
Chapter 218

Chapter 218
Lieyan Pinoxiu and Lieyan Pinoxiu are each of the best beauty, and the two together make Yue Chuan enjoy the blessing of being equal to everyone, not to mention the two completely different styles of ice and fire, and the difference between elves. Because of the different tastes of human beings, each of them makes Yue Chuan linger and forget to return. Such a combination of all kinds leads to the indulgence of forgetting to eat and sleep, until everyone has been squeezed out of all their physical strength, and then they hug each other and fall into a deep sleep.

Yue Chuan slept very soundly this time, it seemed that it was the first time since time travel that he slept so relaxedly.I am no longer busy with calculations and calculations, I am no longer busy with defense and self-improvement, as if I have returned to the leisurely time in the university dormitory.

While in deep sleep, Yue Chuan's body slowly changed, and his strength also made a slight breakthrough. If you open Yue Chuan's attribute panel at this time, you can definitely see his fire attribute enhancement, fire attribute resistance, ice attribute enhancement, ice attribute enhancement, and ice attribute enhancement. The attribute resistance has increased slightly, and his four-dimensional attributes have also gradually increased. After a whole day of intercourse with the two daughters of Lie Yan Pinoxiu and Ice Herac, Yue Chuan not only did not hurt him. Basically, it has gained great benefits.

Just like Lie Yanbinoxiu said, this kind of thing is of great benefit to her strength improvement, and this benefit is not only for her, but also for Yue Chuan, but Yue Chuan's improvement is less in comparison.

In the ancient East, many practitioners pursued the art of intercourse, using sex in the bed to improve their strength, break through the realm, and finally achieve a positive result.According to the legend, Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor practiced a unique art called "The Way of Yin and Yang in the Void". When he achieved great success, he had three thousand imperial daughters, and then he soared in the daytime.

In the eyes of ordinary people, it is a licentious and immoral thing. People often say that sex is a bone-scraping knife, a sharp weapon that kills without blood, and how many heroic ambitions are wasted on the belly of a woman.It's just because they don't understand the principle of yin and yang to create all things, and regard a great way as a means of lust, so they can't prove the way and ascend like Xuanyuan Huangdi and other ancient powers.

And in the eyes of those experts who practice the art in the room, the most important thing in the way of practice is to find a top-quality practice tool, and this tool usually refers to a woman, that is, their partner in bed, usually called a tripod furnace. (The cauldron is a living creature, I don't know if the inflatable doll is feasible) And those that are suitable for practice and can make the practice more effective are called famous utensils.

If Yue Chuan knew the art of the room, he would be able to tell that no matter Lie Yanoxiu or Ice Herac, they were all born with the best cauldron, capable of driving countless people who practiced this way to go crazy.After all, Yue Chuan, who doesn't know anything about intercourse, can benefit from intercourse with the two daughters of Lie Yan Pinoxiu and Han Bing Herac. If he knows a little bit, the gains will be unimaginable.

However, no matter Yue Chuan, Lie Yan Pinoxiu, or Han Bing He Lak, they don't know what the intercourse technique is. The only thing they feel is that it is very pleasant to do this kind of thing, and then it seems to be a little bit helpful for cultivation .

Time passed by little by little, when Paul knocked on the door and called Yue Chuan to eat, Yue Chuan woke up in a daze, glanced at the scorched bed board and the quilt covered with ice, Yue Chuan couldn't help but wry smile.Although the bodies of elves are beautiful, not everyone can experience them. One is as hot as fire, and the other is as cold as ice. Ordinary people will burn and freeze just by touching them, let alone entering their bodies. .Fortunately, fortunately, fortunately, I have achieved success in cultivation and have the protection of the contract, so I won't be harmed by them, otherwise I can only watch but not eat.

Patting the plump buttocks of Lieyan Pinoxiu and Hanbing Herac, the two female elves hummed a few times in a daze, but there was no sign of opening their eyes. Yue Chuan had no choice but to trigger the contract, and then saw their bodies change little It became hazy and transparent, and finally turned into a stream of light and fell into Yue Chuan's palm.

Looking at the magic rune in his palm, Yue Chuan said in a low voice: "Oh, this contract is too obscene, the person who invented this contract is definitely not a good person."

After tidying himself hastily, and then put on brand new clothes, Yue Chuan opened the door.

"Master, your dinner is ready, and there are a few guests visiting."

How many guests are there?

Yue Chuan looked up at the sky outside the window.At this time, autumn has just entered, and the days have gradually shortened. At dinner time, the sky has already been wiped dark. If it is in the countryside, people in this kind of weather have already climbed up on the bed and prepared to go to bed early, although people in cities and towns go to bed later. A little, but at this time, it is not suitable to visit relatives and friends.The only explanation is that these people are looking for trouble.

"Who? What? When did you come?"

Yue Chuan walked slowly in the direction of the restaurant, not because he wanted to be slow, but because he couldn't walk fast at all. After rolling on the bed for so long, and with one against two, even if Yue Chuan was a small steel chick, he would be ground into embroidery needles at this time Now, the waist and knees are all sore and numb. When walking, it seems to be floating in the clouds. If you speed up your pace a little, you will have the urge to fall to the ground.

Paul turned a blind eye to Yue Chuan's walking posture, just as he lowered his eyes without any trace when he saw the messy scene in the house. Hearing Yue Chuan's question, Paul said unhurriedly: "The people who came are the priests of Chacha City. , Priest Chachacheng and Priest Chachacheng, they wanted to discuss some religious matters with the master, they came in the morning, but the master was not there at the time, so they were asked to wait in the guest room, and none of them left at this time .”

Hearing this, Yue Chuan couldn't help feeling embarrassed.In the morning, Paul should have come to ask himself for instructions, but he was doing that thing at the time and didn’t hear it at all, or Paul didn’t knock on the door when he heard the sound outside the door, and just left those people outside .But what puzzled Yue Chuan was that the priests of these churches were so patient that they didn't leave.

As for the purpose of these priests, Yue Chuan figured it out with his toes, it was nothing more than a problem of the believers.

Developing a religion is similar to governing a country, and the saying that those who win the hearts of the people are the same applies to religion. Otherwise, why would there be so many sects fighting each other to compete for believers?

But to put it mildly, even within the same religion, different areas have overt and covert competition.Before the faith reaches saturation, everyone lives in peace, each guarding their own land to eat, developing people who don't believe in gods into believers, and obtaining various resources from this believer.However, when the religion in a region reaches saturation, it will inevitably expand outward and compete with other regions for believers.

The development of the Church of Light has not been smooth sailing, and has even been going downhill, intriguing with many sects, large and small.But since Yue Chuan was born, everything has changed.Whether it is Yue Chuan's personal fame or the majestic church in Starn City, the prestige of the Guangming Church has doubled, and its status in the hearts of the people has also risen. Those former believers have become more determined in their beliefs, while those who are still waiting and wavering , also quickly made a decision to join the Bright Church.Although the other sects, large and small, are impatient, no one dares to attack the Church of Light. After all, the lessons learned from the Church of the Goddess of Nature are vivid, and no one dares to cause trouble.

But those sects outside are not making trouble, which doesn't mean that some people inside the Guangming Church are not making trouble.Viscount Dasabi was just a pioneer who was testing the waters. After Yue Chuan turned him into a vegetable and sent him back, some people had indeed been silent for a while, but now, they finally jumped out again irresistibly.

"Father Umont, according to the regulations of our Church of Light, the God of Light entrusts believers in the world to the Pope to shepherd them. The Pope has limited energy, so he divided the area shrouded by the God of Light into twelve dioceses. The archbishop assists in the management, and the twelve dioceses are further divided into pastoral and parish areas. That's right."

When Yue Chuan came to the living room after dinner, he was immediately questioned aggressively by a priest. The priest was nominally trying to teach the rules and regulations of the Guangming Church, but in fact he was trying to trick Yue Chuan.Every word and every word he said is true. After all, these are written in the Bright Bible. Even Yue Chuan can't find any faults, but this priest's test rules are false. He pointed out to Yue Chuan the Pope, Archbishop and various parishes The priest-master-slave relationship is true.And most importantly, this priest deliberately ignored Yue Chuan's "holy son" status.

"That's right, the Bright Bible does say so."

"Since Father Umont thinks so, then things will be easy. Each pastoral area and parish are governed by the priests of the church, right?"

Another priest asked Yue Chuan a question, and his words further induced Yue Chuan to step into the trap.

Yue Chuan grinned. He had roughly seen the overall plan of these people, and suddenly felt a little boring, so he didn't bother to follow them. He just lifted his clothes, raised his legs, and leaned lazily on the back of the chair, silently recovering. Looking at the physical strength consumed by the crazy indulgence just now.

"Yes, that's right. But so what?"

Seeing Yue Chuan's carefree look and indifferent tone, the priests all frowned. Although they had already thought of the resistance of this trip and that Yue Chuan would not cooperate with them, they never thought that Yue Chuan's attitude would be so bad , Just said a few words and put on this posture.

Both sides are smart people, and there is no need to continue to hide and hide. Seeing Yue Chuan's style, several people looked at each other and nodded at the same time.

"Well, Father Umont, recently, the personnel of your parish have aggressively recruited believers in our parish, causing the loss of believers in our parish, and causing extremely serious losses to our parish. Look at the people who are also God's people. For the sake of it, we did not pursue the person involved, but this kind of thing has intensified, now, Umont, you must give us an explanation and compensate our parish for the loss."

Seeing the sanctimonious look of that priest, Yue Chuan had a sneering look on his mouth, clicked his tongue twice, and said slowly: "Who is that, what is your name? Oh, I remembered, um, okay, tell me The personnel of Starn parish are developing believers in your parish. Is this person a clergyman in our parish or an ordinary believer in your parish? If you ask me for compensation, then the evidence must be conclusive? People Evidence, physical evidence, put them all on display, if it is true, I really don’t need that much money.”

Hearing Yue Chuan's words, expressions of embarrassment appeared on the faces of several priests.What is the truth? Everyone knows clearly from the bottom of their hearts that the so-called priests of Starn parish go to other parishes to preach.Among other things, the beautiful church alone attracts hundreds of people around to watch and worship every day. With the reputation of Starn Parish, there is no need to publicize it at all. The people who attract believers in the district are all local residents. After seeing the church in Starn Parish, they go back and brag to the villagers in the village, and then spread the word to ten or ten.

The witnesses and material evidences are nothing at all, and everything is conjecture and fabrication, but in the eyes of these priests, they are on the same level as Yue Chuan, and each of them controls a city. The church and believers within the scope, several of the parishes are located in a city even larger and more prosperous than Starn City, and these people unite to visit, even if Yue Chuan does not show insincerity and fear, at least he must be respectful, and then everyone After singing red face and black face, didn't Yue Chuan honestly offer a sum of money?During this period of time, the loss of believers was so serious that the church did not receive any donation money at all. Hundreds of people in the whole church were counting the rice grains in the rice tank for food. up.

That's right, the real purpose of these people is to seek money.They are indeed madly poor.The Guangming Church does not have any property or property, and all sources of income are donations and gifts from believers, and part of these incomes is handed over to the pastoral and parishes above, and the remaining part is used to repair the church. Adding utensils, purchasing materials, basic necessities of life, etc., every church is struggling.

Originally, Yue Chuan, an anomaly, appeared in Starn City, and the Goddess of Nature was beaten and withdrawn from this area. The priests in the surrounding parishes really applauded and congratulated Yue Chuan, because the Goddess of Nature was missing. By teaching this biggest enemy, they can obtain more resources and more believers, and the victory of Starn City has also boosted their momentum. No other sect, large or small, dares to oppose the Church of Light.

Only very soon, they found out that they were wrong.Although the goddess of nature left to teach the hungry wolf, the evil tiger Umont immediately ushered in.

That's right, Yue Chuan drove away the Goddess of Nature Cult, but at the same time, Yue Chuan also attracted believers from several surrounding parishes.Although the church in which city the believer worships is worshiping the God of Light, and there is no essential difference, but for the priests of each church, the difference between them is too great.

When believers worship Starn Parish, they will inevitably make donations. Although the Starn Parish is free for medical treatment and exorcism, but you don’t charge money, believers can always put money into the charity box.Not to mention, there are not a minority of believers who invest money, and even some famous iron cocks have readily plucked a few hairs.If this is the case, forget it, but more importantly, the believers in the surrounding parishes are not afraid of exhaustion and come to Starn City to worship the God of Light, and make donations, and these donations have been paid in the past. to their local church.

So just like that, the surrounding believers and resources were all attracted and gathered by the church in Starn City, and it showed a snowballing trend, getting bigger and more violent, and even gradually showing the dominant position of one family.Maybe it won't be long before there is only one church in Starn City left within a few hundred miles, and the others will be scattered and eventually abandoned because they can't get rid of the pot.

Originally, the priests in the surrounding parishes only complained about Yue Chuan. After all, Yue Chuan earned his honor by relying on bayonets, and he also relied on the means of preaching to develop believers. Treating diseases and saving lives is just a fuss, but Yue Chuan is willing, so what can they do to Yue Chuan?
Many churches that couldn't get rid of the pot began to beg the archbishop of the diocese to reduce the share of the surrender, and boldly asked Archbishop Alexis for help.It's just that the rescue was not issued, but Alexis gave them a trick, that is, to join forces to attack Yue Chuan and seize a part of the share from Yue Chuan. A lot of wealth, but also to pay the expenses of the surrounding parish.

As the saying goes, cutting off one's wealth is like killing one's parents. The priests and Yue Chuan in these parishes have no hatred of killing their father and seizing their wives, but Yue Chuan has won over their believers and resources. How could they endure a fatal stabbing.

"Father Umont, we are also believers of the God of Light, so we have not arrested and pursued those who violated our interests, so we cannot give you the evidence you want. However, the damage you caused us every day It is continuing, and it is deepening every day. If you don't give us an explanation, we will join forces to ask the archbishop for an explanation. At that time, it will not be solved by a single compensation!"

After saying this, the priests of several parishes all looked at Yue Chuan with scorching eyes, wanting to see the panic and pleading that would appear on Yue Chuan's face. Reasonably, in order to appease public anger, Alexis will take sides, not to mention that this matter itself was instructed by Alexis.

Alexis, that is the archbishop of Bava, one of the twelve archbishops appointed by the Pope, and the most powerful group of people in the Church of Light, definitely not the priests of churches in small city parishes like them. In comparison, the gap between the two is like the difference between a prime minister and a county magistrate.Yue Chuan would definitely be terrified, and then beg for selfishness in a low voice.

However, they were doomed to be disappointed, because Yue Chuan always had that mocking smile on his face. When he heard Alexis' name, instead of showing panic, the corners of his mouth became more obvious.

"Really? Then go!"

(End of this chapter)

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