Chapter 621

"what happened?"

Wang Chen raised his head to look at Linglong whose eyes were blurred, and asked in a concerned tone.


Linglong shook her head lightly, and suddenly joked to Wang Chen: "Little brother, didn't you realize that your villa has become a country of daughters?"

"I really didn't pay attention."

Wang Chen was slightly taken aback, what Linglong said was indeed reasonable, there was indeed a bit of yin prosperity and yang decline here.

But I didn't notice it before.

"Ha ha."

Linglong laughed twice, looking at Wang Chen with very strange eyes, Wang Chen was a little hairy.

"Okay, stop teasing you, go to rest early."

Gently scratching Wang Chen's nose, Linglong turned around and walked outside the study.

After Linglong left, Wang Chen continued his work.

Just like this, more than an hour passed before Wang Chen walked out of the study tiredly and returned to his room.

Lying on the bed, it didn't take long for Wang Chen to fall asleep.

In Linglong's room, Linglong did not fall asleep. She stood in front of the window and looked at the full moon in the sky through the window.

After watching for more than ten minutes, Linglong looked away, and murmured in a whisper that only she could hear: "Little brother, it's already a bit like Heavenly Dream Garden."

Although this No. [-] villa is much smaller than the Heavenly Dream Garden, there is no doubt that this No. [-] villa already has the layout of the Heavenly Dream Garden.

When she came to the bed and sat down, she bent over, resting her cheeks in her hands, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

dong dong——

A few minutes later, the sound of knocking on the door brought her back from her daze.

She got up and went to the bed and opened the room.

When she saw that it was Duanmu Ruoshui, she stepped aside slightly, allowing Duanmu Ruoshui to walk in.

After Duanmu Ruoshui walked in, Linglong picked up the teacup, made a cup of tea for Duanmu Ruoshui, and asked with a smile, "It's so late, you haven't rested yet?"


Duanmu Ruoshui took the tea from Linglong, smiled and shook his head.

Linglong yawned, opened the window, let the cold wind blow in from the outside, and asked, "What's the matter?"

"There's something wrong."

Duanmu Ruoshui nodded, originally she didn't want to disturb Linglong, but when she passed by Linglong's room and saw her door was open, she thought about it and knocked on the door anyway.

"Ask, I can tell you anything I can tell you."

Linglong leaned on the head of the bed, looking at Duanmu Ruoshui with a slight smile in her eyes.

Duanmu Ruoshui didn't speak immediately, she sipped her tea and remained silent for a while, before she asked: "You should know what will happen next, right?"

"I know half of it."

Linglong thought for a while before speaking slowly.

The reason why I know something is because many of the forces acting now are people I have dealt with before, with friends and enemies.

But now it's different from before, so even I don't know what those people want to do.

I can only vaguely guess some things. Specifically, I need Nuo Ming to launch an intelligence network to investigate.

Duanmu Ruoshui seemed a little dissatisfied with Linglong's answer, she raised her head, glanced at the chandelier, and said softly: "So, what do you think will happen next?"

"People will die, and many, many people will die."

Linglong spoke in a simple and appalling manner, with a trace of sadness and a trace of heaviness in her eyes.

Duanmu Ruoshui fell into silence for a short time. It was not that she had never seen a dead person, but she still felt a little terrified about what happened next.

Hearing too many things and too many things from my parents, although it is good for me, is also a kind of pressure.

Exactly, now is the time when these pressures explode in my heart.

She unconsciously drank tea, her eyes flickering from time to time, after a long time, she pursed her lips and asked Linglong: "Can you tell me some specific news, so that I can be prepared."

"It's not that I won't tell you, but I don't know what those people will do next."

Linglong gave a wry smile, the next incident would endanger the lives of many people, if she knew about those incidents, she would definitely tell Duanmu Ruoshui and the others, this would also allow them to be prepared, and when the incident broke out, they would be able to Well protect yourself.

But I just don't know, if I knew, I would have ordered the people in Linglong Pavilion to do it a long time ago, why would I not take action until now.

"Even you don't know..."

Duanmu Ruoshui sighed, lowered his head and murmured.

I originally thought that Linglong knew something more or less, so that I could prepare myself well.

But Linglong didn't know, which made her feel a little helpless.

If it was in the past, I didn't have to care about these things at all, because no matter how big these things were, they still couldn't threaten my Duanmu family.

But I can't do it now, I live with Wang Chen, I need to ensure the safety of Wang Chen and the others.

It is also necessary to ensure these things thoroughly, and not to involve one's own family.

Linglong looked at Duanmu Ruoshui with flickering eyes, and she tapped her fingers unconsciously on the bedside table.

After pondering for a while, Linglong suddenly asked: "You shouldn't care about these things, although your Duanmu family will not be able to avoid what happened next, but these things will not bring too much to your Duanmu family. impact."

"I have a marriage contract with him, so I can't ignore him. It's just... I don't understand. Things haven't happened yet. Why can he guarantee that those things will involve him?"

Duanmu Ruoshui looked at Linglong with a look like she was studying. As for Wang Chen, she thought that after all these time contact, she already knew him a little bit.

But Wang Chen's actions in the past few days made her completely unable to see clearly, making it impossible for her to guess why Wang Chen felt such a great sense of crisis.

"It's very simple, a man's sixth sense."

Linglong blinked at Duanmu Ruoshui twice, seeing that Duanmu Ruoshui was still puzzled, she stretched out her hand and pointed slightly towards herself.

There is an indescribable relationship between Wang Chen and himself and Dao Wu, and the forces that will meet next are the forces that have been beaten and maimed by them. Nothing to do.

And... Wang Chen's current position is very special, because he is in this position, no matter what he can only go to the opposite side with that force.

Well, to use a very simple sentence to describe it, it is that Wang Chen is from the Dragon Kingdom.

The three words of Long Guoren are enough to explain all the reasons.

So, no need for too much embellishment.

(End of this chapter)

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