Be a boss from the showdown

Chapter 174 The Good Voice Broadcasts

Chapter 174 The Good Voice Broadcasts

Jiang Chen filled a bowl, and the lighting engineer took a sip.

"Sweet and sour is really delicious."

"This taste, Director Jiang, you can apply for a patent."

Hearing that it was delicious, everyone took bowls to support the soup.

Soon the whole pot of soup was finished.

After drinking the soup, everyone suddenly felt exhausted.

"Why do I feel that I am not tired at all after drinking the soup."

"Me too, and with a lot of drive."

"Just now I was so sleepy that I couldn't open my eyes, and suddenly I felt refreshed."

Everyone was stunned.

Jiang Chen smiled faintly: "This is refreshing soup, everyone work harder, I guarantee that everyone's bonus will be doubled after the show is broadcast."

After hearing Jiang Chen's promise, everyone cheered up.

People from other programs on the TV station were stunned when they watched the program group of The Voice so desperately.

Don't these guys know how tired they are?Is it all bloody?
A week has passed, and there are still three hours before the broadcast.

Chen Guang was almost stunned when he came to the studio.

God, it's all done.

In fact, Chen Guang forced Jiang Chen to start the machine earlier, and he had already planned to make it rough.

But it seems that the stage and lighting design are perfect.

"You guys really did it in half a month?" Chen Guang asked doubtfully.

Jiang Chen nodded: "Of course."

Not only Chen Guang, but even the staff of the program group were stunned by him.

No one expected that they could actually complete the work on time.

Looking at the day and night, the well-produced studio, many people cried.

Yes, they thought they couldn't do it, but they really did.

With the imminent broadcast, the attention of Good Voice has reached its peak.

On the Internet, there are constantly water troops who have raised doubts about the good voice.

"It's on the shelves so quickly, it's just a rubbish variety show for making money."

"I heard that the chosen singers are all amateurs, such as cleaners and car repairers, it's ridiculous."

"This kind of program should not be on the shelves, and everyone should directly boycott it."

There are a lot of doubts about the good voice on the Internet.

Even Li Yu, who was invited back then, posted on Weibo.

"As a musician, I am very skeptical about this variety show. I don't know what is Director Jiang's selection criteria? He doesn't choose so many outstanding players, but chooses some messy players. Don't think about it. This variety show is definitely very good. Rubbish."

Not only Li Yu, but other professionals have also posted on Weibo.

"Good Voice took only half a month from planning to release. From a professional point of view, this work must be shoddy. It's a pity that this kind of work can be broadcast by Jiangsu and Zhejiang TV stations in prime time."


"The Voice" has not been launched yet, and negative comments on the Internet continue.

Jiang Chen was very calm.

At the final mobilization meeting, Jiang Chen seriously said to everyone: "Everyone, the goal set for us in this program is to reach a ratings of 0.6 as a pass, but everyone should know what my goal is. I am the ratings champion. I know a lot No one believed that we would achieve such a result, but I can tell everyone responsibly that you will all be the creators of this miracle."

After hearing Jiang Chen's words, everyone was excited.

Jiang Chen has created countless miracles, will he create a miracle this time?

Under Weibo, many sailors also questioned.

"The most rubbish variety show produced by Jiang Chen."

"Such crude production, are you worthy of the fans who like you?"

"This kind of rubbish variety show should be blocked."

Just an hour before the show started, Jiang Chen finally posted on Weibo.

"The sword points to the ratings champion."

The seven characters are extremely domineering.

Everyone was shocked when they saw this Weibo.

Is Jiang Chen crazy or stupid?

The sword is pointing at the ratings champion, this slogan is too crazy.

This Weibo even went directly to the hot search.

Ratings champion!
This is too crazy.

Now the rankings of variety shows in previous lives are all above 1.0.

The ratings of the number one Happy House even reached 1.6.

It is too difficult for Jiang Chen's good voice to surpass this program.

"Jiang Chen is too floating!"

"The sword refers to the champion? Are you serious?"

"This kind of shoddy show also wants to win the ratings champion?"


Basically no one believed that "The Voice" would create such a miracle.

At this time, the auditorium was already full of spectators.

The audience also saw Jiang Chen's Weibo.

"Damn it, Director Jiang's goal is to be the champion."

"Awesome, haha, I didn't expect that I would have the opportunity to watch the program with the highest ratings."

However, the staff of Jiangsu and Zhejiang TV stations were also a little worried when they saw this Weibo.

After all, Jiang Chen put himself on the opposite side of all variety shows.

If the results are not achieved, then they will face ridicule from various media.

Wang Bo frowned: "What's going on with Xiao Jiang? Is he going to offend all his colleagues?"

Chen Guang was also speechless.

Jiang Chen's character is too crazy, but broadcasting Jiang Chen in advance has helped him a lot, so he can only support it.

Zhang Yu looked at Jiang Chen: "Director Jiang, can our show really win the ratings championship?"

Jiang Chen smiled faintly: "Of course, you don't have confidence?"

"To be honest, it's the confidence of the United States. I'm satisfied if we can reach 0.6."

Jiang Chen smiled faintly.

Many people also questioned "The Voice" in previous lives.

But the result was sky-high ratings.

The host of this show is Feng Shao.

He is a well-known host of Jiangsu and Zhejiang Satellite TV.

Looking at the dense list of advertisers, Feng Shao was a little embarrassed.

Director Jiang has so many advertisers, I have to read it for several minutes, is it better to read it separately?

Jiang Chen shook his head, and demonstrated to Feng Shao: "You read it that way!"

"Authentic Good Herbal Tea Authentic Good Voice Welcome to the leading brand of herbal tea... Among all the students of The Voice of China this year, the four mentors who are the most proud students will embark on the journey of Leha Qili's music dream.


Send a text message to participate in the interaction and immediately get a 100 yuan coupon from e-buy. Thank you e-buy for its strong support for this program.If our good voice students are approved by three or more mentors, they can get a 1 yuan music dream fund provided by e-buy.We would like to thank the Sheraton Shanghai Hotel for the hotel sponsorship provided by The Voice of China. "

After listening to Jiang Chen read this advertisement at an almost extreme speed, Feng Shao was almost dumbfounded.

"Mr. Jiang, you are too powerful."

Jiang Chen smiled faintly: "It's not bad, just practice slowly until you reach my speaking speed."

On the side, Feng Shao took the advertisement and started to practice.

Then there are lights, sound effects, everything is adjusted, and Jiang Chen heaves a sigh of relief.

Eight o'clock in the evening is when the Voice of Huaguo officially begins.

"The lights are ready, the music is ready."

Finally, The Voice of Huaguo started.

(End of this chapter)

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