
Chapter 214 Meeting the Ice and Fire Mage Again

Chapter 214 Meeting the Ice and Fire Mage Again

Although the name was a bit eye-catching, the equipment's pink name and long attributes immediately made Yue Chuan forget the embarrassment and embarrassment in his heart, his eyes widened a little bit, and his saliva unconsciously flowed out.

The main purpose of a shield is defense, and its defense power is far superior to that of armor. Coupled with the natural high attributes of the powder, the defense boost brought by this shield is almost equivalent to half of Yue Chuan's purple suit, and Yue Chuan's body The purple armor in his body consists of five parts: head and shoulders, breastplate, leggings, belt, and combat boots. In other words, the defense power of this shield is equivalent to two large pieces of armor. Wearing it is equivalent to being stronger than others More than half of the armor.

Moreover, this defense attribute is not only physical defense, but also magic defense, which is added at the same time. In addition to the basic defense, it also has extremely high physical and mental strength.However, these alone are not enough to become a pink artifact, there must also be praiseworthy magic.

Mirror light protection: The shield is always covered by the light of the magic mirror, protecting the user. When receiving physical attacks, it will disperse 10% of the damage; when receiving magical attacks, it will reflect 10% of the damage.

Evil Eye Gaze: The evil eye will emit petrified light. Enemies who stare at the shield for more than three seconds will have illusions, and enemies who stare at the shield for more than five seconds will be petrified.

Only one special attribute of the soul-cracking blade is enough to be listed as a divine weapon, but this shield has two special attributes.These two special attributes are the characteristics of the two materials that are cast into the shield, but the ability to fuse the characteristics of the two materials together and derive miraculous power is all due to Iron Egg's magical ability.

And these two special attributes, one is used for defense and the other is used for offense. Although it is armor, it is surprisingly both offensive and defensive, and there are unexpected gains when facing a certain enemy.

Yue Chuan cut his finger and dripped his blood on the smooth and round surface of the shield. Immediately, like a small stone dropped on the water, ripples were splashed, and the evil eye inlaid in the middle of the shield As if alive, slowly squirming, every drop of blood was absorbed by the evil eye, and then the evil eye opened, revealing a scarlet pupil, looking at it, I immediately felt that there were many illusions in my mind, after a long time, There is a feeling of numbness and stiffness all over the body.

The artifact recognized its owner, sealed and unsealed, and Yue Chuan immediately felt that the shield became a part of his body, closely connected with his soul.Gaining control of the artifact, Yue Chuan quickly closed the evil eye on the shield. Immediately, the scarlet pupil slowly dimmed and turned into a bead like an ornament again.Otherwise, after being stared at by it for a while, Iron Egg and Xinda will become sculptures.

"Tie Dan, thank you this time. If you have something you want, or a wish you want to achieve, you can tell me. If you can do it, you will never refuse."

Yue Chuan said this from the bottom of his heart, and wanted to thank Tie Dan. After all, Tie Dan had helped him so much this time. It would be unjustifiable not to thank him. Moreover, Tie Dan had shown that he has become a master craftsman. Those with a little bit of brains will know the significance of investing in advance.

Tie Dan shook his head, "You have provided us with too much help. This time I can create equipment that satisfies you, which is also my heart. I would rather sweat a little more, just because you can sweat less. Blood. If I really want to say thank you, I should be the one thanking you, without your help, let alone building equipment, it would be nice if I could save my life."

Recalling what happened just now, Tie Dan also understands that he has actually walked through the gate of hell. If Yue Chuan hadn't made a timely move, I'm afraid he would be exhausted by this piece of equipment. The same as the unknown craftsman who made the blade.Although it is a glorious thing to create with life, who would want to die if they can survive.

Yue Chuan nodded, turned around and walked out without greeting Tie Dan again.Some words are superfluous, watering trees and roots, making friends, Yue Chuan feels that after this incident, he and Tie Dan should be in their hearts.

Arriving at the entrance of Sky City without any pause along the way, Yue Chuan took a deep breath, looked up at the towering Sky City, looked at the densely packed steps and windows, and then stared at the top It took a long time before he took a step forward.

Abyss Challenge!

In an instant, fiery hell flames emerged from the page of selecting the dungeon, and the entrances of each dungeon were covered with a strong abyssal atmosphere, as if thousands of years had passed in an instant, full of traces of time and dust of the years.

Hanging city king level abyss, enter!
The scene in front of him turned, and the endless flames instantly swallowed Yue Chuan, and then the hellfires separated to the two sides like a rolling curtain. At this time, the surrounding scene has undergone a huge change, and the towering sky city has disappeared Gone, replaced by a tower-like room full of mottled rust and thick dust, high dome, thick stone pillars, and the sky and floating clouds can be seen through the windows, but the sky is as red as burning, on it The dotted clouds are also flame-like. Looking up, it gives people the illusion that they are in a sea of ​​​​flames and have nowhere to escape.

Looking around in the empty surroundings, Yue Chuan was puzzled. Logically, the abyss lord of Hanging City should be related to the evil eye. What about the two bosses?Still waiting to use their magic cores to feed the base... shields.

However, the evil eye did not appear, nor did it see other abyss lords appearing.Yue Chuan cursed secretly in his heart, it's okay to have no more than six corners, at least there is an abyss with two corners, even if there are no two corners, the bald one will recognize it, but now he can't even see an abyss lord. A once-in-a-year empty prize?
But at this moment, a flash of brilliance suddenly appeared in Yue Chuan's backpack, and then two things shining with strong light flew out of Yue Chuan's backpack, one red and one blue, rushing into the air like two meteors, and then collided suddenly , emitting dazzling brilliance.

Yue Chuan didn't know what was going on, but still put the shield on his arm vigilantly, raised his hand slightly, covered the vital parts of his head and upper body with the shield, stepped back without a trace, and came to a thick stick from his memory. next to the stone pillar, then squinted and looked up.

So what happened?What are those two rays of light?Why is it in my backpack?
Yue Chuan thought for a while, the most important thing in his backpack was the unhatched dragon egg, could it be that he had exhausted his efforts to hatch it for so long, and in a blink of an eye, the dragon egg was possessed by the abyss lord, who was against him ?
If that was the case, Yue Chuan would definitely vomit blood with anger.

But fortunately, things were not as Yue Chuan imagined. What appeared in the sky was not a flying dragon with wings, but two purely natural girls without any artificial elements.


Yue Chuan quickly raised his head, thinking that he often heard people say that he should hold his head up when he has a nosebleed.

On the left, a body with fair skin and slightly pink skin slowly condenses from a blazing and surging flame. The long hair fluttering in disorder and the slender and delicate neck are indescribable.With a flawless body, a perfect face, and the blazing flames surrounding her body, she is like an elf born in the flames, a deadly beauty who burns like a raging fire.

On the right, a seductive body with knees folded and arms folded slowly emerges from a large piece of dark blue ice. She is sleeping like a baby, waiting for the prince to wake up like a sleeping beauty, but, Every inch of her skin is full of beautiful temptations, exuding the beauty of women to the extreme, and even raising the attraction to men to the limit.

While wiping the blood that was still slowly overflowing from his lips, Yue Chuan screamed in his heart: System, is this the so-called abyss challenge?Do you think this little temptation can make me surrender?Heh heh heh, your means are not enough!

Well, not enough to see!
The ice and fire twins, Yue Chuan, are naturally no strangers. That's right, they are Lie Yan Pinoxiu and Ice Herac, but what Yue Chuan can't understand is that he has already killed them once when he was in Gran's Forest. Will meet them here?This is the Hanging City, and the boss here is the Eye of Evil, so don't overwhelm the host, okay?

But seeing the pair of sisters, Yue Chuan immediately understood what the thing that flew out of his backpack just now was, that's right, it was the two magic handbooks that dropped when he killed the pair of sisters.It's just that Yue Chuan didn't know anything about magic, and didn't know what secrets were in these two magic handbooks, so he threw them in his backpack and let them sleep, but he didn't expect them to come out at this time today.

At this moment, Lie Yanoxiu and Bing Herac opened their eyes at the same time, and the red and blue eyes stared at Yue Chuan at the same time, four strong rays of light escaped from the eye sockets of Lie Yanoxiu and Bing Herac, outward Lasing, it took a while to calm down slowly, retracting into the eye sockets.

It's just that Yue Chuan's heart skipped a beat when he saw this abnormality. The four rays of light were formed by the tyrannical magic power in the bodies of Lie Yanoxiu and Ice Herac. When the magic power in the magician's body exceeds a certain limit, it will radiate outward. After the master has practiced in seclusion for several days and months, the moment he just leaves the seclusion, his whole body will exude an astonishing aura, especially his eyes, from which the excess energy in the body will be vented, causing visions.

Just from this detail, Yue Chuan understood that Lie Yan Pinoxiu and Ice Herac were not dead, but continued to survive in some form, and entered the state of latent cultivation, and they had been possessed by the two during this period of time. This magic handbook was lying in his backpack, and now, for some unknown reason, it touched them and made them wake up. By chance, they became the lords of this abyss trial.

It's not a disadvantage for two ugly big-eyed monsters to become two hot and seductive beauties.However, Yue Chuan didn't dare to take it lightly. When he beat them last time, he almost fell to his knees. After a long period of cultivation and transformation this time, their strength should have grown considerably.

"Hehehe, human beings, I didn't expect that!"

"I didn't expect our sisters to be alive and stronger!"

The two sisters spoke at the same time, as if they had a tacit understanding.

Yue Chuan sighed, and said, "I really didn't expect that. Alas, I was sad for a long time when I saw you die, and I regretted it immensely. Now I see that your sisters are safe and sound, I am really happy in my heart."

Lieyan Pinoxiu and Hanbing Herac didn't expect such words to come out of Yue Chuan's mouth. They looked at each other and immediately made a decision.

"Humans, don't think that you can deceive us with clever words and tricks. Only your life can calm my anger!"

"Sweet words will only make us more determined to kill you. I will use your blood to warm my cold heart. It is useless to beg for mercy now."

Yue Chuan chuckled, "Who said I begged for mercy?"

The two women said at the same frequency: "Then you said you regretted it just now?"

"Yeah, I really regret it. Such a beautiful woman with a beautiful country, and she is a sister, and she is also a stunning beauty. How could she kill her with a single blow? Tsk tsk..."

After being praised by Yue Chuan, the two women looked a little drunk, and the light in their pupils became softer, but when they heard Yue Chuan's words behind them, the two women suddenly became furious, especially when they saw the wretched look on Yue Chuan's face. At the same time, it held up a fierce ray of light, arousing a shuddering elemental force.

"Go to hell!"

Freezing air and flames poured down overwhelmingly, quickly, violently and violently, as if the sky had collapsed, leaving Yue Chuan nowhere to hide.It has to be said that during this period of time, Pinocchio and Herak have made great improvements and breakthroughs, which are simply qualitative changes compared to the beginning.

Although Yue Chuan expected that the two women would become stronger than before, he never expected that they would be so powerful. Even if they cheated, it would be impossible for them to rise so quickly.

"Hahaha, humble human beings, we have already shed that weak body and become a great existence. Now, we are magic, power, and eternal existence!"

"That's right, all your resistance will be defeated, all your struggles will be crushed, don't waste time, enjoy our anger quietly, and savor the imminent death!"

With a slight movement in Yue Chuan's heart, he suddenly remembered the background information of these two female magicians.

At the beginning when Yue Chuan was studying Lie Yanoxiu and Ice Herac, everyone frantically sought after Lie Yanoxiu's photos (fire cards). Every day, countless shiny masters came in and out of Lie Yanoi's hometown , I will never give up until I push this woman down dozens of times.Moreover, many adventurers speculate that Ice Herac also has a photo (ice card), and the hometown of Ice Herac has also been patronized and raided by countless adventurers.In this case, all the privacy of Lie Yan Pinoxiu and Ice Herac was exposed by human flesh, and Yue Chuan naturally remembered it after hearing a lot and seeing a lot.

To be honest, Lie Yanbinoxiu and Ice Herac are both members of the Magic Guild in Hutton Mar City, and they are both Sharan's disciples like Lori Ann.The two of them often entered Grand Forest to practice magic and delve into arcane arts. But one day, a fire suddenly broke out in Grand Forest, and some adventurers even said that they saw the figures of Flame Pinoche and Ice Herak in the fire. , so many people believed that the fire was caused by the two of them. For this reason, Sharan also entrusted many adventurers to find out.

For a long time, everyone believed that Lieyan Pinoxiu was the culprit of the fire. After all, she was a fire magician and often practiced in that forest.It was only later that it became known that the fire had been started by a woman, not by Pinocchio.However, even if Lieyan Pinoxiu is not the mastermind, he is absolutely inseparable from it.

When I met Lie Yanoxiu and Ice Herac last time, these two women kept talking about lowly human beings, but this time, I heard what they said, shedding their weak bodies and becoming a great existence.These few words are definitely not aimless, there must be some deep meaning and inside information.

However, the situation at this time did not allow Yue Chuan to continue to think deeply, the overwhelming magic poured down, Yue Chuan could only raise his shield, and even used the ghost swordsman's signature magic skill to block.The power of the block and the magic of the shield offset a lot of damage to Yue Chuan. Although he was still in severe pain and his blood volume dropped rapidly, at least he was not killed by two crazy magicians. When the flames were extinguished and receded, Yue Chuan was still standing high-spirited. Although he was embarrassed, he was still alive. He hastily used death resistance once, and then gulped himself with medicine.

Seeing his blood volume slowly recovering, Yue Chuan couldn't help but feel a little scared.If this shield didn't add so many defensive attributes to him, and provided him with a 10% damage rebound, a single block would definitely not be able to withstand this terrifying ice and fire damage.

But then Yue Chuan scolded inwardly: "I'm so stupid, I'm too busy looking at women, I didn't take the ice resistance medicine, the fire resistance medicine, and the improvement potion was useless!"

(End of this chapter)

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