Be a boss from the showdown

Chapter 175 The stage where dreams come true

Chapter 175 The stage where dreams come true

The host Feng Shao took the stage, and first showed off a bunch of commercials.

"Authentic Good Herbal Tea Authentic Good Voice Welcome to the leading brand of herbal tea..."

Holding the microphone that descended from the sky in his hand, Young Master Feng finished reading the advertisement at a very fast speed.

The place was dead silent!
Damn, this ad is too awesome.

There are also crazy bullet screens on the live broadcast platform.

Originally, I wanted to complain about too many advertisements, but suddenly I found that I had no reason to complain. With so many advertisements, I almost read them all in one sitting!
Feng Shao is too awesome, how did he do it.

Haha, I suddenly feel that this program is very high-grade.

"Damn it, who designed this is awesome."

"Haha, I knew Jiang Chen would be unusual as a director."

"It's too arrogant..."

The audience at the scene were stunned.

Even several mentors were all stunned.

The music sounded, and Hu Na woke up.

Are you bowing your head in the sun like me
Working hard and sweating silently

Are you like me even if you suffer indifference
Don't give up the life you want


Accompanied by the sound of music, Hu Na, the first instructor, came out.

Are you like me busy chasing all day
Pursue an unexpected tenderness
Are you as lost as I used to be
Wandering on the cross streets again and again

Li Hua then walked out.

because i don't care what people say

i never forget me
Commitment to yourself, dedication to love


The third mentor, Zhao Kun, came out.

I know my future is not a dream
I live every minute seriously
My future is not a dream

My heart moves with hope

Sun Fei came out.

Among several people, Fei Sun is the most popular.

After she came out, there was a burst of warm applause and cheers.

The four of them sang together.

My future is not a dream

I live every minute seriously
My future is not a dream

My heart moves with hope
follow hope

The four of them sang together.

"The music is good."

"It sounds so good, it will definitely become popular after it airs."

"Yeah, this song is so inspirational."

After singing, Feng Shao said: "First of all, please invite our mentor Hu Na!"

Amid warm applause, Hu Na took the lead in sitting on the swivel chair.

Then the other three tutors also sat on the chairs.

To everyone's surprise, the four mentors turned around instead of facing the stage.

"What kind of trick is this?"

Everyone was dumbfounded.

In the past, the hosts of entertainment talent shows faced the audience, but this time they turned their backs to the stage.

Now let's invite No. [-] contestant Xu Wei to play.

Xu Wei was a little nervous looking at the lights on the stage.

"Come on, Xu Wei!"

Several other players encouraged him.

Taking a deep breath, Xu Wei stepped onto the stage.

Brilliant lights and music sounded.

The lights and music are fantastic.

The audience on stage exclaimed.

Feng Shao looked at Xu Wei who was on stage and asked, "Xiao Wei, what do you do?"

"Me, I'm a security guard."

"security guard?"

The audience in the audience were stunned.

Feng Shao smiled: "Oh, do you usually sing?"

"Well, I used to sing secretly."

"Why are you singing secretly?" Feng Shao asked.

"I'm afraid people will hear the joke." Xu Wei said shyly.

Feng Shao continued: "What song did you bring us today?"

"The song I bring is, dreams are flying."

"Okay, come on Xu Wei."

Feng Shao stepped down and gave up the stage to Xu Wei.

The music sounded, and Xu Wei sang along with the music.

At first, he was still a little nervous, so his voice was a little fluttering.

But with the rhythm of the music, Xu Wei gradually entered the state.

Xu Wei's dream is to be on the stage, and now the dream is in front of him.

"I had a dream that he was tiny."

"I had a dream and he was so innocent."

"Someone laughed at stupid."

"Some say I'm... daydreaming."


Singing the song, Xu Wei remembered a lot.

When he sang, he was ridiculed many times.

Some people say that no matter how good his singing is, he is still just a security guard.

Some people say that he is not doing his job properly, and he thinks about becoming a singer every day.

"Who said I can't achieve my dreams."

"Who said I was daydreaming."

"My dream is ahead."

"My dream is no longer far away."

This section is high-pitched, Xu Wei almost felt it, and this high-pitched section is particularly exciting.

Omg this sound is amazing.

How could he raise his voice so high.

The audience at the scene were shocked.

There was thunderous applause.

Hu Na, who had her eyes closed, opened them first, and slammed the red button in front of her to turn around.

Afterwards, Li Hua also turned around.

Turned, turned around.

Afterwards, Sun Fei and Zhao Kun also turned around.

Sprinkling flowers on the spot represented Xu Wei's success.

Oh my god, Jiang Chen is such a genius that he came up with such a plan.

This is really choosing singers based on their voices, Jiang Chen actually came up with such an idea.

so amazing!

This is the first time I know that the draft can be played like this.

The place was boiling.

Everyone is used to watching the judges comment on the contestants after watching the performances, but they have never seen such a performance.

Huna said: "This sound is so good, this guy is mine."

"Sister Na, this matter can't be said to be yours or yours, I like it very much too." Zhao Kun said from the side.

"Zhao Kun, you dare to rob someone with your sister, don't you?" Hu Na angrily said.

"No, these are two different things. I like Xu Wei too!"

When the two of you said something to each other, they were blushing.

Li Hua said: "Xiaofei, let's stay away and save ourselves from doing it later, and splash our blood all over."


The audience at the scene suddenly laughed.

Seeing that the heat was almost ready, Li Hua said: "Stop arguing, you two, let Xiaowei choose for himself."

Only then did Hu Na and Zhao Kun stop arguing, and both looked at Xu Wei.

Xu Wei was very excited. He took a deep breath and said, "I have liked Sister Na's songs since I was a child. Sister Na has always been my idol. I choose Sister Na."

The live music sounded, and Xu Wei passed the test smoothly.

There was warm applause at the scene.

Xu Wei went over and hugged several mentors.

The audience was infected when they saw this scene, and their blood boiled with excitement.

This is too hot.

This is the real draft.

This is what a variety show should be like.

The director Chen Guang and the others in the audience were completely dumbfounded.

They thought that Jiang Chen would have some new ideas, but they didn't expect Jiang Chen to be able to make a variety show so creative.

Xu Wei couldn't restrain his excitement when he returned backstage.

He dialed the phone excitedly.

"Xiao Li, did you hear me sing? I was chosen by the tutor."

"I heard that, I'm right there, Xiaowei, you're amazing."

Xu Wei wept with joy while on the phone.

He was so excited.

Looking at this scene, Jiang Chen also felt very relieved, so many days of hard work were not in vain.

This is the stage where dreams come true.

(End of this chapter)

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