
Chapter 250 Psychic Power

Chapter 250 Psychic Power
Yue Chuan knew that if he followed the inertia to complete the attack routine, he would definitely be killed by Segerhardt's cloak that focused on the power of light.He had to close his move, he had to stop, and he had to make a parry and block action at this very moment.

The arm holding the knife suddenly stopped for a moment. In this one-thousandth of a second, Yue Chuan's arm suddenly swelled, and all the muscles, bones, and membranes on the arm protruded high, which seemed to be thicker than the thigh.

The inertial force of swinging the knife and Yue Chuan's force to withdraw the knife violently collided, violently rolling and crushing, the two forces clashed, and Yue Chuan's arm exploded everywhere under the unbearable load, and gushing blood flew all over the sky.However, after all, Yue Chuan managed to control his movements, resisting the severe pain in his arm, erected the blade between the lightning and flint, and made a blocking movement.


The sharp cloak slammed into the blade of the Soul Cracking Blade, sparking blazing sparks and making an ear-splitting roar, even knocking Yue Chuan's body into the air, flying more than ten meters away.However, Yue Chuan survived after all, parrying off most of the attacks, Yue Chuan was able to escape with residual blood, and after death resistance, he poured a few bottles of blood medicine, and his health quickly recovered.

As a Berserker, he is neither afraid of injury nor bleeding, because a Berserker will bleed even if he is not beaten, and even if he loses too much blood, a Berserker can recover his life through death resistance. Come to greater power.However, what Berserker fears the most is being killed by one move, without even a chance to stand up. However, since he is not caught in a set, then Berserker has the chance to come back and the strength to stand up!
Walking on the verge of death, Yue Chuan felt that instead of being dizzy and weak due to excessive blood loss, his five senses and six senses became more acute, his nerve reaction speed became faster, and his perception of blood became more accurate.Both the body and the spirit have entered an ethereal state, bouncing lightly as if about to fly.


Yue Chuan's figure seemed to appear next to Segerhardt, and the two passed by without any contact, but the Mind Breaking Blade in Yuechuan's hand made slight contact with Segerhardt , The sharp blade lightly slashed along the gap in the armor at Seghardt's waist. Although the blade was blocked by the armor, the blood gas swallowed by the blade penetrated into Seghardt's body.

Segerhardt turned around, quickly raised his palm, a strong beam of light condensed, and a beam of auxiliary aiming light had locked Yue Chuan far away.


The blazing beam of light streaked across the air, bringing with it a scorching atmosphere, but the beam did not touch Yue Chuan. The moment before the beam was emitted, Yue Chuan had already moved sideways at a wrong step, and moved at a ninety-degree angle to the beam of light, which was within a hair's breadth of a difference. evaded Seghardt's attack.

Feeling the blazing heat on his arms, Yue Chuan's heart started beating thumpingly, because at that moment just now, Yue Chuan thought he was dead, and Segerhardt's beam emitted without warning, although there was a beam of auxiliary aiming light, but When you see the light, the light beam has passed through the body. After all, it is light, not arrows or darts. The speed of light is beyond doubt.

But this time, Yue Chuan avoided it.He did not rely on vision, because he knew that in front of the speed of light, what the vision captures is delayed scenery, and the speed of light cannot be surpassed, because in the material world, the speed of light cannot be surpassed.If you use material means, you will never be able to surpass the speed of light. The only way is the power of the spirit, the speed of the spirit!

Opposite to the material world is the spiritual world.In the past, although Yue Chuan had contact with the spiritual world and the power of the soul, it was always like a superficial touch, and it stopped at the first touch, and he never went deep at all.But just now, when Yue Chuan abruptly withdrew that knife with his spiritual thoughts, he had a qualitative breakthrough in his understanding of spiritual thoughts and spiritual power, and made great progress in his comprehension of mind and eyes.

Some people died, but he still lives in people's hearts!

This is the power of the mind. In the world of the mind, all the laws of the material world lose their effectiveness, such as time and speed.

Yue Chuan's spiritual power spreads out of his body through his mind's eyes, penetrates into the surrounding space, and infects and changes everything around him.In the past, it was absolutely impossible for Yue Chuan to do all this, because he didn't know how to use the power of the mind at all.But just now, when physical strength and spiritual will collided head-on, Yue Chuan had a deep understanding of the power of the mind, and his understanding of the mind's eyes became more and more profound.

With the mind's eyes open, everything outside can be seen clearly, just like observing lines on a palm, especially the use of power, the gathering and dispersing of energy, everything is presented in Yue Chuan's mind in every detail.

Before Seghard raised his palm, the energy in his body was gathering rapidly. At this time, Yue Chuan already knew what he was going to do next. The surge of energy in his body deduced his next move.

In the spiritual world, time and space are meaningless things, let alone speed. There is a saying that "a big dream lasts for thousands of years, what year is today?" For the real spiritual world, there is no such thing as time and space at all. Concepts, and speed, are things that exist only on the basis of time and space. Without time and space, speed has no meaning of existence at all.

Yue Chuan knew about Seghardt's movements in advance, and made a countermeasure in advance. Although Seghardt's beam was sharp, but it was aimed crookedly and missed, so what's the point?
Stretching out his hand to touch the still distorted space, feeling the blazing lingering warmth, Yue Chuan realized something in his heart again, and he walked slowly towards Segerhardt, like strolling in a garden, without any nervous or guarded look, just like that With a smile on his face, he looked at Segerhardt softly.


Segerhardt rose into the sky, laughing wildly, the sky was suddenly dark, and bright lightning bolts fell from the sky, attacking Yue Chuan densely.Under this kind of intensive lightning bombardment, Yue Chuan had no chance of surviving, because everything within a radius of tens of meters was covered by lightning, unless Yue Chuan could teleport tens of meters away at that instant, otherwise he could only bear Bombing waves of lightning.

The speed of lightning is the same as the speed of light, and it is impossible for humans to dodge it.However, this does not mean that Yue Chuan can only sit and wait for death.Those dense lightning bolts seemed invulnerable, but in the eyes of the world, there were flaws everywhere.The dozens or hundreds of lightning bolts did not strike at the same time, but fell in batches. Since they were in batches, there must be a gap in time, and this gap is the direction of Yue Chuan's leisurely stroll.

If an ordinary warrior faced all this and saw the lightning falling on his right, he would instinctively dodge to the left, but Yue Chuan was different. He was completely opposite to ordinary people. When he moved to the left, the lightning would Slashing on his right, Segerhardt was like the best actor, every attack matched Yue Chuan's footsteps tacitly.

No, it wasn't that Seghardt cooperated with Yue Chuan tacitly, but that every movement of Seghardt had been understood by Yue Chuan, and Yue Chuan had already foreseen and reacted in advance.

Dozens of hundreds of lightning strikes were completed, but they didn't even touch the corner of Yue Chuan's clothes. Yue Chuan walked left and right like this, and came to Segerhardt from more than ten meters away.

Segerhardt wanted to raise his arm to attack, but at this moment, Yue Chuan suddenly pinched the junction of Segerhardt's gauntlet and palm with precision, and with light force, Segerhardt's arm Like a poisonous snake being pinched seven inches, it suddenly softened, the gem on the palm gleamed, and finally dimmed.

Segerhardt seemed to be facing this situation for the first time, and he didn't know how to deal with it for a while, but after being approached by someone, he decisively chose the way to deal with it. Like a machete, he slashed at Yue Chuan who was close at hand.

No one has ever thought of fighting with Seghardt, because he is a sword soul, and he is the strongest sword soul. Even if he can't use a sword, he is still not something that others can insult. people.

A few minutes before it was changed, Yue Chuan might still be afraid of this cloak, lest it would give him a chill sometime.But when he understood the mind and knew how to use the power of the mind to look at the material world, Segerhardt's moves no longer threatened him.

With a small retreat, Yue Chuan stepped back a step and a half. This distance was very ingenious. It was the limit of the length of Seghardt's cloak. At the edge, although Segerhardt's cloak was extremely sharp and enough to kill Yue Chuan instantly, but the edge of the cloak brushed within a centimeter of Yue Chuan's chest, and there was nothing to do except for the strong wind that made Yue Chuan's chest cool. .

After two consecutive attacks, Yue Chuan could clearly feel (see) the energy in Seghardt's body ebbing like an ebb, and even his actions became much slower.This period of time was the vacuum period for Segerhardt, and it was also when he was weakest.


The Blade of Cracking Soul slid across gently, shooting blood from the edge of Seghardt's armor. Seghardt, who was empty of energy in his body, also lost his means of defense against Yue Chuan's attack. Festival of blood.


The Soul Cracking Blade move is not old, draws an arc, and cuts on Segerhardt again, as smooth as a positive and negative slap in the face, once again taking away a section of Segerhardt's blood volume, the originally mighty Saigerhardt Gerhardt suddenly became sluggish, and his blood volume entered a dangerous state.

If before this, Yue Chuan might still be on guard carefully, because after the boss's blood volume enters a dangerous state, his fighting power will rise sharply, or he will release some amazingly powerful moves, and if he is not careful, he will be killed in seconds.But this time, Yue Chuan still looked calm, showing no sign of being on guard at all. He even took another step closer to Segerhardt.

Seghardt's melee combat ability is terrifying, but without those two attacks, Seghardt has no means of close-body defense at all, except for flying into the sky, he is simply like a sandbag.

Raise your hand!

Without waiting for Seghardt to send out the light beam, Yue Chuan grabbed Seghardt's wrist first, and with a light shake, Seghardt's moves were terminated.


But Yue Chuan could always take a step back without knowing it, reaching the limit distance from the edge of the cloak, allowing Segerhardt's long-stored strength to hit the air.


This move became even more of a joke. On that day, when the sky was shaking and the sky was dark, Yue Chuan was still able to walk in the thunder calmly, passing by the thunder and lightning, and took the opportunity to give Segerhardt a knife.

Unknowingly, Seghardt's blood volume has reached the bottom line, and blood-like liquids are constantly gushing out from the gaps in Seghardt's armor. Things like blood and oil leak out from the gaps, and the scattered Everywhere.And with the pouring of these liquids, Seghardt's combat boots, which had never been stained with dust, finally touched the ground. Then, Seghardt slowly knelt down on the ground. If it wasn't for the support of the metal armor, he would definitely It will roll all over the floor like a pile of junk.

...passed the level...

However, as soon as this idea appeared in his mind, Yue Chuan felt a burst of tearing pain coming from his mind, as if someone was hitting hard in his mind with a sharp awl and chisel, and tearing pains burst from his mind outgoing.

As soon as his eyes went dark, Yue Chuan's state of mind and eyes disappeared, and even Ben's five senses and six senses disappeared. Yue Chuan was locked in a small black room, unable to see any light or hear any sound. The voice doesn't feel any heat or cold.

Yue Chuan knew that his body should have passed out, and his body was like a cage, imprisoning his spirit (soul), it was simply a natural black house.

After thinking about it carefully, Yue Chuan quickly found the crux of the matter. It should be that he had consumed too much energy in the mind and the spiritual world he used just now. Perhaps the spiritual power he had accumulated in his life for more than ten years had been exhausted, so The body will be overwhelmed and enter a dormant state.Yue Chuan couldn't help but feel a burst of panic, his body in the real world must have become a vegetable, what the fuck, what should I do.

Things were indeed as Yue Chuan imagined, because Yue Chuan realized the power of the spiritual world, Yue Chuan's body was under too much burden.Originally, the power of the mind can only be touched when the physical power reaches a certain level, and only when the power of the mind reaches a certain level can one understand the rules and interfere with the rules.Regardless of material power or spiritual power, they are like two ends of a lever. If you want to lift the lever, you must pay a certain degree of "force".But Yue Chuan didn't have enough "strength", and he touched the power of the rules without authorization, so that his body was overwhelmed and fell asleep.

Yue Chuan originally wanted to say that he only realized something in the game, so why did his body suffer consequences.But after thinking about it carefully, all the insights and improvements in the game world of "Dungeon and Warriors" are fed back to the real world in real time. In other words, I have realized the power of the spiritual world in the game world of "Dungeons and Warriors" , and my own real world has also mastered this power, but my body is not enough to bear it, so the situation will happen.

How should I put it, it's as if a three-year-old child suddenly mastered the skill of swinging a sledgehammer, but this three-year-old child did not have the strength to lift the sledgehammer, someone handed him a sledgehammer, and then... Then it was like Yue Chuan's current appearance up.

It is good to increase the strength, but if the increase is too high, it will have the opposite effect, just like a gunpowder-driven firearm, and it is suddenly loaded with nuclear materials, what will happen?The energy of nuclear materials is indeed tens of millions of times stronger, but this energy has surpassed the scope of firearms, and it is not something it can control at all.

With a heavy sigh, Yue Chuan could only warn himself in his heart that in the future, unless it is absolutely necessary, he must not use the power of the spiritual world, otherwise, a bad person will really become a vegetable.

Now, my spirit has not been slackened, which means that my existence (body) in the material world has not been destroyed, and I still have hope of recovery, but before that, I must replenish the excessively consumed spiritual power.

But the key point is that Yue Chuan doesn't know anything about the power of the spiritual world. The reason why he was able to enter the spiritual world just now is because of the half-hearted mind he had comprehended before. up.However, being anxious is useless, Yue Chuan can only calm himself down.

At this moment, Yue Chuan racked his brains to recall some of the knowledge explained in the physics class. At this moment, Yue Chuan really understood the meaning of using books to hate less, and Yue Chuan's empty mind could search for "relativity". This term, but I don’t know what the theory of relativity is. There are many such terms, but Yue Chuan only knows one name, and he doesn’t know the specific content. It is doomed to fail to understand the spiritual world from a scientific point of view. .

Anyway, his mental will doesn't need sleep, and he won't be tired, so Yue Chuan simply put himself in an upright posture, and imitated those monks and Taoists seen in the TV series to meditate.

After posing properly, some wonderful clips from movies and novels began to appear in Yue Chuan’s mind. These clips were very fragmentary, and many of them had even been forgotten by Yue Chuan. Said Zhou...

As soon as these words surfaced, Yue Chuan's mental will suddenly trembled as if struck by lightning.

The upper and lower four directions are called the universe, the past and the present are called the universe...

Yue Chuan repeated this sentence with a strange tone. He vaguely remembered that this was a sentence he saw in his Chinese textbook, which came from an ancient classic.I didn't think much of it before, but now that I think about it, aren't these two sentences exactly the time and space described? These two simple sentences summarize the essence of the universe.Time and space are like the X axis and the Y axis. It is their overlapping that creates the material world, and the entire material world really exists because of time and space.

What about the spiritual world? How is the spiritual world described?Yue Chuan vaguely understood the key to his awakening.

But no matter how hard Yue Chuan racked his brains, he couldn't remember the description of the spiritual world.

(End of this chapter)

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