Live in Dungeon

Chapter 192 191. Breaking 45! 【Big revision】

Chapter 192 191. Breaking 45! [Major Chapter Changes]

Meteor meteor knife.

In the DNF of Su Wu's previous life, there is a strong stroke!
In this world, it is equally extraordinary.Far superior to the long blade of the same type of weapon, it has excellent attributes and comes with fire attribute attacks.

5% increased attack speed, cast speed, and a chance to summon meteorites.

Blessed with multiple attributes, it is the well-deserved No. [-] sword in China.

Its value is enough to replace it with a suite in remote areas.

in the barrage.

"I don't feel sorry for the knight's lightsaber, it's strong, but it can't be traded after all. It can't be traded like an epic, and it's worthless. The streamer knife is real money. Who knows, can it be traded suddenly that day!"

"Damn! A suite! Jianjian 6666"

"The money for a sports car, the anchor is amazing!"

Guoguoyu was stunned for a moment, then woke up.

"It's over, Brother Jian's mentality has collapsed. No, I have to contact Zimeng and ask her to persuade her. If it continues to break, it will really be over."


Lucky Live System Tips
"Ding, reputation value +3."

"Ding, reputation value +2."

"Ding, reputation +4. Cumulative reputation: 39."

After getting the prompt from the lucky live broadcast system, Su Wu was very happy. The prestige value, and then turned into luck value, is the foundation of his existence.

The warmth and feel of the Liuguang knife came from his hand.Looking at its unique and handsome blade, there is nothing to hesitate!
Tips: Strengthening +11 Meteorite Knife (LV30-artifact) requires Furnace Carbon*108 and Gold Coin*47800.Are you sure about strengthening?


As soon as the words fell, the Liuguang knife had entered the old strengthening furnace.

The furnace ignited again, the flame was boiling, and the heat and red light rose and fell in the fortified furnace, like breathing.


The blue signal light switches back and forth between blinking and dimming.

Sometimes blue, sometimes red.

This is the third reinforcement!
Also—for the last time!
As a result of the strengthening of the previous two words, the +13 knight lightsaber and the +10 burning flame Brahma sword were broken.Once this weapon is shattered, Su Wu can only buy an ordinary rare weapon and use it temporarily.

The number of people following Su Wu's live broadcast room is still increasing.

The anchors of the Southern Province Division, five of the top ten most popular anchors, clicked on Su Wu's live broadcast room.

A lot of popularity flowed in.

After learning what happened before, there were constant exclamations, exclamations, and sympathetic regrets.

"What a pity, epic giant sword!"

"Enhancement 13 lightsaber, use it for me, I can use it for a year! It's just broken."

"If you fail the first two times and fail the third time, then you are really full of loyalty!"

The hum of the strengthening furnace gradually became more rapid.

The final result is about to appear.

In the floating window that Su Wu looked at, at the position of BUFF, the only lit icon was the strengthening secret medicine.There are still more than 3 minutes left.

'laugh--! '

The rushing sound urges the heart.



The beating of the heart quickened!The uncontrollable and tense feeling made Su Wu speechless.

The eyes converged a little, staring at the old strengthening furnace.

【Strengthening tips】

congratulations!Strengthening +12 Meteorite Knife was successful! !
The moment the reminder appeared, Su Wu's tense muscles finally relaxed.

At this time, Guoguoyu is still in contact with Zimeng Fanqian, and the communication has not been connected yet.

the other side!Zimeng Fanqian and Lulu are exchanging worlds. In a house of horrors, the two team up for an adventure... shut down all communication.

Strengthen success!

A few words mean too much.

The streamer knife with enhancement 12 is several times more valuable than the streamer knife with enhancement 11, and the damage value will also be significantly improved.

The barrage exploded instantly.


"It's 2% broken, it's not bad!"

"A 12-strength streamer knife, it's worth millions!"

"Don't, don't! Damn!"

The last barrage, when it has not been sent yet.Five live broadcast rooms broadcast, plus Su Wu's own live broadcast.

A total of over one million people witnessed the shocking scene!

They saw that Su Wu chose to confirm.

They also heard Su Wu's affirmative voice!

Tip: To strengthen +12 Meteorite Knife (LV30-artifact), you need Furnace Carbon*148 and Gold Coin*84700.Are you sure about strengthening?

There is no reason to quit halfway.

Breaking two important weapons in a row, based on Su Wu's experience in his previous life, at this time, he only needs to succeed once!Then feel free to go for the second reinforcement!
Lucky Live System Tips
"Ding, reputation value +5."

"Ding, reputation value +4."


"Ding, reputation value +4."

The system beeps continuously!The distance to accumulating 80 reputation points is close at hand.

You only need to add a little bit more, and you can add another 1 point of luck.

Su Wu stared at the strengthening furnace.

Strengthening this kind of thing is too random, no matter how lucky you are, sometimes you will fail in a row.

No matter how bad luck is, there will always be one or two encounters.

I glanced at the strengthening secret medicine BUFF for a while, hoping that its effect is real.

'laugh--! '

at last.

The hurried voice sounded again.

The result of strengthening the +12 Meteorite Knife is here!
【Strengthening tips】

congratulations!Strengthening +13 Meteorite Knife was successful! !
In Su Wu's sub-channel, an announcement appeared in front of many players.

Announcement: The player's small sword has been strengthened +13 Meteorite Knife (LV30-artifact) successfully!
The reminder that the knight's lightsaber failed to strengthen 14 has not passed 2 minutes, and many people are still discussing this matter.

In a blink of an eye!
New hints have appeared!

"Enhanced 13 streamer knife, it's too domineering!"

"Mom, I'm going crazy. It's all right? It's all about enhancing the 13th and 30th level artifact Taidao, and replace it with the 25th level lord's artifact lightsaber. It's a safe profit."

"Little Jianjian... really deserves to be the No. [-] player in the national server, he's really fat."

At the same moment, the five anchors who broadcast Su Wu's live broadcast were stunned when they saw the success prompt!

Is this all right?

Continuous success!

From the perspective of attack power, the 13-enhanced Meteorite Knife can bring Su Wu's attributes to a whole new level.

Beyond strengthening 13 knight lightsabers, newly created panel physical attack data.

Look at the orange-red number 13.

Su Wu smiled.

In the ear, the lucky live broadcast system prompted, and it exploded again.

"Ding, reputation value +5."

"The cumulative reputation value exceeds 80 points, and the current reputation value is cleared. The lucky value is permanently increased by 1 point, and the current lucky value is 89 points."

"Ding, reputation value +2."


The growth of reputation is still going on!

Su Wu's live broadcast room fell into a certain frenzy, and the number of people online was skyrocketing.

Many fans of the anchor ran to Su Wu's live broadcast room and wrote a few words such as '666', 'Xiu Xiuxiu', 'Sword God Awesome' and so on.

In a few seconds, the number of people soared from 33 to 45!

Live Tips
Eternity-The old uncle presents the super rocket*1 to the anchor!Postscript: Brother, awesome!Just now I was thinking, should I prepare a weapon for you!


 The book has been greatly revised and chapters 148 to 231 have been rewritten.

(End of this chapter)

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