
Chapter 217 Flames of Pinoche's Flames

Chapter 217 Flames of Pinoche's Flames
With the help of the soul puppet, Lie Yanoxiu and Ice Herac were all subdued by Yue Chuan and became Yue Chuan's contracted creatures.

Yue Chuan was very satisfied with this.

If you take two servants or slaves, you have to follow them every step of the way, worrying about their daily necessities.

Start-up money?

Impossible to start wages!

But worrying about it every day is also annoying, isn't it?

In case the slave escapes and gets his belongings or secrets involved, should he pursue or not?
If you encounter a few adventurers with a sense of justice on the way to chase, it is likely to give them experience.

If servants and slaves have nonsense relatives and friends, or enemies, it is tantamount to a time bomb.

Therefore, it is still a good contract.

The creatures of the contract can be included in the contract at any time, and can be summoned when needed. It is as convenient, simple and quick as summoning a beast, without any trouble.

Most importantly, contracted creatures don't need to eat or drink, and the owner can provide energy to survive. Typically, they can let the horse run without feeding the horse to eat grass.

Under the contract, everything about the creature is under the control of the master, and a single thought can determine the life or death of the contracted creature, and there is no deceit or betrayal at all.


Lie Yanoxiu and Ice Herak all turned into red and blue streamers and flew towards Yue Chuan.

The icy blue light turned into a delicate snowflake tattoo, which disappeared in a flash on Yue Chuan's palm.

The fiery red light turned into a pattern of three blooming fiery stamens, which rose mischievously for a while, and then disappeared under the skin.

Immediately, the long-awaited system prompt came from Yue Chuan's ear.

Still indifferent and empty, still full of emotion, but to Yue Chuan's ears, it sounds extremely lively and sweet.

Congratulations, you have successfully cleared the challenge of the abyss of the hanging city.

Afterwards, the heavy and depressing abyssal atmosphere permeating the world began to dissipate slowly, like the morning fog under the scorching sun, disappearing in a blink of an eye.

When I took a deep breath, I smelled the fresh and clean air again, which made me feel refreshed and refreshed.

However, what filled Yue Chuan with joy was Lie Yan Pinoxiu and Ice Herac.

Others brushing the abyss are all for fanfare, but Yue Chuan embraced a pair of twins when he swiped the abyss, sisters, ice and fire twins, and they were both elves.

The most important thing is to sign a contract, never worry about betrayal.

Spreading his palms together, two brightly colored magic runes appeared in Yue Chuan's palm. On the left was the blue magic rune representing ice, which was where Ice Herak was located, and on the right was the red magic rune representing fire. It is the habitat of Lie Yan Pinoxiu.

Xuehua and Huorui, two extreme and opposing forces, at this time, Chunlan Qiuju is good at winning.

Each one is so delicate, touching and admiring.

Although it was a small contract rune, it seemed to really see the faces of Ice Herac and Lie Yan Pinoxiu.

This is the spiritual connection. It only takes one thought to connect with the other party, and there is no need for physical contact of sight, hearing, smell, touch and taste.

If Lie Yanoxiu and Ice Herac were still human beings, they would have to follow Yue Chuan all the time, but now they have transformed into elemental spirits, they are no longer pure flesh and blood, but a kind of similar energy The life form of the body, a small magic rune can make them inhabit and stay.

It is said that Diaosi's girlfriends are right-handed. In the past, Yue Chuan thought it was the self-deprecation of Diaosi, but when he saw the magic rune in his hand, Yue Chuan finally understood that it was the epiphany left by Diaosi's predecessors .

Senior Diaosi, who was the first to utter such emotion, must have entrusted a remarkable female creature in his hands.

You have your own golden house in your hands, you have Yan Ruyu in your hands, the ancients are sincere and do not deceive us.


Traditional crafts must be practiced every day, and they must not be unfamiliar, let alone neglected.

However, the question also arises, will I use my left hand or my right hand in the future?
Let's keep both hands together, this is called the power of the Ice Fire Demon Pestle.

At this moment, two faintly glowing objects slowly floated down from the air. They were the magic letters entrusted to the souls of Lie Yanoxiu and Ice Herac.

Seeing these two lost and recovered magic handbooks, Yue Chuan was very puzzled, because the last time he obtained them, there were mission items displayed on them, which could neither be viewed nor used, so Yue Chuan casually threw them into his backpack and ignored them. ignore.But this time, the mysterious sealing power on the two magic notebooks disappeared, as if they were ordinary books that could be flipped through at will.

Yue Chuan casually flipped through it, only to find that it was full of strange characters. That kind of characters were not commonly used in the current continent, but they had a little similarity to the common characters, but those characters were beautiful or complex. They are far beyond the comparison of common characters. Yue Chuan knows without guessing that this is a higher, more complex and powerful character than common characters, and it must contain very mysterious power.

It's a pity that Yue Chuan is completely illiterate in front of this kind of writing, the only thing he can see are the illustrations in the middle of the writing.

"When I used to read small comics and movies in the island country, I only read the pictures and didn't read the words. Although I couldn't read them, I could even guess them comfortably. I have a strong thirst for knowledge. Now that I have traveled to another world, I have revisited the past again, alas..."

It's a pity that the illustrations in these two magic handbooks are all geometric patterns, two-dimensional, three-dimensional, none of them are simple, and they are all extremely complicated, making people dazzled and as big as a bucket.

As for the geometry works, the only thing Yue Chuan remembers is the book "Big Sister's Breast Geometry", and he doesn't know anything else.

Well, let's talk human.

The illustrations of the magic array on the magic handbook are very delicate and beautiful, every word and every picture is as if drawn by a precision instrument, there is no omission or deviation at all, and it can be called art and classic.

It can be seen that Lie Yan Pinoxiu and Ice Herac were both extremely intelligent and studious women before they changed.It's a pity that he was blinded by power and turned into the half-crazy look he is now.

"I don't understand, I don't understand, I don't understand at all!"

Yue Chuan, who had already reached the state of no code in his heart, saw the book full of words and patterns, and suddenly one head and two big, and quickly closed the magic handbook.But at this time, Yue Chuan finally saw the attributes of the magic handbook.

Ice magic handbook, epic, and ice magicians can be intensively studied and practiced.It records a lot of ice magic, and even copied many ice magic that the elves have never flowed out, with infinite secrets and power.

Fire magic handbook, epic, and fire magicians can be intensively studied and practiced.It records a lot of fire magic, and even copied many fire magic that has never been released by the elves. It has infinite secrets and power.

Neither a weapon nor an item of equipment, but both items are genuinely epic.According to the truth, Lie Yan Pinoxiu and Ice Herac are at best junior magicians or intermediate magicians, not even advanced magicians, let alone great magisters, but how could the magic handbooks written by them be epic?
It doesn't make sense!

A-Gump Zuo Langren's long sword is only equipped with pink equipment. Isn't Brother Zuo stronger than Lie Yanoxiu and Ice Herac?
If you want to become an epic equipment, you must at least have a place in the epic.

For example, the Yilong Sword, or the Cross Cutting Knife, etc.

How did Ice Herac and Flame Pinoche turn their magic handbooks into epic equipment?
Is beauty equal to justice, or big breasts equal to justice?

At this time, Yue Chuan slapped his head fiercely. All along, he had taken it for granted that this magic handbook was written by Lie Yanping Pinoxiu and Hanbing Herac, but he did not expect that these two magic handbooks were obtained from other places.

According to them, the two sisters have entered the ruins of the elves, and have been exploring inside for several years. Combined with the epic level of these two magic handbooks, the answer is ready to come out.

This is the work of the strong elves at all, and it was only obtained by Lie Yanoxiu and Ice Herac. Maybe there are also transcriptions and notes of the two of them, but in any case, it can only be passed down from the hands of the strong elves. , to make them epic quality.

If it is the works of Lie Yanoxiu and Ice Herac, it may take hundreds or even thousands of years of accumulation to reach this level.

Although these two magic handbooks can't bring Yue Chuan a little bit of improvement, and even Yue Chuan can't use them at all, it doesn't mean that they are useless. On the contrary, among all the equipment and items Yue Chuan obtained, the most valuable and potential , and there are only these two magic handbooks.

Yue Chuan thought of Sally. This fire-type magic handbook can be studied and used by Sally, but then he saw the words "untradeable" displayed next to this epic-quality magic handbook. After all, it is an epic. Pick up and bind , it is impossible to transfer it from Yue Chuan to another person. Fortunately, Lieyan Pinoxiu has signed a contract with Yue Chuan and is connected as one, so he can use this item without any obstacles. Otherwise, Yue Chuan can only throw it into the Disassembler.

After looking around again, after making sure there was nothing missing, Yue Chuan chose to return to the town.Afterwards, Yue Chuan did not stop in the town at all, and immediately went offline.

Yue Chuan rubbed his palm, and a bright red magic rune appeared in Yue Chuan's palm. It was the contract symbol of Lie Yan Binuoxiu, and it was also the habitat of Lie Yan Binuoxiu.

With the injection of blood power and Yue Chuan's call in his heart, the flame rune became hotter, and then a dazzling flame bloomed like a stamen, and Lie Yanbinoxiu's figure also emerged in the flame.


It took only a blink of an eye to transform into a living person, and Lieyan Pinoxiu appeared in front of Yue Chuan alive.

Without that kind of hostile relationship, Yue Chuan finally had the time and mood to look at Lie Yan Bi Nuoxiu carefully after the battle alert was lifted.

I have to say that Lieyan Pinoxiu is a very beautiful woman.

After all, she is a student of Shalan, and Shalan is from the elves. Every elf is a supporter and executor of perfectionism. The pickiness of beauty is simply outrageous, and she can be valued by Shalan and accepted as a student Teaching magic shows that Lieyan Pinoxiu is impeccable in both appearance and talent.

Now, Lieyan Pinoxiu has undergone the transformation of her life form and transformed into an elf physique, which has imperceptibly improved her beauty and talent to a higher level, and her attractiveness and allure to men has also increased.

Lie Yan Binoxiu looked at Yue Chuan with confused eyes, she still couldn't figure out where she was at this moment, who was the man in front of her, and she couldn't figure out why there was a force in her heart that made her look towards the man in front of her. Men surrender.There were too many messy thoughts, so Lieyan Pinoxiu's thinking quickly entered a state of shutdown, empty and blank.

"come over!"

Received Yue Chuan's call, although Lie Yanbinoxiu resisted and struggled a bit, but the power of the contract made her unable to resist Yue Chuan's order, her body still faithfully carried out the order, and slowly approached Yue Chuan.

It's just that Lieyan Pinoxiu's body is full of heat, like a piece of burning coals, releasing amazing heat all the time.

Yue Chuan, everything around him, even the air, was baked and burned by this heat.

Just like those demons covered in magma, black smoke billows everywhere they walk, and the smell of sulfur is pungent.

However, Lieyan Pinoxiu was dry and clean, with only scorching heat all over his body, but no messy colors and smells.

It can be seen from this that she is a clean girl, and her cultivation power is also extremely pure.

At the same time, the appearance of Lie Yanoxiu changed slightly.

Intense flames flowed and surged under the skin, and strands of flame power escaped from the [-] pores.

Looking from the outside, Lieyan Binuoxiu seemed to be wearing a layer of flaming battle robe, covering the vital parts of her body, but this hazy covering added to her seductive aura.

Affected by the breath of flames, Lie Yanbinoxiu's fair skin showed a faint rose color, and his cheeks were even more blushing, as if drunk. The deep red eyes were similar to Yue Chuan's blood rage, but different.

Blood Rage's eyes were full of mad killing, hatred, and anger, containing boundless desire to destroy, as if to destroy everything in sight.

Lieyan Binoche's eyes are like the sun, powerful but not domineering, warm but not scorching hot, although not as tender as water, they can soften people into tender fingers.

The four eyes meet, and time seems to stand still.

After a few thousand words, Yue Chuan finally calmed down and realized that the person beside him was not Sally, but Lie Yan Binoxiu.

This is a mistake.

Yue Chuan couldn't help thinking that if the first person he summoned was not Lie Yanoxiu but Ice Herac, this kind of misunderstanding might not have occurred. The mistake was that Lie Yanoxiu and Sally were too similar. so that I lost my mind.

However, it is not Yue Chuan's style to pat his ass and leave without eating.


Yue Chuan opened his mouth, but didn't know what to say.Do you want to tell Lie Yanpinoxiu that I regard you as another person.If you really want to say this, God knows if Lie Yanoxiu will become angry or even resentful, the already unreasonable Lie Yanoxiu may become even more frenzied.


But at this time, Lie Yanbinoxiu said in an angry voice: "Why don't you call my sister too..."


Yue Chuan's nose bleeds violently.

(End of this chapter)

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