Live in Dungeon

Chapter 303 302. Shallow Habitat

Chapter 303 302. Shallow Habitat
The Afaria camp covers a large area. Su Wu is alone, walking on the rugged mountain road, thinking about what Krent told him.

It's the plague!
A plague broke out in the territory where the dark elves were located, causing a large number of casualties.There is evidence that the plague is related to humans.

Only then did the Presbyterian Church mobilize the army, and Chen Bing was on the border of the Principality, ready to launch a war.


Bullet screens pop up from time to time.

"Emm, this mission is a bit empty."

"There are only mission objectives, and the rewards are uncertain. Jianjian, what reward do you think there will be?"

When Krent issued the task to Su Wu, he specifically stated that it was necessary to investigate the truth.

According to the situation and the difficulty of the task, report the task reward to the Dark Elf Queen.

That is to say!

The more perfect the task is, the more rewarding the task will be.

Seeing the information on the barrage, Su Wu said: "I don't know what rewards are there, I can be sure, as long as the truth is found out, the rewards will be very rich. Let's go to the shallow habitat first."

The shallow habitat is one of the living places of the dark elves.

Now it has become a devil's den.

The blue gas floated in the air, and the air was slightly cool. Su Wu was alone carrying the +12 Chosen Sword Ge Lang on his back.

Stepping on the brown stones, he glanced around to observe the landform here.

Very deserted, even, can be described as dead silence.

Go forward again.

Wooden crosses appeared in front of them. They were numerous and inserted into the ground, and stone coffins were placed on the ground one by one.

Every coffin represents the death of a dark elf.

It's just a small area, and Su Wu has already seen dozens of coffins.

It was certain that the dark elves could not have killed only so many people.

"No wonder, no wonder the elders of the dark elves also launched a war."

When playing games in the past, Su Wu didn't have much emotion.But when I really came here, saw these crosses, and saw the coffin, it was hard not to be touched.

Especially the moonlight was very cold, giving off a gloomy atmosphere.


There is a friend's information.

"Check." Su Wu said.

Zimeng Fanqian: Jianjian~~ Do you want this?I just saw it!
The item information she sent to Su Wu was a special potion called "Roar of the Wild Dragon".

Xiao Jianjian: Yes, yes!
Reply three important words in a row. This kind of potion is very special, and when necessary, it can have unexpected effects.

at this time……

'Crack! '

The stone cracked, and under the cross, a dark pink rotted hand emerged.

Followed by.

Two, three, four, five!More rotting hands, out of it.

Su Wu sent a voice message to Zimeng Fanqian.

"Zimeng, I'm in a bit of a situation right now. Let's talk later."

"I watched your live broadcast, be careful not to die."

"Hey, how is it possible."

He chuckled, clenched the hilt of the huge sword with both hands, and his eyes became sharp and determined in an instant.

Gazing at these monsters emerging from the ground.

Their specific information emerged in front of them.

【Monster information】

Name: Corpse Snatcher (Advanced)

Rating: 39
HP: 150 million/150 million

Physical attack power: 6500
Physical Defense: 7550
Magic Defense: 5750
Passive: "Toughness", "Bloodthirsty"


"Advanced monsters, their attributes are not bad." Su Wu made a judgment in his heart.

Didn't wait for them all to crawl out.

Take the initiative!

They swung their swords at the ghouls. Their appearance was ugly, humanoid, with distorted bodies and sticky skin with many fleshy blisters... exuding a foul smell.

Alone, without a team.Su Wu's combat effectiveness has dropped significantly.

Zimeng Fanqian's BUFF and Lulu's support can only be felt when they don't have it.

Su Wu's own strength is already extremely strong.

High-level mobs are not enough to pose any threat to him.

Fighting broke out.

The damage value pops up intensively.

With basic proficiency, Su Wu's normal attack can also cause 360% damage.

Coupled with the enhancement of Li Guijian's sword skills, ordinary mobs are too easy to defeat.

After a few minutes.

Tips: Killing a corpse stalker (LV39-advanced), experience +4000.

Tips: Killing a corpse stalker (LV39-advanced), experience +4000.


After a while, all the corpse snatchers were killed by Su Wu with one sword.

Picking up the gold coins dropped by the monster, Su Wu murmured: "This experience is really not outstanding."

In this battle, the performance of the Sword of Heaven's Choice made him very fond of it!
Stronger than I expected, damage increased, very strong.

Coupled with Su Wu's own light attribute attack, he is born to restrain dark attribute monsters, like a tiger with wings added.

After killing an enemy.

He continued to walk deeper into the shallow habitat.

The air is starting to become icy cold.

In the live broadcast room, bullet screens popped up densely.

"It's getting more and more gloomy, but I still prefer the environment of Sky City."

"Jianjian, when did you come to the Ten Thousand Years Snow Mountain, the ice dragon has revived!"

"There is a breath of conspiracy..."

Su Wu saw the barrage, especially the Wannian Snow Mountain, and said.

"Wait a minute, the monsters in Wannian Snow Mountain are too strong. It won't be too late to go after I finish the task here."

The final boss of Wannian Snow Mountain is Ice Dragon!
And in this Alphalia camp, the big boss is an evil dragon!
Both dragons are closely related to the Explosive Dragon King-Bakar.

Su Wu believed it.

Epic-level missions - Bakal's sharpening is necessarily related to them.

As long as you explore carefully and trigger something, you can start the mission.

Before that, what needs to be done is to investigate the truth.

When Su Wu in his previous life played the Afalia Camp chapter, he didn't know much about the plot. He remembered many NPC characters, but many details still needed to be explored by himself.

The Shallow Habitat is a cursed land, and there are no dark elves staying here. Therefore, Su Wu did not meet any dark elves along the way.

All you encounter are rotting corpses!Variations are weird!

Even... elemental monsters, such as the ice elf - Ice Naith.

It's hard to wrap around.

As everyone knows, he is not the only one who came here.

In another place in the shallow habitat, there is a silver-haired human woman who is acting alone in this area!
She wears weapons-claws, red pupils, powerful abdomen, legs, and arms. It can be seen at a glance that she is a strong martial artist!More precisely, Street Fighter!
Smelly Ditch Princess-Paris.

There is a misunderstanding, not all the dark elves in the Alphalia camp, in fact, there are a considerable number of humans.

For example sisters - Gal and Bryce.


Paris made a disdainful noise, pressed a bone thrower under her body, clenched her right fist, and burst out a silver light to hit it on the forehead.

'Boom! '

The whole burst, clean, neat, and even a little cruel.

She has been here for two days, and all she has encountered are monsters, monsters.Couldn't find any clues related to the plague.

"Huh?" Paris was puzzled, she felt as if she heard something.

It's the sound of swords!
"I should have heard you right, let's go and have a look."

 The author has a high fever, a cold, and a headache.I haven't slept for more than 30 hours. I have a severe fever. I can't sleep. I have hallucinations when I lie down. The doctor said it was because of the high fever... I can only lie down to recover my strength, and I can't fall asleep.Sorry for the slow update.

(End of this chapter)

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