crazy farmer

Chapter 334 Homesick Uther

Chapter 334 Homesick Uther

"What is there to consider!"

After listening to Wang Dabao's words, all the villagers attending the meeting in the Elderly Palace fell silent, and not long after, a loud voice broke the silence.

The villagers and the people on the stage all looked at the person who spoke, an old man who was nearly sixty years old, everyone in the village knew him, his name was Wang Tiansi, and he was the father of Wang Dakui, a lazy man who was famous in the village.

"We all know that the current good scene in the village is due to the child of Leshan! Without children, let alone more than 5 yuan in dividends per person this year, even if you want to find a decent job. Difficult! To be honest, when Dabao said just now that each person in our village can get more than 5 yuan this year, my heart was beating wildly because of joy and fear. What are you afraid of? I am afraid of having money Do not learn well! I am afraid that if the money comes easily, people will change!"

Wang Tiansi's eyes looked very calm, and his tone was normal, but those who sat close could see that the old man's eyes were particularly complicated, and his voice was not loud, but in this old man's palace, which was so quiet that the needles could be heard dropping. But it can travel far.

"In my whole life, I have seen poor people, and a few rich people. I have also seen people who change because they think money is easy to come by. Some become bad, some become lazy, and become waste Yes. The one in Xiliu Village who opened a mine and made a lot of money and died because of drugs/products is counted as one, and my son is a lazy man. They all think that money is easy to come by or take detours to make money come easier. The poor people have seen it, and the rich have seen it. There are many of these two kinds of people in this world, so neither of these two kinds of people can be photographed. The poor are not terrible, and the rich are not terrible. Fu, I still can't hug him!"

"I just want to ask how many people here think that if they get 5 yuan this year, they can get more every year? I just want to ask how many people here think that they can get [-] yuan or even even if they don't work this year." If you have more money, why do you still work so hard to do this and that next year? I also want to ask how many people here know what you should do when you get so much money all at once?"

"I, Wang Lao Si, is not a person who regards everyone as the bastard of my family, but who can guarantee that who will not be the next Wang Dakui and the next lazy guy? Now, Dabao and Leshan are thoughtful and considerate. We thought about what to do next, and what we should do is something that everyone needs! Help the big guy build a house, and we are willing to give money to the big guy! We met such a good boy, met such a good Village head, what are we going to think about so much? One person is allocated more than 1 yuan, which is enough to make this year a prosperous one. The rest of the money is saved for building houses. My fourth son thinks it is better than anything else. There is nothing to consider at all! Could it be that the big guy is still worried that Dabao and Leshan will steal our money?"

After Wang Tiansi finished speaking, he seemed to have exhausted all his strength. He sat back on his seat, out of breath, but his eyes remained unchanged. He looked at the villagers present and at the stage. Those on the rostrum.

Wang Tiansi's words received responses from the villagers, especially the older ones, who bluntly said on the spot that they would choose the second option.Discussions are everywhere, getting louder and louder.

Wang Dabao tapped the microphone and said: "Anyway, this is a major matter for the village collective. You guys should go back and think about it, and come back to vote tomorrow night. Whichever plan has the most votes will be implemented, and the minority obeys the majority. .Let's end the meeting."

The villagers' meeting ended in an atmosphere of discussion and even confusion. Everyone thought it would be a joyful and exciting meeting, but it turned out not to be. I don't know whether it was intentional or not. What is given to the villagers is not joy, but discussion and thinking.

For this result, Wang Leshan was a little surprised, but he was happy to hear it. He felt that the end of the year was approaching. In addition to the material enrichment, it should also allow the villagers to think about it based on their current cognition. This is not a bad thing.

A lot has happened in the past six months. Wang Leshan has matured a lot, and the people around him have also matured a lot. Wang Dabao and others have also matured, and their perspective on things has changed a lot.In fact, Wang Leshan felt that Wang Dabao had changed more than himself, and he thought it was a good thing. This was why he had been looking for opportunities to get in touch with Wang Dabao, Lin Xiaohu, Ye Yunpeng and others intentionally or unintentionally.

Wang Leshan does not ask Wang Dabao to embark on the road of politics, but he hopes that Wang Dabao can have his own direction and measure when he controls the growing ship of Dakang Village.

After the meeting, Wang Leshan also talked to Shen Yadong and others about the vacations of the major "units", and then confirmed that an annual staff meeting will be held at the cabin tomorrow.For the first staff annual meeting, Wang Leshan is very concerned and caring. After all, this is the first time. Although it is not extravagant, it is definitely necessary to be lively. As for some activities at the annual meeting, Wang Leshan Le Shan also discussed with them, especially Shen Yadong, who has experience in this field, what should be done, we should ask him more.Of course, there is also Fatty Power, this guy has a way of creating atmosphere, much better than Wang Leshan.

"Chef Fan must be here for the banquet at the annual meeting. As for other links, such as the lucky draw, Manager Shen is the best at these things. As for the entertainment and performances, I will take care of it."

Fatty slapped his chest hard, and took care of part of the annual meeting.

"Okay, then I will leave it to you. If you need anything, just let me know."

Wang Leshan was very happy to see that he was able to be a hands-off shopkeeper again, then turned to look at Mrs. Lin, and said, "Grandma Lin, the health care product company has been taken over by Lulu now, although due to orders from various places, the year-end You may not be able to take a break when you arrive, but you can finally get through it. As for the affairs of your research institute, it is the end of the year, so you should stop for a while, and spend the new year with peace of mind. Anyway, there is no rush For a while, wait until next year, then continue?"

"As soon as you shook your hand, the shopkeeper took care of us? We don't want your overtime pay, why do you care so much?"

As Wang Leshan expected, Mrs. Lin and the experts in the research institute were not prepared to take a vacation at all. Wang Leshan gave three documents before and after, which had already made their hearts completely flutter on it.

Old Mrs. Lin cursed with a smile, and said, "Okay, the old lady knows how her body is, so don't worry about it. Let's go, I'll be delayed by you for almost an afternoon."

After the words fell, Mrs. Lin turned around and walked towards the research institute. Wang Leshan couldn't stop her at all.

"Well, if I knew this earlier, I would give you less data."

Wang Leshan muttered helplessly, but he didn't dare to speak too loudly, lest the old lady go back and pull her ear to force her to ask if there were any more materials that she didn't give them.

After Mrs. Lin left, Wang Leshan and his group headed towards the cabin. There was a dinner for the whole village in the evening. It was a kind of New Year's wine for the village in advance, and there were many things to help.When we got there, many villagers who had finished the village meeting also came to help, and naturally Wang Dacheng and his wife were indispensable.

There will be a lot of people from the village for this year-old wine tonight, and there may even be a running banquet. Of course, children from the village will inevitably come.Hong Ximei was helping He Yuting, making some biscuits, cakes, and candies that children like to eat. After finishing her work, she put it in a steamer or other kitchen utensils, while the two mother and daughter were chatting and making red envelopes.

"Mom, sister-in-law, are you giving me lucky money?"

Wang Leshan walked in after seeing it, and asked with a smile.

I was stared at by the mother and daughter.

"How old are you, and you still need lucky money, so I don't know how to be ashamed. Besides, if I really want to give it away, I have to wait for the New Year's Eve dinner to give it to you. After I take it, I will press it under your pillow."

Hong Ximei smiled and said: "These red envelopes are all for the children in our village. There will definitely be many children coming at night. Each child will give a red envelope. The money is not much. It is mainly for auspiciousness. Yu Ting and I are planning to pack more, lest we don’t have enough time and lose someone else’s.”

"It's still you and sister-in-law who are thoughtful."

Wang Leshan was next to him, helping the two make red envelopes together, chatting and laughing, and soon after night fell, Wang Dabao’s voice sounded from the big speakers in the village, and soon there were crowds of people in the village Here comes.

Most of the villagers in Dakang Village today are in the village. At least there must be 2000 people. Although there are nearly [-] tables in Wang Leshan, but if the whole village really wants to come, the designation is not enough Yes, the villagers also know that there are only one or two people from each household at most, and most people, especially women, go to the side to help directly after they come, and there are very few people on the table. Well, not long after, the number of people who helped was more than three times more than the number of people who were seated.

It wasn't until Wang Dacheng and Hong Ximei quarreled several times that they took their seats one after another, and it was full of joy and excitement.

It took more than two hours for the banquet to dissipate. After the banquet was dissipated, many women stayed behind to help, and after cleaning up, they left with a smile.

"Why is the little guy so sluggish?"

Wang Leshan walked up to Uther, who was holding a sample of wood carvings by the fish pond after helping, sat down next to him, and asked with a smile.

Uther looked at Wang Leshan and smiled, then continued to hang his hair in a daze.

Wang Leshan asked: "Miss your father?"

Uther raised his head, nodded, and after pondering for a while, he said, "Brother, Uther is on vacation now, I want to go home, okay?"

Wang Leshan nodded and said with a smile: "Of course. However, your godmother and godfather must be reluctant to let you go. These days, you have been talking about the New Year at home. If you go to the southwest, you Godfather and godmother must be sad. What do you think should be done?"

Uther's eyes lit up, and he grinned and laughed: "Brother, you mean to bring my dad from the southwest to celebrate the New Year here, right?"

"Hey, you're smarter than anyone else!"

Wang Leshan nodded with a laugh, and said: "In the past few days, I found out that after your kid was on vacation, your cheap masters also went back. You look like you're out of your mind all day long, so I know you must be thinking about it." Home. No, Uncle Qingsong already asked you to contact the southwest side this morning, and no matter how late it is, your dad will be here tomorrow."


Uther's eyes were shining with joy.

"Okay, don't stay here anymore, hurry up and tidy up one of the empty rooms in the temporary residence. When your dad comes tomorrow, you and your dad will live here. How should I arrange it?" , It’s all up to you, if your dad knows that you arranged it, he might be very happy.”

Wang Leshan patted the little guy on the shoulder and couldn't help laughing as he watched the little guy fly away.

"Hey, this little guy Uther has changed his face so quickly, what did you say to him, he looked listless just now?"

Fan Mingwei, who was almost bumped into by Uther, walked over and asked with a smile.

"The little guy misses his father these days."

Wang Leshan talked about his plan to bring Uther's father to celebrate the New Year, took out a bottle of wine, and drank with Fan Mingwei by the fish pond.

"Brother Fan, you and the chef team have been working hard these days. Everyone else is on vacation, so your workload has doubled."

Wang Leshan and Fan Mingwei walked away, and said, "After tomorrow's annual staff meeting is over, you can arrange for the chefs to take a vacation. Come back to work on the fifth day of the new year and have two more days off."

"Can we still be polite? I have already told them that I will start working in the third grade of junior high like the big guys. Otherwise, so many people who come to work will be hungry."

Fan Mingwei said with a smile: "As for me, I only have a daughter and a wife, and I am going to stay here to celebrate the New Year with you. I am used to living here with you. If I really want to live in another place for a few days, I am not used to it."

"That couldn't be better!"

Wang Leshan was very happy when he heard this.Then, he said again: "Oh, by the way, why haven't I seen Yaoyao these days, so busy with work?"

"How can you be so busy!"

Fan Mingwei laughed, and said: "Yaoyao doesn't come less often, but you are not there every time you come, but you haven't come these days. I heard that their company is busy with the annual summary these days, and Participating in various annual conferences, awards shows, and so on, every year during the Chinese New Year, and it’s exhausting to come back to celebrate the New Year whenever I’m free.”

"I said I can't see it anyway."

Wang Leshan smiled, and had a drink with Fan Mingwei by the fish pond for a while. Seeing that Fan Mingwei was busy with something else, he took out his phone and sent Fan Yao a text message, asking if she would come to the annual meeting tomorrow.Not to mention that Fan Yao is the daughter of Chef Fan, she gave Wang Leshan a lot of useful advice at the beginning of his development, and was responsible for the earliest sales of facial mask mud. She has to be invited.

After the text message was sent, Wang Leshan didn't see the text message after waiting for a while. Wang Leshan thought to himself, is he still busy at the moment, so he didn't call.

I looked at the time, it was past ten o'clock.Looking at the direction of Xicun Health Products Company, Bai Lu hasn't called herself yet, she is obviously still busy.

He paced towards Xicun, ready to see Bailu.

Before going a few steps, the phone rang, and when she saw it was Fan Yao, she picked it up, but the voice on the other end of the phone was not Fan Yao's voice, but her assistant Bai Bai's.

(End of this chapter)

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