
Chapter 129 Fire Phoenix

Chapter 129 Fire Phoenix

In the suburbs outside Starn City, there are many large and small villages. The large villages have dozens or hundreds of households, and the small villages have three or five households that have not even been officially recorded.In a certain mountain depression, Navia in a light blue dress stood opposite an old man in a fur coat.One of the two is like a fairy in a picture, and the other is like a human-shaped beast, but such two people who are so incongruous can talk and laugh happily.

"Miss Navia, we will remember your help to the Deity Sect, and the Goddess of Nature will bless you."

Navia smiled and shook her head, and said, "I don't believe in the goddess of nature, so you don't need to say these words anymore. I'm not just here to help you, I'm here for the plan of the Eugenie family."

Although the old man was very displeased with Navia's words, he did not express his emotions. After all, the power behind Navia was not something he could control at will.Moreover, the Eugenie family has contributed a lot to this matter, and many places still need to rely on it.

"Well, I understand. When the kid from the Lei Ze family is caught, he will be handed over to you for interrogation for one day, but it is only for one day. After one day, he will have to be handed over to our natural deity religion. We will tear him apart , pay homage to the dead companions."

Navia nodded.But I was thinking in my heart, hoping to find out the secrets of the magic equipment within a day. If the hateful natural gods hadn't suddenly intervened, they could have planned slowly instead of rushing to deal with it like they are now.

Originally, Navia wanted to mobilize her strength, slowly put pressure on Yue Chuan, and press for the secret of the magic equipment, but Yue Chuan killed a druid, which drew revenge from the natural god religion. The purpose of the revenge was to kill Yue Chuan , there is no room for reincarnation.Therefore, Navia had to change her plan and join hands with the Deity Cult. The result of the negotiation between the two parties was that after the Lei Ze family was defeated, the Eugenie family could interrogate for one day, and after one day, they had to be executed.

This small village is a stronghold of the Deism, and two or three households in the village are also believers of the Deism. The druid who was killed by Yue Chuan also came out of this village.When the villagers heard the conversation between the old man and Navia, their faces showed indignant expressions. Obviously, they wanted to kill Yue Chuan all the time to avenge their relatives. Navia asked Yue Chuan to live an extra day, which made them very uncomfortable .

"Elder, once our manpower arrives, we can easily defeat the Lei Ze family. Why should we let that family take a share?"

"That is, how do those mortals know how powerful Druids are, and dare to negotiate terms with us?"

"She still doesn't believe in the goddess of nature, damn it!"

The elder didn't speak to stop him, but instead looked at Navia playfully, with self-evident intentions.

Although Navia's heart was as firm as ice and she didn't have much emotional fluctuations, she felt angry when she was ridiculed by those villagers. She raised her hand, and the surrounding light suddenly dimmed, and a goose feather appeared out of nowhere within a hundred meters. The heavy snow, dense snowflakes, covered the sun, it looked gray and very depressing.The faces of those few villagers who spoke rudely were also pale from the cold, and their lips were blue. If it wasn't for Navia's control of their strength, I'm afraid they would have turned into solid ice at this time.

The elder obviously didn't expect Navia to turn her face when she said that she would turn her face, and snorted angrily, and then let out a loud and clear cry, the voice was beautiful and clear, it cut through the gray snow layer around it in an instant, and attracted the sunlight .Under the sunlight, the animal skin on the elder's body rose into a blazing flame, the flame was red with yellow, yellow with gold, dazzling and dazzling.Afterwards, a pair of wings spread out from the flames, and a slender neck slowly lifted up.

Huh... Chih... Huh... Chih...

The scorching high temperature instantly melted the surrounding snowflakes, and the shivering villagers recovered in an instant. The furnace-like high temperature did not hurt them, but made them feel warm all over.

Navia retreated in the air, standing in the air wrapped in a blizzard, her eyes as cold as ten thousand years of ice stared at her toes, and at the burnt mark on the bottom of her long skirt.Then he slowly raised his eyes, looked at the giant bird standing proudly in the flames, with a graceful and noble aura rushing towards his face, and said word by word: "Fire-phoenix-huang!"

The druids of the natural god religion have the ability to change birds, beasts, fish and insects, which is also their way of cultivation.Generally speaking, the more types of changes you master, the higher the level of the changed species, and the stronger the strength.The fire phoenix is ​​the top creature in Warcraft, almost comparable to the dragon.However, the legendary fire phoenix spread its wings, covering the sky and the earth, where the lava flowed and the volcano erupted.And the fire phoenix in front of him was only about three meters high, with a wingspan of only five or six meters, and it was very weak.However, he can completely transform into form, and it is obvious that his strength should not be underestimated.

Seeing the flaming feathers on the Fire Phoenix, Navia finally put away the contempt in her heart, landed, and said in a soft voice: "This time, our Eugenie family has contacted twenty mercenary groups. The members of these mercenary groups can add up to 1000 people. You can imagine how much chaos they can cause when so many people are scattered in the city of Starn. If you can be busy quelling the chaos, even if the private soldiers of the Sotheby family can't arrive in time, at least they can buy you an hour."

The druid elder who turned into a fire phoenix moved his head slightly, and said in a human voice: "I admit that although our natural god religion has many masters, its power in the secular world is too weak, and it is impossible for it to be established in a city. We still need to rely on your Eugenie family to create chaos and contain support. However, one hour is too much, 5 minutes, no, we only need 3 minutes to raze the Lei Ze family to the ground."

Navia snorted coldly, "What I want is a living person!"

"Don't worry, I haven't forgotten that you still need to do the aftermath of this matter."

At this moment, a figure ran in from outside the valley. That person was wearing gorgeous clothes, not the simple linen or animal skin clothes like the villagers. Obviously, that person was brought by Navia.

"Miss, it's not good..." The man knelt down with a thump just as he came to Navia, with a look of horror on his face.

Seeing the appearance of her entourage, Navia couldn't help frowning, not because of the sentence "it's not good", but because she felt that this entourage panicked in front of the Deism, embarrassing herself.

"What happened?"

The attendant didn't dare to show off, and said directly: "Miss, the mercenary groups we contacted came to me today and said they didn't want to do it anymore. They refused to cooperate with us."

Navia snorted coldly, "He doesn't want to do it, some people do it, so much money is spent, and you can't recruit some desperadoes who are blind to money? This kind of trivial matter makes you lose your position, what a waste!"

The follower wiped his sweat, some of the sweat was exhausted from running all the way, and some of it was frightened by Navia's reprimand. He was really afraid that the master would throw a chill on him and freeze himself into an ice sculpture.

"Miss, it's not one or two, but all of them. We have contacted twenty mercenary regiments in total. Today, the heads of those twenty mercenary regiments all refused to cooperate with us, and they were all very angry. I think they asked why, but none of them told me."

When the villagers who taunted Navia just now heard the news, they all laughed with their stomachs in their arms.

"Just now I was so arrogant, saying that I can pull out a team of a thousand people, what's the matter, the cowhide has been blown."

"That is, do nothing, but also want to cooperate with our natural god religion and share the results of the battle."

"Hmph, unreliable waste, we still have to be taught by our natural gods!"

Navia glanced at the villagers coldly, but said nothing. The piercing chill made all the villagers shudder. However, seeing the blazing fire phoenix beside them, several villagers immediately straightened up pole.However, before they could say anything, a huge wing stood in front of them.

The druid elder said: "The fact that twenty mercenary regiments withdrew at the same time must have caused an accident. Most of the power of our natural god religion is in the mountains, and there is no power in the city, and we can't find out the news. Please go and find out what's going on."

The druid elder is not as simple-minded as those ordinary believers. If one or two mercenary groups broke the contract, he might ridicule him, but all twenty mercenary groups broke the contract with the Eugenie family, which shows that things are abnormal. , it must be a force that the Eugenie family can't suppress is involved.

Soon, Navia learned about what happened in Starn City through the intelligence network of the Eugenie family. It turned out that Yue Chuan had issued a task in the mercenary union. A mercenary regiment is used for long-term security to ensure the security of Starn City, as well as the safety of residents' lives and property.

On the surface, this task seems simple and ordinary, and there is nothing different about it, but if you think about it carefully, you can see the abnormality in it.If it's just that the security force in Starn City is insufficient, at most it's just hiring a mercenary group to help, so there's no need to hire ten, and the hired ones are all well-known large mercenary groups in Bavaria Province, not The kind of local snake in Starn City.Besides, the development of Starn City was brought about by the business district, but with so many giants in the business district, who would dare to come here to make trouble without opening their eyes.Therefore, those hired mercenary groups are used to protect ordinary urban areas, and Yue Chuan has the final say on how to deploy defenses. Naturally, he will focus on taking care of the Lei Ze family. Step by step.

The commission Yue Chuan gave was very generous, and the tasks were easy and comfortable. These mercenary regiments dared not work hard. Not only did they do their jobs impeccably, but they also joined forces to pay homage to the fellow mercenaries in Starn City and the bandits around them. The water thieves, horse thieves, and flower pickers issued a notice that whoever dares to cause trouble in Starn City will provoke these ten mercenary groups and will be jointly hunted down by the ten mercenary groups.

Therefore, all the mercenary groups that had previously taken on private jobs cut off cooperation with the Eugenie family.Even if the Eugenie family is rich, they can't hire people who work for them.

 Today, I received a notification that it was put on the shelves.I felt a little caught off guard, and I didn't even have time to write a testimonial on the shelves.I just came back from get off work at the hotel, hurry up and finish the update, and I will add the testimonials later.Finally, please ask for a recommendation ticket. If possible, can you also ask for a monthly ticket?
(End of this chapter)

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