Live in Dungeon

Chapter 193 192. I don't have feelings [big chapter change]

Chapter 193 192. I don't have feelings [Chapter Changes]

A businessman has a keen sense of smell, and it is a basic skill to see every stitch and needle.


In the eyes of the old man, Su Wu is a very special player.No power, high luck, strong teammates, strong strength, combined, in the world of adventurers in the continent of Arad.

What kind of effect will be exerted, it is difficult to judge with specific numerical values.

Individual players have a characteristic.

Love is more important than profit, which is different from the fact that the guild must safeguard every interest and ensure internal balance.

He is happiest to make friends with a high-level player like Su Wu.

So what if you send an artifact weapon worth tens of thousands, or even more than one hundred thousand?
Su Wu also did not doubt the old uncle's words.

"Uncle, I'm so moved by what you said! Why don't I take this strong 13 weapon and throw it at 14! If it breaks, we ask not to give it, just give me a level 25 artifact."

Eternal-Old Uncle: "Are you willing? Strengthen 13, I don't even look at the attributes."

In the live broadcast room, someone was booing.

More people are curious about another question, there are too many 13-level artifacts for strengthening 30, and how powerful their attributes are!

Live Tips
Lao Han presented the host with flowers*188!Postscript: Anchor, look at the weapon attributes.

Sen Xiansen presents the anchor excavator*2!Postscript: quality, quality.Appetite or something, the most annoying.

Strengthen the attributes of 13 streamer meteor knives!
Su Wu also wanted to know.

The Taidao came out of the old strengthening furnace, returned to the inventory, and placed it quietly in the first space.

With a thought, take it out of the inventory.

At this moment, the red sword with an orange-red blade was shining with the unique red light of Enhancement 13.

Meaning, it's more powerful.

The index finger of Su Wu's right hand passed over the blade, feeling the edge, and it floated across the fingertips. This is a very special feeling.

The feeling of wanting to hold it and slash monsters!
"Check weapon attributes."

【Weapon Attributes】

Weapon: +13 Meteorite Knife (artifact)
Rating: 30
Type: Dagger
Physical attack power +346 (physical attack power +425)

Magic attack power +382 (magic attack power +466)

Intelligence +40
Fire attribute attack

Fire attribute resistance +20
Attack Speed ​​+5%
Release Speed ​​+5%
When attacking, there is a 2% chance of meteorites appearing.

Motto: A knife that awakens the power of meteors.

At a glance at the detailed information of the weapon's attributes, its magical attack power is higher than its physical attack power, which is also a characteristic of Taidao.

Calculate its physical attack power, 346 points by itself, plus 425 points from strengthening, totaling 771 points!
Su Wu remembered that the physical attack power of a 13-level knight lightsaber was 631 points.

"Not bad! It's 140 points higher in physical attack than the knight's lightsaber. This wave is not a loss."

The physical attack power of the weapon itself is very important.

The calculation formula is basically multiplied by strength base, multiplied by weapon proficiency, and extra overflow, after calculation.

140 points of physical attack, can increase more than 300 points of panel physical attack, or even more, more.

At this time, Guoguoyu has not yet contacted Zimeng Fanqian.

She silently turned off the communicator.

What the hell is this related to?

"Successfully strengthened 13, it's amazing..."

In the live broadcast room, she sighed.

At the beginning, he failed 2 times in a row, making everyone think that Su Wu must lose today, but he never expected that the last wave of counter-killing.

The barrage in Su Wu's live broadcast room.

"This is Ouhuang, the happiest laugh is the one who laughs last."

"I'm willing to trade my life's sexual blessing downstairs in exchange for double my luck, and I hope to be the Emperor of Europe for a day!"

"This wave will earn back, strong 13 Liuguang, really strong! Coupled with Miss Zimeng's BUFF, Jianjian 6 is turned over."

It was also embarrassing.

Especially those who assert that Su Wu will fail.

Due to Su Wu's actions, the weapon ranking has changed, although Su Wu still tops No.1 again!
Some local tyrants and godly players are envious.

Many people spend a lot of money, and the final harvest is just some small colorless crystals...Compared with each other, Su Wu's harvest is too rich.

And right now.

Su Wu's eyes silently looked at the BUFF window, looking at the red pattern.

Whenever attention is paid to it, a few words appear.

Strengthen the secret medicine, remaining time: 1 minute and 48 seconds.

There is more than a minute!
Soon, its time will be over.

On the side of the old strengthened furnace several meters high, Kaili looked at Su Wu and said.

"Handsome guy over there, let's try again! Enhancement 14 will let you go forward."

"Open the strengthening furnace."

One wave is not flat, another wave rises!
Su Wu faced the live broadcast room, facing the online audience which had risen to 48.

"There is more than a minute left, and the strengthening of the secret medicine is over. I have been educated since I was a child, to be frugal, ahem, it should be like this."


"God frugal thrift!"

"I was stunned!"

"Studying medicine can't save China, but Ouhuang can.——Lu Xun"

At the same moment, the corners of the old uncle, Guoguoyu, Godfather, Tilia and others trembled or their eyelids twitched.

Is he serious?
Are you kidding me?

Or, just scratching the surface.

after a few seconds.

Su Wu told them with practical actions.

Tip: Strengthening +13 Meteorite Knife needs to consume Furnace Carbon*248 and Gold Coin*168940.Are you sure about strengthening?

The silent old strengthening furnace, once again, is burning!
In the stove, the red light was shining, the buzzing was endless, and the lights flickered alternately.

Strengthened to 13, it has become China's number one weapon, and still continue to choose to strengthen!

For many players, this is incredible.


The master of the Falcons - Liao Yan!In recent days, he has been in the limelight, even overwhelming the wind blades of the same guild.

Create multiple new copies.

Level, strength, etc., are at the top level in China.

But when he saw Su Wu's actions, he was shocked.

Can't help talking to myself.

"Obviously enough, why continue? Failure and success, can the benefits be the same."

It can only be said that he does not understand Death.

I don't even know what Su Wu is going to do tomorrow!
He was going to use the invitation letter from God of Death. Once he accepted the invitation, Su Wu was 100% sure that the challenge would be the Tower of Delusion.

From the previous life to the late stage of DNF, the Tower of Delusion was inconspicuous and weak.

But in the earliest days, many existences in it were very strong!
For example, the qigong master in Absolute Defense, or the top ten raptors.


Su Wu stared at the strengthening furnace, recalling his past life in his mind.

In the earliest version, Su Wu was able to successfully challenge the first few copies of Sky City.

But when it comes to the giant beast of the sky, it is completely reduced to a free fish!Single swipe is not an opponent, so you can only spend money to find high-level players to bring a king-level copy.

Especially the second spine, the forbidden area, is a nightmare.

And now!
The real Sky Veil Behemoth is coming soon.There was pressure in Su Wu's heart.

Keep your eyes peeled, concentrate your attention, and listen to the intensified sound with both ears.

The beating of time every second, for Su Wu, became slow...

The blue light, red light, and the alternating light and dark of the signal lights are already a little dazzling.


"The result is coming!"

"I'm happy to see it visually, how can it be strengthened to 14."

"Kelly: I don't have any feelings, it must be broken."



The old strengthening furnace made a final sound, which means... the strengthening is over! !
 The book has been greatly revised and chapters rewritten: Chapters 148 to 231.

(End of this chapter)

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