by infinite light, and even after being submerged by the light, they still couldn't find the source of this light.

Several people with extremely advanced cultivation bases carefully felt this light and realized the mystery contained in it. They immediately realized that this kind of light can only be sensed by the spirit, and has nothing to do with vision at all.It's not an energy, it's a pure feeling.

Thinking of the majestic and solemn "Let there be light" before, the strong men in Parsenhofen immediately sighed, and all of them looked into the void in awe.

"Parsenhofen is indeed a place favored by the gods. In the past, the elves appeared, and the God of War appeared. Now, the God of Light can't bear the loneliness, so he directly manifested miracles..."

"Indeed, I thought that the Church of Light has been doing nothing and didn't get any benefits. I didn't expect their gods to perform miracles directly. After today, the rise of the Church of Light is unstoppable."

"However, why didn't the God of Light choose the Great Cathedral for performing miracles? After all, it is the center of the Church of Light, but why did he choose Parsenhofen?"

"Tsk tsk, what does this mean, don't you understand?"

Naturally, Yue Chuan didn't know about the outside guesses and conversations. At this moment, he was just immersed in his own spiritual world, immersed in his own thoughts.But at this time, a voice interrupted him and woke him up!
An Qi looked at Yue Chuan in disbelief. Originally, when the crystal pendant on her body emitted a strong light, she knew that she seemed to be calculated, and she became a tool for some people to achieve a certain purpose.An Qi is not stupid, she just figured out the crux of the matter after a little guesswork.

At that moment, she was very worried. She was worried that something bad would happen to Yue Chuan. If that was the case, she would be restless for the rest of her life. Therefore, after experiencing the shock, she knelt down without hesitation, clasped her hands together, and prayed to the God of Light pray.

An Qi is a pure believer and a pious believer, so she habitually seeks help from the God of Light, and she firmly believes that the God of Light will hear her prayers and help her.

And at that moment, infinite light radiated, covering the entire Parsenhofen.

Others don't know the source of the voice and the source of the immeasurable light, and attribute it to the miracle of the God of Light, but how can An Qi, who is close at hand, not know, she clearly saw Yue Chuan's lips move, and those words were clearly Yue Chuan's words. It is said, and the source of the immeasurable light is also Yue Chuan's body, to be precise, it is Yue Chuan's forehead and eyebrows, from which soft and holy rays of light are emanating, like a small sun embedded in Yue Chuan's body. Same as overhead.

"God...God...God...he, he turned out to be...the God of Light..."

An Qi looked at Yue Chuan in disbelief, her beautiful eyes were full of surprise and shock, she never thought that the god she prayed to day and night would appear in front of her.That's right, absolutely not wrong, that voice, that light, clearly came from him.

The Guangming Church has been passed down for so many years. In order to consolidate its belief and power, it will naturally fabricate some mythological stories, and the most common one is the reincarnation of gods.Of course, there is a limit to the fabrication of the Church of Light. They can invent a powerful god or angel under the seat of the God of Light, and then say that this god is reincarnated as an angel, descends into the world, turns into a chacha, and then punishes evil and promotes good on the road.

Not to mention, this kind of story is really believed by people. Over time, these fictional stories have been written into the classics of the Church of Light, and later generations have sorted out the Twelve Archangels under the God of Light based on these classics. .

An Qi is a pure believer, and she grew up in the holy church, so she believes in the legend of the reincarnation of the gods even more. Therefore, An Qi took Yue Chuan as the reincarnation of the gods as a matter of course.

"The God of Light, he must be the God of Light, and only the God of Light can say 'Let there be light' so naturally, it is really incredible, the God of Light has actually descended to earth in person, oh, is there any major disaster going to happen on the road? ?”

Regardless of the rumors or the biography, there is only one reason for the gods to come down to earth, and that is the coming of a catastrophe. Now that Yue Chuan has appeared in the world, is there some catastrophe about to happen?

However, this doubt was soon forgotten by An Qi. Anyway, with the God of Light, any disaster can be overcome. All she needs to do is follow the God of Light and firmly believe in the God of Light.

I have to say, simple people are cute!
However, An Qi's exclamation woke up Yue Chuan, causing Yue Chuan to escape from that mysterious realm.

Although this kind of behavior caused Yue Chuan to lose a once-in-a-lifetime insight, but this kind of behavior also made Yue Chuan escape from death again.

This realm of "let there be light" belongs to the power of the gods, the power of creation, and it is not a realm that mortals can contaminate. Yue Chuan is immersed in it, and he will only burn his savings and origin at a rapid rate. It only takes a few seconds In a short time, Yue Chuan will exhaust everything in himself and fall into a deep sleep again, and this deep sleep will be deeper than before. This time, there will be no unlucky person like Alexis to wake up Yue Chuan by mistake.

Shua opened his eyes, and Yue Chuan's eyes showed a trace of fear. Just now, he deeply felt the shadow of death. If it weren't for that crisp and slightly excited voice, he might have been embraced by death and completely sunk down.


Taking a long breath, Yue Chuan seemed to spit out all the turbid air in his chest, and then he looked gratefully at the little girl with a flushed face in front of him, and squeezed out a weak smile on his pale face.

"Thank you for saving me!"

When An Qi heard this, she couldn't help being taken aback, and said to herself, it's obvious that I harmed you, God of Light, if it wasn't for me, you wouldn't be plotted against by those people, you wouldn't be severely injured, and you wouldn't use Protect yourself.

Maybe it's because of reading too many classics, An Qi naturally sketched in her mind a god who pretends to be a mortal, but is forced to give up the disguise when encountering an irreversible crisis, exerts divine power, resolves the crisis, and then turns into a mortal again. The Gouxue bridge section put all of this on Yue Chuan.

"God of Light, all of this is my fault. I lost my vigilance and was tempted by demons. I brought danger to you and nearly killed you. All of this is my sin. I hope God of Light can punish me and forgive me. I……"

Yue Chuan looked at the pear-blossoming rainy girl kneeling in front of him in surprise, and wondered in his heart, what's going on?What god of light, what demon, what danger?What the hell is this mess?punish?forgive?Tsk tsk, little girl, do you know what it means to say these words in front of a man's bed?

"Get up first, what's going on?"

Well, facing Yue Chuan's question, An Qi directly interpreted it as Yue Chuan suppressed his divine power, and then returned to the memory of mortals, so he didn't know everything before.So An Qi explained the ins and outs of the matter in detail.

Listening to An Qi's narration, Yue Chuan's back was already drenched in cold sweat, and he finally understood how many times he narrowly escaped death in such a short few minutes.

For the first time, I was over-consumed because of comprehending the power of the soul, and my consciousness was imprisoned in the spiritual world, falling into a deep sleep, and on the verge of annihilation.But at this time, An Qi came to her with a crystal pendant, and then the end connected to the crystal pendant attacked herself desperately, but by coincidence, she broke the imprisonment of the spiritual world for herself, and put her Pulled back from the brink of death.

The second time, Yue Chuan couldn't extricate himself because he was immersed in the artistic conception of "let there be light", but he didn't know that this time was more dangerous than before. After all, it involved a higher and deeper power, which he could not touch at all.Fortunately, An Qi woke her up in time, otherwise, if she immersed herself in that state for a second or two, she would fall into a deeper sleep and be more thoroughly imprisoned by the spiritual world.Perhaps, Impossible to be reborn forever refers to this end.

Although An Qi kept blaming herself, in Yue Chuan's view, this little girl was indeed his savior and his lucky star.In this mood, Yue Chuan couldn't help but carefully scrutinized An Qi's appearance, feeling an inexplicable throbbing in his heart.

Yue Chuan experienced a long deep sleep, and the first person he saw when he opened his eyes was An Qi. An Qi's appearance and demeanor had been deeply imprinted in the depths of his baptized consciousness, a feeling mixed with gratitude and love. A feeling of joy slowly sprouted in his heart and spread!
"I like you……"

An Qi was still babbling about her mistakes, begging Yue Chuan to punish her, when she suddenly heard Yue Chuan say this, she couldn't help being stunned.

"Archbishop, what did you say?"

"Would you like me to be my girlfriend?"


Surprised, surprised, Angie had an unbelievable feeling.Is happiness coming a bit too suddenly...


Thinking of this, An Qi couldn't help lowering her head shyly, is this appropriate?He is the reincarnation of the God of Light, and he is just a humble believer.

However, An Qi immediately thought that she had already dedicated everything to the God of Light, no matter her belief or her soul is the God of Light, isn't it her duty to worship the God of Light...


On the other side, Innocent looked gloomy at the slowly shattering crystal ball, and after struggling a few times, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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