
Chapter 128 Baron Sotheby's Support

Chapter 128 Baron Sotheby's Support
Yue Chuan could see that each of these Sotheby family's war horses was extremely precious, otherwise, this kind of cub giving birth would not alarm Ashley, and even required Ashley to go into battle in person.Seeing the importance of these war horses in Sotheby's family, Yue Chuan couldn't help but have an idea in his heart. If he could improve the quality of these war horses by several levels, and get rid of the shortcoming of being irritable and disapproved by his relatives, wouldn't he be able to rely on With the resources and background of the Sotheby family, build a cavalry force for yourself?
You must know that the cavalry is the most mainstream armed force in any country on the mainland. Many countries have very strict management of cavalry and even horses, and even private trading of horses is not allowed.Otherwise, you will be punished with a felony.And those who can justifiably tame horses and maintain cavalry troops are those nobles with fiefdoms, just like the Sotheby family.

It was impossible for Yue Chuan to engage in cavalry blatantly before he obtained the title of nobility and fiefdom. However, under the guise of being under the name of the Sotheby family, all problems were easily solved.As for whether Baron Sotheby will nod, it depends on the chips offered by Yue Chuan.However, thinking of the magic of dragon blood, Yue Chuan felt that Baron Sotheby would definitely not refuse.

With the help of Ashley, the newborn foal moved its hooves stiffly and staggered towards Yue Chuan. Although it swayed and fell to its knees just after taking two steps, it still crawled in front of Yue Chuan with a whimper. That appearance seemed to regard Yue Chuan as the closest person.

Ashley said with gusto at the side: "This mare has a very good pedigree, and the foals born before are all BMWs selected in a thousand miles, so I want to use this foal as my own mount, but I don't know what to do." To think that it saw you when it was born."

Animals have a habit of treating the first creature that is just born or just opened their eyes as a close relative.Ashley knew this, that's why she came to the stable without hesitation, but unexpectedly, the little pony was the first to see Yue Chuan by mistake.

Yue Chuan chuckled, and said, "This little pony was born with the hard work of the two of us, so let me get some credit for it."

Before he finished speaking, Yue Chuan coughed in embarrassment, because he had already noticed something wrong with his words, and Ashley also kicked Yue Chuan angrily, and rolled his eyes.

Yue Chuan lowered his head embarrassingly, wrapped a drop of dragon's blood essence with blood energy, and put it into the pony's mouth. Driven by instinct, the pony was thinking about breastfeeding, when something entered his mouth, he swallowed it immediately, and immediately, A majestic force dissipated within its body.

"Close the door, and those people will retreat."

In order to prevent people from talking too much, Yue Chuan asked Ashley to disperse the servants who watched the excitement. Although Ashley didn't know why, she still did so. When she turned her head again, she saw the little pony's body shining bright golden Rays of light, bright golden brilliance radiated from the pony's body, rendering the pony's body like a pure gold sculpture.

"This..." Ashley pointed at the pony in surprise, not knowing what to ask Yue Chuan.

Yue Chuan did not explain to Ashley, but concentrated on injecting blood into the pony's body, using the blood to guide the surging energy released by the dragon's blood essence, so as to prevent them from causing harm to the pony's body.

Although there is only one drop of dragon blood essence, the energy contained in it is still too powerful for a newborn foal, far beyond what it can bear. Without Yue Chuan's assistance and guidance, what is waiting for it is definitely Exploded and died.However, with Yue Chuan's help, this torrential river of energy has turned into a trickle, moistening things and silently changing the pony's physique.

The ancestors of the Sotheby family tried to use the blood of Warcraft to improve the blood of war horses. This idea is indeed feasible.The bloodlines of Tibetan mastiffs can be found in the ancestors of those ferocious large dogs on the earth, which shows that the bloodlines of powerful creatures can indeed improve the comprehensive strength of weak creatures.

However, the process and difficulty of the Sotheby family's training of war horses is much more difficult than those on the earth who domesticate fighting dogs. All of them are huge monsters. It is not easy to capture or domesticate them. They want to obtain their offspring. It was even more difficult. Even if their descendants were obtained, there were still many who looked strange and could not be ridden, and the descendants who could maintain the shape of war horses were very rare.

However, this seemingly difficult matter is extremely simple in Yue Chuan's hands.Tibetan mastiffs on earth can develop so many descendants of world-renowned dogs, but no matter how powerful the bloodline of Tibetan mastiffs is, they can't compare with giant dragons.Yue Chuan possessed the essence of dragon blood, wouldn't it be easy to create some powerful creatures?
Under Yue Chuan's guidance, the dragon's blood essence improved the little pony's physical fitness little by little.The pony has just been born, its body is pure and flawless, and its plasticity is great. Under the infiltration of the energy of dragon's blood essence, the pony's tendons, bones, viscera, skin and flesh have all undergone qualitative changes, and it is gradually approaching the level of the dragon clan.

These dragon blood essences have been refined. Although the body strength of the pony has increased, it has not changed its appearance and appearance. However, its size has grown at a speed visible to the naked eye, and many muscles have grown out of its thin and wizened body. , the bony skeleton has become much plumper, and it looks like a foal born one or two months old, not just born.

Finally, the energy of that drop of dragon's blood essence was exhausted, and the improvement of the pony's body reached a state of saturation. Only then did Yue Chuan slowly stop the input of blood energy.The light dissipated, and the little pony, which was trembling just now, kicked the ground incomparably handsomely, making a muffled sound like knocking stakes, and following the little pony's movements, Ashley felt the soles of her feet There was a burst of numbness, and I couldn't help but look at the little knee-high kid in horror.

Although the foal was still a bit milky at this time, its hair was shiny and smooth, its muscles were full, its skeleton was solid, and its body was graceful. It looked like a horse described in equestrianism, completely different from the frail and thin one when it was born.Moreover, the foal raised its head and let out a loud cry, like a war drum, which caused a great pile of dust and blades of grass to fall from the roof of the stable.


Ashley looked at Yue Chuan with dull eyes. At this time, she finally understood why Yue Chuan asked her to push back those servants, but this also showed that Yue Chuan knew in advance that the little pony would have such an amazing change, and all of this was due to him. expected.

Yue Chuan squatted on the ground and stroked the newly grown mane on the pony's forehead, felt its fur that was as tight and tough as a car tire, its bones as hard and stable as steel, and the vigorous vitality in its body, and then stood up. Standing up, he pretended to be mysterious and smiled.

"What was that golden bottle just now?" Ashley finally thought of the key to the matter.

Yue Chuan did not answer, but said: "You know, I am a pharmacist, and this potion is the work I made recently. You have seen the effect, how is it, are you interested?"

Although she had some guesses in her heart, Ashley couldn't help but gasp when she really heard Yue Chuan's answer.

If the potion that Yue Chuan showed before can heal all injuries is a good medicine for saving lives and healing the wounded, then the potion that can give birth to ponies this time is a sharp weapon for enriching the country and strengthening the army.

Born in a family of martial arts, Ashley naturally knows the status of cavalry in a country, and even more clearly the strategic significance of horses. Sometimes, occupying a land that produces horses means that the country has a strong capital and loses its production. The land of horses symbolizes the decline of the country.But even if a country has a land rich in famous horses, it is useless if it cannot turn horses into war horses and form combat effectiveness.

It takes at least one to two years for a foal to be born and grow up. During this period, because the foal's skeleton is not finalized, it cannot be ridden with a saddle, otherwise the horse will be useless, and the foal will grow up. After they are mature, they need all kinds of training to adapt them to saddles, humans, fire, noise, and the breath of death on the battlefield.It can be said that every qualified war horse is piled up with countless time, hard work and gold coins.

However, everything that happened in front of her abruptly overturned Ashley's cognition.Although the newborn pony has a good bloodline, it is only good. It can only be said that its roots are better. The acquired achievements will depend on future training and training. After all, it is difficult to walk now.But Yue Chuan gave it a little medicine, and it grew several times in just a few minutes, and it became so strong and strong from its original weak appearance. If it grows up, it will at least be a horse of the Maxima level.

"Does this medicine have side effects? Is it at the expense of life potential?"

Yue Chuan shook his head, "Absolutely not. Not only did it not sacrifice its life potential, but it even strengthened its life potential. If you don't believe me, you can check it."

Ashley carefully felt the heartbeat and breathing of the foal, looked at its eyes and tongue, and found that the foal was in very good health, even better than those grown-up horses. It was hard to imagine that this was a pony. A foal just out of the womb.

Yue Chuan blinked at Ashley, and said, "Take it out for a couple of laps and try."

Hearing Yue Chuan's words, Ashley nodded, then opened the door of the stable and called the pony to go out.But the little pony was very shameless, snuggled up to Yue Chuan's legs, and kept rubbing his cheeks against Yue Chuan's trouser legs, with a look of attachment, he didn't even care about his own mother, let alone Ashley.

Under Ashley's almost murderous eyes, Yue Chuan shrugged helplessly, and called the little pony to go out. The little pony groaned and ran out after Yue Chuan with joy.

Ashley didn't know Yue Chuan's intentions at first, but then she noticed something unusual, because she saw the mother of the foal in the stable, kneeling on the ground in horror, curled up in a ball, Still trembling unceasingly, the foal stood up shyly after it left the stable.Wherever the little pony followed Yue Chuan, the hissing and roaring of the horses and beasts all fell silent, and the usually violent war horses were all silent at this moment, even the mighty monsters gathered from all over the place were also quiet. Prostrate in the animal pen, as if encountering some dangerous natural enemy.


Ashley felt that her thinking was a little messed up.She is no stranger to the reactions of war horses and monsters, which are their gestures of submission to the strong.Every time a more powerful monster was introduced into the racecourse, those monsters raised in captivity in the past either expressed submission or provocation, and they would always be noisy and chaotic for ten days and a half months before subsiding.But this time, there was a scene where all beasts surrendered and all horses were silent.Are those war horses and monsters showing respect to this little pony?
how can that be!

This is absolutely impossible!

Ashley shook her head fiercely, monsters are all respected by their strength, although this little pony has changed a lot before and after, but its strength has not improved much, how could it make those monsters surrender?This is absolutely impossible.

But how did Ashley know that monsters are indeed respected by strength, but there is a special situation, that is, bloodline, or rank.Demonic beasts with noble pedigrees are born with higher ranks. When low-ranking demonic beasts sense the scent left by high-ranking demonic beasts, they will run away, and if they cannot escape, they will show surrender.Unless there is not much difference between the levels, Warcraft will make a challenge.

The strength of the little pony at this time is indeed not worth mentioning. It is estimated that even the watchdog raised by the Sotheby family can't beat it, but don't forget that this little pony has taken dragon blood essence, and its body has been transformed by dragon blood essence However, it naturally took on the characteristics of the dragon clan, exuding a faint dragon clan atmosphere.The dragon clan is the undoubted peak existence in the biological chain, and has a natural suppression of all creatures, which is the so-called dragon power. Therefore, in the induction of those war horses and monsters, this is not a pony at all, but A baby dragon.

Ashley couldn't sense Long Wei, but the situation in front of her made her understand that the little pony beside Yue Chuan was extraordinary and extraordinary.And this is not a natural alien, it is cultivated by medicine.Compared with Yue Chuan's potion, the Sotheby family's hundreds of years of research and exploration are simply weak, and it is simply a shame.If the Sotheby family could have this miraculous potion, hundreds of years of breeding and selection would definitely be able to cultivate a famous horse that is well-known in the mainland, and the strength and status of the family would also rise with the tide.

Thinking of this, Ashley longed for Yue Chuan's golden potion.

"You have researched this potion, and you can't domesticate and trade horses in large quantities. This is not allowed by the laws of the empire. Do you want to cooperate with our Sotheby family?"

Yue Chuan nodded, "How is it? You have seen the effect of the potion, and you should understand its value. Think about it? Or take me to see your father."

Ashley really couldn't decide on such a big matter, so she took Yue Chuan to see her father.And the little pony followed behind Yue Chuan, whimpering and chirping.Along the way, the servants and guards of the Sotheby family saw the strange foal, but they didn't care. After all, there are many horses in the family's stable, and there are also many foals, so it's no surprise to bring out one or two.

However, when Yue Chuan and Ashley left, the guards looked at the watchdogs curled up on the ground wonderingly, wondering if these dogs were sick or something.

In the courtyard, Baron Sotheby stared at the foal with wide-eyed eyes. It was the first time he had seen such a handsome foal at such a young age. In less than an hour, the eyeballs widened even further, almost cracking the eye sockets.And the little pony was stared at by the strange Shushu with such eyes, and let out an uneasy cry, and then raised its hind hoof and kicked the baron. Although the baron grinned in pain, there was no trace of pain on his face, but a smile on his face .

"It's a good horse, strong, and I'm so happy to be kicked this time. The Sotheby family has finally produced a great horse!"

Yue Chuan twitched his lips, expressing his helplessness towards the baron's blatant declaration of sovereignty, but he didn't come here to discuss the ownership of the horses with the baron, so he said bluntly: "Uncle Sotheby, the horse you are talking about is made with potions. Catalyzed, let alone one, even if you want ten or a hundred, you can easily get it."

Hearing this, the baron rubbed his twitching cheeks, the joy in his eyes faded little by little, and he returned to his usual composure and calmness.

"It is indeed very tempting. If there are hundreds of such horses, under careful cultivation, a famous horse can be bred, and the military power of the Sotheby family will also increase accordingly. The surrounding deterrence has been greatly improved, and the status in the aristocratic circle has also increased." After a pause, Baron Sotheby changed the subject, "However, there is no such thing as a free lunch in the world, tell me your conditions, and look at this What pitfalls are waiting for this Lord."

Yue Chuan shook his head with a wry smile, knowing in his heart that Baron Sotheby missed him because of the business district.After all, he agreed to the business district last time. In his mind, building a city is a thankless task, so he didn't discuss the distribution of benefits with Yue Chuan.But who would have thought that Yue Chuan had amassed so much wealth through the business district, and Baron Sotheby's intestines were green with regret.

"Actually, there is really no pitfall this time, I just hope that uncle can lend me some soldiers."

"Borrowing soldiers?" Baron Sotheby frowned, "Don't those bastards from the security team and the city defense army follow your example? Why, that's not enough, you want to reach out to my family's private soldiers?"

The security team and the city defense force are just catching thieves, sweeping the streets, and dealing with fire patients. If there are real thieves invading, they are of no use at all. Therefore, Baron Sotheby doesn't care about the relationship between Yue Chuan and Doug. .However, Yue Chuan wants to borrow the Sotheby family's private soldiers, which is different. The family's private soldiers are the foundation of the Sotheby family, and they are the strongest armed force in Starn City that will not be easily used.

Yue Chuan smiled wryly, "Uncle Sotheby, do you have such a bad impression of me? It's just that there are a few thieves who want to harm our Lei Ze family, so they want to borrow some soldiers to strengthen their defense."

Baron Sotheby looked at Yue Chuan with a half-smile, "Aren't you telling the truth? You must be so anxious to ask me to borrow troops. You must not be an ordinary thief. I will know if you don't tell me. Naturalism, right? ?”

Baron Sotheby couldn't hide what was going on in Starn City, and the baron guessed the truth immediately after going back and forth.

"Uncle Sotheby is really good at predicting things. Yes, it is the group of rioters who want to make trouble in Starn City. Starn City is under your rule, uncle. If any trouble occurs, it will be harmful to your reputation and prestige All have adverse effects, and I am also thinking about my uncle."

Baron Sotheby snorted coldly.These few words of Yue Chuan really touched his heart.Yue Chuan's success is inseparable from the support of the Sotheby family. Baron Sotheby has vigorously cultivated Yue Chuan, and even intends to let Yue Chuan take over as the lord of Starn City.The deity religion is not good for the Lei Ze family, it is provoking the authority of the Sotheby family.

"I won't sit idly by on this matter, but I won't lend you a single soldier."

When Yue Chuan heard the first sentence, he felt joy in his heart, but when he heard the second sentence, he jumped in anxiety.You don't give it to a soldier or a soldier, so you have the nerve to say that you won't sit idly by.

Ashley on the side understood what her father meant, so she said with a smile: "Our Sotheby family is an aristocrat and represents the country, so we cannot send troops to suppress the Deism. In order to ruthlessly wipe out the Deism, the empire uses our Sotheby family to quell the anger of the Deism. In comparison, the possibility of the latter is ninety-nine percent. Umont, you are fooling us into jumping into the fire pit... ..."

Yue Chuan only thought it was a personal grievance, but he didn't expect that there were so many twists and turns, but after hearing Ashley's words, Yue Chuan quickly explained: "No, no, no, absolutely not, it's because I didn't think carefully and didn't consider this matter. For one thing, I definitely don't want to be detrimental to the Sotheby family."

The baron waved his hand, "I know you won't have such bad thoughts, otherwise I wouldn't be standing here talking to you." After a pause, the baron said: "It's very inappropriate to dispatch private soldiers, but you can Hiring mercenaries, you can't afford the money, can you?"

Yue Chuan shook his head hastily, "This time, the Natural God Sect has hired many mercenary regiments to target our Lei Ze family, so there is no need to think about the mercenary union."

Baron Sotheby shook his head, "This is your misunderstanding. The Mercenary Union is not the League of Assassins. Although they charge money to do things, they absolutely do not engage in assassination and sabotage, at least on the surface. No. Even if the deity church hires a mercenary group, it is a private contact, a private job, understand? Those who can’t see the light, can’t get on the stage, have not passed the mercenary union. But you hire guards. It can even be hired with great fanfare, so that those mercenary groups who have taken over the private work will weigh it up and retreat. After all, if they want to target the Lei Ze family, they have to be guarded by those mercenaries. It's over. Those mercenaries who take private jobs may not be afraid of you, but they will definitely be afraid of revenge from their peers, and give up their comfortable life for a little money, unless they are tired of working or don't want to hang out."

Yue Chuan slapped his forehead suddenly.Cursed in my heart, why didn't I think of this.Sure enough, Jiang was still old and hot. Although the baron didn't send out a single soldier, he solved a difficult problem virtually. These words were worth hundreds of elite soldiers.

"Thank you, Uncle Sotheby, for your guidance, I really appreciate it..."

Baron Sotheby squinted his eyes and nodded, "For our relationship, let's not talk about those falsehoods, let's give something practical..."

[Two in one, [-]-character chapter]

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(End of this chapter)

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