
Chapter 215 Others stack intelligence, you should stack IQ

Chapter 215 Others stack intelligence, you should stack IQ

After pouring the three potions into his belly, Yue Chuan's ice resistance and fire resistance were greatly improved immediately. It is believed that the damage caused to him by the same ice and fire magic will be reduced by half. The attributes of weapons and armor have also been slightly improved.Although the ratio of the enhancement potion is not against the sky, it still depends on the base of this ratio. The basic attributes of that shield are very high. Combined with the enhancement potion, it is like wearing another set of armor for Yue Chuan. Now Yue Chuan's Attributes can be described as metamorphosis.

Seeing that Yue Chuan was not killed by his own magic, Lie Yanbinoxiu and Ice Herac were a little surprised. They thought that their life form and strength level had undergone qualitative changes. Survive the power of your own magic?Even if he survived, at least he would have to lose his arms and legs, which means, how can he be intact!
"This is impossible! You should die!"

When Yue Chuan heard what Lieyan Binuoxiu said, he couldn't help being stunned for a moment, did this woman lose her mind? Could it be that if she cast a spell, the opponent would die?

"Why should I die? What's so great about you? Will I die if you let me die?"

Ice Herac on the side also said in a cold voice: "Mortal, you can't even imagine how powerful we are. We have been searching in Grand Forest for many years, and we have found clues to the elven ruins. We have passed the ancient magic circle in the elven ruins. Shedding the mortal body and transforming into the body of an elemental elf, we ourselves are elements, magic, and power, you are a mortal, we can kill you with a lift of our hands!"

Hearing Han Bing Herac's words, Yue Chuan immediately narrowed his eyes tightly.

Everyone in the world thought that these two magicians became mad because of the great fire, but this kind of statement was full of weirdness and couldn't stand scrutiny at all.First of all, the two of them are magicians, and they are very sensitive to the changes in the energy between the heaven and the earth. It is almost instinctive to seek good luck and avoid evil. How could they not be prepared for the fire, and even if they were deep in the fire, they would not be hurt at all, after all Lieyan Pinoxiu is a fire magician, and if a fire magician is burned to death by fire, it is as ridiculous as a fish being drowned in water.As for Ice Herac, with his ice magic, even if he couldn't put out the fire, he was more than enough to protect himself. It was impossible for this fire to cause any damage to their sisters, let alone make them go mad.

But the fact is that they go crazy.

In the past, Yue Chuan didn't understand what was going on.But now after listening to Han Bing Herac's words, Yue Chuan immediately understood that the changes in their bodies were all caused by the ancient relics of the elves, and the fire just happened at the right time.Moreover, Han Bing Herac's words also revealed a piece of information, that is, the two of them had obtained the clues of the elves many years ago, and they have been working hard to explore in recent years. , It's just a cover to deceive people's ears.And they did succeed, changing their life forms as they wished.

Elf! ?
That's right, the bodies of Lie Yanoxiu and Ice Herac are not flesh and blood human beings. After all, they were killed once in Gran's Forest last time, and their bodies have been left there.It should be that their souls were pinned on the magic handbook, and entered a mysterious realm, and finally transformed.

Thinking of those two magic handbooks, Yue Chuan wanted to give himself two slaps. When he got those two things, why didn’t he study them carefully? He just threw them into his bag and thought everything would be fine. Is he just carrying a time bomb? Swagger around.

However, it's too late to say anything now, Lie Yanoxiu and Ice Herac have completed their transformation, no matter whether their IQ is normal or not, but it is undeniable that their strength has exceeded their imagination, this is the so-called spirit body for them benefits.

To be honest, there are two races in nature who are natural magicians, one is the dragon race, and the other is the elves. The magic power mastered by humans is learned (plagiarized) from these two races, but dragon language magic and elves Magic has always been a mysterious field that humans cannot set foot in. It cannot be comprehended, mastered, or used.Therefore, people speculate that the life form of human beings is different from that of dragons and elves, so they cannot dabble in dragon language magic and elf magic.

It is unrealistic to transform a human body into a dragon body. Even druids who possess the shapeshifting technique are rare in a million that can transform into a dragon.The appearance of elves and humans is roughly similar, and it is relatively easier to transform. Therefore, since ancient times, many magicians have been tirelessly looking for ways to become elves, longing for the power of elves.

At the beginning, it was only magicians who longed for power and pursued this secret, but later, with the elves’ longevity, beauty, eternal youth and other characteristics being learned, more and more people coveted and greedy, and joined in the search for elves. Ranks, capture, trafficking, and massacre of elves appear every day, almost reaching the point of madness.Later, many battles took place, many heroes emerged, leaving many plots and scripts for the troubadours, but until the elves and the dragons withdrew from the mainland and disappeared, no one was heard of who got the immortality of the elves The secret to eternal youth.

But now, two living examples appeared in front of Yue Chuan, two women who successfully transformed from humans into elves. Although there were some problems in the minds of these two women, it cannot be denied that they succeeded, even if only partially.

There is no process of chanting mantras, no speed of spell interpretation, all magic comes and goes as soon as it is called, and with a flick of the hand, thousands of fireballs fall, and countless ice cones stand everywhere. Although the world is big, there is nothing to give. The place where Yue Chuan sheltered.

The last time I killed Lie Yanbinoxiu and Ice Herac was because their magic power was exhausted, and Yue Chuan picked up a loophole, but this time, they have become elemental elves, they are the condensed elements, and they are the energy. Incarnations, their magic power is endless, and it is impossible to be exhausted and exhausted. If they want to, they can maintain this kind of attack forever, and always put Yue Chuan in the double sky of ice and fire.Although Yue Chuan has a high defense and has a shield to block, it is impossible to be completely immune after all. Every time he suffers slight damage, the accumulation of small amounts of sand becomes a tower, and quantitative changes will eventually lead to qualitative changes. At that moment, Yue Chuan knelt down.

"Hahahaha, burn it, Lie Yan!"

"Die, sleep in the ice!"

Lie Yan Pinoxiu and Ice Herac laughed crazily and scolded coldly, as if they were venting their anger and hatred in their hearts in this way.And the magic in their hands became more and more rapid and violent. The bursting ice and fire energy almost turned over the thousand-meter area around the place where Yue Chuan was, and all they could see was scorched earth and tundra. , without any trace of life.

With a shield in his left arm, Yue Chuan moved his arm from the side to the front with difficulty, and blocked an ice hammer that was poking straight at his penis. The heavy impact made the exhausted Yue Chuan unsteady and staggered. Stepping back, there were several ice picks facing upwards behind him, but Yue Chuan was always able to dodge them miraculously without causing injuries all over the ground, but after taking two steps back, several fireballs hit Yue Chuan's shield one after another, and then The ferocious force and continuous impact made Yue Chuan fall to the ground like a broken kite.

Yue Chuan really felt powerless, this is not a level of battle for him at all, Lie Yan Pinoxiu and Ice Herac are both floating high in the air and have never come down, they evened themselves out with a wave of their hands.So what if I just learned the soul-thirsty hand, even if I add Yuexiang, I can't touch the soles of people's feet, and jumping in the air is simply a living target.

This is really embarrassing, a melee and a long-range confrontation is fine, but he? This long-range is in the sky, and I can't touch him. He can use all kinds of magic when he flips his hands. The most shameful thing is that his magic power is endless. Magic Continuously, can this be fought?
However, Yue Chuan could also see that the strength of Lie Yan Pinoxiu and Ice Herac had not grown up, and they were still very weak. After all, although their casting speed was abnormal, they used basic magic such as fire ball and ice cone, which could not be used yet. Use those powerful magics, otherwise, you would have blasted yourself into scum.

Lying powerlessly on the ground, the shield that could be lifted easily at this moment seemed to be extremely heavy, pressing on his chest and abdomen, making Yue Chuan feel breathless, and tried hard to remove it, but Yue Chuan tried He couldn't get what he wanted several times, his face was flushed, and then gradually turned blue and purple.

At this time, Flame Pinoche and Ice Herac in the sky descended from the clouds like fairies and came to the ground, but they still didn't intend to wear clothes, and of course, they didn't have any clothes to wear either.Anyway, there are no outsiders here, and the only outsider is about to become a dead person, so they don't care about anything.Besides, they didn't take Yue Chuan seriously at all, just like human beings didn't care whether they would get naked in front of the ants.

"You humble human being, you can't resist us, now, do you understand?"

"Hmph, it wasn't that we lost to you last time, but that we had cultivated for many years in the magical relics of the elves, and we were only short of the last step of transformation. It's just that we have not been able to make up our minds to give up our flesh and blood. Thanks to your help Ah. Let us abandon our bodies, and complete the transformation with the help of the map that has already been rubbed in the magic handbook."

"How should we thank you?"

"Tell me, do you want to be burned to death, or to be frozen to death?"

Yue Chuan, whose face was already purple, shouted loudly: "I choose the two heavens of ice and fire!"

Lie Yan Pinoxiu and Han Bing Herac didn't know what it meant. They thought the enemy had surrendered, and immediately let out a smug laugh, like two queens looking down on all living beings from above.

"Hey... what is that? It's so beautiful."

"Yeah, there is actually a scene in there, which is exactly the same as the real thing."

Flame Pinoxiu and Ice Herac were thinking about how to deal with Yue Chuan, but when they came to Yue Chuan, they were attracted by the shield on Yue Chuan's chest and abdomen. The two female magicians seemed to have forgotten Yue Chuan's existence. All attention is directed to the shield.

At this moment, Yue Chuan really wanted to turn into a stone, to make these two lunatic women forget about his own existence, and at the same time, he kept praying in his heart: Take the shield quickly, take it, please, take it up quickly, I will not be able to breathe angry.

"Sure enough, it's the same as the real thing. What kind of magic item is this? It's so magical. Well, there is a strong magical atmosphere in it, but there are no magic circles and magic runes drawn. Could it be a natural artifact made by a master craftsman? ?”

"What about the gods, have you and I seen too few in the elf ruins? The point is, even in the elf relics, there are no such beautiful and magical treasures."

Lie Yan Pinoxiu and Ice Herac didn't intend to remove their shields at all, instead they bent down one by one and looked at themselves in front of the mirror.

"By the way, I remember that Luo Lian has a thing called a mirror, which can reflect the scenery. It's a treasure, and we won't lend it even if we want to borrow it."

"Hmph, now that we have achieved success in cultivation, when will we go back to Hutton Mar and kill that bitch, hahaha, with our strength, even Teacher Shalan can't stop us."

"No, Teacher Shalan is an elf, don't take it lightly, we are not her opponent yet."

Yue Chuan originally wanted to use the special effect of the shield to petrify Lie Yanoxiu and Ice Herac, but the engine mechanism for this effect was too harsh, and the enemy had to stare at the shield for more than three seconds to petrify.But Lie Yanoxiu and Ice Herac fought over each other. This one just fiddled with his hair in front of the shield, and was immediately pushed away by the sisters. After such a long time, he did not see any signs of petrification.

Finally, the two women seemed to be aware of Yue Chuan's existence, and a smug look appeared on their faces, "You lowly human being, have you thought about it? Burn to death? Or freeze to death?"

Yue Chuan knew that it was impossible for him to turn into a stone after all, let alone be ignored by these two female magicians, so he stroked the edge of the shield awkwardly, and said intermittently: "I want to dedicate a treasure to you, I hope you can forgive me One life, how about it?"

Lie Yan Pinoxiu was about to refute, but Han Bing Herac held Lie Yano Pi Nuoxiu, and said softly: "Oh? What kind of baby is it? Take it out and see, if possible, I can consider letting you go .”

Lie Yanbinoxiu glared at his sister, and asked in a low voice: "What do you mean? You don't know, according to the regulations, either we kill him or he kills us, otherwise no one can leave here?"

The corner of Han Bing Herac's mouth twitched, and he said in a low voice: "I just said I let him go, I didn't say you let him go too."

Lieyan Pinosio immediately glanced at Ice Herac with admiration.And Yue Chuan, who was lying on the ground, rolled his eyes, please, can you stop acting like no one else when you say such things?Do you think I am deaf and cannot hear?

However, even if he heard it, Yue Chuan still pretended not to hear it, pointing to the shield on his chest foolishly and naively, and said: "This is the magical mirror with magical power, I dedicate it to you."


Both Lieyan Binoxiu and Hanbing Herac looked at the shield in doubt. Although they thought that it was a mirror, they couldn't help being a little surprised when they got the confirmation from Yue Chuan.

"When I attacked with magic just now, it seemed to be able to bounce back my power. Are you sure this is not a shield, but a magic mirror?"

Yue Chuan cursed secretly in his heart, thinking that the anti-injury effect of the shield did not exist, it turned out that it has always been there, but this little damage is just scratching an itch for Lieyan Pinoxiu and Ice Herac, it is very small.

"Sure, sure, this is indeed a magic mirror, it can reflect the most beautiful woman in the world, if you dress yourself in front of it every day, you will be blessed by it, making you the most beautiful woman in the world. "

The most beautiful woman?
This word moved the hearts of Lie Yan Pinoxiu and Ice Herac at the same time. After all, as long as they are women, they cannot resist the temptation of beauty, just like dragons cannot resist the temptation of shiny things.Even if these two women have transformed their life forms, it is still difficult to change the nature of the country.Moreover, the elves are a race that is extremely picky about beauty and is morbidly obsessed. After Lie Yanoxiu and Ice Herac changed their life forms, this habit has deepened a lot.

Seeing the reaction of Lie Yan Pinoxiu and Han Bing Herac, Yue Chuan's eyes flashed with color, and then said slowly: "However, the magic power of this magic mirror is only effective for one person. Once the most beautiful woman in the world is identified, Others can no longer use it. I don't know, who of you wants this magic mirror?"

Yue Chuan's method of sowing dissension was extremely bad, and anyone with a little brain would not be fooled, but Lie Yanbixiu and Han Bing Herac did not know whether they made a mistake or were stimulated during the transformation process. There was something wrong with their brains. When they heard this, the two of them took a step forward at the same time, reaching out to grab the shield.

"this is mine!"

"I'm my sister, you should listen to me!"

"Fuck, I'm stronger than you, you should listen to me!"

"You are better than me? Let's fight first!"

As a result, Lie Yanoxiu and Ice Herac rose into the air with swords drawn, and all kinds of magic smashed at each other.

"Hey, other magicians should accumulate intelligence, you two should accumulate IQ!" Yue Chuan sighed, and then cursed loudly: "Fuck, should you help me remove this shield before you fight... "

 Thank you [Old Monk Fahao Beast voted for a monthly ticket]

  Thanks [Lei Zhijie voted for a monthly ticket]

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  Thanks [book friend 45227235 for rewarding "Creation" with 100 gold coins]

(End of this chapter)

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