
Chapter 251 Angie

Chapter 251 Angie
Yue Chuan suddenly felt that he was like the Pangu who opened the sky. The place he was in was muddy, without sky, land, or time, and he couldn't even perceive his own body shape. Empty, lonely, and cold.

Thinking of this, Yue Chuan hurriedly searched around. In his memory, Pangu just touched it, and found out a Pangu axe, and then opened up the world.I don't know if there is such a super artifact around me.

But unfortunately, no, nothing!

At the beginning, Yue Chuan was still able to concentrate his mind and try to recall some past events.After all, according to the idealistic point of view, I think therefore I am, which means that because of the existence of one's own thinking, one's own existence exists. In other words, if one's own thinking does not exist, one will disappear from this world.

In the material world, the body is the sign of existence, while in the spiritual world, this sign is the mind.Yue Chuan constantly forced himself to think and recall, just like a person trapped in the ice and snow forced himself to keep walking and not fall asleep.If it goes to sleep, the only result is to cease to exist.

However, human attention is limited. Yue Chuan's concentration can be maintained for one minute, one hour, one day, one month, or even one year. However, if it is ten years, one hundred years, one thousand years, this concentration will eventually be scattered and even dissipated.There is no concept of time in the spiritual world. Perhaps, 1 years here are as short as a second, but a second here may be as long as 1000 years.

Therefore, Yue Chuan gradually lost his mind, his consciousness dissipated little by little like ink poured into the sea...

In the city of Parsenhofen, Yue Chuan's body was as stiff and cold as wood and stone. If it weren't for the magician who could sense the slightest breath of life, he could almost be sentenced to death.

Originally, Yue Chuan's management of Parsenhofen's territory was in the form of hands-off shopkeepers, and corresponding personnel were assigned to each position. If there were no major disturbances, Parsenhofen City could continue to operate in an orderly manner.Therefore, there were no official matters that required Yue Chuan to make decisions, and the officials in the territory did not realize that there was something wrong with their lord.

In addition, recently, Yue Chuan has been refusing thousands of miles away from those candidate saints who are full of love, and has always lived in seclusion. Except for the closest people, it is normal for others not to see him for dozens of days. Therefore, Yue Chuan's silence does not mean Get someone's attention.Even Yue Chuan's closest butler, Paul, didn't notice anything unusual about him.

Paul has been by Yue Chuan's side for several months, and he is familiar with Yue Chuan's living habits. On weekdays, Yue Chuan often does not go out for a few days in such a silent manner. There are several times when Paul wants to ask Yue Chuan about certain things. But before knocking on the door, he heard a series of obscene voices. Over time, Paul also developed the habit of not seeing or listening to evil.

Although Yue Chuan took too long to "do things" this time, Paul didn't think there was anything wrong with it, young people, ahem...

In this way, Yue Chuan, who lived in the house for a long time, caused people around him to form a habit of forgetting about him. At his most dangerous moment, no one noticed his abnormality.This is almost fatal!
Originally, according to the development track of the matter, Yue Chuan's fate was like ink spilled into the sea, which gradually became indifferent as time went by, and finally disappeared.


When the city of Parsenhofen was operating as usual, the candidate saintesses in the church were also working hard to integrate themselves into this inertial orbit, no matter whether they were carrying a secret mission or sincerely wanted to spread the light. According to God's teaching, the first thing they should do is to stay here.

The city of Parsenhofen is neither the capital of a country nor a meeting point for all directions. It is just a small border town, a place that is neither barren nor rich.But it is precisely this inconspicuous place that, for some special reasons, has become the focus of various major forces. Various forces are mixed here, intertwined and intertwined.

These candidate saints don't have such high vision and knowledge. They can't see the waves of Parsenhofen, but they can feel the potential and vitality of Parsenhofen.There are all kinds of people coming and going here every day, and these people seem to have a strong interest in the Church of Light. They are always wandering around in the church, and they can be seen every day, even in the Great Cathedral. Such a "pious" believer.

However, these believers always ask some weird questions. The polite ones just ask their names and hometowns, and the presumptuous ones even ask some embarrassing questions. Throw out a light spell, knocking those guys out.

That's abominable!

A little girl puffed her mouth angrily, her big round eyes were slightly red, as if she was about to cry at any moment.

The believers here are really disgusting, they are not believers at all, and they don't have the slightest awe of the gods in their hearts.They must be driven out, and they must not be allowed to tarnish the sanctity of the church.

This little girl was one of the one hundred candidate saintesses who were pushed into the fire pit by the Pope. Her name was Angie.Angel, in the Bible of Light, means an angel, a creature created by the God of Light, and angels are also responsible for and undertake all the order of the Bright World.Many believers of the Guangming Church will name their children Angie, and even use "Anqi" to refer to the cuteness of children when they praise children.

As the name suggests, An Qi's identity is very simple. She is just an ordinary clergyman from an ordinary family in the church. She does not have any strong background, nor does she bear any ulterior secrets.When she came here, what she was told was very simple, that is, to preach and let more people convert to the light.

Angel has indeed worked so hard in Parsenhofen. She has been working hard to preach, explaining the teachings of light to believers, interpreting the Bible of light to them, enlightening their doubts, and letting them understand the greatness of the God of light.However, a large group of people make trouble every day, making it impossible for her to preach smoothly, and at the same time, it also makes those who are looking forward to the light shrink back.

It's okay if it's someone else, they may be happy if they have one more believer, and they won't feel sad if there is one less believer.But An Qi is different. She has firmly believed in the God of Light since she was a child. When she joined the candidate for the Holy Maiden, she had already made a decision to dedicate her life to the great cause of spreading light.The thing that makes her most happy and joyful is to develop believers, but what makes her most unacceptable is the loss of believers.

Those people must have been sent by the devil to make trouble, and they must be driven out!
Although An Qi is pure-minded and has no evil intentions, it is only for ordinary people. Little An Qi is also very hostile to dark forces or demons.Therefore, she reported this matter to several managers of the Parsenhofen Church, hoping that the church would come forward to identify and expel those people.

It's just that these clergymen in Parsenhofen are exactly the group of people who were humiliated by the Templars. Because of the last humiliation, they are full of hostility towards the Great Holy Church, no matter whether it is the Holy Church from the Great Holy Church or not. Cavaliers or these candidate saintesses don't have the slightest favor.Therefore, the managers of these churches rejected An Qi's request, and their reasons were very good, because the God of Light said that he put down the butcher's knife and became a believer immediately. No matter what sins a person has before, as long as he has the determination to repent sincerely, redeemable.

An Qi has been studying the Bright Bible since she was able to read and write, from simple memorization to later copying, whether it is the oldest version of the Bright Bible or the version reorganized by later generations, she has not copied it a thousand times, but she has eight hundred But she had never seen the phrase "put down the butcher's knife and become a believer immediately" in the Bright Bible.

Is this what the God of Light said?
When questioned by An Qi, those managers were a little embarrassed. Obviously, they also knew that there was no such sentence in the Bright Bible, but they still replied with reverence: It was said by the Holy Son.

Holy Son, naturally refers to Yue Chuan.An Qi had heard of the name of the Holy Son when she was in the Great Holy Church, but at that time, the people in the Great Holy Church despised and despised the so-called Holy Son, thinking that it was just a means to fool the common people, it was nothing at all. Has not been recognized by the Pope.

Indeed, in the Illuminati Church, the pope is the most authoritative existence. If the pope says you can do it, you can do it, and if you can’t do it, you can do it; if the pope says you can’t, you can do it or not.Everything in the Church of Light requires the approval of the Pope to be recognized, and if it is not approved by the Pope, it will not be recognized.

An Qi thought for a while, Yue Chuan's identity as the Holy Son was indeed not recognized by the Pope, but the Pope granted the status of Archbishop Yuechuan, is the identity of the Holy Son true or false...

Oh, why do you just think about these insignificant things!

An Qi patted her forehead, and thought to herself: The most important thing now is to find the archbishop, let him come forward to drive out the guys sent by the devil to make trouble, and return the believers a clear and pure land.

However, it is too difficult to see Yue Chuan. After all, Yue Chuan has already understood the plot of the Pope, and deliberately avoids these candidate saintesses, so as not to bring unnecessary troubles and troubles to himself, and hides himself all day long. The residence, and told the guard clearly that if a woman came to look for him, he would never see him.Therefore, An Qi went to look for Yue Chuan several times, but was stopped by the guards. The guards had rich experience in dealing with these visitors, and An Qi came several times without even entering the gate.

An Qi was not discouraged, and still went to see her every day. Her behavior was gradually noticed and noticed by some people.

Among the one hundred female believers sent by the Pope this time, some are pure clergymen, and some are confidantes trained by the Pope.Those pure clergymen are just trying to cover up people's eyes and ears, and the real killer moves are still on these confidantes.Before, these confidantes guided everyone's thinking and hinted that everyone wanted to pursue Yue Chuan, but it was a pity that Yue Chuan stayed away and didn't give them a chance at all, so they had all kinds of means but they couldn't use them.

But just when they gave up, they found An Qi...

On this day, An Qi went to look for Yue Chuan again, but was stopped by the guards without exception.Back at the residence, An Qi couldn't help but sigh, not because she was unable to see Yue Chuan, but because she had been lingering for so long, how many believers she had to lose.

At this time, one of her companions came over and asked with concern, "An Qi, you are frowning, what happened to you?"

An Qi was originally pure-minded and didn't have much scheming. When these companions asked her, she spoke out about her troubles.

Although An Qi didn't develop feelings for Yue Chuan as they thought, it didn't matter, it didn't conflict with their plan.

"Oh, that's how it is. It's not a difficult task. My sister will give you an idea, and you will definitely get what you want."

So, the woman said a way, An Qi blinked in doubt, as if to say, this way can also work?

"What's wrong with this method, if you don't believe me, ask them..."

Around, at some point, more than ten companions gathered, and at this moment, they all nodded in agreement, indicating that this method is very feasible.

Three people become tigers, and everyone talks about money. Seeing that more than a dozen companions all said that it is feasible, the little suspicion in An Qi's heart disappeared.But how did the innocent Angel know that these ten people belonged to the same group, and they were all confidantes trained by the Pope.

After a day of meticulous preparation, An Qi came to Yue Chuan's residence as before, and continued to beg to see Yue Chuan.

The guard guarding the gate looked at An Qi dumbfounded, and said, "Sister, I told you that the lord is not here, so please go back."

An Qi snorted, and said dissatisfied: "Who is your sister, you are obviously older than me."

"Okay, sister, I told you that the lord is not here, so please go back."

"I'm not looking for the lord, I'm looking for the archbishop."

"The archbishop you are talking about is the lord I am talking about."

Facing this naughty little girl, the guard felt that his eloquence and logic of speaking had greatly improved. When he first saw this beautiful little girl, he couldn't speak a single word. Now He was able to answer fluently.

"The archbishop is clearly at home, why do you tell me that I am not? You are lying to me."

"The archbishop is not at home!" In his heart, the guard added, even if the archbishop is at home, he will not see you.

But at this time, a young relative dressed as a servant ran out from inside and said in a low voice: "The lord has said, let this girl go in."

When the guard who said loudly that Yue Chuan was not at home just now, his eyes widened and he cursed inwardly, this shit is cheating his teammates, he doesn't play tricks like that.Facing An Qi's questioning eyes, the guard was too ashamed to lift his head.

"Okay, sister, please come in."

Angie raised her chin triumphantly, followed the young man dressed as a servant and walked inside.

The guard looked at An Qi's back, and said puzzledly: "Didn't the lord tell me that as long as it's a woman, I don't see her at all, why did he suddenly change his mind?"

His colleague laughed, "You also think about the Lord Lord's mind. You are really looking for trouble. If you can figure out the Lord Lord's mind, you won't be here to guard the gate."

The guard nodded approvingly, and then returned to his post.

After walking for a while, the young man whispered, "Girl, although I brought you in, we have agreed that you can't do anything out of the ordinary inside."

An Qi quickly waved her hand, "I just want to meet the lord, and I will never do anything out of the ordinary."

"Well, it's really nothing. Everyone has been young. Being young is the capital for making mistakes..."

"Ah? This big...uncle, what do you mean by what you just said?"

"Ahem..." The young man was almost choked to death by his own saliva, and his fragile heart had been severely wounded by saying uncle.

While saying these words, An Qi also secretly wondered what method her companions used to let her in.

The young man dressed as a servant led An Qi to the gate of the inner courtyard, and said to the guards guarding the inner courtyard, "This is the person the lord wants to see."

The guards looked An Qi up and down, then smiled, and said, "Little girl, what, after persisting for so many days, finally got the approval of the lord?"

An Qi couldn't help showing a blush on her face, she didn't expect her story to spread so widely.But thinking of her own purpose, An Qi had no choice but to lower her head, and hummed weakly.

"Let go!"

In this way, An Qi went through two gates and entered the inner courtyard smoothly. After walking a little further inside, she could see Yue Chuan's residence.

Some people may say that the security of Yue Chuan's residence is a bit of a joke, allowing outsiders to come in so easily, but An Qi's ability to enter it is not a joke at all.

For the guards at the gate, the reason for letting them go was because there was news from the "inside" that the lord wanted to see An Qi. Since it was the news from the inside, they, the guards at the gate, naturally had no right to intervene. yes.And for the guards guarding the inner courtyard, An Qi is not a stranger. In addition, she has passed the first checkpoint "review". up.

Of course, the main reason is An Qi herself. Who made her a woman, and a young and beautiful woman, and she is so persistent to the lord, maybe the lord changed his mind today, what do you think about her...

The fortress is the easiest to break through from the inside. This sentence is not false at all. The Pope's confidantes just activated a nail that had already been driven into Yue Chuan's side, and let him deliver two false news, and An Qi was successfully captured. brought in.Although this kind of lie is easy to see through, at least in a short period of time, it can still have a deceiving effect.

And after the servant who led the way for An Qi finished all this, he didn't even want his own luggage, and just found an excuse to slip out, because he knew that if he didn't slip out now, he wouldn't be able to slip out later if he wanted to. gone.

[Those who say that the 96th floor can be passed in 3 minutes raise their hands, I promise not to kill you.I played on the 96th floor for half an hour yesterday, lost dozens of resurrection coins, and finally gave up by myself.The dark attribute of the crystal contract is 1 blood for Suoye, and it is also 1 blood for the cracking fire attribute. Suoye is not a man for 3 minutes. He tortured me for half an hour. When he was attacked by dark attributes, Suoye was pure man.But when I returned to the city, I realized that I could throw away the small black crystal block in the backpack, and the crystal contract would be invalid.Don’t say anything, it’s all tears, silently restart from the first floor]

(End of this chapter)

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