Live in Dungeon

Chapter 302 301. Krent

Chapter 302 301. Krent

The black screen of the live broadcast room suddenly changed, and Su Wu's face appeared in the live broadcast room.

Many water friends were taken aback.


"What the hell, don't get so close!"

"Take you a monkey."

Seeing the barrage in the live broadcast room, Su Wu chuckled.Open your mouth and say.

"Let's go, learn the skills first. After learning the skills, it's time to take risks."

After upgrading to level 35, Su Wu hasn't learned any new skills yet, and it's still too late.

He is carrying the +12 Sword of Heaven's Chosen-Gran, which is very conspicuous. This giant sword is not inferior to Forrest Gump's giant sword.

Live broadcast reminder: Cutie presents host Rocket*1!Postscript: Jianjian, look at the attribute panel!

"Thank you for the gift, the panel is waiting for me to learn the skills."

The cold alley.

Su Wu came here alone, this is a multiple space, there are town spirit talismans on the walls, and the breath of ghosts and resentful spirits is strong.

At the end of that alley, GSD squatted on the ground.

As always, nothing has changed.

He sensed Su Wu's arrival.

"I perceive the breath on your body, that is the original essence."

"That's right. It's the apostle. I killed it with A-Gumpo and the others."

GSD was silent for a while.

"No, it didn't die."

Strictly speaking, an apostle has a body and a soul, which is its essence.The essence of the apostle does not die.

Su Wu knew this very well.

There is no argument.

"Master, I want to learn skills!"


The page window opened and appeared in front of Su Wu's eyes.

The skills that can be strengthened include Extreme Breaking Blade, Weapon Mastery, and... level 35 core skills!
Tip: You have successfully learned the skill "Breaking the Army and Rising the Dragon Strike (LV1)".

After successively strengthening other skills, Su Wu checked the specific information of the new skills!

The talent skill "Sword Intent" enhances the level of this skill by level 2, and it becomes level 3 after learning it.

Skill cooling time is 20 seconds!
Bumps at the enemy, followed by an upward pick.Impact 1000%, pick up 1587% damage value.

For Sword Soul, it is a very powerful breakthrough skill!
Su Wu has used it before, and has also mastered this skill.But that is the built-in skill when using the Wanren Holy Light Saber, and other weapons cannot be used.

Weapon proficiency, etc., are all strengthened once.Su Wu is so happy!

Live broadcast reminder: Hackers don’t hack and present host Rocket*1!Postscript: What about the property page?

Upgrade to level 35, replace the giant sword, replace the jewelry, and increase the full attributes of the blue bible.

Su Wu's attributes have been greatly improved. There are many people who know this, but how much is it?
No one knows.

"Don't worry, I'll open it and have a look."

At the same time that Su Wu opened the property page, he was far away in the deep cave in the Afaria camp area.

Liao Yan pays attention to all this.

He is still No.1 in the rank ranking, active in this area, leveling up and improving his strength.

but!Liao Yan had a premonition that Su Wu might come to this area, maybe...they would run into each other.

He is muttering.

"My level is one level higher, but the attributes may not be higher than his."

next second.


Dumbfounded, he looked at Su Wu's property page.

There are not a few people who have the same reaction!This property page is so gorgeous!
【Property page】

Nickname: Little Sword Sword
Occupation: Sword Soul

Level: 35 (Experience Points: 320 million/500 million)
Health: 23500/23500
Mana: 17100/17100
Power: 800
Intelligence: 610
Stamina: 722
Spirit: 646
Physical attack power: 5210 (+12 day selection)
Physical Defense: 12150
Magic Defense: 8500
Attack Speed: 24%
Movement Speed: 25.5%
Release speed: 24%
It's amazing!
The most surprising thing is not how high the physical attack is, but that after Su Wu replaced the strong 14 Meteorite Knife, the physical attack and other attributes increased by 300 points instead!
This means that Su Wu will continue to strengthen his weapons in the future.

After the sword of heaven's choice is also strengthened to 14, his attributes will reach a terrifying level.

not to mention.

This giant sword has an additional 20% damage effect, completely bursting the effect of the Meteorite Knife.

Lucky Live System Tips
Tip: Ding, reputation +9
Tip: Ding, reputation +12.Accumulated 114 reputation points.

Expected gains.

After gaining another 6 reputation points, Su Wu can get another 1 point of luck.

In the deep cave, Liao Yan watched Su Wu's live broadcast room until Huaping, and got a system prompt.

Reminder: The host has arrived in the same area as you, and has no permission to enter the live broadcast room.

"Sure enough, we are going to meet together." Liao Yan murmured.

He was holding an epee and a large-caliber pistol at his waist.

As a mercenary in the field, he is worthy of Su Wu!However, it must be admitted that the other party is also a very strong existence.

"But fortunately, this time there is no Zimeng Fanqian and Lulu, he is alone." Liaoyan suddenly felt a little hopeful.

At least in terms of numbers, it's a 1-on-1 situation.


The Lorraine-Irvine line of defense.

Keep walking in the south direction, and there will be a magic portal leading to the Afaria camp, which is the territory of the Dark City.

Su Wu stepped through the portal and came to this unique world.

The world of Dark City is very special.

It's a lot like the Earth's South Pole or North Pole, but with a difference.

There is no day, only the cold moonlight, and... when it is dark, there is no cold moonlight.

Because of the lack of sunlight, Su Wu found out when he came here.

There are very few plants on the bare black stone ground, let alone any greenery.

along the way.

There are large patrols of dark elves who are hostile to all humans, including adventurers.

Not long ago, this place was open to players, but now, they are searching around to repatriate players or simply kill them!
Su Wu has the passport given by Sha Lan, and the journey is unimpeded.

In a dark elf town near a cliff on a high ground, this is an administrative institution of the dark elves.

The center of the Alphalia camp.

You can see many unique people, objects, sculptures, etc.

not far away.

A dark elf man caught Su Wu's attention.

Tall, with silver hair, purple skin, and a tight-fitting robe that tends to be dark blue.There is also a pinch of chic bangs on the forehead.

It was the Dark Elf-Krent!
Another NPC that Su Wu and many other players love and hate in his previous life.

The reason is the same as Kelly.

After the player reaches level 55, weapons and equipment will have extra dimension attributes.

Equipment with different-dimensional attributes cannot be strengthened, but can only be increased!

Krent is the NPC with booster equipment.

Even... more hateful than Kelly.The cost is high and the consequences of failure are more serious.

Even expansion protection volumes are extremely rare.

Su Wu knew that the famous DNF anchor in the previous life, the weapons and equipment of baby Xu Xu, did not know how many broken and failed by him.It is worth more than one million Huaxia coins.

Next to Clent lay a creature.

It looks like a blue wolf but is not a wolf. It has a pair of wings and a huge body. It is hard to hide its handsomeness when lying lazily on the ground.



Krent looked at Su Wu suspiciously, he didn't recognize the human in front of him.

but!Not disgusted.

"Adventurer, hasn't the ban been issued? How did you come here?"

"I have a pass, Sharon gave it to me. Her own letter, Nun."

Taking out the task item from the inventory, Su Wu handed it to Krent.

A sealed letter.

Krent opened it and looked at the contents of the letter. The more he read it, the more dignified it became, and finally he sighed.

"Unexpectedly, I underestimated you, adventurer! You really can't be judged by appearances, this is your mission reward."

The red power stone appeared in Su Wu's hand.


Tip: Successfully use the power stone to permanently increase the power by 10 points!
 Thank you book friend 20180828134940818 for your reward.

(End of this chapter)

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