Chapter 620 Prepare for the worst
Back to Baihuawan.

Wang Chen looked at the hot food on the table, and a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes.

He sat directly in front of the dining table, filled a large bowl of rice and started to eat.

While eating, he didn't forget to ask Duanmu Ruoshui who was sitting on the sofa: "How do you know I'm coming back at this time?"

"By this time, it's almost time for you to come back."

Duanmu Ruoshui said something wrong, but just such a sentence made Wang Chen sweat coldly on his back.

It would not be an exaggeration to describe this woman's power of observation as superb.

In the future, if you want to make some small moves under her eyelids, it's probably useless.

"What did you and Qian Wanze do just now?"

At this moment, Jun Yue stood up and came to the dining table, she opened the chair and sat next to Wang Chen, and asked with a smile.

Wang Chen was startled, and said with some tears and laughter: "You don't have a house in that place like Qian Wanze, do you?"

"No, I happened to pass by and saw it."

Jun Yue said seriously, and finally covered her mouth and giggled, patted Wang Chen on the shoulder and said: "But you came back so early, you probably didn't succeed."

Wang Chen gritted his teeth and didn't know what to say, this woman didn't know what was going on in her head, she just knew how to think wildly.

Soon, the food on the table was swept away, Wang Chen stacked the plates together, and walked towards the kitchen with the bowls and chopsticks.

After cleaning up the dishes and the table, Wang Chen also sat on the sofa, watching TV with Duanmu Ruoshui, Jun Yue and Themis.

Fortunately, these three women didn't watch the TV series made by Bangzi, otherwise I wouldn't be able to sit still.

After watching an episode of TV, Wang Chen yawned and rested directly on the sofa with his legs crossed.

The three women didn't care about Wang Chen at all, and Jun Yue kept sending text messages with her mobile phone.

And Themis didn't know what he was playing with the phone.

But Duanmu Ruoshui is much simpler, as always, he reads the magazine.

More than an hour passed like this, and Wang Chen, who had been asleep for a while, opened his eyes, greeted the three girls, and walked upstairs.

Back upstairs, he didn't sleep, but took a shower and went directly to the study.

He picked out a few books and read them. He reads very fast, and it is not an exaggeration to describe it as flipping a book.

In less than half an hour, he 'finished' a few books. He put the books back in their original place, picked up a blank piece of paper on the table, and drew on it with a pen.

After more than ten minutes, Wang Chen put down his pen and looked at the things on the paper.

On paper, I draw a picture, which is a bit too much to use a picture to describe it. In fact, it is just connecting the dots with lines.

However, there are many points in it, so after connecting all the points, it looks like a relatively abstract painting.

"It's kind of... like a loop."

Looking at the dots on the paper, Wang Chen muttered softly.

Just now he sorted out the things he encountered and did after he walked out of that city, plus some things before Dao Wu.

Wang Chen combined all these things together to make this picture.

The final conclusion is that everything is like a cycle, or a reincarnation.

Although the role I play now is somewhat different from the role played by Dao Wu back then, in many respects, it is the same.

Looking at the topmost point on the paper, Wang Chen stroked his chin and pondered carefully.

This point represents the force that Dao Wu once defeated, and it may also be the force that he is about to face.

But Wang Chen faintly felt that something was wrong. It seemed that behind that force, there was still a force hidden, no... it should be a person.

"I don't know if Dao Wu has ever felt this way."

Muttering again, Wang Chen took out his mobile phone, he was a little hesitant whether to call Dao Wu to ask.

"There's no need to call him. We didn't feel that way at the beginning."

Suddenly, a voice wanted to be heard in Wang Chen's ears, which made Wang Chen tremble and almost made him throw the phone out.

Raising his head, looking at Linglong who entered the study at some unknown time, Wang Chen gasped and said to Linglong, "Why are you here?"

"Brother asked me to come and stay with you for a few days to relax."

Linglong covered her mouth and said with a chuckle, it seemed that Wang Chen was frightened by herself just now, which made her feel very funny.

Wang Chen remembered what Dao Wu said last time, and was silent for a while, but after a while he shook off the doubts in his heart, pointed to the piece of paper he was holding and asked Linglong: "You mean, when you Didn't you feel that there is a person standing behind this force?"


Looking at the picture in Wang Chen's hand, Linglong shook her head affirmatively. She has dealt with that faction many times, and even dealt with the boss of that faction several times.

So she is very clear about what kind of force that force is. What they pursue is to maximize their own strength, not to mention looking for backers behind them, they don't even need allies.

The self-confidence of that force is very strong, and they also have a very strong sense of control. Their purpose is to control everything, and they do not allow anyone to control them or even interfere with them.

"No... that is to say..."

Wang Chen lowered his head and pondered. Since Linglong said so, it means that there was really no one secretly manipulating this power back then.

Then there are only two possibilities. The first possibility is that I think too much.

If this is the case, then Wang Chen can breathe a sigh of relief, but if it is the second possibility, Wang Chen feels that he will not be able to sleep well in the future.

If this power is no longer the power that Linglong and the others faced back then, or if this power has been swallowed up by other ambitious forces, then it will be dangerous.

The most dangerous thing is my guess just now. If there is someone behind this force who is manipulating, or using that force, then it will be truly terrifying.

"Prepare for the worst."

Wang Chen casually tore the picture in his hand into pieces and threw it into the trash can, his eyes were full of determination.

Regardless of your own guesses, which ones are true and which ones are false, you need to prepare for the worst now.

Prepare for the worst, and if the worst happens, you can save it in time.

Moreover, the next turmoil can't be just like the previous one with only strong winds and no waves. It will definitely be one of the biggest events in my life.

Even the danger in it is even more difficult than those death missions I performed before.

Linglong stood beside her, looking at Wang Chen whose expression changed from time to time, there was a flash of blur for a moment.

At this moment, she vaguely understood why Dao Wu wanted to let herself live in Wang Chen's place.

(End of this chapter)

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